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A typical stratigraphy below a streamlined till plain in Northumberland, England, consists of cross-cutting lodgement till units, within and between which occur repeated shoestring interbeds of ‘cut and fill’ channels. Till units have erosional lower contacts; in certain cases marked changes in erratic content and local ice flow direction are evident from one till unit to another. These lodgement till complexes have hitherto been described by ‘tripartite’ schemes of lower grey till (s) and upper reddened till (s) identified with respect to ‘middle’ fluvial horizons; regional correlation proceeding on the basis of matching ‘middle’ horizons, with the whole sequence commonly interpreted as evidence for multiple glaciation. Data indicates, by way of contrast, that these lodgement till complexes were deposited during a single phase of subglacial deposition. Till deposition was not continuous but was interrupted by erosional episodes. Changes in the mix of bedrock lithologies transported by the glacier down a single flow line or by lateral displacement of basal ice flow units within the glacier result in till units of different facies to be emplaced when deposition recommences, a process referred to as ‘unconformable facies superimposition’. Subglacial meltwater flow was also a characteristic of the glacier bed; channeled glaciofluvial sediment bodies are found as ribbon-like inclusions in the till and appear to have been deposited rapidly. These so-called ‘middle’ fluvial horizons occur repeatedly in section, their lateral extent at any given exposure being dependent upon the orientation of the exposure with respect to former ice flow direction. These lenses act as internal drainage blankets and have accelerated postglacial soil formation in the drier climate of eastern Britain accounting for the reddened colour of upper till(s). It is suggested that this model of subglacial deposition can be employed in other areas of northern England characterized by subglacial (lodgement till plain) terrains.  相似文献   
Olivine- and pyroxene-bearing Fe-enriched dioritic rocks inthe 1434 Ma Laramie anorthosite complex are interpreted to representvariably fractionated and contaminated magmas residual afterthe crystallization of anorthosite. Geochemical characteristicsof this suite include the following: high contents of TiO2,, and P2O5; high incompatibletrace element contents; rare earth element patterns with a largerange of Eu anomalies; and isotopic compositions that reflectthe geographic location of individual samples, with ISr increasingand Nd decreasing from south to north. After extraction fromanorthosite, fractionation of ferrodioritic residual magmasresulted in secondary residual monzodioritic melts and complementaryoxide-rich ferrodiorite cumulates. Geographic trends in isotopiccomposition reflect an increasing Archean crustal componentfrom south to north. Dioritic dikes and cumulates with isotopiccompositions similar to associated anorthosites were derivedlocally. Large isotopic discrepancies between some dioritesand their hosting anorthosites reflect preferential contaminationof residual magma during ascent and emplacement of mantle-derivedplagioclase-rich diapirs, followed by subsequent extractionand isolation of Fe-enriched interstitial melt. Strong isotopiccontrasts between anorthosite and associated Fe-enriched rocksin anorthosite complexes do not preclude a direct relationshipbetween them and reflect the diversity and complexity of processesduring their petrogenesis. KEY WORDS: anorthosite; ferrodiorite; geochemistry; Laramie anorthosite complex; residual magma *Corresponding author: Present address: Ceramic Science and Technology, Mail Stop K762, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. Phone: (505) 665-3934. Fax: (505) 665-3935. E-mail: jeremy{at}lanl.gov.  相似文献   
LUHR  JAMES F. 《Journal of Petrology》1990,31(5):1071-1114
