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Melting relations of a glassy magnesian olivine tholeiite from the FAMOUS area have been studied within the pressure range 1 atm to 15 kbar. From 1 atm to 10 kbar, olivine is the liquidus phase, followed by plagioclase and Ca-rich clinopyroxene. Above 10 kbar, Ca-rich clinopyroxene appears on the liquidus, followed by orthopyroxene and spinel. Near 10 kbar, olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spinel and plagioclase crystallize within 10°C of the liquidus. This indicates that a liquid of this magnesian olivine tholeiite composition could coexist with mantle peridotite at about 10 kbar. This result is in agreement with the geochemistry of Ni; the Ni concentration of the studied sample corresponds to the theoretical concentration in a primary magma [14,15].These data suggest that at least some magnesian mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs) could be primary melts segregated from the mantle at depths near the transition zone between plagioclase lherzolite and spinel lherzolite (about 10 kbar). Based on this model, the residual mantle after extraction of MORBs should be lherzolite, not harzburgite.High-pressure (7–10 kbar) fractionation models involving olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene, which have been proposed by several workers (e.g. [36]) to explain the varieties of MORBs, were re-emphasized based on this melting study. The rare occurrence of clinopyroxene as a phenocryst phase in MORBs is explained by precipitation in a magma chamber at high pressure, or by dissolution of clinopyroxene formed earlier at high pressure.  相似文献   
Pore waters were collected from a sea-marginal, hypersaline pond in the Sinai and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The pore water DOC values ranged from 121 to 818 mg 1−1 with maxima between 15 and 54 cm deep. These values are some of the highest observed from recent sediments and probably reflect production via abiotic as well as biotic sources.  相似文献   
Telecommunication laser diodes emitting near 1.39 m and 1.65 m in combination with direct-differential absorption spectroscopy are efficient tools to monitor in situ stratospheric H2O andCH4 with a good precision error (a few percents), a high temporal resolution (ranging from 10 ms to 1 s), a large dynamic range in the concentration measurements (four orders of magnitude) and a high selectivity in the analyte species. To illustrate the capability of laser probing technique, we report balloonborne H2Oand CH4 simultaneous measurements obtained on October 2001 atmidlatitudes (43° N). The H2O vertical profile achieved with the lasersensor in the lower stratosphere is compared with the H2O data yielded by a balloonborne frost-point hygrometer. The total hydrogen mixing ratio in the lower stratosphere, 2[CH4] + [H2O], appears to beconstant at 7.5 ± 0.1 ppmv. Nevertheless, an unexpected largedehydration of 0.5 ppmv was detected by both the laser sensor and thehygrometer between 16 km and 23 km. We suspect the occurrence of a tropicalair intrusion into mid-latitudes. We support this interpretation using a high-resolution advection model for potential vorticity.  相似文献   
Résumé Considérée comme syngénétique ou diagénétique précoce, la minéralisation uranifère de la couche 0 de l'Autunien du bassin de Lodève a été étudiée par la méthode U-Pb sur roches totales. Les données U-Pb démontrent l'existence de perte en radon, principalement dans la chaine de désintégration de 238U, et l'intérêt de l'utilisation du couple 207Pb-235U pour la détermination des âges de cristallisation des concentrations uranifères. Pour la couche 0, deux phases de remobilisation de l'uranium et du plomb ont pu être déterminées respectivement à 173±6 Ma et 108±5 Ma. La plus ancienne de ces deux phases est la plus marquée dans les échantillons étudiés, dont les systèmes U-Pb ne montrent pas la mémoire d'une concentration uranifère permienne. La première mobilisation de l'uranium et du plomb s'est faite lors d'une phase de distension à 160–170 Ma, affectant la croûte continentale du Sud du Massif Central. Cette phase a provoqué la circulation de fluides minéralisés et est marquée par une recristallisation des illites des pélites permiennes entre 100 et 200 °C (du fait de l'élévation du gradient géothermique) et par la mise en place d'un volcanisme d'origine mantellique daté à 155±6 Ma. La composition isotopique en plomb d'une galène de l'Autunien du Lodévois, est analogue à celles des feldspaths des granitoïdes du Massif Central français et à celles des galènes des minéralisations stratiformes de Pb-Zn des Causses, ce qui fournit un argument pour faire dériver au moins une partie des métaux en traces dans les pélites autuniennes de l'altération de la croûte continentale hercynienne environnante.
