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伴随着我国城市建设的快速发展,变电站地面景观建筑防震设计有着举足轻重的作用,为了满足不同建筑功能的抗震要求,提出基于变电站地面建筑防震设计方法。将剪力墙与框架结构有效的结合起来,通过分析框架剪力墙建筑结构的优缺点,给出变电站地面建筑防震设计原理和防震控制指标,根据各项指标分析框架剪力墙在防震设计中的要点,以达到变电站地面景观建筑的刚度要求,实现防震设计。实验结果表明,所提出基于变电站地面建筑防震设计方法可有效提高整个结构的抗震能力,并且能够有效降低成本开销。  相似文献   
112 short-period seismographs were set up in the 400km2 area of Pingtan Island and its surrounding areas in Fujian. The combined observations of the airgun source and ambient noise source were carried out using a dense array to receive the 387 airgun signals excited around the island and one month of continuous ambient noise recording. The 1-D P-wave and S-wave shallow velocity model of Pingtan Island is obtained by the inversion of the airgun body wave''s first arrival time data, and the reliability of the velocity model is verified by using the surface wave phase velocity dispersion curve, which can provide initial model for subsequent 3-D imaging. The experimental results show that this experiment is a successful demonstration of local scale green non-destructive detection, which can provide basic data for shallow surface structure research and strong vibration simulation of the Pingtan Island.  相似文献   
In order to further deepen the understanding of seismic wave propagation characteristics induced by the large volume airgun source, experimental data from multiple fixed excitation points in Fujian Province were used to obtain the equivalent single excitation high signal-to-noise ratio velocity and displacement records through linear stacking and simulation techniques. Then the peak displacements of different epicentral distances were used to calculate the equivalent magnitude of the airgun source excitation at different fixed excitation points so as to establish the attenuation relationship between equivalent magnitude,epicenter distance and velocity peak. Our results show that:① Within 270 km of epicentral distance,for the large-volume airgun's single shot,the peak velocity range is about 700-4 nm/s,and the peak displacement range is about 200. 0-0. 2 nm;② The equivalent magnitude of the P-wave from the airgun source with a total capacity of 8,000 in 3 is 0. 181-0. 760,and the equivalent magnitude of the S-wave is 0. 294-0. 832. By contrast,the equivalent magnitude of the P-wave from the airgun source with a total capacity of 12,000 in 3 is 0. 533-0. 896,and the equivalent magnitude of the S-wave is 0. 611-0. 946. The S-wave energy is greater than the P-wave energy, and the excitation efficiency varies greatly with different excitation environment;③ The peak velocity increases with the equivalent magnitude,and decreases with the epicentral distance. The vertical component of the P-wave peak velocity is the largest among those three components,while the S-wave has the smallest vertical component and similar horizontal components. Hence,our research can provide an important basis for the quantitative judgment of the seismic wave propagation distance using the airgun and the design of the observation system in deep exploration or monitoring with airgun.  相似文献   
A large quantity of organic carbon(C) is stored in northern and elevational permafrost regions. A portion of this large terrestrial organic C pool will be transferred by water into soil solution(~0.4 Pg C yr~(-1))(1 Pg=10~(15) g), rivers (~0.06 Pg C yr~(-1)),wetlands, lakes, and oceans. The lateral transport of dissolved organic carbon(DOC) is the primary pathway, impacting river biogeochemistry and ecosystems. However, climate warming will substantially alter the lateral C shifts in permafrost regions.Vegetation, permafrost, precipitation, soil humidity and temperature, and microbial activities, among many other environmental factors, will shift substantially under a warming climate. It remains uncertain as to what extent the lateral C cycle is responding,and will respond, to climate change. This paper reviews recent studies on terrestrial origins of