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星地时间比对的原理及实现 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
文章介绍了几种星地时间比对的方法并对几种方法的精度进行了简要分析。为验证分析的正确性,文章首先采用2002年10月GPS35卫星的伪距和SLR实测数据计算了星地钟差,然后将本文计算的星地钟差与IGS精密星地钟差进行了比较。通过比较分析发现:①利用伪距与卫星激光测距比对计算的星地钟差精度可以达到1.5ns;测定的星地钟差与实际的星地钟差不存在系统差。②利用伪距与卫星激光测距比对可以完成导航卫星钟与地面系统标准时钟的比对;该方法有助于分离导航卫星的坐标和钟差,便于对星地钟差的研究。 相似文献
Mingqun Huo Qian Sun Yuhua Bai Peng Xie Zhaorong Liu Jinlong Li Xuesong Wang Sihua Lu 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2010,67(1):29-43
Rainwater samples were collected at four sites, including Beijing and Mazhuang Town in the north of China, Shenzhen and Mangdang Mountain in the south of China. Character of atmospheric particles and gases were also measured at Mazhuang Town and Mangdang Mountain. Both of Beijing and Shenzhen are urban sites; Mazhuang Town and Mangdang Mountain are rural and remote sites respectively. The atmospheric pollution at rural plain site in the north of China was more serious than that at remote mountain site in the south of China. At Beijing, Mazhuang Town, Shenzhen and Mangdang Mountain the average pH values in rainwater were 6.02, 5.97, 4.72 and 4.81, respectively and the concentrations of total ions in rainwater were 1454, 1125, 187 and 191 μeq/l, respectively. While the acidity of the rain was higher in the south than that in the north, the rainwater in the north of China was more severely polluted than that in the south. The major acidic ion in the rainwater is SO42-, and NH4+ is the most important neutralizing ion in rainwater at the four sites, followed by Ca2+. The amounts of organic acid in precipitation were compared with other sites in the world. The ratios of organic acid to total free acid in rainwater at Mangdang Mountain was 13.8% and the influence of organic acid on acidity of rainwater at mountain site in the south of China is more important. The variation of atmospheric particles, gases and components in rainwater and cloud-fog water during special rain and cloud-fog events was discussed. The importance of washout process varied with atmospheric species. The impacts of rainfall, rain duration time and wind speed on wash-out process were estimated by regression analysis. 相似文献
Three-dimensional reconstruction of objects buried in layered media using Born and distorted Born iterative methods 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Fenghua Li Qing Huo Liu Lin-Ping Song 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE》2004,1(2):107-111
We develop electromagnetic inverse scattering methods to reconstruct three-dimensional (3-D) objects buried in layered media. The nonlinear inverse problem is solved iteratively via the conjugate-gradient approach; within each iteration, the problem is linearized by Born and distorted Born approximations. The forward solution for layered media is provided by the stabilized biconjugate-gradient fast Fourier transform method. The inversion results from the Born and distorted Born iterative methods are presented, and the effects of the aperture size and noise on the inversion results are also investigated. Numerical results show that these methods are capable of reconstructing an arbitrary 3-D inhomogeneous object buried in a multilayered medium with high resolution. 相似文献
YANG Xinghu HE Qing ALI Mamtimin HUO Wen LIU Xinchun STRAKE Miriam 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2012,26(2):241-249
