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Earthquake populations have recently been shown to have many similarities with critical-point phenomena, with fractal scaling of source sizes (energy or seismic moment) corresponding to the observed Gutenberg–Richter (G–R) frequency–magnitude law holding at low magnitudes. At high magnitudes, the form of the distribution depends on the seismic moment release rate M˙ and the maximum magnitude m max . The G–R law requires a sharp truncation at an absolute maximum magnitude for finite M˙ . In contrast, the gamma distribution has an exponential tail which allows a soft or 'credible' maximum to be determined by negligible contribution to the total seismic moment release. Here we apply both distributions to seismic hazard in the mainland UK and its immediate continental shelf, constrained by a mixture of instrumental, historical and neotectonic data. Tectonic moment release rates for the seismogenic part of the lithosphere are calculated from a flexural-plate model for glacio-isostatic recovery, constrained by vertical deformation rates from tide-gauge and geomorphological data. Earthquake focal mechanisms in the UK show near-vertical strike-slip faulting, with implied directions of maximum compressive stress approximately in the NNW–SSE direction, consistent with the tectonic model. Maximum magnitudes are found to be in the range 6.3–7.5 for the G–R law, or 7.0–8.2 m L for the gamma distribution, which compare with a maximum observed in the time period of interest of 6.1 m L . The upper bounds are conservative estimates, based on 100 per cent seismic release of the observed vertical neotectonic deformation. Glacio-isostatic recovery is predominantly an elastic rather than a seismic process, so the true value of m max is likely to be nearer the lower end of the quoted range.  相似文献   
We present a design for a large diameter piston corer, deployed from a raft that is suitable for use in shallow lakes. The piston corer, known as Big Ben, consists of a core tube, a piston on a rope and a corer head, to which rods are attached to drive the tube into the sediment. A core catcher, which aids the support of the core tube when full of sediment, has been incorporated into the design. To extrude the sediment, a framework has been designed to keep the core tube upright and stationary and a modified bottle jack is used to push the piston upwards during the extrusion process. The practical operation of the Big Ben coring system from setting up a coring platform to collecting and safely extruding a core is detailed. Finally we summarise recent experiences of deploying the corer and highlight its potential uses in the developing field of multi-proxy palaeolimnology.  相似文献   
We compared water chemistry and environmental data with midge assemblage data, using multivariate analysis to assess the environmental gradients that limit midge (Chironomidae, Chaoboridae and Ceratopogonidae) distributions in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, northeastern Manitoba, Canada. Midge remains, comprising 62 taxa, were obtained from surficial sediments of 63 ponds. Ponds were sampled to maximize the salinity gradient. Specific conductance ranged from 46 to 29,000 μS cm?1. Proximity to the coast was a principal determinant of pond salinity, with ponds closer to Hudson Bay shoreline more saline that those farther away. Multivariate analysis indicated that midge distributions have a significant relationship ( $ {\text{r}}_{\text{boot}}^{2} = 0.68 $ ) with salinity in the data set. This work will allow paleolimnological inferences of midge community responses to changing sea level (i.e. salinity) via isostatic rebound within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, and will provide essential limnological information to scientists and managers in a region where understanding of aquatic ecosystems is limited. One undescribed midge taxon was dominant in ponds with the highest salinities and may be a key indicator for inferring highly saline environments.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Sediment transfers in a short reach of the Kiwitea Stream, near Fielding, lower North Island, New Zealand, are assessed using morphological budgeting based on repeat digital elevation model (DEM) differencing. Field data were acquired using high-precision GPS in October 2004, May and November 2005. Two interpolation methods to construct DEMs were compared. Universal kriging and Triangulation with Linear Interpolation produced consistent results and mean errors of between 4 and 14 mm. DEM error increases where relief changes rapidly. Sediment transfers are derived only from the low-relief active channel and indicate a rapidly changing environment. Remediation works following 2004 flood impacts have reduced bank erosion. A highly mobile bed renders the channel system sensitive to small and frequent flood events.  相似文献   
