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The concentrations of 26 elements have been investigated in seven BCS certified reference samples using three varieties of neutron activation analysis. The ANRT granite GS-N was used as the comparator reference material while the USGS basalt BHVO-1 and the GIT-IWG basalt BE-N were analysed concurrently to assess the analytical accuracy.  相似文献   
Third-order geomorphometric variables (based on third derivatives of the altitudinal field) have been neglected in geomorphometry, but their application to the delimitation of surface objects will lead to their increasing significance in future. New techniques of computation, presented and evaluated here, facilitate their use. This paper summarizes recent knowledge concerning definition, computation and geomorphologic interpretation of these variables. Formulae defining various third-order variables are unified based on the physical definition of slope gradient. Methods for their computation are compared from the point of view of method error and error generated by digital elevation model (DEM) inaccuracy. For exact mathematical test surfaces, the most natural and simple variant of the method of central differences (CD2) shows a method error 2–3 times smaller than the other methods used recently in geomorphometry. However, success in coping with DEM inaccuracy depends (for a given grid mesh) on the number and weighting of points from which the derivative is computed. This was tested for surfaces with varying degrees of random error. Here least squares-based methods are the most effective for mixed derivatives (especially for finer grids and less accurate DEMs), while a variant of the CD method, that repeats numerical evaluation of first derivatives (CD1), is the most successful for derivatives in cardinal directions. The CD2 method is generally the most successful for coarser grids where the method error is dominant.

Utilization of third-order variables is documented from examples of terrain feature (ridge, valley and edge) extraction and from a first statistical test of the hypothesis that real segments of the land surface have a tendency to a constant value of some morphometric variable. For detection of (sharp) ridges and valleys, it is shown that the rate of change of tangential curvature is inadequate: rate of change of normal curvature is also required. A basic confirmation of the constant-value tendency is provided.  相似文献   
Abstract— SA-1, an unusual basaltic plagioclase-olivine inclusion (POI) in Allende, has concentric textural and mineralogic zones, a fine-grained, 100μm outer border and a coarse-grained interior with subophitic texture. Fassaite, diopside and olivine from the exterior border and interior of SA-1 have uniform intrinsic mass fractionation with isotopically heavy Mg (FMg = 3.6 ± 1.8‰/amu). In contrast, spinels from the spinel-rich regions adjacent to the fine-grained border have normal Mg isotopic composition (FMg = 0.1 ± 1.5‰/amu). The cores of large calcic (An90,99) plagioclase have no excess 26Mg, corresponding to 26Mg*/ 27Al < 3.7 × 10?6. The Mg isotopic heterogeneity in SA-1 requires initial cooling rates of spinel-rich regions adjacent to the fine-grained border to be greater than ~75 °C/hr. In contrast, the subophitic texture of the interior suggests cooling rates of 5–20 °C/ hr. The minerals in SA-1 exhibit a wide range of REE abundances. Lanthanum concentrations vary from 1 × chondritic (ch) in early crystallizing diopside to 100 × ch in late crystallizing fassaite. Nepheline has 18–20 × ch LREE and 11–25 × ch HREE and iron-rich mesostasis is highly enriched in the REE with 270–400 × ch LREE and 230–280 × ch HREE. The complementary REE patterns of clinopyroxene and plagioclase and the enrichment of incompatible trace elements in the mesostasis and late crystallizing phases is consistent with closed system crystallization. The REE data for nepheline and the iron-rich mesostasis indicate these phases are in equilibrium and that nepheline crystallized from a melt. Influx of alkalies, minor Fe and halogens must have occurred during the last stages of crystallization or the inclusion must have been partially molten during Na influx as both anorthite (An99) and nepheline are present in this inclusion. The preservation of isotopic heterogeneity in an inclusion that crystallized from a melt implies that melting was incomplete, allowing for survival of the relict spinels. The major and trace element abundances in SA-1 are inconsistent with formation as a mixture of nebular materials and suggest that SA-1 contains a chemically fractionated component produced by igneous differentiation.  相似文献   
