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三维实体重构是工程规划和设计以及管理等各项技术的基础。采用AutoLISP编程方法,基于距离反比加权法和Delaunay三角网法插值原理,开发出了一套工程数据处理程序。该程序能进行离散点数据插值、三维数字地面模型的生成、三维实体重构和工程土方量计算。采用这一方法编制的程序具有移值性强、操作方便直观、适用范围广、计算精度高等特点。同时,该程序能大大减轻工程人员的工作强度,提高工作效率。该程序的使用不仅有利于设计人员对工程计算结果的判断和利用,而且有利于设计人员对设计作出及时地调整,从而达到优化工程设计、减少工程费用的目的。  相似文献   
Hou  Jingming  Chen  Guangzhao  Zhang  Yangwei  Li  Bingyao  Yang  Shaoxiong  Tong  Yu  Zhang  Dawei  Fu  Deyu 《Natural Hazards》2022,110(1):519-543
Natural Hazards - To quantitatively assess the risks of pedestrian evacuation through staircases with different slopes when a flood intrudes into the underground space, a numerical model was...  相似文献   
准确预测碳酸盐岩储层孔隙度和渗透率对于碳酸盐岩油气藏储层评价具有重要意义。碳酸盐岩储层裂缝与溶孔广泛发育,基于经验公式从测井曲线预测储层孔隙度和渗透率具有较大误差。以中东某碳酸盐岩油藏为研究对象,选取914块取心井岩心,测定孔隙度与渗透率,利用随机森林(RF)、K-近邻(KNN)、支持向量机(SVM)和长短期记忆网络(LSTM)4种不同机器学习方法,通过测井数据进行孔隙度与渗透率预测,优化机器学习参数,筛选出适用于碳酸盐岩油藏的测井孔隙度与渗透率预测方法。研究结果表明:4种机器学习方法预测储层孔隙度结果差异不大,通过调整输入参数种类,可进一步提高孔隙度与渗透率预测效果,当以补偿中子(NPHI)、岩性密度(RHOB)和声波时差(DT)3种测井参数数据作为输入时,基于LSTM的储层孔隙度预测精度最高,孔隙度预测结果均方根误差(RMSE)为4.536 2;由于碳酸盐岩储层的强非均质性,基于机器学习的测井储层渗透率预测效果较差,相对而言,仅以NPHI作为机器学习输入参数时,基于RF的储层渗透率预测精度最高,渗透率预测结果的RMSE为45.882 3。  相似文献   
A version of the geoelectrochemical prospecting technique developed in China was demonstrated in China and Australia to test its suitability under both Chinese and Australian conditions. This paper briefly describes the mechanism and effectiveness of the technique applied to search of concealed mineralisation through regolith cover, based on both experimental and field tests. This paer deals with three main aspects of the method: a) how metallic ions are released from orebodies by electrochemical dissolution; b) how these ions migrate to the collector and are deposited as elements by electrochemical extraction in the presence of an electric field; and c) the effectiveness of the method illustrated by some case studies.  相似文献   
野外多道伽马能谱测量在核环境地质评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍了最新研制的CD-10野外便携式伽马全谱仪工作原理和主要技术指标.该仪器对伽马射线能量分析范围是30~3 000 keV,分析道数为1 024道,对137Cs的能量分辨率小于12%,取消了放射性稳谱参考源,采用数字稳谱技术,实现了无干扰天然伽马射线全谱(30~3 000 keV)测量,并以在核环境地质评价中的应用实例,说明了伽马全谱仪的主要特点和应用前景.  相似文献   
测老庙陆相盆地与里奇盆地的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对走滑拉分盆地的动力学机制、几何形态、沉积体系以及与之相关的构造、火山岩浆等活动的探讨 ,将测老庙盆地的诸多特点与走滑拉分盆地的典型代表———里奇盆地进行对比 ,发现二者有惊人的相似之处 ,由此得出测老庙盆地为一走滑拉分盆地的结论。  相似文献   
福建省地质灾害具有点多面广的特点,据1991~2006年地质灾害资料及短时强降水的特征分析,地质灾害高发区主要集中在闽西北的中南部地区、闽中地区及闽南南部地区。短时强降水中心与地质灾害高发区的空间分布较一致,高值区域也分布在闽西北、闽中及闽南南部,最大高值中心出现在闽西北,其空间分布同山地地形和影响天气系统关系密切。短时强降水(强暴雨)均值的日变化特征呈单峰型,7时雨强最强;短时强降水极值的日变化特征呈双峰型,夜晚20时雨强最强,波峰至波谷的雨强持续时间在6~7小时。从不同持续性短时强降水雨强值来看,1,3 h及6 h触发地质灾害的平均雨强值界为30,50,120 mm。  相似文献   
