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The Egyptian older and younger granitic rocks emplaced during pre- and post-collision stages of Neoproterozoic Pan-African orogeny, respectively, are widely distributed in the southern Sinai Peninsula, constituting 70% of the basement outcrops. The Wadi El-Akhder, southwestern Sinai, is a mountainous terrain exposing two granitoid suites, namely the Wadi El-Akhder Older Granites (AOG) and the Homra Younger Granites (HYG). The AOG (granodiorites with subordinate tonalite compositions) have geochemical characteristics of medium-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous to mildly peraluminous granitoids formed in an island-arc environment, which are conformable with well-known Egyptian older granitoids rocks, whereas the HYG display calc-alkaline to slightly alkaline nature, peraluminous syeno-, monzogranites and alkali feldspar granites matching well those of the Egyptian younger granites. With respect to the AOG granitoids, the HYG granites contain lower Al2O3, FeO*, MgO, MnO, CaO, TiO2, Sr, Ba, and V, but higher Na2O, K2O, Nb, Zr, Th, and Rb. The AOG are generally characterized by enrichment in LILE and LREE and depletion in HFSE relative to N-MORB values (e.g., negative Nb and Ta anomalies). The geochemical features of the AOG follow assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) trends indicative of extensive crustal contamination of magma derived from a mantle source. The chemical characteristics of the AOG are remarkably similar to those of subduction-related granitoids from the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). The compositional variations from monzogranites through syenogranites to alkali feldspar granite within HYG could not be explained by fractional crystallization solely. Correlating the whole-rock composition of the HYG to melts generated by experimental dehydration melting of meta-sedimentary and magmatic rocks reveals that they appear to be derived by extended melting of psammitic and pelitic metasediments, which is similar to the most of younger granitic suites in the ANS.  相似文献   
We report new Zr isotope evidence for live (92)Nb (mean life: tau&d1;92Nb=52 Myr) within the early solar system resulting in &parl0;92Nb&solm0;93Nb&parr0;initial approximately 10-3. The meteoritic minerals rutile and zircon have, respectively, very high and very low Nb/Zr ratios and are ideal for exploring the (92)Nb-(92)Zr chronometer. Rutiles exhibit high positive straightepsilon92Zr ( approximately 14-36) while a zircon has a negative straightepsilon92Zr ( approximately -4), as would be expected if (92)Nb was live in the early solar system. The meteoritic rutiles appear to be young, with apparent times of formation of approximately 80-220 Myr subsequent to the origin of the solar system. The initial (92)Nb/(92)Mo for the solar system is broadly compatible with a model of uniform production if the (92)Nb/(92)Mo production ratio for Type II supernova (SNII) sources with neutrino-driven winds is used. Data for all the now extinct p-process nuclides ((92)Nb, (97)Tc, and (146)Sm) are consistent with these isotopes being derived by uniform production from SNII sources and a free decay interval of approximately 10 Myr. Consideration of a range of models indicates that the average p-process production ratio of (92)Nb/(92)Mo needs to be at least in the range of 0.06-0.25.  相似文献   
正如规范和方法指南中所规定的那样,此例尺1:200000地质测量的目的,是全面查明某一地区地质构造,阐明它的地质发展史。详细程度应足以:(1)确定矿产与火成岩变质岩及沉积岩一定组合的关系;(2)查明发现矿产的远景;(3)划出布置更详细的普查或勘探工作的地段。  相似文献   