This study focuses on Miocene sedimentation and stratigraphic evolution in a major transfer zone at the northern tip of the Thal Fault segment, Gulf of Suez. The succession generally shoals upwards from offshore mudstone containing pro-delta turbidites, into conglomeratic delta foresets and topsets, with sandstone-dominated shoreface facies coexisting laterally. Despite this upward shoaling, key stratal surfaces marking abrupt changes in relative sea-level allow the succession to be divided into four stratal units. The stacking pattern of the stratal units suggests an initial relative sea-level rise that generated a major marine flooding surface. A relative sea-level fall followed, resulting in widespread exposure and incision. During the ensuing relative sea-level rise a lowstand coarse-grained delta and coeval shoreface succession prograded several kilometres basinward. The stratigraphic development of the transfer zone delta is in marked contrast to that of aggradationally stacked deltas that occur near the centre of the Baba-Sidri fault segment, further south. At the transfer zone, low rates of subsidence and accommodation development coupled with a high sediment supply derived from a large fault tip drainage catchment have produced a strongly progradational delta subject to marked changes in relative sea-level. In the fault centre location, however, higher rates of accommodation development coupled with lower rates of sediment supply from footwall catchments have produced aggradationally stacked deltas. The results from this study have implications for sequence stratigraphic models and hydrocarbon exploration within extensional basins.  相似文献   
During the Ediacaran, southern Brazil was the site of multiple episodes of volcanism and sedimentation, which are best preserved in the 3000 km2 Camaquã Basin. The interlayered sedimentary and volcanic rocks record tectonic events and paleoenvironmental changes in a more than 10 km-thick succession. In this contribution, we report new U–Pb and Sm–Nd geochronological constraints for the 605 to 580 Ma Bom Jardim Group, the 570 Ma Acampamento Velho Formation, and a newly-recognized 544 Ma volcanism. Depositional patterns of these units reveal the transition from a restricted, fault-bounded basin into a wide, shallow basin. The expansion of the basin and diminished subsidence rates are demonstrated by increasing areal distribution and compressed isopachs and increasing onlap of sediments onto the basement to the west. The Sm–Nd isotopic composition of the volcanic rocks indicates mixed sources, including crustal rocks from the adjacent basement. Both Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic sources are indicated for the western part of the basin, whereas only the older Paleoproterozoic signature can be discerned in the eastern part of the basin.  相似文献   
The olivine crystals of the 77005 achondrite are brown except for colorless shock lamellae, mottled patches, and grains adjacent to pools of impact melt. Sporadic dark alteration patches in brown olivine and Cr-rich spinel gave the following average electron-microprobe analyses: (olivine) P2O5 0.9, SiO2 57.9, TiO2 0, Al2O3 0.7, Cr2O3 0.4, V2O3 0, Fe2O3 (assumed oxidation state) 17.0, MgO 1.6, CaO 0.2, Na2O 0, K2O 1.8, SO3 (assumed oxidation state) 9.2, Cl 0.1, sum 89.8 wt. %; (spinel) P2O53.5, SiO22.1, TiO2.2.2, Al2O32.1, Cr2O3 13.4, V2O3 0.8, Fe2O3 40.7, MgO 0.9, CaO 0.1, Na2O 0, K2O 2.0, SO3 11.1, Cl 0.1, sum 79.0 wt.%. Ion-microprobe analyses revealed H in both. Rare orange patches in brown olivine from another area gave SiO2 33–35, FeO 30-28, MgO 28–32, sum 93 wt. %. Thermal metamorphism under dry oxidizing conditions is discussed as a possible alternative to shock-induced oxidation for generation of the brown olivine (McSween and Stöffler). Because alteration patches transgress shock lamellae, and because sulfatic alteration occurs in fusion crusts of Antarctic meteorites (Gibson et al., 1983), alteration of the 77005 achondrite at the Antarctic surface is preferred to a complex series of processes needed for pre-terrestrial alteration.  相似文献   
An initial study of the behaviour of He+ ions in the mid-latitude plasmasphere is carried out by solving the time-dependent equations of continuity and momentum. Starting with a low He+ tube content, results are obtained for a period of 8 days. In the topside ionosphere there is an upflow of He+ during the day and downflow at night, for the sunspot maximum conditions considered. The downflow at night differs from the behaviour of H+ for these atmospheric conditions. However, little of the He+ produced in the daytime is lost by recombination at night; it is suggested that the supply of He+ to the mid-latitude plasmasphere is, in effect, an escape process for neutral helium.  相似文献   
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