Groundwater is a valuable resource in the semiarid Ordos Plateau region where abundant mineral resources, such as coal, natural gas, and halite, are present. With resources development, groundwater demand will increase dramatically. The origin identification and recharge estimates of groundwater are significant components of sustainable groundwater development in the Ordos Plateau. Groundwater and precipitation samples were taken and the isotopic compositions δ2H, δ18O, and chloride were analyzed to identify groundwater origins and to estimate recharge rates. The δ2H and δ18O of the groundwater show that the groundwater recharge is of meteoric origin. The chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to quantify recharge rates of groundwater in the Ordos Plateau, which varies from 2.93 to 22.11% of the effective annual rainfall. Recharge rates estimated by CMB were compared with values obtained from other methods and were found to be in good agreement. This study can be used to develop effective programs for groundwater management and development.  相似文献   
On June 5, 2009, a catastrophic rockslide-debris flow occurred at the crest of the Jiweishan Mountain in Wulong, Chongqing, China. Approximately five million cubic meters of limestone blocks slid along a weak interlayer of bituminous and carbonaceous shale. The source mass descended from the upper part of the slope rapidly, crossing a 200-m wide and 50-m deep creek in front of it. Blocked by the opposite steep creek wall, the sliding mass changed its direction and traveled a further 2.2 km along the creek in debris-flow mode, finally forming a large accumulation zone with an average depth of 30 m. This is one of the most catastrophic rockslide events in recent years in China. It buried 12 houses and the entrance of an iron mining tunnel where some 27 miners were working inside. Ten people died, 64 missing, and eight wounded. Immediately after this disaster happened, the government organized an expert team to assist the rescue work. As one of the geological experts, the author did a lot of field investigations and collected first-hand information. Multi-methods including the remote sensing, 3D laser scanning, geophysical exploration, and numerical modeling were used for analyzing the characteristics and the triggering mechanism of the Wulong rockslide. The preliminary investigation results reveal that this rockslide with poor geological conditions was mainly induced by the gravitation and the karst effect and also affected by the previous mining activities. The research in this paper is meaningful and useful for further research on such kind of rockslides that are geologically similar to the Wulong rockslide.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地海相碳酸盐岩缝洞型储集层形成机理复杂,非均质性极强。当前以塔河油田为代表的潜山风化壳缝洞型储集层是碳酸盐岩地层暴露地表受到大气淡水淋滤所形成的,而在塔北地区哈拉哈塘油田奥陶系发育的非暴露区仍存在大量非暴露岩溶缝洞型储集层。在充分认识该油田区域构造背景的基础上,选取油田非暴露区典型区块,应用岩石学、地球化学等资料,对非暴露岩溶缝洞型储集层进行研究。研究认为:(1)大气淡水是非暴露区岩溶作用最关键的岩溶流体,岩溶储集层的形成并不受热液影响;(2)非暴露区存在“三期三级”构造缝和“两期三级”走滑断裂,断裂及伴生构造裂缝是非暴露区岩溶缝洞型储集层发育的必要条件;(3)从断裂对岩溶的控制出发将缝洞型储集层细分为早期断裂和明河双控洞穴、晚期断控洞穴、早期裂缝孔洞和晚期微裂缝孔洞4类;(4)非暴露区非暴露缝洞型储集层先后经历了加里东中期断裂发育、良里塔格组水系下切溶蚀、晚加里东—早海西期断裂发育3个主要过程。此研究深化了非暴露缝洞型储集层的形成机理,并在一定程度上拓宽了非暴露区岩溶储集层勘探开发的思路。  相似文献   
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