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The heights of the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL), computed by a one-dimensional model for a bare soil surface at a semi-arid station,Anand, during the dry and hot summer month of May 1997, are presented. As input, the model requires surface heat flux, friction velocity and air temperature as functions of time. Temperature data at the one-metre level from a tower and sonic anemometer data at 9.5 m collected during the period 13–17 May 1997 in the Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX-97) are used to compute hourly values of surface heat flux, friction velocity and Obukhov length following the operational method suggested by Holtslag and Van Ulden [J. Climate Appl. Meteorol. 22,517–529 (1983)]. The model has been tested with different values for the potential temperature gradient ( ) above the inversion. The model-estimated CBL heights comparefavourably with observed heights obtained from radiosonde ascents.  相似文献   
In this paper we have studied the possible proton collisions in cosmic ray sources. On the basis of our calculations of background temperature, the operational domains of various proton collisions are suggested. The energy rate loss through the photo-neutrino processes on protons is computed and we have discussed the energy distribution of the secondary particles in various collisions.  相似文献   
Seismic waveforms contain valuable information about the media, but the waveform inversion is a non‐linear problem. We present a waveform inversion method that combines a local optimization method with a genetic algorithm to determine the anisotropic parameters of a horizontally stratified medium. Synthetic seismograms for a horizontally stratified anisotropic medium are calculated using the reflectivity technique. In the initial stage of the inversion, the global space‐sampling properties of the genetic algorithm are used to direct the search to the region close to the global solution. This solution is then further improved using a conjugate‐gradient method. The numerical experiments performed with noisy synthetic data show that our hybrid optimization method satisfactorily reconstructs the anisotropic parameters at a reasonable computing cost while the range of slowness is adequate. We found that (i) for small‐angle data neither single‐ nor multiple‐component data are sufficient to determine the anisotropic parameters uniquely; (ii) for medium‐angle data the multiple‐component data are sufficient to determine the anisotropic parameters exactly whereas the single‐component data are not sufficient; and (iii) for wide‐angle data, either single‐ or multiple‐component data are sufficient to determine the anisotropic parameters accurately.  相似文献   
Based on the sedimentological studies and the distribution of fossil-bearing horizons in the Himalaya a new model for the evolution of Himalaya is visualized. It is proposed that the Lesser and Central Himalaya constitute an integral part of the Peninsular Indian shield. The unfossiliferous orthoquartzite-shale-carbonate sequences of Lesser and Central Himalaya represent Precambrian sediments, deposited in a shallow tidal sea. Within the Lesser Himalaya there are thin detached marine fossiliferous horizons of three ages, viz. Carboniferous-Permian, Jurassic-Cretaceous and Eocene, located in a narrow E-W running zone (Dogadda-Subathu Zone), representing deposits of three transgressions in this zone.This zone is analogous to the Narbada Valley zone of the Peninsular India, where rocks of Permian, Cretaceous and Eocene ages are present. This model properly explains the unfossiliferous nature of the Lesser Himalayan sediments and demands the northern limit of Indian Plate north of Himalaya.
Zusammenfassung Aufgrand sedimentologischer Untersuchungen und der Verteilung fossilführender Schichten im Himalaya wird ein neues Modell der Himalayaentwicklung dargestellt. Es wird angenommen, daß der Außen- und Zentralhimalaya fester Bestandteil des indischen Schildes waren. Die fossilleeren Abfolgen von Orthoquarziten, Tonen und Kalken des Außen- und Zentralhimalaya bestehen aus präkambrischen Sedimenten, die ehemals in einem Flachmeer unter Gezeiteneinfluß abgelagert wurden. Im Bereich des Außenhimalaya finden sich geringmächtige Einschaltungen mit mariner Fauna, die dem Permokarbon, Jura/Kreide und Eozän zuzuordnen sind. Sie liegen innerhalb einer schmalen E/W-verlaufenden Zone (Dogadda-Subathu Zone) und entsprechen 3 Transgressionen in diesem Gebiet.Diese Zone ist dem Narbada Valley-Bereich der indischen Halbinsel vergleichbar, wo ebenfalls Ablagerungen aus Perm, Kreide und Eozän angetroffen werden.Durch dieses Modell läßt sich die Art der fossilleeren Sedimente des Außenhimalaya erklären. Es führt zu der Annahme, daß die Nordgrenze der indischen Platte nördlich des Himalaya zu suchen ist.

