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Two approaches of generating pore networks of porous media are presented to capture the pore fabric. The first methodology extracted pore structure from a computer simulated packing of spheres. The modified Delaunay tessellation was used to describe the porous media, and modified Nelder–Mead method in conjunction with three pore‐merging algorithms was used to generate the pore size and coordination number distributions of the randomly packed spheres. The Biconical Abscissa Asymmetric CONcentric bond was used to describe the connection between two adjacent voids. This algorithm was validated by predicting pore structure of a cubic array of spheres of equal radius with known pore sizes, throat sizes and coordination number distributions. The predicted distributions of pore structure agreed well with the measured. Then, the algorithm was used to predict pore structure and permeability of randomly packed spherical particles, and predicted permeability values were compared with published experimental data. The results showed that the predicted permeability values were in good agreement with those measured, confirming the proposed algorithm can capture the main flow paths of packed beds. The second methodology generated an equivalent pore network of porous media, of which the centers of voids were located in a regular lattice with constant pore center distance. However, this network allowed for matching both main geometrical and topological characteristics of the porous media. A comparison of the two approaches suggested that the second approach can also be used as a predictive tool to quantitatively study the microscopic properties of flow through porous media. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于批判地缘政治学视角解读经典地缘政治理论   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
大国间的争霸与兴衰更替,无不受地缘法则的支配。地理学者应紧跟时代的步伐,准确把握国家利益之所在,抓住机遇为民族伟大复兴做出贡献。但是,缺乏对地缘政治学的历史和哲学的批判将不能准确理解和有效实践地缘政治理论。本文简要介绍了批判地缘政治学的发展,总结了批判地缘政治学的3个特点,据此对4个经典地缘政治理论进行了解读。为了简化解读过程,首先提出了一个解读4个经典地缘政治理论的分析框架;其次根据这个分析框架重点解读了麦金德的"历史的地理枢纽";最后对4个经典地缘政治理论进行了批判性总结。通过批判性解读,得出经典地缘政治理论既有科学性一面,也有假说性和理念性的一面。经典地缘政治理论构建是基于国际地缘格局、国家利益空间分布、国家间空间冲突而构建的,并展现了理论建构者的身份,体现了地缘政治理论的历史性、社会性、情境性和地理知识—权力结构。  相似文献   
GALILEO和GPS综合系统PDOP评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对GALILEO、GPS各自星座系统的PDOP,以及GPS+GALILEO综合系统的PDOP进行了仿真。仿真结果从技术角度支持了GPS+GALILEO综合系统是一个更为有效的全球卫星导航定位系统,适应GPS+GALILEO综合系统的综合型接收机的研制是十分必要的。  相似文献   
中国地质灾害类型、分布及防治建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了中国地质灾害的空间分类和成因分类系统,并根据13类常见的地质灾害组合类型进行了区划,基本上反映了我国高原、山地、内陆盆地、平原及滨海地区地质灾害的地带性和地区性分布规律,以小比例尺图显示了中国地质灾害的类型与分布。该图共划分为11个地质灾害区。在此基础上初步论述了1949—1990年间我国崩塌、滑坡、泥石流灾害的主要受灾地区和受灾损失。最后,根据当前形势,提出了减灾、防灾的对策意见和建议。  相似文献   
集安群片麻岩中石榴子石和黑云母接触带两侧边缘广泛发育Fe-Mg交换反应所形成的扩散环带,但晶体内部各自保持变质峰期的成分,中温带石榴子石可保留生长环带。经微区化学成分详细研究后,正确运用Grt-Bt温度计获得进变质阶段,变质高峰期和修期后Fe-Mg交换反应停止时的温度条件。按石榴子石和斜长石的微区钙含量变化确定了峰期和退变质阶段压力。据此建立起逆时针形式的变质作用p-T-t轨迹,反映该区早元古代陆壳内裂陷带的闭合过程。  相似文献   
活性炭从硫脲浸出液中回收金的工艺研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张云  杨建元 《矿物岩石》1999,19(2):98-100
本文研究了在酸性硫脲浸出液中活性炭回收金的工艺过程,实验表明,在该浸出液中活性炭对金具有较高的吸附速度、吸附率和吸附容量并易于解吸,为工业应用提供了可靠的技术依据。  相似文献   
Conclusions When the aseismic test of large scale structure is performed, it is a major performance that the actual response waveform is identical to the input signal waveform under the condition of analog control, especially when the damping of the structure tested is small. The rotational motions of the simulator are induced due to the structure inertia, so that it is a key technique for the simulator design that realizes independent control of the simulator with six degrees of freedom and suppresses the rotational motions. In the design, the modern control techniques are applied and a high performance of the three dimensional earthquake simulator is developed successfully. The simulator can simulate actual earthquake load and it is an important test device for aseismic research. This paper is a main project of the Eighth Five Plan, State Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   
Abstract: From the southernmost part of Jiangsu province to the northeastern part of Jiangxi province, China, the Northeast Jiangxi Deep Fault runs for about 400 km length with a width of 30 to 40 km. This fault marks the suture zone of two ter-ranes of Proterozoic age. At the both sides of the fault, Yanshanian granitic activity is recognized. That is, the Dexing-Wuyuan porphyry belt on the NW side of the fault, and the Damaoshan-Lingshan granite belt on the SE side. The former activity is characterized by the occurrence of small stocks of granodioritic composition, rich in siderophile elements but poor in LIL elements. No distinct Eu anomaly is recognized in the REE pattern, and a low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio is reported. Magnetite, sphene and apatite are observed as accessory minerals. On the contrary, granitic activity on the SE side of the fault is characterized by the occurrence of composite batholiths, in general of granitic to monzogranitic composition, rich in LIL and alkali elements but poor in siderophile and alkali earth elements. A strong Eu anamaly is recognized in the REE pattern, and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are as high as 0. 716. Fluorite, zircon and REE minerals are observed as accessory minerals. These two contrasting granitic activities are refered to as syntexis– and transformation–types, respectively, following the classification commonly used in China, and have similar petrochemical characteristics to those defined for the magnetite– and ilmenite–series, and I– and S-type granitoids. Considering that the above igneous activity occurred far from the supposed subduction zone along the East Coast of China, intracontinental A-type (continent to continent) subduction is proposed to have occurred northwestwards along the NE Jiangxi Deep Fault during Yanshanian time due to a strong compressional stress from SE to NW. A-type subduction introduced the continental slab to some depth, and resulted in the production of the paired granitic activity observed on both sides of the fault. Many mineral deposits are associated with both granitic belts. In the Dexing-Wuyuan porphyry belt, the Dexing porphyry Cu and Yinshan polymetallic deposits are representative, whereas in the Damaoshan-Lingshan granite belt, several tens of rare metal deposits are known such as the Geyuan Nb–Ta–W–Sn deposits. Metal assemblages of those deposits reflect the source materials of magmas in both granitic belts.  相似文献   
本文首次报道了在我国豫西晚前寒武系白草坪组中发现的一种可能的蠕虫状后生动物实体化石:Ruyangia Cylindrica Hu et Meng,1989。化石产于砂岩表面浪成波痕之波谷中,圆筒状,已压扁,中空,可见长度4.5~9.5cm,直径4mm左右,虫体外壁具体环,环背间距1.5~2mm,虫体一端较大,具平行纵向边缘的纵纹,可能为头部;另一端渐尖,可能为尾部。与该实体化石伴生的有大量遗迹化石。已知白草坪组的时代超过1400Ma,因此,该实体化石的发现对研究地球上后生动物起源与早期演化等具重要意义。  相似文献   
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