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河南省华北型寒武纪—早奥陶世地层可分为7个组、21个生物带、10个阶。各组均为向北东、北西向的穿时体。向北东向穿时较高,反映向北东向的海侵较慢。自晚寒武世起,南西方向开始抬升,海水向北东方向运移。向北东方向抬升比北西方向慢,结束沉积晚。  相似文献   
河南省华北型石炭—二叠纪岩石地层可分为本溪组、太原组、山西组、石盒子组和孙家沟组,石盒子组又可分为小风口段、云盖山段和平顶山段。年代地层可分为12个阶,生物地层可分为10个连续组合带。岩石、生物及年代地层的对比表明,本溪组、太原组向南穿时,反映海侵由北向南;山西组上部和石盒子组向北穿时,揭示海水由南向北回泛。早二叠世前海水向南流注入北秦岭海槽,晚二叠世北秦岭褶皱,导致北秦岭海槽闭合,华北陆块南缘抬升、水体北流,成为内陆盆地。  相似文献   
黄金可以入药,历代本草均有记载。但因不溶性金被人体吸收极微,内服有一定毒性,加之其价格昂贵及一些药理学和比较复杂的检测处理与技术加工问题,不能普遍应用。自然界许多动植物都是聚金能手,特别是生长于富金岩石及金矿床风化土壤中的植物含金一般较高,部分动物因以含金植物为食,体内也含一定量的金,并且有些动植物本身就是中药材和食物。据此建议采取一定手段将含金较高、但未达工业品级的岩石,通过生物循环把金聚集至动、植物体内,金与动植物体内蛋白质等有机质结合成金的有机络合物,将此类动植物用于医疗或食疗,既可减小金的毒性,便于人体吸收,又可把未达工业品级的含金岩石利用起来。豫西某构造蚀变岩金矿,其上覆土壤中生长着含金植物,这些植物灰分中含金4×10-9~98×10-9,其中以野苋菜的籽和叶灰分中含金最高(含金75×10-9~98×10-9),看来在本区用野苋菜籽和叶灰分中金含量进行找矿是可行的  相似文献   
一次春季强寒潮的降水相态变化分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
应用NCEP 1°×1°资料、常规观测资料、自动站资料、多普勒天气雷达资料,对2007年3月河北省一次早春强寒潮天气背景下的降水多相态转换的成因与雨雪转换的预报进行了分析.结果表明:850hPa及以下蒙古高压和江淮气旋共同作用产生的偏东风导致低层大气温度持续下降,降水性质从雨转为雪.随着江淮气旋入海,高低空风向发生突变,从东北风转为西北风,加上太行山地形作用,使太行山东麓部分地区低层大气出现小幅升温,0℃层高度抬升,致使从雪转为雨.多普勒天气雷达回波图上,0℃层亮带高度的迅速下降,可作为从液态降水向固态降水转换的判据之一.天气学分析表明,当0℃层高度低于950hPa、地面气温在0℃上下、1000hPa温度低于2℃、925hPa温度低于-2℃时,降水性质将从雨向雨夹雪或雪转变.  相似文献   
蔡敏  黄艳  朱宵峰  沈锦栋  金培  吴惠娟 《气象》2009,35(7):95-100
地质灾害成因复杂,其中以气象因素、地质地貌因素引发的地质灾害最为常见.以金华地区为例,通过对金华市地质地貌条件及其对地质灾害点的调查,将全区划分为4个地质灾害隐患风险等级的网格区域.在此基础上利用金华中尺度气象资料,采用BP神经网络模型,建立地质灾害细网格预报模型,对该模型进行模拟和预报试验.结果表明,合理的隐患风险等级分区能使预报模型更符合科学规律,而采用分布较细的中尺度资料作为预报因子能进一步提高预报精度.模型的预报结果达到一定的可信度,为防灾减灾工作提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
Active galactic nuclei(AGNs) can be divided into two major classes, namely radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. A small subset of the radio-loud AGNs is called blazars, which are believed to be unified with Fanaroff-Riley type Ⅰ/Ⅱ(FRI/Ⅱ) radio galaxies. Following our previous work(Fan et al.), we present a sample of 2400 sources with measured radio flux densities of the core and extended components. The sample contains 250 BL Lacs, 520 quasars, 175 Seyferts, 1178 galaxies, 153 FRI or FRⅡ galaxies and 104 unidentified sources. We then calculate the radio core-dominance parameters and spectral indices, and study their relationship. Our analysis shows that the core-dominance parameters and spectral indices are quite different for different types of sources. We also confirm that the correlation between core-dominance parameter and spectral index exists for a large sample presented in this work.  相似文献   
埃文斯目视日晕光度计(Evans Visual Sky Photometer,EVSP)是应用于日冕仪选址的重要仪器,从20世纪40年代一直使用至今,它为现代日晕光度计的定标提供了参考标准。通过使用云南天文台现存的一架EVSP研究了它的工作原理,并重点介绍了所利用的简易定标方法。给出了国际现有的多台EVSP日晕亮度定标曲线。由于EVSP内部光学元件反射率和透过率,以及中性渐变光楔的光学密度等存在未知的时间缓变特点,因此利用这种新定标手段可以高效经济地获得各自的定标曲线。  相似文献   
The Antarctic site-testing campaigns have shown that Dome C is an excellent astronomical site on the earth, it is better than any of existing mid-latitude astronomical sites in the world, because of its cold and dry weather, low infrared background radiation, continuously observable time as long as 34 months, clear and highly transparent atmosphere, low wind speed, and the absence of dust and light pollution. And in the international astronomical community it is generally believed that Dome A with a higher altitude may be better than Dome C as a potential excellent astronomical site. In the past 3 years, although held by the Center for Antarctic Astronomy of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the site testing at Dome A has preliminarily con?rmed the many advantages of Dome A as an excellent astronomical site, but the data about the atmospheric seeing, which is an important parameter for assessing the site quality for optical observations, have not been obtained until now. Hence, on the basis of a commercial telescope with the diameter of 35 cm, we have made the hardware reformation and software development to have it operate as a DIMM (Differential Image Motion Monitor), which can simultaneously monitor both the seeing and isoplanatic angle at Dome A automatically. At present this instrument has been shipped to Antarctica by the “Xuelong” exploration ship, and will be installed at Dome A, and begin to work in early 2011. Before the shipment, by through the comparative measurements together with an existing seeing monitor at the Xinglong astronomical station, the software, hardware, as well as the installation and adjustment of the instrument, are further veri?ed by testing.  相似文献   
裴春传  曾琴 《天文学报》1998,39(1):103-105
使用紫金山天文台青海观测站13.7米毫米波射电望远镜,于1996年12月10日至1997年1月2日和1997年3月25日至1997年4月4日对海尔-波普彗星的CO分子J=1—0转动跃迁谱线(频率为115.27120GHz)进行了观测.观测谱线表明,CO分子相对于地心的速度比彗星整体相对于地心的速度要小些,即有蓝移现象.这反映了CO分子是由该彗星迎着太阳的面以一定的速度产生出来的.从观测谱线中还初步估算了该彗星CO分子的产生速率.  相似文献   
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