Résumé Un nouveau modèle de l'évolution de l'Himalaya est présenté, basé sur des études sédimentologiques et sur la répartition des horizons fossilifères, suivant lequel l'Himalaya Central et Externe ferait intégralement partie du boncliez péninsulaire Indien.Les séquences non fossilifères d'orthoquartzites-schistes-carbonates de l'Himalaya Central et Externe représentent des sédiments précambriens déposés dans un environnement marin peu profond soumis aux marées. Dans la région de l'Himalaya Externe, on observe de minces intercalations fossiliferes marines correspondant à trois phases de transgression, au Permo-Carbonifére, au Jurassique-Crétacé et à l'Eocène. Ces horizons sont localisés dans une zone étroite, de direction E-W, la zone de Dogadda-Subathu.Cette zone est comparable à la Valleé de Narbada en Inde péninsulaire, qui comporte également des dépôts permiens, crétacés et éocènes. Le modèle propose permet d'expliquer la nature non fossilifère de la plupart des sédiments de l'Himalaya Externe et conduit á rechercher la limite Nord de la plaque indienne au Nord de l'Himalaya.

. , . , , - . , -, - . ( Dogadda-Subathu), E/W, , . Narbudu Valley , , . ; , .
An attempt is made to mark regional geology of part of Lalitpur district. The area is characterized by flat topography gently sloping east ward with isolated hillocks. The well contrasted lithology has been marked on the basis of variation in tone, drainage pattern and texture. The main lithounits are foliated granites/gneiss, banded iron formation, granites, ultra basic, quartz reef and basic dykes. The structural elements of lineaments are visible on aerial photos and imagery which range in length from 1 to 10 km. The lineaments at places intersect with each other. The major trends are NNW- SSE. NE- SW. NNH- SSW. These NNW- SSE and NE-SW lineaments are retlected by well aligned body of quartz- sericite schist and quartz reef respectively.  相似文献   
The concentrations of dissolved boron have been measured during different seasons in three estuaries, the Tapi, Narmada and the Mandovi situated on the western coast of India, to investigate its geochemical behavior and inputs from the localized anthropogenic pressures of industrial effluents and sewage discharge. The measured boron concentrations in these estuaries (except the Tapi during non-monsoon) at salinity ≤0.1 fall in a narrow range?~?2–4 μmol/kg (average B?~?2.4?±?0.8 μmol/kg) within the reported wide range?~?0.1–18.6 μmol/kg for global rivers. The much higher estimate of boron concentration in the Tapi River during non-monsoon is attributed to its possible additional supply from the sewage and/or industrial effluents discharged along the river course. During monsoon, the rains seem to be a significant source of dissolved boron to all the three rivers. The distribution of dissolved boron in each estuary exhibits a conservative behavior during the seasons sampled suggestive of no measurable addition or removal of boron in the estuarine region. The orders of magnitude differences in boron concentration between the river waters and seawater, and the conservative behavior of dissolved boron indicate that its major contributor to the estuaries sampled is seawater.  相似文献   
Summary A number of resistivity profiles over quartz reefs have been taken using Wenner and Schlumberger configurations around Dhanbad in order tofind the potential of these for water accumulation. These reefs give rise to both resistivity highs and lows as compared to the background. The results are discussed in the light of known theories. Some suitable sites for water accumulation have been delineated.  相似文献   
We studied a sequence of small earthquakes that occurred during the months of April and May of 1997, in Jalisco, southwestern Mexico. The earthquakes were located along a set of active faults that form the Zacoalco half-graben (La Lima fault system), west of Lake Chapala, within the rift–rift–rift triple junction. A total of 33 events were located, with magnitudes ranging from 1.5 to 3.5, recorded by a portable array of broadband seismographs. We identified two groups of events: one corresponding to a shallow normal fault, synthetic to La Lima fault system, and another group associated with a deeper fault. The events that occurred on the synthetic fault show normal faulting oriented on a NW–SE plane, dipping shallowly towards the SW. The other group of mechanisms showed either a normal fault oriented NW–SE and dipping steeply to the NE, or a very shallow-dipping normal fault, dipping to the SW. Earthquake distribution and fault plane solutions suggest that the Zacoalco half-graben developed from blocks that rotate as slip occurs on listric faults. These mechanisms could represent the type of motion expected for larger earthquakes in the area, like the one that occurred in 1568.  相似文献   
In the central Nepal Himalaya, landslides form the major natural hazards annually resulting in many casualties and damage. Structural as well as non-structural measures are in place to minimize the risk of landslide hazard. To reduce the landslide risk, a Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) as a non-structural measure has been piloted at Sundrawati village (Kalinchowk rural municipality, Dolakha district) to identify its effectiveness. Intensive discussions with stakeholders, aided by landslide susceptibility map, resulted in a better understanding of surface dynamics and the relationship between rainfall and surface movement. This led to the development of a LEWS comprised of extensometers, soil moisture sensors, rain gauge stations, and solar panels as an energy source that blows siren receiving signals via a micro-controller and interfacing circuit. The data generated through the system is transmitted via a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network to responsible organizations in real-time to circulate the warning to local residents. This LEWS is user-friendly and can be easily operated by a community. The successful pilot early warning system has saved 495 people from 117 households in August 2018. However, landslide monitoring and dissemination of warning information remains a complex process where technical and communications skill should work closely together.  相似文献   
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