As a pilot study of the role of water in the attenuation ofseismic waves in the Earth's upper mantle, we have performeda series of seismic-frequency torsional forced-oscillation experimentson a natural (Anita Bay) dunite containing accessory hydrousphases, at high temperatures to 1300°C and confining pressure(Pc) of 200 MPa, within a gas-medium high-pressure apparatus.Both oven-dried and pre-fired specimens wrapped in Ni–Fefoil within the (poorly) vented assembly were recovered essentiallydry after 50–100 h of annealing at 1300°C followedby slow staged cooling. The results for those specimens indicatebroadly similar absorption-band viscoelastic behaviour, butwith systematic differences in the frequency dependence of strain-energydissipation Q–1, attributed to differences in the smallvolume fraction of silicate melt and its spatial distribution.In contrast, it has been demonstrated that a new assembly involvinga welded Pt capsule retains aqueous fluid during prolonged exposureto high temperatures—allowing the first high-temperaturetorsional forced-oscillation measurements under high aqueousfluid pore pressure Pf. At temperatures >1000°C, a markedreduction in shear modulus, without concomitant increase inQ–1, is attributed to the widespread wetting of grainboundaries resulting from grain-scale hydrofracturing and themaintenance of conditions of low differential pressure Pd =Pc – Pf . Staged cooling from 1000°C is accompaniedby decreasing Pf and progressive restoration of significantlypositive differential pressure resulting in a microstructuralregime in which the fluid on grain boundaries is increasinglyrestricted to arrays of pores. The more pronounced viscoelasticbehaviour observed within this regime for the Pt-encapsulatedspecimen compared with the essentially dry specimens may reflectboth water-enhanced solid-state relaxation and the direct influenceof the fluid phase. The scenario of overpressurized fluids andhydrofracturing in the Pt-encapsulated dunite specimen may havesome relevance to the high Q–1 and low-velocity zonesobserved in subduction-zone environments. The outcomes of thisexploratory study indicate that the presence of water can havea significant effect on the seismic wave attenuation in theupper mantle and provide the foundation for more detailed studieson the role of water. KEY WORDS: seismic wave attenuation; water; dunite; hydrous mineral; shear modulus; viscoelasticity; olivine; grain-scale hydrofracturing  相似文献   
Bubble coalescence is an important process that strongly affects magmatic degassing. Without coalescence, bubbles remain isolated from one another in the melt, severely limiting gas release. Despite this fact, very little has been done to identify coalescence mechanisms from textures of magmatic rocks or to quantify the dynamics of bubble coalescence in melts. In this paper, we present a systematic study of bubble-coalescence mechanisms and dynamics in natural and experimentally produced bubbly rhyolite magma. We have used a combination of natural observations aided by high-resolution X-ray computed tomography, petrological experiments, and physical models to identify different types of bubble?Cbubble interaction that lead to coalescence on the timescales of magma ascent and eruption. Our observations and calculations suggest that bubbles most efficiently coalesce when inter-bubble melt walls thin by stretching rather than by melt drainage from between converging bubble walls. Orders of magnitude are more rapid than melt drainage, bubble wall stretching produces walls thin enough that inter-bubble pressure gradients may cause the melt wall to dimple, further enhancing coalescence. To put these results into volcanogical context, we have identified magma ascent conditions where each coalescence mechanism should act, and discuss the physical conditions for preserving coalescence structures in natural pumice. The timescales we propose could improve volcanic eruption models, which currently do not account for bubble coalescence. Although we do not address the effect of shear strain on bubble coalescence, the processes discussed here may operate in several different eruption regimes, including vesiculation of lava domes, post-fragmentation frothing of vulcanian bombs, and bubbling of pyroclasts in conduits.  相似文献   