DOC, biodegradability, transfer pathways, and modelling, and on how to forecast of DOC fluxes in permafrost regions under a warming climate, as well as the potential anthropogenic impacts on DOC in permafrost regions. It is concluded that:(1) surface organic layer, permafrost soils,and vegetation leachates are the main DOC sources, with about 4.72 Pg C DOC stored in the topsoil at depths of 0–1 m in permafrost regions;(2) in-stream DOC concentrations vary spatially and temporally to a relatively small extent (1–60 mg C L~(-1)) and annual export varies from 0.1–10 g C m~(-2) yr~(-1);(3) biodegradability of DOC from the thawing permafrost can be as high as 71%, with a median at 52%;(4) DOC flux is controlled by multiple factors, mainly including vegetation, soil properties,permafrost occurrence, river discharge and other related environmental factors, and(5) many statistical and process-based models have been developed, but model predictions are inconsistent with observational results largely dependent on the individual watershed characteristics and future discharge trends. Thus, it is still difficult to predict how future lateral C flux will respond to climate change, but changes in the DOC regimes in individual catchments can be predicted with a reasonable reliability. It is advised that sampling protocols and preservation and analysis methods should be standardized, and analytical techniques at molecular scales and numerical modeling on thermokarsting processes should be prioritized.  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物中元素相态的连续提取分析—以岱海为例   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
如何利用湖泊/海洋沉积物地球化学代用指标有效地指示环境很大程度取决于元素的来源及其在沉积物中赋存形态的确定.对位于半干旱区的内蒙古岱海14个沉积物样品的连续提取实验及18个元素在水可溶态、可交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态、有机物结合态及残留态等六种赋存相态中含量变化进行了测试和研究,结合沉积物的矿物组成,结果表明在岱海流域内只经历了较弱的化学风化过程,除了Ca和Sr外,其他元素主要赋存于残留态中,只发生了很小程度的活化溶解.受元素亲合性和湖水物理化学状态的制约,出溶的Sr与Ca的赋存相态基本一致,而出溶的Pb、Be、Co、Cu、K、Mn、Fe等元素则与自生碳酸盐、有机质表现出一定的亲合性.元素在不同赋存相态中分布为地球化学环境代用指标的提取和解释提供了机理性的实验依据.  相似文献   
根据高分辨率的岱海沉积物粒度分布的中值粒径和粗颗粒含量,结合区域降水、历史记载资料,重建了内蒙古岱海地区近400年来发生的尘暴事件。结果表明,尘暴事件是受冬、夏季风的相对强弱制约的,大量尘暴事件频发于小冰期干冷的气候条件下,表现为中值粒径大,粗颗粒含量高,在转暖的现代气候下,尘暴事件很少,中值粒径也随之降低,但是近十几年尘暴事件又呈上升趋势,部分可能与人类活动造成的土地荒漠化有关。  相似文献   
东营凹陷波动古湖相烃源岩沉积特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
陈中红  查明  金强 《湖泊科学》2006,18(1):29-35
以东营凹陷牛38井为例,研究显示,该井沙河街组沙三段烃源岩的沉积特征具有明显的波动性.宏观上体现为, 构造因素控制湖盆的整体升降和沉积构造旋回,但季节性气候及其它因素的影响使湖盆呈现次级旋回的复合性沉积.微观上表现为纹层的不连续性及生物扰动构造等事件性沉积.古湖面不同幅度的波动和变化导致相对稳定的泥岩沉积的不稳定性,有机质的分布也呈现较显著的非均质性.湖泊的沉积过程影响了微量元素、有机质以及烃源物质的分布,水体较深、盐度较高的沙三段下部多数微量元素含量较高以及B/Ca、Sr/Ba呈现高值;水体较浅、盐度较低的沙三段中部各元素的分布较为稳定,B/Ca、Sr/Ba比值及Sr的含量均显著降低.波动性沉积导致烃源岩呈现明显的优劣性分布,沙三段下部中的有机质富集,为优质烃源岩;沙三段中部的有机质分布较为分散,生排烃的资源潜力有限.  相似文献   
利用2003-01~2013-12期间GRACE数据反演得到地球表面质量变化,使用全球正向建模恢复法改正泄露影响,获得南极冰盖质量变化。比较GRACE直接估计和泄露影响改正后的结果发现,南极冰盖在2003~2013年质量变化信号衰减20.3%,西南极有26.4%的质量消融信号泄露到了周边,东南极的泄露影响更高达70%。改正后的结果表明,南极冰盖绝大部分质量消融发生在西南极和南极半岛,质量积累发生在东南极的Ronne冰架和Amery冰架;西南极冰盖质量变化速度达到-152.47±2.00 Gt/a,基本上等同于南极全岛的质量消融速度,而南极半岛的冰盖融化速度为-27.44±0.75 Gt/a,基本与东南极的冰盖质量积累速度27.27±5.12Gt/a抵消;南极全岛冰川整体质量以-152.64±7.00 Gt/a速度消失,并以-18.85±4.87 Gt/a2的加速度加速融化,导致海平面以0.41 mm/a的速度上升。  相似文献   
中国地质学家李四光与当时苏联地学界来往交流紧密,他对地质学的贡献得到了苏联地质学家的高度评价。1958年,苏联科学院全体大会选举李四光为苏联科学院院士,并授予卡尔宾斯基金质奖章;该奖章是1947年由当时的苏联科学院和俄罗斯科学院共同发起的、对地质科学有突出贡献的科学家最高单人奖励,李四光是第六位获奖人,也是至2017年止唯一获此殊荣的外籍地质学家,他的获奖理由是:在地质、古生物、地层和矿产研究工作的综合贡献。李四光有两部著作在苏联被译成俄文出版,分别是1952年的《中国地质学》和1958年的《中国西北部的旋卷构造》,这两部译作对当时的苏联地质界产生了很大影响,极大地推动了李四光学术思想的广泛认知;"地质无国界",中国地调百年的发展历程也有着俄罗斯地学理论、规范、方法实践的烙印,在新的"一带一路"合作倡议和李四光学术精神传承下,中俄、中国与中亚在地学领域的交流合作将不断深化,硕果累累。   相似文献   
天然软土成层分布特性及土中渗流存在起始水力坡降的现象已被人们熟知。但变荷载下能同时考虑黏土中起始水力坡降、软土非线性压缩渗透特性及大应变特性的双层地基固结理论还鲜见报道。在拉格朗日坐标系中建立以超静孔压为变量的双层软土地基大应变非线性固结模型并给出其有限差分解。通过与考虑起始水力坡降的单层地基大应变非线性固结数值计算结果对比,验证了差分解的可靠性。着重分析了上、下土层起始坡降无量纲参数R1、R2对双层地基固结性状的影响,分析在大应变与小应变假定下双层地基超静孔压消散及固结沉降变形的异同。结果表明:上层土无量纲参数R1对双层地基固结性状的影响程度较下层土无量纲参数R2显著;大应变假定下双层地基渗流前锋的下移速度要快于小应变假定下的移动速度;大应变假定下考虑起始水力坡降的双层软土地基超静孔压消散速率要比小应变假定下快,且大应变假定下考虑起始水力坡降的双层地基最终沉降量要比小应变假定下大。  相似文献   
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