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The entire pile of nappes in the eastern margin of the Bohemian massif is characterized by two stages of Variscan nappe emplacement each exhibiting a different kinematic and metamorphic evolution.The older emplacement (D1) probably occurred around 350-340 Ma ago and was synmetamorphic. The nappes show a typical systematic superposition of higher grade metamorphic units over lower grade ones. Thus, the crystalline complexes showing a HT-MP Barrovian imprint (Svratka allochthonous unit and Moldanubicum) were thrust over an intermediate unit affected by MTMP recrystallization (Bíte orthogneiss and its country rock), and at the base of the D1 nappe pile the Inner Phyllite Nappe (Biý Potok Unit) is characterized by LT/LP metamorphism.The second stage of tectonic evolution (D2) is characterized by a thin-skinned northward-oriented nappe emplacement that occurred under LT-LP conditions dated at 320-310 Ma. The whole nappe sequence formed during the first tectonometamorphic period (D1) was transported northward over the autochthonous »Deblín polymetamorphic and granitic complex« of Upper Proterozoic age and its Devonian sedimentary cover with very low metamorphism. During this second tectonic event the Brno granite massif (580 Ma) was only marginally incorporated in the Variscan nappe tectonics which resulted in kilometer-scale cover and basement duplexes. The tectonic evolution of the nappe pile ended with stage D3, represented by large- to medium-scale east-vergent folds with limited displacement.
Zusammenfassung Der Deckenbau am Ostrand der Böhmischen Masse erfolgte in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Stadien, die sich sowohl in ihrer Kinematik als auch in ihrer Metamorphoseentwicklung deutlich voneinander unterschieden.Die ältere Phase (D1 ca. 350-340 Ma) ist durch synmetamorphe Überschiebungen charakterisiert. Sie führt zu einer metamorphen Inversion der überschobenen Deckeneinheiten, so daß generell hohe metamorphe Einheiten schwach metamorphe tektonisch überlagern. Der Svratka Komplex und das Moldanubikum als hangendste Decken sind durch MP/HT Paragenesen vom Barrow-Typ gekennzeichnet. Beide Einheiten sind auf den MP/MT-metamorphen Bite-Gneis und seine Rahmengesteine überschoben. Die Bílý potok Einheit als liegende Decke zeigt nur noch eine LP/ LT Regionalmetamorphose.Das jüngere Stadium (D2 ca. 320-310 Ma) ist durch eine Thin-skinned Tektonik mit nordvergentem Deckentransport unter LP/LT Bedingungen charakterisiert. Der gesamte, invers metamorphe D1-Deckenstapel wird dabei nach N über den autochtonen Deblín Komplex bzw. seine devonische Sedimenthülle überschoben.Das Brno Granit Massiv (580 Ma) wird nur randlich in diesen variszischen Deckenbau einbezogen. Die tektonische Entwicklung endet mit einem mittel bis großräumigen E-vergenten Faltenbau (D3 phase).

Résumé L'empilement des nappes a la bordure orientale du Massif de Bohème est caractérisé par deux stades de mise en place présentant différentes évolutions cinématiques et métamorphiques.La tectonique majeure de mise en place des nappes crustales intervient lors d'un métamorphisme de type barrowien, calé autour de 350-340 Ma. L'empilement qui en résulte montre une superposition systématique d'unités à fort degré de métamorphisme sur des unités moins métamorphiques. Ainsi les complexes cristallins, montrant des reliques de métamorphisme de haute à moyenne pression-haute température (unités cristallines de Svratka et du Moldanubien), chevauchent une unité intermédiaire affectée par un métamorphisme de moyenne à basse pression-moyenne température (l'orthogneiss de Bíte et son encaissant). A la base de cette pile édifiée durant la tectonique D1, l'unité des phyllites internes (unité de Bílý potok) est caractérisée par un métamorphisme de basse témperature-basse pression.Le second stade D2 de l'évolution tectonique est caractérisé par une tectonique pelliculaire à vergence nord datée à 320-310 Ma. L'empilement résultant de D1 est ainsi transporté vers le nord, au dessus du complexe autochtone d'âge protérozoïque supérieur (groupe de Deblín) et sa couverture sédimentaire dévonienne très faiblement métamorphisée.Le massif granitique de Brno (580 Ma) n'est que marginalement incorporé à cette tectonique de nappe varisque. Ceci se traduit par des duplex socle-couverture d'échelle plurikilométrique. L'évolution tectonique s'achève lors d'une troisième phase, marquée par de grands plis à vergence est. Le déplacement associé est alors d'amplitude limitée.

, . , 350-340 . . , , - ( ), , - ( ). , D 1, (- ) - . D 2 , 320-310 ., D 1, , , ( ) . (580 . ) , »« -, . , .
