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Unlike many Western countries, the Chinese state has a much more active role in innovation that includes direct involvement with actors in innovation processes and the use of state capacity, money, and power to attain certain goals. With the rise of China, innovation processes that critically depend on state action, often labeled state‐led innovation, have thus received growing scholarly attention. However, only few contributions study the specific sector of new energy vehicles (NEV) and policy measures applied at the city level. This paper examines policy and planning tools used in Shenzhen, China, to assert innovation in the NEV industry, using an evaluation of documents and interviews. The paper finds that a city can play a decisive role in the implementation of innovation policy, and Chinese cities in particular make use of a broad set of innovation support measures ranging from binding quotas, public procurement, and incentives to bans and orders. The findings underline the importance of strong regulatory instruments that do not conform to the Western notion of market‐compliant policy, but nevertheless work effectively in the Chinese context. Moreover, the results highlight how successful policy support for innovation in the NEV can be implemented.  相似文献   
Vodyanitskii mud volcano is located at a depth of about 2070 m in the Sorokin Trough, Black sea. It is a 500-m wide and 20-m high cone surrounded by a depression, which is typical of many mud volcanoes in the Black Sea. 75 kHz sidescan sonar show different generations of mud flows that include mud breccia, authigenic carbonates, and gas hydrates that were sampled by gravity coring. The fluids that flow through or erupt with the mud are enriched in chloride (up to ∼650 mmol L−1 at ∼150-cm sediment depth) suggesting a deep source, which is similar to the fluids of the close-by Dvurechenskii mud volcano. Direct observation with the remotely operated vehicle Quest revealed gas bubbles emanating at two distinct sites at the crest of the mud volcano, which confirms earlier observations of bubble-induced hydroacoustic anomalies in echosounder records. The sediments at the main bubble emission site show a thermal anomaly with temperatures at ∼60 cm sediment depth that were 0.9 °C warmer than the bottom water. Chemical and isotopic analyses of the emanated gas revealed that it consisted primarily of methane (99.8%) and was of microbial origin (δD-CH4 = −170.8‰ (SMOW), δ13C-CH4 = −61.0‰ (V-PDB), δ13C-C2H6 = −44.0‰ (V-PDB)). The gas flux was estimated using the video observations of the ROV. Assuming that the flux is constant with time, about 0.9 ± 0.5 × 106 mol of methane is released every year. This value is of the same order-of-magnitude as reported fluxes of dissolved methane released with pore water at other mud volcanoes. This suggests that bubble emanation is a significant pathway transporting methane from the sediments into the water column.  相似文献   
All over the world the development in microelectronics and the internationalisation of communications and media production and transmission leads to financial and technological merges: computer and communication and information industries move closer together and give birth to new products, services and organisations. In Cologne, on a large inner city site of 200.000 m2 near the Rhine, the Cathedral, Broadcasting Centres and the Central Business District, an innovative development project is under way to promote the further growth and acceptance of new technics and new media production. MediaPark is designed as a centre for activities in microelectronics, arts presentation and production, and centres for professional architectural competition for the design and structure of the planned land use has just started.  相似文献   
Abstract– We measured the concentrations and isotopic ratios of the cosmogenic noble gases He, Ne, and Ar in the very large iron meteorite Xinjiang (IIIE). The 3He and 4He data indicate that a significant portion of the cosmogenic produced helium has been lost via diffusion or in a recent impact event. High 22Ne/21Ne ratios indicate that contributions to the cosmogenic 21Ne from sulfur and/or phosphorous are significant. By combining the measured nuclide concentrations with model calculations for iron meteorites we were able to determine the preatmospheric diameter of Xinjiang to 260–320 cm, which corresponds to a total mass of about 70–135 tons. The cosmic‐ray exposure age of Xinjiang is 62 ± 16 Ma, i.e., relatively short compared to most of the other iron meteorites. With the current database we cannot firmly determine whether Xinjiang experienced a complex irradiation history. The finding of 3He and 4He losses might argue for a recent impact event and therefore for a complex exposure.  相似文献   
Abstract– We report Si concentrations in the metal phases of iron meteorites. Analyses were performed by secondary ion mass spectrometry using a CAMECA 1270 ion probe. The Si concentrations are low (0.09–0.46 μg g?1), with no apparent difference in concentration between magmatic and nonmagmatic iron meteorites. Coexisting kamacite and Ni‐rich metal phases have similar Si contents. Thermodynamic calculations show that Fe,Ni‐metal in equilibrium with silicate melts at temperatures where metal crystallizes should contain approximately 100 times more Si than found in iron meteorites in this work. The missing Si may either occur as tiny silicate inclusions in metal or it may have diffused as Si‐metal into surrounding silicates at low temperatures. In both cases, extensive low‐temperature diffusion of Si in metal is required. It is therefore concluded that low Si in iron meteorites is a result of subsolidus reactions during slow cooling.  相似文献   