The equilibrium phase relations of two volcanic rocks from thesubduction-related Mexican Volcanic Belt have been determinedwith an argon-pressurized internally heated vessel. One rockis the trachyandesite erupted from El Chich?n Volcano in 1982;the other is a primitive basalt erupted from Jorullo Volcanoin 1759. A simplified synthetic equivalent to the trachyandesitewas also investigated in lesser detail. All charges were saturatedwith hydrous vapor and a sulfur-bearing mineral. Temperatureranged from 800 to 1000?C, pressure from 1 to 4 kb, and fo2was controlled by four different solid oxygen buffers in a doublegold capsule configuration: fayalite-magnetite-quartz (FMQ),Ni-NiO (NNO), manganosite-hausmanite (MNH), and magnetite-hematite(MTH). Pyrrhotite was the only sulfur-bearing mineral observed in chargesbuffered under FMQ and NNO, whereas anhydrite crystallized underthe more oxidizing MNH or MTH; both of these observations areconsistent with those of earlier workers. With increasing temperatureand pressure, SiO2 and K2O decreased in the experimental melts,whereas Al2O3 and CaO increased. Sulfur solubility in silicatemelts was low (<0?1 wt% equivalent SOt3) for pyrrhotite-saturatedcharges, but significantly greater (to 1?3 wt.% SOt3) when anhydritewas present. Sulfur solubility in anhydrite-saturated meltsshowed strong positive dependence on both temperature and Pvapor. Sulfur amounted to some 2?5 wt.% (SOt3) of the total ejectaduring the 1982 El Chich?n eruptions, and the original magmaticsulfur content was in the range 1?25–2–5 wt% SOt3.Extrapolations of experimental temperature and pressure dependencesfor sulfur solubility indicate that such concentrations couldbe contained in a hydrous, oxidized, basaltic parent melt generatedunder Benioff zone conditions. During ascent through the uppermantle and crust, the sulfur solubility limit of the melt wouldcontinuously decrease; in response, most of the sulfur wouldbe transferred from the melt to anhydrite crystals and a separategas phase. Trachyandesite pumices erupted from El Chich?n in1982 contained both pyrrhotite and anhydrite at a temperatureof 800?C. The composition of the natural pyrrhotite yieldedan fo2 estimate 1 log unit above the NNO buffer. Based on compositionalvariations in the experimental melts with temperature and pressure,the composition of the matrix glass in the 1982 pumices indicatesequilibration of the magmatic liquid at about Ptotal=Pvapor=2kb just before eruption. At that time, sulfur in El Chich?ntrachyandesite was about equally partitioned between anhydritemicrophenocrysts and some 20 vol.% gas phase in which H2S wasprobably the dominant sulfur-bearing species. The melt thencontained only 0?05 wt.% SOt3, consistent with experimentalsolubility limits at 800?C and Pvapor=2 kb.  相似文献   
The K/Ar ages of illite/smectite (I/S) were measured from Middle Ordovician K-bentonites both west and east of the present crest of the Cincinnati Arch and the Nashville dome to test a previous hypothesis that I/S formed by reaction with migrated saline solutions during the Alleghanian Orogeny. The K/Ar ages of I/S at the distal margin of the southern Appalachian basin and from central Indiana range from 251 to 277 Ma. However, the ages of I/S from west of the crest of the Cincinnati Arch are slightly older (286–301 Ma) and the ages of I/S from north-eastern Indiana, on the northern edge of the Kankakee Arch and in effect in the Michigan basin, are the oldest measured in this study (315–325 Ma). The westward decrease in the K/Ar ages of I/S from Late Pennsylvanian ages in the proximal basin (286–303 Ma) to Permian (251–277 Ma) at the distal margin suggest that I/S was formed by the westward migration of fluids during the Alleghanian Orogeny as opposed to being formed by projected deep burial by Permian sediments. Moreover, the available thermal maturation data suggest the Cincinnati Arch was not buried deeply. The ages of I/S west of the Cincinnati Arch are an enigma as they are older than the ages in the distal Appalachian basin. The ages of I/S from central Indiana within the Illinois basin suggest the possibility that I/S was formed by reaction with fluids that migrated from the Ouachita orogenic belt in Mississippi. The oldest ages of I/S from north-eastern Indiana suggest the formation of I/S might have been influenced by the presence of potassic brines from the Michigan basin.  相似文献   
