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广西苍梧县社洞矿床是大瑶山隆起南侧正在勘查的一个与花岗岩类有关的斑岩-矽卡岩-石英脉型钨钼矿床,目前估算的资源量已达中型,并具有大型矿床的潜力.文章对矿区内的花岗岩类分别进行了单颗粒锆石LA-ICP-MS测年和辉钼矿Re-Os测年,获得社山复式岩体花岗斑岩的等时线年龄为(91.05±0.31) Ma,花岗闪长岩为(43...  相似文献   
黄宏炜  杜瑾雪  柯珊 《岩石学报》2020,36(6):1705-1718
榴辉岩中单斜辉石和石榴子石之间显著的镁同位素平衡分馏,使其成为一种具有潜力的高精度地质温度计。为此,本文选取文献中已报道的来自西南天山洋壳冷俯冲造山带、大别-苏鲁陆壳碰撞造山带和南非卡普瓦尔克拉通三种构造环境中的64对单斜辉石-石榴子石矿物对镁同位素数据,利用δ26MgCpx-δ26MgGrt图解筛选出50对达到镁同位素平衡分馏的数据,采用Huang et al.(2013)通过第一性原理计算和Wang et al.(2012)、Li et al.(2016)分别通过经验估计得出的镁同位素温度计计算榴辉岩的峰期温度,并与前人研究结果进行对比。通过分析计算结果,发现对于造山带榴辉岩,Huang et al.(2013)的温度计计算结果与前人通过传统温度计和相平衡模拟研究结果较一致,较好地重现了榴辉岩的峰期温度,而Wang et al.(2012)和Li et al.(2016)的温度计计算结果明显低于前人获得的峰期温度;对于克拉通榴辉岩,三种镁同位素温度计的计算结果与前人通过传统温度计获得的研究结果大多数相差在50℃以上,很可能是早期退变质过程中镁同位素在高温条件下再平衡导致的,这表明三种镁同位素温度计均不适用于克拉通榴辉岩。同时,基于这些榴辉岩样品数据,本文利用经验估计的方法进行校准,得到了新的单斜辉石-石榴子石镁同位素公式Δ26MgCpx-Grt=1.11×106/[T(K)]2(R2=0.92)。此外,本文也对单斜辉石-石榴子石镁同位素地质温度计的应用前景及应用时应当注意的问题进行了简单的探讨。  相似文献   
The database of professor Rogers (1887), which includes wheat prices in England in the Middle Ages, was used to search for a possible influence of solar activity on the wheat market. Our approach was based on the following: (1) Existence of the correlation between cosmic ray flux entering the terrestrial atmosphere and cloudiness of the atmosphere. (2) Cosmic ray intensity in the solar system changes with solar activity, (3) Wheat production depends on weather conditions as a nonlinear function with threshold transitions. (4) A wheat market with a limited supply (as it was in medieval England) has a highly nonlinear sensitivity to variations in wheat production with boundary states, where small changes in wheat supply could lead to bursts of prices or to prices falling. We present a conceptual model of possible modes for sensitivity of wheat prices to weather conditions, caused by solar cycle variations, and compare expected price fluctuations with price variations recorded in medieval England. We compared statistical properties of the intervals between wheat price bursts during the years 1249-1703 with statistical properties of the intervals between the minima of solar cycles during the years 1700-2000. We show that statistical properties of these two samples are similar, both for characteristics of the distributions and for histograms of the distributions. We analyze a direct link between wheat prices and solar activity in the 17th century, for which wheat prices and solar activity data (derived from 10Be isotope) are available. We show that for all 10 time moments of the solar activity minima the observed prices were higher than prices for the corresponding time moments of maximal solar activity (100% sign correlation, on a significance level < 0.2%). We consider these results a direct evidence of the causal connection between wheat prices bursts and solar activity.  相似文献   
江西武山铜矿床是长江中下游地区具有代表性的叠加复合矿床之一。文章选取武山铜矿床典型剖面为研究对象,在野外地质调研和室内岩相学研究的基础上,识别出层状硫化物型、层状矽卡岩型和接触交代矽卡岩型三类矿体,及相对应的3种类型矿石。3类矿石在矿物组合、结构构造和矿物学特征等方面有明显差异,分别显示出原生沉积、叠加改造和岩浆热液成因特征。选择代表性脉石矿物和矿石矿物进行矿物化学研究,认为石榴子石是岩浆期后热液渗滤交代作用的产物,层状矽卡岩中石榴子石相对富Fe,而接触交代矽卡岩中石榴子石相对富Al;矿区内存在2类黄铁矿,即胶状黄铁矿和粒状黄铁矿,分别对应原生沉积成因和岩浆热液交代成因;磁铁矿是与矽卡岩有关的岩浆期后热液交代作用的产物,层状矽卡岩中磁铁矿相对富Mg O和Mn O,贫Al2O3,受地层影响明显,而接触交代矽卡岩中磁铁矿相对富Al2O3,贫Mg O和Mn O,受岩浆岩影响明显。武山铜矿床的形成经历了原生沉积作用、岩浆热液交代作用及叠加改造作用等复杂成矿过程。  相似文献   
Continual deep-water sediments from the late Early Devonian to the Late Permian extended in wide areas of western Guangxi.We analyzed the major,trace,and rare earth elements of the Upper Paleozoic cherts in Badu,western Guangxi.High non-terrigenous SiO2 contents(Sinon-ter/Sibulk(%)> 80%) and pure chert components(> 70%) indicate a large extent of silicification in the Upper Paleozoic cherts,except for the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous Luzhai Formation cherts,which have lower non-terrigenous SiO2 contents(avg.71.8%) and pure chert components(40%-70%).The Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) ratios and