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We investigate the evolution of the rotational axes of exoplanets under the action of gravitational and magnetic perturbations. The planet is assumed to be dynamically symmetrical and to be magnetised along its dynamical-symmetry axis. By qualitative methods of the bifurcation theory of multiparametric PDEs, we have derived a gallery of 69 phase portraits. The portraits illustrate evolutionary trajectories of the angular momentum of a planet for a variety of the initial conditions, for different values of the ratio between parameters describing gravitational and magnetic perturbations, and for different rates of the orbital evolution. We provide examples of the phase portraits, that reveal the differences in topology and the evolutionary track of in the vicinity of an equilibrium state. We determine the bifurcation properties, i.e., the way of reorganisation of phase trajectories in the vicinities of equilibria; and we point out the combinations of parameters’ values that permit ip-overs from a prograde to a retrograde spin mode.  相似文献   
A technique allowing inversion of the shale stiffness tensor from standard logging data: sonic velocities, density, porosity and clay content is developed. The inversion is based on the effective medium theory. The testing of the technique on laboratory measurements of the elastic wave velocities in shale samples shows that the inversion makes it possible to predict the elastic wave velocities VP, VS1 and VS2 in any direction within an error of a few per cent. The technique has been applied for the stiffness tensor inversion along a well penetrating a shale formation of the Mississippian age altered by thin layers of limestone. It is demonstrated that the symmetry of a stiffness tensor inverted at the sonic frequency (2 kHz) is slightly orthorhombic and taking into account the experimental errors, can be related to the vertical transverse isotropy symmetry. For the productive interval of the shale formation, the Thomsen parameters ?, γ, and δ average, respectively, 0.32, 0.25 and 0.21, which indicate anelliptic behaviour of the velocities in this shale. The coefficients of anisotropy of this shale interval are around 24% and 20% for the compressional and shear waves, respectively. The values of the inverted velocities in the bedding plane for this interval are in good agreement with the laboratory measurements. The technique also allows inversion of the water saturation of the formation (Sw) and the inverted values are in agreement with the Sw values available for this formation. A Backus‐like upscaling of the inverted stiffness tensors is carried out for the lower and upper bounds of the frequency band used in the crosswell tomography (100 Hz and 500 Hz). These results can serve as an initial velocity model for the microearthquake location during hydrofracking of the shale formation.  相似文献   
The morphotectonic setting of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between21°12 and 22°40 S and its recent and past hydrothermalactivity were the focus of the Russian R/V Geolog Fersmans expeditionin 1987–1988.The EPR axial zone in the study area is comprised of three segmentsseparated by overlapping spreading centers (OSCs) near 21°44 and22°08 S. The northern segment is the shallowest of three and hasa distinct massive axial ridge, trapeziodal in cross-section, toppedby a very wide flat summit surface and cut by a well-developedcentral graben. These features testify to intense magmatism and to avoluminous crustal magmatic chamber underlying the whole segment.Fine-scale segmentation is most clearly revealed in the structure ofthe central graben within which several 4th-order segments can bedistinguished. This scale of segmentation is also reflected on flanks of theaxis by variations in the character and intensity of faulting.According to structural and petrologic data, the magmatism is mostintense in the central part of the segment which is probably locateddirectly over a magmatic diapir supplying the melt to the whole segment.Magma migration at the subcrustal level from the center towards the ends ofthe segment with discrete injection into the crustal magmatic chamber ispresumed.The central segment is broken into two morphologically distinct partsseparated by a deval. In the subsided northern part, the wide summit of theaxial ridge is cut by a well-developed, intensely fractured axialgraben. In the southern part, the axial ridge is relatively elevated, butnarrow with an ephemeral graben along its crest. The character and intensityof faulting on the axial flanks are also considerably different in thenorthern and southern parts of the segment. Thus, the magmatic supply tothese two parts is thought to originate from two different sources. If so,then at present the magma chamber underlying the southern part of thesegment is probably at the stage of replenishment, while in the north it isat the stage of deep cooling.The southern segment is structurally similar to the central one. Howeverthere is considerably less intensive magmatic activity in this region,especially south of 22°30 S where the axial ridge is narrow, andtriangular in cross-section.Both OSCs studied are marked by abrupt narrowing and sharp subsidence ofthe tips of axial ridges within the northern limbs. The southern OSC limbsare morphologically similar to normal sections of axial ridges. In bothcases the flanks are structurally and morphologically disrupted adjacent tothe OSCs and oblique structures can be traced far southward of the OSCflanks. Due to the spatial position of oblique structures on the the flanksit is presumed that the OSC near 22°07 S is migrating northward.The 