Sediments from Tugulnuit Lake in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada, were examined for chironomid assemblages. The chironomid stratigraphy obtained encompasses the last 4000 to 5000 years and suggests a warm and fairly stable climate typical for a temperate lake at low- to mid-elevation. This is indicated by the even distribution of warm-water taxa, such as Cladopelma, Dicrotendipes, Polypedilum, Pentaneurini, Stempellina, Stempellinella/Zavrelia and Pseudochironomus throughout the core. Very few cold-water taxa occurred in the sediments. However, stream inputs have had a major impact on Tugulnuit Lake. Sandy sediments and the appearance of Simuliidae and stream-inhabiting chironomid taxa (e.g., Brillia/Euryhapsis, Eukiefferiella/Tvetenia, Rheocricotopus) indicate that a stream intruded into the current lake's basin ca. 3800 yr Before Present (BP). Sediments deposited prior to, and after, the stream's intrusion show a distinctly different chironomid assemblage exhibiting chironomid taxa more typical for lentic habitats. This result indicates that chironomids can serve to detect past stream influences on lake environments. Thus, rheophilic chironomids preserved in lake cores provide a new alternative for reconstructing stream palaeoenvironmental records.  相似文献   
Tritium?Chelium groundwater dating was carried out in a trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated valley-fill aquifer system in Quebec, Canada, where a numerical groundwater flow model was developed. Forty seven discrete groundwater and dissolved gas samples were obtained along two flow paths originating from known TCE source zones whose related plumes converge down gradient to form a single plume. Sampling points in monitoring wells were projected onto vertical sections showing particle tracks along the two flow paths. At these points, simulated advective ages obtained from particle tracking were matched to tritium?Chelium ages using different porosity values; the best match was 0.35. Ages were also obtained above and below a prodeltaic silty aquitard in a portion of the aquifer where some source zones are located, which provide groundwater and TCE transit times through the aquitard as well as a mean vertical hydraulic conductivity that agrees with previous estimates used in the model. In certain locations, anomalously old ages associated with high terrigenic 4He indicate areas where groundwater from the underlying proglacial unit flows upward into the deltaic sand aquifer through aquitard windows. Upflow locations correspond with increased TCE concentrations, suggesting significant TCE provenance through the proglacial unit originating from a previously unrecognized TCE source zone.  相似文献   
Urban models are evolving to require more and more detailed data that in many cases have to be spatially disaggregated from larger zones. This paper deals with the disaggregation of statistical data in an urban context in which land use data are available at a less detailed level. With the availability of land use data, the traditional approach of areal weighting is improved with an areal and land use weighted approach. This weighted approach is further elaborated to include homogeneous weight zones (HWZ) so as to reflect general geographical variations among the same land use type. A case study in Wuhan, China has demonstrated the effectiveness of the doubly weighted approach within the specified context.  相似文献   
In the present study, we have investigated the conditions influencing encystment and excystment in the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium instriatum under laboratory conditions. We incubated G. instriatum in modified whole SWM-3 culture medium and in versions of modified SWM-3 from which NO3 , PO4 3−, NO3 + PO4 3−, or Si had been omitted and observed encystment. Percentage encystment was high in the media without N and without P, while the percentage encystment in the medium lacking both N and P was highest. Moreover, to investigate N or P concentration which induced the encystment, Gyrodinium instriatum was also incubated in media with different concentrations of inorganic N and P; the concentrations of NO2 + NO3 and PO4 3− were measured over time. The precursors of cysts appeared within 2 or 3 days of a decrease in NO2 + NO3 or PO4 3− concentration to values lower than 1 μM or 0.2 μM, respectively. When cysts produced in the laboratory were incubated, we observed excystment after 8–37 days, without a mandatory period of darkness or low temperature. We incubated cysts collected from nature at different temperatures or in the dark or light and observed excystments. Natural cysts excysted at temperatures from 10 to 30°C, in both light and dark, but excystment was delayed at low temperatures. These studies indicate that G. instriatum encysts in low N or P concentration and excysts over a wide temperature range, regardless of light conditions, after short dormancy periods.  相似文献   
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