Dust emission by wind erosion in surface is a serious problem in many arid regions around the world,and it is harmful to the ecological environment,human health,and social economy.To monitor the characteristics of saltation activity and to calculate the threshold wind velocity and sediment discharge under field conditions have significance on the research of dust emission by wind erosion.Therefore,a field experiment was conducted over the flat sand in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert.One sampling system was installed on the flat sand surface at Tazhong,consisting of a meteorological tower with a height of 2 m,a piezoelectric saltation sensor(Sensit),and a Big Spring Number Eight(BSNE) sampler station.Occurrence of saltation activity was recorded every second using the Sensit.Each BSNE station consisted of five BSNE samplers with the lowest sampler at 0.05 m and the highest sampler at 1.0 m above the soil surface.Sediment was collected from the samplers every 24 h.It is found that saltation activity was detected for only 21.5% of the hours measured,and the longest period of saltation activity occurring continuously was not longer than 5 min under the field conditions.The threshold wind velocity was variable,its minimum value was 4.9 m s 1,the maximum value was 9.2 m s 1,and the average value was 7.0 m s 1.The threshold wind velocity presented a positive linear increase during the measurement period.The observation site had a sediment discharge of 82.1 kg m 1 over a period of 24 h.Based on hourly saltation counts,hourly sediment discharge was estimated.Overall,there was no obvious linear or other functional relationship between the hourly sediment discharge and wind velocity.The results show that the changes of sediment discharge do not quite depend on wind velocity. 相似文献
为定量评估我国北方地区苹果不同干旱等级灾害时空分布特征,以我国苹果主产地为研究区域,对前人提出的干旱指数进行等级划分,结合历史灾情资料,对划分的等级进行验证;利用验证后的干旱指数,明确1981—2016年苹果不同干旱等级时空变化特征。结果表明:划分的干旱指数等级能够较好地反映我国北方地区苹果实际干旱特征;各生育阶段甘肃省中北部、宁夏回族自治区各年代以重旱发生为主,山西省、陕西省、山东省以及河南省干旱等级随年代变化较大;重旱发生面积在果树萌动-花芽萌动和成熟-落叶生育阶段1981—2000年随年代变化逐渐增加;各生育阶段无旱和重旱高频区频率高于50%,轻旱和中旱高频区频率高于30%;1981—2016年轻旱发生范围最大,果树萌动-花芽萌动生育阶段的重旱和盛花-成熟生育阶段的中旱站次比呈显著上升趋势。研究区域西北地区干旱严重,且发生频率较高。 相似文献
1 农业气象灾害预警技术研究
对华北农业干旱、东北作物低温冷害、江淮小麦油菜渍害、华南经济林果寒害和水产寒害等农业气象灾害分别建立了统计预测模型和机理预测模型相结合、长中短不同预报时效相结合的预警预测模型.其中作物生长模型与区域气候模式相结合的新一代农业气象灾害预测技术在实现区域尺度预测应用上取得重要进展;各类预测模型在灾害指标、预测方法上取得新的突破,预报准确率进一步提高.在此基础上,成功研制出包含多种预测方法、不同预报时效、可供准业务运行的农业气象灾害多灾种综合预测预警系统.课题研制的模型进行了业务试验,部分成果如广东经济林果寒害预警已投入业务运行.课题于2005年12月顺利通过项目主持单位农业部组织的专家验收.该课题成果代表了我国目前农业气象灾害预警预测研究的最新进展和水平,对于进一步开展和提高其他地区、其他灾害的预报能力具有一定的推广借鉴作用和应用前景. 相似文献
针对目前河南省气象信息网络实时业务需要,设计并实现了一种基于客户端/服务器(C/S)模式的气象信息网络监控系统.该系统采用数据库技术、GIS二次开发组件技术在Borland C + +Builder 5.0环境下开发完成,实现了对各类上行气象报文传输质量、网络质量、新一代天气雷达产品传输率的自动实时监控,监控结果以表格和图形两种形式实时自动刷新,出现错情后自动报警,还实现了省中心到台站网络质量专题信息的地图发布.系统内容丰富,界面友好,具有较强的实用性. 相似文献
对流有效位能计算的新方案 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对流有效位能是强对流天气分析预报的重要参数。本文通过理论推导,提出了载水气块和非载水气块两种情况下,对流有效位能的两个新的计算方案,分别记作CAPEw和CAPE。该方案与以往的方案有很大的不同和根本的区别,更加合理和符合实际。编制了相应的计算程序,可以计算两种情况下的对流抑制能量CINw、CIN,对流有效位能CAPEw、CAPE,抬升凝结高度LCL(二者相同),自由对流高度LFCw、LFC,对流凝结高度CCL(二者相同)以及平衡高度ELw、EL;可以预报对流温度Tg(二者相同);可以分析地面和高空温度、湿度、等压面高度发生变化时,CINw、CIN和CAPEw、CAPE等的数值变化情况,便于业务应用和理论研究。还讨论了影响对流有效位能局地变化的因子和预报思路。 相似文献
基于1958—2018年中国北方冬小麦主产区8个主产省(市)小麦蚜虫发生面积、防治面积和小麦播种面积、产量损失、561个气象站点逐日气象资料和典型农业气象站小麦发育期资料,采用相关分析、主成分分析和回归分析等方法,构建华北、黄淮及苏皖地区小麦蚜虫分区域的气候致灾指数。以小麦蚜虫年代际气候致灾指数所划分不同致灾等级发生频次作为小麦蚜虫气候危险性指标,采用小麦蚜虫发生面积率作为脆弱性指标,防治面积与发生面积比值作为防灾减灾能力指标,综合评估小麦蚜虫气候风险趋势。结果表明:北方冬小麦主产区小麦蚜虫气候危险性呈增加态势,年代际差异明显;小麦蚜虫发生脆弱性随年代变化也呈逐步加重态势;小麦蚜虫防灾减灾能力总体呈逐步增强趋势,20世纪90年代提升显著;90年代起小麦蚜虫气候风险逐步加重,高风险范围逐渐扩大,华北、黄淮分别于21世纪初、2011—2018年风险等级达最高;小麦蚜虫气候风险高的区域主要分布在北京、天津、河北中南部大部、山东北部部分地区,较高区域分布在山东大部、河南北部等地。 相似文献