为了研究羣众性水利工程效益及其对徑流影响,而召开的这次会議无論在內容方面以及目的方面都是世界上任何一个国家里都未曾有过的特殊会議。会議的特点是,研究轟蟲烈烈的全民改造自然运动在水利方面所获得的成果,研究中国人民在进行革命性的征服自然力进而利用过去为害人民的自然力(水利資源)发展国民經济,首先是发展农业当中所获得的成果。  相似文献   
由弹性波纵横波速比计算得到的泊松比,在利用地震波反演地下结构和物质组成时,可以提供比单纯地利用纵波或者横波波速更强的约束. 为了研究不同岩石中泊松比及其各向异性随围压的变化,选取19块典型的岩石样品,在不同围压下沿相互正交的3个方向同时测量纵、横波速度,并通过计算得到了泊松比及其各向异性. 结果表明,在大部分样品中泊松比各向异性与纵波速度各向异性有一定的相关性,但在有的样品中泊松比各向异性与纵波速度各向异性没有明显的关系,甚至表现出完全相反的变化规律. 由于泊松比也表现出很强的各向异性,在排除微裂隙的影响后有的仍可以达到30髎以上,在利用实际地震波传播数据通过泊松比反演地下物质结构时必须考虑其各向异性的影响.  相似文献   
The characteristic biology and wide distribution of hagfish species makes them relevant for use in pollution biomonitoring at great water depths, particularly in regions where deep-water oil production may take place. The exposure of fish to petrogenic contaminants can normally be detected from the level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in bile fluid. Some of these metabolites are strong fluorophores, allowing analytical detection by means of simple fluorometric techniques such as fixed wavelength fluorescence (FF) and synchronous fluorescence scanning (SFS). In the present study bile from Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) collected in pristine areas (Barents Sea and southwestern Norway) displayed strong bile fluorescence levels, suggesting the presence of PAH contaminants. However, gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses ruled out PAHs as the origin for this fluorescence signal. Rather, the bile of Myxine contains components resulting in unusually strong background fluorescence interfering at the wavelength pairs used for detection of PAH metabolites. Possible background for the observed matrix interference and implications for detection of PAH metabolites in hagfish is discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to quantify some of the parameters needed to perform near-field modelling of sites in the Kara Sea that were impacted by the disposal of radioactive waste. The parameters of interest are: the distribution coefficients (Kd) for several important radionuclides, the mineralogy of the sediment, and the relationship of Kd to liquid-to-solid ratio. Sediment from the Kara Sea (location: 73 degrees 00'N, 58 degrees 00'E) was sampled from a depth of 287 m on August 23/24, 1992. Analysis of the material included mineralogy, grain size and total organic carbon (TOC). Uptake kinetics were determined for 85Sr, 137Cs, 241Am, 99Tc, 1251, 232U and 210Pb and distribution coefficients (Kd) were determined for these radionuclides using batch type experiments. Sorption isotherms, developed for 137Cs, 85Sr and 99Tc, were linear in each case. Increasing the liquid-to-solid ratio strongly increased uptake of 137Cs and moderately increased uptake of 99Tc. Analysis for anthropogenic radionuclides indicated the presence only of 239/240Pu in the sediment with the highest activity (at the top section of the core) being 0.420 Bq kg(-1). Other anthropogenic radionuclides were below detection limits.  相似文献   
西澳大利亚的伊尔冈地块主要由太古宙椭圆形花岗质岩石区和围绕其边缘呈弧形分布的绿岩带组成。该地体典型部位的露头型式表明,它们起因于大型穹—盆褶皱干涉构造,而不是具有陡立边缘的岩基的底辟侵位。绿岩和下伏花岗质岩石最初是在近水平状态下一起变形的。结果,使花岗质岩石发生重结晶,并形成基本与绿岩层理平行的片麻状构造。近水平且巨厚的二长花岗岩岩席是后来侵入任绿岩系下部层位的,后期变形作用产生两组连续的并相互具高角度垂直轴而的褶皱,它们构成了直径从数匣米到50多公里的穹—盆褶皱干涉构造。  相似文献   
当今在石油价格下跌、国内储量减小的情况下,很多公司把注意力都集中在通过精确确定壮年油区、并更详细地描述其特征来提高储量的问题上.经济地质局的分析表明,除了阿拉斯加以外,通过加密钻探、扩展钻探和二次完孔,可使美国大陆的油储量增加800亿桶,汽储量增加180万亿立方英尺.然而这只能在以详细的地质估评为基础时才能实现.因为开发壮年油  相似文献   
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