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Antigua is a small island at the northern end of the Lesser Antilles chain. Its geology is largely limited to the Upper Oligocene and it records with unusual fidelity the transition from island arc volcanism to quiescence and limestone deposition. Despite the apparent limitation of a rock record confined to a short stratigraphical interval, Antigua has a geodiversity that ranges from thick andesites through silicified logs and freshwater snails in cherts to limestones that include both shallow and deeper water facies, and fine karstic features.  相似文献   
Zircon textures and composition have been used to infer magmatic processes including closed-system fractional crystallization, magma mixing or replenishment, and country-rock assimilation. Here, we propose that zircon textures and composition may also be refractory recorders of magmatic volatile evolution. We present field, whole-rock chemical, textural, mineral chemical, and U–Pb age data from evolved, fine-to-coarse-grained granite intrusions on Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada. Zircon forms two main populations in these granites, Type-1 and Type-2 zircon. Type-1 zircon is present in all samples, but predominant in fine-grained granite. Crystals are euhedral and inclusion-rich and show periodic, fine-scale oscillatory zoning, comparatively low concentrations of U (<2,200 ppm) and Hf (<1.6 wt%), high Zr/Hf (~40–62), and pervasive alteration. Type-2 zircon is predominant in coarse-grained granite. Crystals form overgrowths on Type-1 zircon and individual crystals. They are subhedral and inclusion-poor and show weak, irregular, large-scale oscillatory zoning, high U (up to ~7,250 ppm) and Hf (1.5–2.0 wt%), low Zr/Hf (~37–44), and only local alteration. Compatible trace-element concentrations and Zr/Hf change sharply across the boundary of Type-1 to Type-2 zircon; 207Pb/206Pb ages preclude a significant hiatus between crystallization of the two types. We argue against magmatic versus hydrothermal crystallization, country-rock assimilation, or magma mixing as causes for the crystallization of Type-1 and Type-2 zircon. We propose instead that Type-1 zircon formed from volatile-undersaturated magmas and that Type-2 zircon formed from volatile-saturated magmas. Magmas fractionated by volatile-driven filter pressing into crystal-rich mush and crystal-poor magma. Crystal-rich mush with abundant Type-1 zircon crystallized to fine-grained granite. Volatile-rich magma crystallized to Type-2 zircon and coarse-grained granite. While Type-1 zircon was pervasively altered by exsolving magmatic volatiles, Type-2 zircon was only locally affected by subsolidus hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   
Carriacou is one of the small islands in the Grenadine chain in the southern Lesser Antilles. It preserves two Miocene successions, that on the south coast shallowing upwards and separated by a probable fault from the extensively exposed turbidite sequence, called the Grand Bay Formation, on the east coast. These formations show a range of features beautifully exposed in coastal sections, including unconformities, turbidites and a starfish bed.  相似文献   
Fifty elements in NIST SRM 614 and 616 glass reference materials were determined by laser ablation microprobe-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LAM-ICP-MS). The values determined for NIST SRM 614 agreed well with the NIST-certified and information values (mean relative difference ± 3.6%), except for B, Sc and Sb. The values determined for NIST SRM 616 agreed with the NIST-certified and information values within a mean relative difference of ± 1.5%, except for B, Sc and Ga. In addition, at an 80 μm sampling scale, NIST SRM 614 and 616 glass discs were homogeneous for trace elements within the observed precisions of 5 and 15% (mean), respectively. Detection limits were in the range 0.01 - 0.3 μg g−1 for elements of lower mass numbers (amu < 80) and 1 - 10 ng g−1 for heavy elements (amu > 80). Detection at the sub ng g−1 level is possible for most of the heavy elements by using an ablation pit size larger than 10 0 μm.  相似文献   
We investigate the use of a ductile material with temperature-sensitive viscosity for thermomechanical modelling of the lithosphere. First, we consider the scaling of mechanical and thermal properties. For a normal field of gravity, the balance of stresses and body forces sets the stress scale, in proportion to the linear dimensions and the densities. The equation of thermal conduction sets the time scale. The activation enthalpy for creep sets the temperature scale; but the thermal expansivity provides an additional constraint on this temperature scale.

