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Precipitation in solid form, i.e., snow, during winter season over the Western Himalayas (WH) leads to the build-up of seasonal snow cover. Seasonal snow cover build-up (snow cover depth and duration) largely depends on atmospheric variables such as temperature, precipitation, radiation, wind, etc. Integrated (combined) influence of atmospheric variables on seasonal snow cover gets reflected in terms of spatial and temporal variability in seasonal snow cover build-up pattern. Hence spatial and temporal variability of seasonal snow cover build-up can serve as a good indicator of climate change in high altitude mountainous regions like the WH. Consistent seasonal snow cover depth and duration, delay days and early melt days of consistent seasonal snow cover at 11 stations spread across different mountain ranges over the WH were analyzed. Mean, maximum and percentiles (25th, 50th, 75th, 90th and 95th) of consistent seasonal snow cover depth and duration show decline over the WH in the recent past 2–3 decades. Consistent seasonal snow cover is found to melt early and snow cover build-up pattern is found to show changes over the WH. Decline in consistent seasonal snow cover depth, duration and changing snow cover build-up pattern over the WH in recent decades indicate that WH has undergone considerable climate change and winter weather patterns are changing in the WH.  相似文献   
Mine water samples collected from different mines of the North Karanpura coalfields were analysed for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), major anions, cations and trace metals to evaluate mine water geochemistry and assess solute acquisition processes, dissolved fluxes and its suitability for domestic, industrial and irrigation uses. Mine water samples are mildly acidic to alkaline in nature. The TDS ranged from 185 to 1343 mg L?1 with an average of 601 mg L?1. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the dominant cations, while SO4 2? and HCO3 ? are the dominant anions. A high concentration of SO4 2? and a low HCO3 ?/(HCO3 ? + SO4 2?) ratio (<0.50) in the majority of the water samples suggest that either sulphide oxidation or reactions involving both carbonic acid weathering and sulphide oxidation control solute acquisition processes. The mine water is undersaturated with respect to gypsum, halite, anhydrite, fluorite, aluminium hydroxide, alunite, amorphous silica and oversaturated with respect to goethite, ferrihydrite, quartz. About 40% of the mine water samples are oversaturated with respect to calcite, dolomite and jarosite. The water quality assessment shows that the coal mine water is not suitable for direct use for drinking and domestic purposes and needs treatment before such utilization. TDS, TH, F?, SO4 2?, Fe, Mn, Ni and Al are identified as the major objectionable parameters in these waters for drinking. The coal mine water is of good to suitable category for irrigation use. The mines of North Karanpura coalfield annually discharge 22.35 × 106 m3 of water and 18.50 × 103 tonnes of solute loads into nearby waterways.  相似文献   
Drought characterization: a probabilistic approach   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Using the alternative renewable process and run theory, this study investigates the distribution of drought interval time, mean drought interarrival time, joint probability density function and transition probabilities of drought events in the Kansabati River basin in India. The standardized precipitation index series is employed in the investigation. The time interval of SPI is found to have a significant effect of the probabilistic characteristics of drought.  相似文献   
The receiver function method was originally developed to analyse earthquake data recorded by multicomponent (3C) sensors and consists in deconvolving the horizontal component by the vertical component. The deconvolution process removes travel path effects from the source to the base of the target as well as the earthquake source signature. In addition, it provides the possibility of separating the emergent P and PS waves based on adaptive subtraction between recorded components if plane waves of constant ray parameters are considered. The resulting receiver function signal is the local PS wave's impulse response generated at impedance contrasts below the 3C receiver.We propose to adapt this technique to the wide‐angle multi‐component reflection acquisition geometry. We focus on the simplest case of land data reflection acquisition. Our adapted version of the receiver function approach consists in a multi‐step procedure that first removes the P wavefield recorded on the horizontal component and next removes the source signature. The separation step is performed in the τ?p domain while the source designature can be achieved in either the τ?p or the t?x domain. Our technique does not require any a priori knowledge of the subsurface. The resulting receiver function is a pure PS‐wave reflectivity response, which can be used for amplitude versus slowness or offset analysis. Stack of the receiver function leads to a high‐quality S wave image.  相似文献   
