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中国地质灾害类型、分布及防治建议 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
胡海涛 《水文地质工程地质》1993,20(2):1-7
本文提出了中国地质灾害的空间分类和成因分类系统,并根据13类常见的地质灾害组合类型进行了区划,基本上反映了我国高原、山地、内陆盆地、平原及滨海地区地质灾害的地带性和地区性分布规律,以小比例尺图显示了中国地质灾害的类型与分布。该图共划分为11个地质灾害区。在此基础上初步论述了1949—1990年间我国崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的主要受灾地区和受灾损失。最后,根据当前形势,提出了减灾、防灾的对策意见和建议。 相似文献
双排桩-锚杆支护的有限元模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基坑支护模型往往在计算假定的基础上建立,而依据计算假定建立的模型往往不能得到和实际相符的结果。但有限元软件可以较为真实的模拟基坑开挖的过程中应力和位移的变化情况,是土工数值分析的重要手段。本文运用大型有限元软件ABAQUS建立双排桩-锚杆结构有限元模型,全面的考虑土体的特性、桩土的共同作用及桩间土对支护结构的影响等因素,分析支护结构在土体开挖荷载作用下的内力和变形,为设计和施工提供了参考。 相似文献
在对粉喷桩复合地基现有的沉降计算理论分析的基础上,结合粉喷桩的荷载传递规律,提出符合工程实际的沉降计算方法。 相似文献
Based on the scattering coda model by which local and regional earthquakes are interpreted (K. Aki, 1969), and using observational coda data of 68 aftershocks of the 1985 Luquan, Yunnan earthquake registered by the VGK seismographs installed at 12 stations in the Yunnan regional short-period network, theQ-values of coda waves are calculated respectively for 6 time intervals. It is observed that within the frequency range of 0.40–1.65 Hz of the observed data, theQ-values are closely related with the frequencies and the calculated codaQ ranges between 80–240 with the coefficient of frequency dependence η=0.45. The calculated source factorsB(f> p) of the coda waves which indicate the scattering strength are mostly within the order 10?23–10?24. Areas with lowQ-values present high scattering. It should be noted that by comparing data obtained before and after the Luquan earthquake, clear changes can be detected in theQ-values measured at stations close to the epicentral region, and that theQ-values of the aftershock coda are less than about one half of the pre-shock values. It may be mentioned that the time-dependent regional variations of theQ-values might possibly bring about practical significance in earthquake prediction. Moreover, aftershock focal parameters are determined. Through discussions on the quantitative relations between the focal parameters, we get: 1gE=1.59M L+ 11.335;E=(2.10 × 10?5)M 0; length of focal rupturea=0.40?0.80 km for 3.0≤M L<5.0 events; stress drop Δσ=(6.0–130) ×105 Pa. Through interpretation of the data, we have also learned the important characteristics that there is no linear relation between the stress drops and the earthquake magnitudes. 相似文献
The morphometry of chutes (couloirs), rock funnels, and open cirques are related to the structure of dissected rock masses in the Kananaskis region of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Data for ten morphometric variables were derived from digital elevation models of 56 open rock basins. The basins were classified structurally according to the relative orientations of bedding planes and the rock slopes. A hypothesis of no differences in morphometry among structural classes is rejected from the results of nonparametric analysis of variance and paired comparisons of rank scores. Basins on dip and overdip slopes have a distinct size, and those on anaclinal slopes have a distinct width and shape. Variation in morphometry from low compactness and area/relief (chutes) to high compactness and low area/relief (funnels) to high compactness and area/relief (open cirques) corresponds to a change in dominant structure from orthoclinal to dip-overdip to underdip to anaclinal. The dip of bedding planes relative to the slope of rockwalls controls the mode of initial displacement of joint blocks and, thereby, the spatial distribution of the retreat of rockwalls. The angle between the rock slope and the strike of dipping strata determines whether beds of differing stability form chutes and buttresses (orthoclinal slopes), or extend across rockwalls (cataclinal and anaclinal slopes) and retreat at similar rates to form funnels and open cirques. The optimal structure for large compact rock basins is anaclinal, and the least favourable is cataclinal dip-overdip slopes. Topoclimate and other geologic structures may account for variance in morphometry not explained by differences among structural classes. 相似文献
黄土结构性力学特性研究与应用的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
大孔隙、高孔隙比、欠压密的非饱和黄土具有显著的结构性,结构性是影响土力学性质的关键因素。在讨论土结构性力学特性研究途径的基础上,从反映土的结构可稳性和可变性的综合结构势出发,阐述了反映力、水作用的黄土压缩变形结构性参数、应力结构性参数和应力比结构性参数,以及与土的物理性质指标对应的反映结构特征的构度。通过黄土的单轴抗压试验、非饱和直接剪切试验、三轴试验和真三轴试验,揭示了结构性参数和构度的变化规律,以及它们分别与强度指标之间的关系,提出了湿、剪变形过程等结构性临界状态的概念。将正常固结土视为结构性参数或构度等于1的无结构性土,在修正剑桥模型的基础上,考虑临界状态线和等向压缩曲线随结构性参数的变化,建立了结构性屈服面方程,为建立结构性弹塑性本构方程打下了基础。同时,阐述了黄土隧道围岩和黄土地基稳定性分析中应用结构性强度变化规律研究成果的途径,深化了黄土体稳定性分析的理论基础。 相似文献
含硬包体混凝土试样在底面支撑侧面双轴加压至主破裂的情况下波速场的变化图象为:加压初期,试样上的纵波平均速度在4175~4615m/s之间变化,随着压力升高,出现小于4175m/s的低速区,但范围甚小,位置在两个包体之间。随后出现大于4615m/s的高速区,范围大致与包体位置一致。随着σ1的增加,低速区在逐渐变大,高速区逐步减小后又重新变大,高速区与低速区在平面上相互重叠,在空间上看,高速区被低速区包围着。临近主破裂时,低速区变小并逐步形成条带,高速区也变小,主要集中在靠近未来出现破裂的一个包体位置上。最终的破裂面出现在此高速区与低速条带交界附近,包体也局部破裂了。 相似文献
This paper presents an analysis of the rocking vibrations of a rigid cylindrical foundation embedded in poroelastic soil. The foundation is subjected to time‐harmonic rocking excitation and is perfectly bonded to the surrounding soil. The soil underlying the foundation base is represented by a homogeneous poroelastic half‐space, whereas the soil along the side of the foundation is modeled as an independent poroelastic stratum composed of a series of infinitesimally thin layers. The behavior of the soil is governed by Biot's poroelastodynamic theory. The contact surface between the foundation base and the poroelastic soil is assumed to be smooth and either fully permeable or impermeable. The dynamic interaction problem is solved by employing a simplified analytical method. Some numerical results for the nondimensional rocking dynamic impedance and nondimensional angular displacement amplitude of the foundation are presented to show the effect of nondimensional frequency of excitation, poroelastic material parameters, hydraulic boundary condition, depth ratio and mass ratio of the foundation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献