In the Northern Serre (S. Italy), a continuous section through a former lower continental crust is exposed (Schenk 1984, 1985). These granulite facies rocks have not been penetratively deformed during their uplift to higher crustal levels. Therefore, they allow to study the structural state of the lower continental crust. Most rockforming minerals, among them ortho- and clinopyroxene and cordierite, show recrystallization structures. Quarz basal subgrain boundaries are developed in lower levels of the lower crust and disappear toward higher levels. In addition to dimensional orientations of the rockforming minerals, the preferred crystallographic orientations of plagioclases, cordierite, amphibole, pyroxenes and, rarely, quartz reflect the strain orientation of the prograde high-T deformation. During this deformation, the stretching direction was constant NNE-SSW throughout the exposed lower crustal section. Shear indicators are rare. This points to the fact that deformation has been homogeneous and coaxial flattening. There is only a small variation in orientation and strength of textures throughout the exposed lower crust. Therefore, neighbouring layers of different composition rather than different deformation might serve as seismic reflectors in the former lower crust.
Zusammenfassung In der nördlichen Serre (Süditalien) ist ein zusammenhängender Bereich einer ehemaligen kontinentalen Unterkruste aufgeschlossen (Schenk 1984, 1985). Diese granulitfaziellen Gesteine sind bei ihrem Aufstieg in höhere Krustenbereiche nicht durchgreifend überprägt worden. Deshalb läßt sich an ihnen noch der strukturelle Zustand der ehemaligen Unterkruste studieren. Außer in Feldspäten, Quarz und Amphibol tritt auch in Ortho- und Klinopyroxen und in Cordierit Rekristallisation auf. In tieferen Krustenniveaus sind im Quarz basisparallele Subkorngrenzen entwickelt, die in höheren Krustenbereichen nicht auftreten. Sowohl die Gestaltregelungen der gesteinsbildenden Minerale als auch die kristallographischen Plagioklas-, Cordierit-, Amphibol-, Pyroxen- und (seltener) Quarzregelungen spiegeln die Strain-orientierung der prograden hochtemperierten Deformation wider. Während dieser Deformation blieb die Streckung im gesamten Unterkrustenbereich konstant NNE-SSW orientiert. Scherindikatoren sind selten. Beides deutet darauf hin, daß die Deformation homogen und als koachsiale Plättung abgelaufen ist. Im gesamten aufgeschlossenen Unterkrustenbereich variieren weder Intensität noch Orientierung der kristallographischen und gestaltlichen Regelungen der gesteinsbildenden Minerale wesentlich. Deshalb sollten in der ehemaligen Unterkruste Lagen unterschiedlicher Deformation weniger als seismische Reflektoren in Frage kommen als Lagen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung.

Résumé Le Massif de la Serre Septentrionale en Calabre (Sud de l'Italie) représente un tronçon d'une ancienne croûte continentale profonde (Schenk 1984, 1985). Les roches du faciès granulite qui le constituent n'ont pas subi de déformation penetrative lors de leur ascension dans les niveaux plus superficiels de la croûte. Leur étude permet donc de reconstruire les caractéristiques structurales de l'ancienne croûte profonde. Non seulement les feldspaths, le quartz et l'amphibole, mais encore l'orthopyroxène, le clinopyroxène et la cordiérite ont recristallisé. Dans les niveaux les plus profonds de la croûte on observe dans les cristaux de quartz des bordures de sous-grains parallèles à la base. Celles-ci n'apparaissent plus dans les niveaux plus superficiels. L'orientation des cristaux des minéraux constitutifs des roches, de même que l'orientation des réseaux cristallins du plagioclase, de la cordiérite, de l'amphibole, du pyroxène et (mais plus rarement) du quartz réflètent la direction de contrainte de la phase de déformation prograde de haute température. Pendant cette phase de déformation, la direction d'extension est demeurée NNE-SSW. Les témoins de cisaillement sont rares, ce qui montre que la déformation s'est effectuée de façon homogène, en relation avec un aplatissement coaxial. Les textures varient très peu en orientation comme en intensité dans toute la coupe de croûte profonde exposée. En conséquence, l'existence de réflecteurs sismiques devrait refléter des différences dans les compositions minéralogiques des roches plutôt que dans leurs caractéristiques structurales.

Serre (Schenk, 1984, 1985). . . , , . , , . , , , , () . NNE-SSW. . , . , , . , , .