Feter/Febulk(%) values of samples from the lowest horizon of the Pingen Formation are 0.05-0.26,13.1%-14.5%,respectively,indicating hydrothermal origins.All other samples show high Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) ratios(0.39-0.81) and high Feter/Febulk(%) values(23.1%-186.8%),indicating non-hydrothermal origins.The Pingen Formation and Liujiang Formation cherts show slightly-moderately negative Ce anomalies(0.71±0.07,0.81±0.08,respectively) and higher Y/Ho ratios(33.49±1.27,36.10±2.05,respectively) than PAAS.This suggests that these cherts were deposited in the open marine basin,rather than in the intracontinental rift basin as previously assumed.The Luzhai Formation cherts may be deposited near the seamount or seafloor plateaus with no negative Ce anomalies(1.09±0.07) and no significant Y-Ho fractionation(Y/Ho=28.60±1.25).The Nandan Formation and Sidazhai Formation cherts were deposited in the open-ocean basin with moderately negative Ce anomalies(0.67±0.08,0.73±0.11,respectively) and high Y/Ho ratios(36.01±1.00,32.00±2.25,respectively).On the basis of our studies about cherts,we conclude that the Youjiang Basin originated as part of the Paleo-Tethys that controlled the depositional environments of cherts during late Paleozoic.The rift of the Youjiang Basin had occurred at least since the Early-Middle Devonian.The basin had a trend of evolving into an open-ocean basin during the Early-Middle Permian.  相似文献   
Nugara volcanics are one of the northernmost outcrops of the Arabian?CNubian Shield. Two distinct volcanic successions are found in the Nugara basin: (1) old volcanic sequence composed of voluminous medium- to high-K calc-alkaline lavas and minor alkali basalt and (2) young volcanic sequence composed of subordinate tholeiitic mafic lavas. Their eruptions were punctuated by occasional volcaniclastic deposits that generated fall, flow, or reworked suites compositionally identical to the lava flows. These volcanics are a part of a post-subduction and extensional-related magmatic event in Northeastern Desert of Egypt. The volcanic rocks of the Nugara basin are characterized by strong enrichment in LILE relative to HESF, high LILE/HFSE ratios, and depletions of Nb on MORB-normalized multi-element diagrams. The geochemical features of the volcanic rocks suggest that they experienced fractional crystallization, along with mixing processes. Crustal contributions to the magma sources may also have occurred during magmatic evolution. These processes have resulted in scattered major and trace element variations with respect to increasing silica contents. The model proposed for their origin involves contrasting ascent paths and differentiation histories through crustal columns with different thermal and density gradients. The geochemical features of the most mafic samples suggest that the volcanic rocks in the region were derived from a mainly lithospheric mantle source that had been heterogeneously metasomatized by previous subduction events during convergence between the East and West Gondwanaland. The volcanic activity in the region is best explained by the delamination of lithospheric mantle slices that were heterogeneously enriched by previous subduction-related processes.  相似文献   


Land subsidence and declining water resources in Quetta Valley, Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extensive groundwater withdrawals in urban areas may cause water shortages, land subsidence, and water quality problems. The Quetta Valley is the largest population center in Balochistan province in western Pakistan. This area is arid and groundwater is the main water source for domestic and agricultural use. This work presents global positioning system (GPS) data and assessment of spatial and temporal variations in water levels. GPS data from two stations from mid-2006 to the beginning of 2009 show subsidence rate of 10 cm\year. Nine satellite images from 1975 to 