In the Lodeve basin, the uraniferous mineralization associated with the autunian pelitic layer 0 is usually considered as syngenetic or early diagenetic. U-Pb isotopic data performed on U bearing whole rocks demonstrate occurrence of radon losses, mainly in the 238U decay series; the 207Pb-235U geochronometer is particularly suitable to date U-Pb systems disturbed by such radon losses. For the autunian layer 0, two U-Pb mobilization phases have been respectively recognized at 173±6 Ma and 108±5 Ma. The oldest phase is the most clearly expressed in the studied samples, no memory of a permian age could be recognized in the U-Pb systems. The first U-Pb mobilization occurred 170 Ma ago, during a distension phase of the continental crust. This phase induced circulations of mineralized fluids, illite recristallization in the permian pelites at temperatures ranging from 100 to 200 °C and emplacement of a mantellic volcanism recently dated at 155±6 Ma. A galena from the Autunian of the Lodeve basin, the feldspars of the surrounding variscan granitoïds and galenas of mesozoïc stratiform deposits in the Causses, present similar Pb isotopic composition, which is in agreement with the hypothesis that some metals of the autunian pelites originated in the surrounding weathered variscan continental crust.
Summary A new basic geodetic network using the GPS technique is now being set up in France. There will be altogether 1000 benchmarks connected to the French levelling network. Obviously, the GPS levelling points are not dense enough to produce a national levelling reference surface. A gravimetrically determined geoid has therefore been proposed to be used for the interpolation between the GPS levelling points. However, because of long-wavelength errors, we consider that a gravimetric geoid does not have sufficient accuracy. A regression by fitting the gravimetrically determined geoid to the GPS levelling points is generally proposed. Unfortunately, this country-wide geoid fitting work cannot eliminate local deformations in the geoid, which happen in areas where there are errors or shortages of gravity or DTM data. This paper proposes and discusses a combined adjustment method. The principle is to divide up the geoid into small pieces and then to adjust them to the GPS levelling points locally with constraint conditions for the common points of the adjacent pieces. In order to benefit from the advantages of the high resolution and high relative accuracy of the gravimetric geoid, as well as the high absolute accuracy of the GPS levelling points, we establish respectively a relative observation equation for the difference of the gravimetric geoid undulation and an absolute observation equation for the GPS levelling points. Finally, we adjust the observation equations as a whole. Several global and local systematic errors are also taken into account and some special cases, such as adjustment in groups and blunder detection, are also discussed.  相似文献   
Coastal nucleation events and behavior of cluster ions were characterized through the measurements of air ion mobility distributions at the Mace Head research station on the west coast of Ireland in 2006. We measured concentrations of cluster ions and charged aerosol particles in the size range of 0.34–40 nm. These measurements allow us to characterize freshly nucleated charged particles with diameters smaller than 3 nm. The analysis shows that bursts of intermediate ions (1.6–7 nm) are a frequent phenomenon in the marine coastal environment. Intermediate ion concentrations were generally close to zero, but during some nucleation episodes the concentrations increased to several hundreds per cm3. Nucleation events occurred during most of the measurement days. We classified all days into one of seven classes according to the occurrence and type of new particle formation. Nucleation events were observed during 207 days in 2006, most prominently in the spring and summer months. Rain-induced events, in turn, were observed during 132 days. Particle formation and growth events mostly coincided with the presence of low tide. Also small cluster ions (0.34–1.6 nm) were characterized. Average concentrations of small ions were 440 cm− 3 for the negative ions and 423 cm− 3 for the positive ions. Average mean mobilities of small ions were 1.86 cm2V− 1s− 1 and 1.49 cm2V− 1s− 1 for the negative and positive polarities, respectively. Concentrations of small ions were observed to be strongly dependent on the variations of meteorological parameters including wind speed and direction.  相似文献   