Visual interpretation of IRS-L1SS-II (January, 1995) FCC (1:50,000 scale) of spectral bands 2, 3 and 4 was carried out for the identification and mapping of major physiographic units in an arid watershed of Jodhpur district (Rajasthan). Based on image characteristics and field traverses, seven major physiographic units identified are (1) hills (2) pediments, flat to undulating (3) buried pediments, moderately deep to deep, coarse textured (4) buried pediment, shallow to moderately deep and deep, medium to fine textured, saline (5) older alluvial plains, deep and very deep, coarse textured (6) younger alluvial plains, deep to very deep, very coarse textured and (7) dune complexes. Based on physiographicvariatton and soil or site characteristics such as texture, depth, slope, erosion and underneath substrata, 41 soil mapping units were identified and mapped. Final physiography, soil, slope, drainage and landuse maps were prepared on 1:5,000 scale. Taxonomically, the soils of the watershed were classified as Para-Lithic Torriorthents, coarse-loamy, Lithic/Typic Haplocambids, fine-loamy, Lithic/Typic Haplosalids and Typic Torrifluvents and Typic Torripsamments. Land suitability for various mapping units in the watershed have been assessed on the basis of soil physico-chemical characteristics.  相似文献   
Kopal's method of Roche coordinates used by us in an earlier paper (Mohan and Singh, 1978) to study the problems of small oscillations of tidally-distorted stars has been extended further to take into account the effect of second-order terms in tidal distortion. Our results show that the effect of including terms of second order of smallness in tidal distortion in the metric coefficients of the Roche coordinates of tidally distorted stars is quite significant, especially in case of stars with extended envelopes and (or) larger values of the mass ratio of the companion star producing tidal distortion. Some of the models which were earlier found stable against small perturbations now become dynamically unstable with the inclusion of the terms of second order of smallness in tidal effects.At present on leave of absence with the department of Mathematics, College of Science, Baghdad, Iraq.  相似文献   
Snow cover depletion curve (SDC) is one of the important variables in snow hydrological applications, and these curves are very much required for snowmelt runoff modeling in a snowfed catchment. Remote sensing is an important source of snow cover area which is used for preparation of SDC. Snow cover maps produced by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellites are one of the best source of satellite-based snow cover area at a regular interval. Therefore, in this study, snow cover maps have been prepared for the years 2000?C2005 using MODIS data. The study area chosen viz. Beas basin up to Pandoh dam falls in western Himalayan region. For snowmelt runoff modeling, catchment is divided into number of elevation zones and SDC is required for each zone. When sufficient satellite data are not available due to cloud cover or due to some other reasons, then SDC can to be generated using temperature data. Under changed climate conditions also, modified SDC is required. Therefore, to have SDC under such situations, a relationship between snow cover area and cumulative mean temperature has been developed for each zone of the catchment. This procedure of having snow cover maps has two main purposes. First, it could potentially be used to generate snow cover maps when cloud-free satellite data are not available. Second, it can be used to generate snow-covered area in a new climate to see the impact of climate change on snowmelt runoff studies.  相似文献   
The magnetotelluric (MT) method has been among the favorite supporting tools for seismic imaging of sub-salt and sub-basalt targets. In this paper we present an example from Kachchh, India (where basaltic rocks overlie Mesozoic sedimentary rocks), and discuss the feasibility of using MT method as an exploration tool in this geological setting. Our results highlight the difference in magnetotelluric response caused by the thin intrabasalt layering. The key issue addressed in this paper is what MT can and cannot provide in such geological settings. First, we compute apparent resistivity and phase response curves using representative resistivity-depth models and borehole data from the study area. Later, we compare these results to assess the plausibility of using MT to image the sub-volcanic sediments at Kachchh. Finally, we substantiate our discussion through one-dimensional inversion of the field observed MT data from this region that exhibits poor sensitivity of MT for thin basalt layers.  相似文献   
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