Within the accretionary prism offshore SW Taiwan, widespread gas hydrate accumulations are postulated to occur based on the presence of a bottom simulating reflection. Methane seepage, however, is also widespread at accretionary ridges offshore SW Taiwan and may indicate a significant loss of methane bypassing the gas hydrate system. Four Way Closure Ridge, located in 1,500 m water depth, is an anticlinal ridge that would constitute an ideal trap for methane and consequently represents a site with good potential for gas hydrate accumulations. The analysis of high-resolution bathymetry, deep-towed sidescan sonar imagery, high-resolution seismic profiling and towed video observations of the seafloor shows that Four Way Closure Ridge is and has been a site of intensive methane seepage. Continuous seepage is mainly evidenced by large accumulations of authigenic carbonate precipitates, which appear to be controlled by the creation of fluid pathways through faulting. Consequently, Four Way Closure Ridge is not a closed system in terms of fluid migration and seepage. A conceptual model of the evolution of gas hydrates and seepage at accretionary ridges suggests that seepage is common and may be a standard feature during the geological development of ridges in accretionary prisms. The observation of seafloor seepage alone is therefore not a reliable indicator of exploitable gas hydrate accumulations at depth.  相似文献   
Interactions between vegetation, flow and sediment are a key ingredient for the development of vegetated islands in highly dynamic, fluvial alpine ecosystems such as the Tagliamento River, north-east Italy. There has been substantial research on factors influencing the establishment of vegetation and feedback mechanisms between vegetation, hydraulic, and geomorphological processes in such environments. This has yielded the development of conceptual models identifying different trajectories of vegetation and landform development from bare gravel to established floodplain forest. Nevertheless, some of the finer-scale processes underpinning such interactions are not well understood and parameterisation concepts that augment our knowledge from process understanding to quantified data and prediction models are not available until now. This paper identifies mechanisms and parameters of vegetation-flow interaction at the individual scale that are reflected at a patch or even at the channel scale. These mechanisms are reviewed from a multi-disciplinary perspective and concepts and analogies are proposed that provide ideas to progress research towards the development of predictive vegetation-flow models. Such models must incorporate both hydraulic and ecological components and this is demonstrated for a simplified force-bending model of Salicaceae seedlings. The development of such models demands advances in the individual disciplines of hydraulics, morphology, plant ecology and biomechanics, which offers many possibilities for multidisciplinary research between these disciplines.  相似文献   
Summary Quantitative sunglitter radiance modulations at the ocean surface due to internal waves were calculated applying a simple first order theory. The results have been compared with the image data of internal wave signatures northeast of Nantucket Shoals off the coast of Massachusetts, U.S.A., taken by the Earth Terrain Camera (ETC) during the Skylab mission. The maximum magnitudes of sunglitter radiance modulations predicted by the theory are comparable to the satellite image data. The extreme values of calculated modulations depend only weakly on the wavelength of the internal wave signature. This is consistent with the analysed ETC data. On the other hand, the shapes of simulated and measured image intensity transects across an internal wave packet are different. This may possibly be explained by the assumed idealized sinusoidal type of thermocline used in the calculations. The theory predicts that sunglint signatures of internal waves are advected relative to positions of extreme slope regions of the thermocline due to currents.
Strahldichtemodulation des Sonnenglitzerns durch interne Wellen
Zusammenfassung Quantitative Strahldichtemodulationen des Sonnenglitzerns an der Meeresoberfl?che durch interne Wellen werden unter Verwendung einer einfachen ersten Ordnungstheorie berechnet. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Bilddaten von internen Wellensignaturen nord?stlich von Nantucket Shoals vor der Küste von Massachusetts, U.S.A., verglichen, die w?hrend der Skylab-Mission von der Erdbeobachtungskamera (ETC) aufgenommen wurden. Die Werte der maximalen Strahldichtemodulation des Sonnenglitzerns, die von der Theorie vorhergesagt werden, sind mit den Satellitenbilddaten vergleichbar. Die Extremwerte der berechneten Modulationen h?ngen nur schwach von der Wellenl?nge der internen Wellensignaturen ab. Dieses stimmt mit den analysierten ETC Daten überein. Auf der anderen Seite sind die Kurvenverl?ufe zwischen den simulierten und gemessenen Bildintensit?tsprofilen entlang eines internen Wellenpaketes unterschiedlich. Dieses kann m?glicherweise durch den angenommenen idealisierten sinusf?rmigen Typ der Thermokline erkl?rt werden, der für die Berechnungen verwendet wurde. Die Theorie macht die Vorhersage, da? Signaturen des Sonnenglitzerns von internen Wellen durch Str?mungen advektiert werden relativ zu den Positionen der extremen Neigungsregionen der Thermokline.
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