2009 were classified and processed to quantify land cover and land use changes, which highlight an increase in agricultural areas in the central region of the Quetta Valley, as well as reduced vegetation on mountains. These data correspond to gradual temporal changes in water volumes in streams and lakes. Average temperatures have also increased and mean precipitation has decreased during this period. However, the greatest change in this area has been in population growth, which rose from 260,000 in 1975 to 1.2 million in 2010, mainly due to migration of refugees from war-torn neighboring Afghanistan. The Quetta Valley provides a good example for studying the impact of urbanization on water resources.  相似文献   
Wadi Queih basin hosts a ~2,500-m thick Neoproterozoic volcanoclastic successions that unconformably lie over the oldest Precambrian basement. These successions were deposited in alluvial fan, fluviatile, lacustrine, and aeolian depositional environments. Diagenetic minerals from these volcaniclastic successions were studied by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, and analytical electron microscopy. The diagenetic processes recognized include mechanical compaction, cementation, and dissolution. Based on the framework grain–cement relationships, precipitation of the early calcite cement was either accompanied or followed by the development of part of the pore-lining and pore-filling clay cements. Secondary porosity development occurred due to partial to complete dissolution of early calcite cement and feldspar grains. In addition to calcite, several different clay minerals including kaolinite, illite, and chlorite with minor smectite occur as pore-filling and pore-lining cements. Chlorite coating grains helps to retain primary porosity by retarding the envelopment of quartz overgrowths. Clay minerals and their diagenetic assemblages has been distinguished between primary volcaniclastics directly produced by pyroclastic eruptions and epiclastic volcaniclastics derived from erosion of the pre-existing volcanic rocks. Phyllosilicates of the epiclastic rocks display wider compositional variations owing to wide variations in the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the parent material. Most of the phyllosilicates (kaolinite, illite, chlorite, mica, and smectite) are inherited minerals derived from the erosion of the volcanic basement complex, which had undergone hydrothermal alteration. Smectites of the epiclastic rocks are beidellite–montmorillonite derived from the altered volcanic materials of the sedimentary environment. Conversely, phyllosilicate minerals of the pyroclastic rocks are dominated by kaolinite, illite, and mica, which were formed by pedogenetic processes through the hydrothermal influence.  相似文献   

Molar tooth (briefly called MT) carbonate is one of the Proterozoic carbonates with enigmatic sedimentary structure. According to the morphology of MT, it can be divided into two main genesis-morphology types, i.e., autochthonous and allochthonous, and each type can be further divided into a series of subtypes. The autochthonous MT can be divided into filamentous (MF1), ribbon, nodular and dotted type (MF4), in which the ribbon one can be subdivided into simple vertical (MF2) and complex ribbon (MF3), broken ribbon by storm in situ (MF5) and MT within nodular limestone (MF6). Allochthonous MT includes conglomerate clasts and horizontal detritus. Studying on the links between MT and the host rocks on five stratigraphic sections in the southeastern Jilin and eastern Liaoning indicates that the morphology of MT is closely related to host rocks, and seven genetic types by relationships between MT and the host rocks with facies interpretations are classified and discussed in this paper. The sedimentary environments of MT formation will be diverse if their morphologies are different.

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