Gum rosin appears to be a suitable material for lithospheric modelling. We have measured its flow properties, at various temperatures, in a specially designed rotary viscometer with unusually low machine friction. The rosin is almost Newtonian. Strain rate depends upon stress to the power n, where 1.0 <n < 1.14. The viscosity varies over 5 orders of magnitude, from about 102 Pa s at 80°C, to about 107 Pa s at 40°C. The activation enthalphy is thus about 250 kJ/mol. Measured with a needle probe, the thermal conductivity is 0.113 ± 0.001 W m−1K−1; the thermal diffusivity, (6±3) ×10−7 m2 s−1. Calculated from X-ray profiles, the thermal expansivity is about 3 × 10−4 K−1. These thermal and mechanical properties make gum rosin suitable for thermomechanical models, where linear dimensions scale down by a factor of 106; time, by 1011; viscosity, by 1017; and temperature change, by 101.  相似文献   

Long period body waves are examined to show that the Hamran (1972.9.3), Darel (1981.9.12) and Patan (1974.12.28) earthquakes in Kohistan had focal depths of about 8–10 km. All involved high angle reverse faulting (thrusting) and had seismic moments of about 2.2 to 2.7·1025 dyne cm. These shallow depths contrast with the deeper hypocentres found in the Hindu Kush and northeast Karakoram to the north and in Hazara to the south. The Hamran and Patan shocks were assigned depths of 45 km by the ISC, indicating that even well-recorded events in this region may have focal depths in error by 30 km  相似文献   
The easternmost stratovolcano along the Central American arc is El Valle volcano, Panama. Several andesitic and dacitic lava flows, which range in age 5–10 Ma, are termed the old group. After a long period of quiescence (approximately 3.4 Ma), volcanic activity resumed approximately 1.55 Ma with the emplacement of dacitic domes and the deposition of dacitic pyroclastic flows 0.9–0.2 Ma. These are referred to as the young group. All of the samples analyzed are calc-alkaline andesites and dacites. The mineralogy of the two groups is distinct; two pyroxenes occur in the old-group rocks but are commonly absent in the young group. In contrast, amphibole has been found only in the young-group samples. Several disequilibrium features have been observed in the minerals (e.g., oscillatory zoning within clinopyroxenes). These disequilibrium textures appear to be more prevalent among the old- as compared with the young-group samples and are most likely the result of magma-mixing, assimilation, and/or polybaric crystallization. Mass-balance fractionation models for major and trace elements were successful in relating samples from the old group but failed to show a relationship among the young-group rocks or between the old- and young-group volcanics. We believe that the old-group volcanics were derived through differentiation processes from basaltic magmas generated within the mantlewedge. The young group, however, does not appear to be related to more primitive magmas by differentiation. The young-group samples cannot be related by fractionation including realistic amounts of amphibole. Distinctive geochemical features of the young group, including La/Yb ratios〉15, Yb〈1, Sr/Y〉150, and Y〈6, suggest that these rocks were derived from the partial melting of the subducted lithosphere. These characteristics can be explained by the partial melting of a source with residual garnet and amphibole. Dacitic material with the geochemical characteristics of subducted-lithosphere melting is generated apparently only where relatively hot crust is subducted, based on recent work. The young dacite-genesis at El Valle volcano is related to the subduction of relatively hot lithosphere.  相似文献   
The type species of the Palaeozoic cystoporate bryozoan genus Fistulipora M'Coy, 1849 is redescribed. Fistulipora minor M'Coy, 1849 is the type species, and was the first species described under the genus Fistulipora. Quantitative assessment of type and figured specimens of Calamopora incrustans Phillips, 1836 and F. minor has shown them to fall within the range of morphological variation exhibited by abundant comparative material collected at several horizons and they are referable to one morphologically variable taxon. F. minor is the junior subjective synonym of C. incrustans and the form can be quoted as F. minor M'Coy, 1849 = C. incrustans Phillips, 1836 with a valid name of F. incrustans (Phillips, 1836). However, this does not alter the name of the type species, which is F. minor M'Coy, 1849. The type specimen of Berenicea megastoma M'Coy, 1844 has also been examined, and this form is also conspecific with F. minor M'Coy, 1849 = C. incrustans Phillips, 1836. Examination of the type specimen of F. major M'Coy (1849) has shown it to be referable to the tabulate coral genus Chaetetes. A lectotype and paralectotypes are designated for F. minor and the status of the type specimens of F. incrustans is clarified.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a theoretical investigation of the structures and relative stability of the olivine and spinel phases of Mg2SiO4. We use both a purely ionic model, based on the Modified Electron Gas (MEG) model of intermolecular forces, and a bond polarization model, developed for low pressure silica phases, to investigate the role of covalency in these compounds. The standard MEG ionic model gives adequate structural results for the two phases but incorrectly predicts the spinel phase to be more stable at zero pressure. This is mainly because the ionic modeling of Mg2SiO4 only accounts for 95 percent of the lattice energy. The remainder can be attributed to covalency and many-body effects. An extension of the MEG ionic model using “many-body” pair potentials corrects the phase stability error, but predicts structures which are in poorer agreement with experiment than the standard ionic approach. In addition, calculations using these many-body pair potentials can only account for 10 percent of the missing lattice energy. This model predicts an olivine-spinel phase transition of 8 GPa, below the experimental value of 20 GPa. Therefore, in order to understand more fully the stability of these structures we must consider polarization. A two-shell bond polarization model enhances the stability of both structures, with the olivine structure being stabilized more. This model predicts a phase transition at about 80 GPa, well above the observed value. Also, the olivine and spinel structures calculated with this approach are in poorer agreement with experiment than the ionic model. Therefore, based on our investigations, to properly model covalency in Mg2SiO4, a treatment more sophisticated than the two-shell model is needed.  相似文献   
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