Laurie Boithias  Yves Auda  Stéphane Audry  Jean-Pierre Bricquet  Alounsavath Chanhphengxay  Vincent Chaplot  Anneke de Rouw  Thierry Henry des Tureaux  Sylvain Huon  Jean-Louis Janeau  Keooudone Latsachack  Yann Le Troquer  Guillaume Lestrelin  Jean-Luc Maeght  Pierre Marchand  Pierre Moreau  Andrew Noble  Anne Pando-Bahuon  Kongkeo Phachomphon  Khambai Phanthavong  Alain Pierret  Olivier Ribolzi  Jean Riotte  Henri Robain  Emma Rochelle-Newall  Saysongkham Sayavong  Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung  Norbert Silvera  Nivong Sipaseuth  Bounsamay Soulileuth  Xaysatith Souliyavongsa  Phapvilay Sounyaphong  Sengkeo Tasaketh  Chanthamousone Thammahacksa  Jean-Pierre Thiebaux  Christian Valentin  Olga Vigiak  Marion Viguier  Khampaseuth Xayyathip 《水文研究》2021,35(5):e14126
Mountain regions of the humid tropics are characterized by steep slopes and heavy rains. These regions are thus prone to both high surface runoff and soil erosion. In Southeast Asia, uplands are also subject to rapid land-use change, predominantly as a result of increased population pressure and market forces. Since 1998, the Houay Pano site, located in northern Lao PDR (19.85°N 102.17°E) within the Mekong basin, aims at assessing the long-term impact of the conversion of traditional slash-and-burn cultivation systems to commercial perennial monocultures such as teak tree plantations, on the catchment hydrological response and sediment yield. The instrumented site monitors hydro-meteorological and soil loss parameters at both microplot (1 m2) and small catchment (0.6 km2) scales. The monitored catchment is part of the network of critical zone observatories named Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS). The data shared by M-TROPICS in Houay Pano are (1) rainfall, (2) air temperature, air relative humidity, wind speed, and global radiation, (3) catchment land use, (4) stream water level, suspended particulate matter, bed particulate matter and stones, (5) soil surface features, and (6) soil surface runoff and soil detachment. The dataset has already been used to interpret suspended particulate matter and bed particulate matter sources and dynamics, to assess the impact of land-use change on catchment hydrology, soil erosion, and sediment yields, to understand bacteria fate and weed seed transport across the catchment, and to build catchment-scale models focused on hydrology and water quality issues. The dataset may be further used to, for example, assess the role of headwater catchments in large tropical river basin hydrology, support the interpretation of new variables measured in the catchment (e.g., contaminants other than faecal bacteria), and assess the relative impacts of both climate and land-use change on the catchment.  相似文献   
The small scale distribution of the snowpack in mountain areas is highly heterogeneous, and is mainly controlled by the interactions between the atmosphere and local topography. However, the influence of different terrain features in controlling variations in the snow distribution depends on the characteristics of the study area. As this leads to uncertainties in high spatial resolution snowpack simulations, a deeper understanding of the role of terrain features on the small scale distribution of snow depth is required. This study applied random forest algorithms to investigate the temporal evolution of snow depth in complex alpine terrain using as predictors various topographical variables and in situ snow depth observations at a single location. The high spatial resolution (1 m x 1 m) snow depth distribution database used in training and evaluating the random forests was derived from terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) devices at three study sites, in the French Alps (2 sites) and the Spanish Pyrenees (1 site). The results show the major importance of two topographic variables, the topographic position index and the maximum upwind slope parameter. For these variables the search distances and directions depended on the characteristics of each site and the TLS acquisition date, but are consistent across sites and are tightly related to main wind directions. The weight of the different topographic variables on explaining snow distribution evolves while major snow accumulation events still take place and minor changes are observed after reaching the annual snow accumulation peak. Random forests have demonstrated good performance when predicting snow distribution for the sites included in the training set with R2 values ranging from 0.82 to 0.94 and mean absolute errors always below 0.4 m. Oppositely, this algorithm failed when used to predict snow distribution for sites not included in the training set, with mean absolute errors above 0.8 m.  相似文献   
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