Glaciotectonized sediments and palaeosol at Great Sampford, western Suffolk, England are reconstructed to their original positions in order to determine the form of the original land surface and the associated soil development. The restored stratigraphy consists of Early Pleistocene Kesgrave Sands and Gravels which were deposited by the 'pre-glacial' river Thames, with the Early-Middle Pleistocene Valley Farm Soil developed on a terrace surface. These units are overlain by Sampford Deformation Till and Lowestoft Till, which were formed during the Middle Pleistocene Anglian glaciation. The micromorphological features of the reconstructed soil are interpreted in terms of three climatic cycles, each comprising a period of temperate climate soil formation followed by cold climate soil disruption. The final stage of disruption is associated with the periglacial climate that preceded Anglian glacierization. This pedological reconstruction is the most complex yet recognized from British Early and Middle Pleistocene palaeosols and provides an insight into major climatic oscillations prior to the Anglian Glaciation. The surface upon which the soil developed is one of the oldest terraces of the 'pre-glacial' River Thames that were formed when this river flowed northwards through East Anglia.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of a geomorphological and sedimentological investigation of former glacial meltwater drainage in the region of the lower Afon Teifi, one of the major rivers of southwest Wales. Former drainage characteristics in the region are reconstructed concentrating on palaeo-drainage routes associated with successive Pleistocene glaciations and their role in the Quaternary evolution of the lower Teifi. Mapping of these features throughout a c. 100 km 2 area reveals a complex evolution in the establishment of the present-day drainage system, with evidence for the following surface channel types: (i) type 1 channels of primary subglacial origin cut during the late Devensian (late Wisconsinan/late Weichselian) glaciation; (ii) type 2 channels representing either pre-late Devensian subaerial fluvial run-off, unconnected to the course of the preglacial Afon Teifi, or originating as subglacial chute channels; (iii) type 3 channels developed as subglacially modified pre-late Devensian tributaries of the Afon Teifi. Two further features are also described: (iv) type 4 channels are drift-plugged abandoned preglacial courses of the Afon Teifi, and (v) type 5 channels formed as lateglacial and post-late Devensian gorges which bypass type 4 channels. A relative chronostratigraphy based on channel geomorphology and sedimentology reveals an evolutionary sequence considerably more complicated than identified in previous studies, with extensive modification of the lower Afon Teifi region by glacial meltwater during at least two periods of Pleistocene glaciation.  相似文献   
Ecological impacts of the recent warming trend in the Arctic are already noted as changes in tree line and a decrease in tundra area with the replacement of ground cover by shrubs in northern Alaska and several locations in northern Eurasia. The potential impact of vegetation changes to feedbacks on the atmospheric climate system is substantial because of the large land area impacted and the multi-year persistence of the vegetation cover. Satellite NDVI estimates beginning in 1981 and the Köppen climate classification, which relates surface types to monthly mean air temperatures from 1901 onward, track these changes on an Arctic-wide basis. Temperature fields from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and CRU analysis serve as proxy for vegetation cover over the century. A downward trend in the coverage of tundra group for the first 40 yr of the twentieth century was followed by two increases during 1940s and early 1960s, and then a rapid decrease in the last 20 yr. The decrease of tundra group in the 1920–40 period was localized, mostly over Scandinavia; whereas the decrease since 1990 is primarily pan-Arctic, but largest in NW Canada, and eastern and coastal Siberia. The decrease in inferred tundra coverage from 1980 to 2000 was 1.4 × 106 km2, or about a 20% reduction in tundra area based on the CRU analyses. This rate of decrease is confirmed by the NDVI data. These tundra group changes in the last 20 yr are accompanied by increase in the area of both the boreal and temperate groups. During the tundra group decrease in the first half of the century boreal group area also decreased while temperate group area increased. The calculated minimum coverage of tundra group from both the Köppen classification and NDVI indicates that the impact of warming on the spatial coverage of the tundra group in the 1990s is the strongest in the century, and will have multi-decadal consequences for the Arctic.  相似文献   
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