21°44 S OSC zone has apparently undergone small spatialoscillations. In spite of the small amplitude of lateral displacement, thiszone is marked by prominent bathymetric anomalies.Numerous massive sulfide deposits were discovered atop the axial ridgealong the entire length of the uplifted and hydrothermally active northernsegment. Ore metal concentrations in near-bottom waters are maximumover the southern part of the northern segment, while maximum concentrationsof the same metals in surficial sediments are confined to the central partof the same segment. We surmise that there has been a recentalong-axis shift of the zone of maximum hydrothermal activity fromthe middle of the segment to its present position in the southern part ofthe segment. Considering sedimentation rates, the age of this shift can beapproximately estimated to be 5 to 10 thousand years before the present.The relatively Mg-enriched basalts of the middle part of thenorthern segment represent a tike of a more primitive pattern, while therelatively Fe-rich rocks of its southern part probably reflect alarge degree of fractionation at shallow crustal levels. Considering thistrend, in addition to morphotectonic data we presume that subaxial magmaflow from the middle to the southern part of the segment is responsible forthe along-axis shift of hydrothermal activity.In the central segment of the study area, massive sulfides have only beendiscovered south of the 21°55 S deval, where the axial ridgeshoals and where the existence of a subjacent magma chamber is presumed.The very weak manifestations of recent volcanism within the southernsegment explain the absence of hydrothermal activity and sulfide depositswithin this segment.  相似文献   
This paper describes the creation of two new reference samples of black shale, SCHS-1 and SLg-1, collected in the Bodaibo Region of Irkutsk District (Siberia, Russia). These samples have been developed as State Standard Samples to meet the requirements of Russia's Normative Documents, so that they can be recognised by the Russian State Certification Agency and included on the State Register of certified reference materials. SCHS-1 was produced from shale of the Khomolkho suite; SLg-1 represents the average composition of the Sukhoy Log gold deposit (within Au mineralisation). The homogeneity was assessed by applying the concept of potential inhomogeneity, and the inhomogeneity uncertainties (σinhom) for the indicator elements that were estimated experimentally by silicate XRF analysis. It was found that a majority of the indicator elements was characterised by σinhomp < 1/8 (Δp is the permissible certification uncertainty), and so σinhom was neglected for the indicator elements and all other elements that were included in their respective group. The value of σinhom calculated for Fe (σinhom,Fep > 1 /8) was taken into consideration for the noble metals and their associated elements (e.g., Ag, As, Au, etc.). More than fifty laboratories (thirty-seven from Russia) were involved in the interlaboratory experiment (ILE) to analyse these reference samples. The data obtained from the ILE allowed SCHS-1 and SLg-1 to be certified for, fifty-one and forty-three elements, respectively, as State Standard Samples.  相似文献   
Remains of a Holocene drowned forest in southern Lake Huron discovered in 12.5 m of water (164 m above sea level), 4.5 km east of Lexington, Michigan USA (Sanilac site), provided wood to investigate environment and lake history using several proxies. Macrofossil evidence indicates a forest comprised primarily of conifers equivalent to the modern “rich conifer swamp” community, despite generally low regional abundance of these species in pollen records. Ages range from 7095 ± 50 to 6420 ± 70 14C yr BP, but the clustering of stump dates and the development of 2 floating tree-ring chronologies suggest a briefer forest interval of no more than c. 400 years. Dendrochronological analysis indicates an environment with high inter-annual climate variability. Stable-carbon isotope composition falls within the range of modern trees from this region, but the stable-oxygen composition is consistent with warmer conditions than today. Both our tree-ring and isotope data provide support for a warmer environment in this region, consistent with a mid-Holocene thermal maximum. This drowned forest also provides a dated elevation in the Nipissing transgression at about 6420 14C yr BP (7350 cal yr BP) in the southern Lake Huron basin, a few hundred years before reopening of the St. Clair River drainage.  相似文献   
Abstract. Pyrophyllite deposits can be divided into five types on the basis of geology and genesis. The first two types are associated with hydrothermally altered rocks in felsic and intermediate volcanogenic suites. They are characterized by their metasomatites and their subsequent mineralogic transformations under varying volcanic conditions. The third type includes deposits and occurrences of metamorphic-metasomatic genesis, which is caused by transformations of terrigenous-sedimentary interbeds in felsic volcanics under greenschist facies conditions. The fourth type is associated with low and mid-temperature stages of hydrothermal vein formation at the limits of volcanogenic and metamorphic strata. The fifth type comprises pyrophyllite occurrences in weathering crusts on metamorphic strata and metasomatite.
The formation conditions and distribution of raw pyrophyllite deposits were influenced by the geodynamic situations and geochemical conditions, such as character of tectonic dislocations, volcanism and chemical composition of hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   
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