The 5-dimensional Jordan-Brans-Dicke cosmologies in vacuum are found for the Bianchi type I metric, their relation with general relativity cosmologies is studied. Two solutions are possible, both produce effective pressure and energy density in the 4-dimensional G.R.-universes. One is a power-law relation, with two cases, the first one is forp eff=eff and the other forp eff=eff(– 1 < < 1) has a behaviour as the open flat universe. The second solution is an exponential only valid forp eff=–eff. In all cases the three-space expansion reaches infinity ast and the fifth dimension can be made to decrease approaching zero. The scalar field can increase or decrease with time.  相似文献   
The relative orientations of various VLBI celestial reference frames are evaluated on the basis of coordinate differences of common sources. It is shown that an accuracy better than 0.001 can be achieved. Possible regional deformations in the different catalogues are investigated; they are found to reach a few 0.001 in some restricted zones. The application of these studies to the realisation of a combined celestial reference frame consistent with the BIH Terrestrial System is outlined.  相似文献   
M. J. Hagyard 《Solar physics》1988,115(1):107-124
We have analyzed the vector magnetic field of an active region at a location of repeated flaring to determine the nature of the currents flowing in the areas where the flares initiated. The component of electric current density crossing the photosphere along the line-of-sight was derived from the observed transverse component of the magnetic field. The maximum concentrations of these currents occurred exactly at the sites of flare initiation and where the photospheric field was sheared the most. The calculated distribution of current density at the flare sites suggested that currents were flowing out of an area of positive magnetic polarity and across the magnetic inversion line into two areas of negative polarity. This interpretation was reinforced by a calculation of the source field, the magnetic field produced in the photosphere by the electric currents above the photosphere. In the vicinity of the flare sites, the calculated source field exhibited three particular characteristics: (1) maximum magnitudes at the sites of flare initiation, (2) a rotational direction where the vertical current density was concentrated, and (3) a fairly constant angular orientation with the magnetic inversion line. The source field was thus very similar to the field produced by two arcades of currents crossing the inversion line at the locations of greatest magnetic shear with orientations of about 60° to the inversion line. With this orientation, the inferred arcades would be aligned with the observed chromospheric fibrils seen in the H data so that the currents were field-aligned above the photosphere. The field thus exhibited a vertical gradient of magnetic shear with the shear decreasing upward from the photosphere. We estimated the currents in the two arcades by matching the source field derived from observations with that produced by a model of parallel loops of currents. We found that the loops of the model would each have a radius of 4500 km, a separation of 1830 km, and carry a current of 0.15 × 1012 A. Values of vertical current densities and source fields appearing in the umbrae of the two large sunspots away from the flare sites were shown to lie at or below the level of uncertainty in the data. The main source of this uncertainty lay in the method by which the 180° ambiguity in the azimuth of the transverse field is resolved in umbral areas. We thus concluded that these quantities in large umbrae should be treated with a healthy skepticism. Finally, we found that the source field at the flare sites was produced almost entirely by the angular difference between the observed and potential field and not by the difference in field intensity.  相似文献   
Spectrophotometric observations of the eclipsing binary system Capricorni, covering the wavelength interval 3300–7300 Å, have been presented. Comparison of the standard spectral scans of Cap with the spectral scans of the stars of known spectral types and luminosity classes taken from the Breger (1976) catalogue shows that, near the phase of secondary eclipse, Cap shows the spectral-luminosity type as A8-9III. This is in agreement with the photometric findings of Srivastava (1987b). H emission is not visible convincingly, however, some irregularities are apparent, at least in two scans, around the H region.  相似文献   
We have obtained velocity-resolved spectra of the 12C II 157.8 microns 2P3/2-2P1/2 fine structure line in the M42 region of Orion. Observations at 0.8 km s-1 resolution with a laser heterodyne spectrometer show multiple velocity components in some locations, with typical linewidths of 3-5 km s-1. Spectra of theta 1C and BN-KL also show weak emission from the F = 2-1 hyperfine component of the equivalent 13C II line. From the observed 12C II/13C II line intensity ratios, we deduce that the 12C II emission is optically thick with tau approximately 5 at both positions. Excitation temperatures of 128 K and 90 K, together with column densities of approximately 1 x 10(19) cm-2 and approximately 4 x 10(18) cm-2, are derived for theta 1C and BN-KL, respectively.  相似文献   
The similarity in properties of GK Per and BV Cen suggests that the latter may be a classical nova remnant rather than a dwarf nova. Our H and V CCD photometry show no sign of a nova shell but disclose the presence of a close and probably physical companion. BV(RI) c CCD photometry of the companion, assumed to be a dwarf, givesM v =3.1±0.3 for BV Cen at quiescence. Even though half of the light in BV Cen comes from the secondary this is much brighter than expected for a dwarf nova and supports the conclusion that BV Cen was an unrecorded nova.  相似文献   
The bump in the ultraviolet part of the interstellar extinction curve provides a great challenge in the modelling of interstellar dust. Its shape can be well approximated by a classical dispersion profile with a total halfwidth of 48 nm centred at 217 nm. Apart from few slightly deviating cases the parameters of the band seem to be surprisingly constant in the solar neighbourhood.The equivalent widthW of the 217 nm band shows a very tight correlation with the colour excessE(B-V). Studies of correlations with the strength of diffuse interstellar bands gave no conclusive results as to the nature of the band.The most common interpretation of the 217 nm feature as originating from small graphite grians meets several difficulties. No final decision on the carrier can be made at present.Paper presented at a Workshop on The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, held at Georgenthal, G.D.R., in March 1986.  相似文献   
The topic is reviewed with emphasis on observations in the optical and near infrared spectral range.Paper presented at a Workshop on The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, held at Georgenthal, G.D.R., in March 1986.  相似文献   
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