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为科学认识淄博市区大气颗粒物污染状况,探讨颗粒物的污染水平和元素在颗粒物中的分布与分配特征,对颗粒物中元素的来源进行分析。于2015年冬季和夏季期间分别布设45个和16个采样点采集悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM10及PM2.5样品,分析了颗粒物和18种元素(或化合物)的质量浓度。结果表明:1)大气颗粒物中冬季TSP、PM10及PM2.5的质量浓度均值高于夏季;PM10和PM2.5质量浓度均超过国家标准,其中冬季PM2.5质量浓度是标准限值的1.96倍。2)不同粒径的颗粒物中元素质量分数差别显著,As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn等多数重金属元素主要富集在PM2.5中,且PM2.5约占PM10的65%(冬季)和73%(夏季)。3)颗粒物PM2.5中Al2O3、CaO、Fe2O3、K2O、MgO等氧化物主要受土壤扬尘控制;As、Cd、Hg、Pb、Se、Zn等元素主要源于人为污染;Se的富集因子最高,反映了PM2.5污染主要来源于燃煤;Co、Cu、Ni、Na2O受土壤扬尘和人类活动的共同作用,而Cr具有混合污染的特点。  相似文献   
中西太平洋金枪鱼围网高产渔区年间变化及其原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金枪鱼类是中西太平洋海域重要的经济鱼种,其中鲣产量约占到总产量的50%。本研究利用1995-2010年16年的中西太平洋(20°S~20°N,120°E~155°W)鲣围网生产统计数据和Niño3.4海区(5°S~5°N,120°~170°W)海表温度异常数据,对这16年鲣产量最高的十大渔区(5°×5°)进行时空格局分析,讨论渔场分布差异及CPUE与ENSO指数的关系。结果表明:16年间十大作业渔区主要分布在5°S~5°N、130°~175°E区域,这十大渔区产量占总产量的比重达47.5%,其中5°S~0°、155°~160°E,0°~5°N、130°~135°E,0°~5°N、135°~140°E及5°S~0°、160°~165°E等4个渔区产量占高产渔区产量的比重均超过10%,是中西太平洋重要的鲣产区。高产渔区的分布受海表温度影响较大,在厄尔尼诺时期,高产渔区分布明显偏东,主要分布在155°~180°E海域;在拉尼娜时期,高产渔区分布明显偏西,主要分布在130°~160°E海域。  相似文献   
With the global warming, crop phenological shifts in responses to climate change have become a hot research topic. Based on the long-term observed agro-meteorological phenological data (1981–2009) and meteorological data, we quantitatively analyzed temporal and spatial shifts in maize phenology and their sensitivities to key climate factors change using climate tendency rate and sensitivity analysis methods. Results indicated that the sowing date was significantly delayed and the delay tendency rate was 9.0 d·10a-1. But the stages from emergence to maturity occurred earlier (0.1 d·10a-1<θ<1.7 d·10a-1, θ is the change slope of maize phenology). The length of vegetative period (VPL) (from emergence to tasseling) was shortened by 0.9 d·10a-1, while the length of generative period (GPL) (from tasseling to maturity) was lengthened by 1.7 d·10a-1. The growing season length (GSL) (from emergence to maturity) was lengthened by 0.4 d·10a-1. Correlation analysis indicated that maize phenology was significantly correlated with average temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration and growing degree days (GDD) (p<0.01). Average temperature had significant negative correlation relationship, while precipitation, sunshine duration and growing degree days had significant positive correlations with maize phenology. Sensitivity analysis indicated that maize phenology showed different responses to variations in key climate factors, especially at different sites. The conclusions of this research could provide scientific supports for agricultural adaptation to climate change to address the global food security issue.  相似文献   
Large-scale landslide dams can induce significant hazards to human lives by blocking the river flows and causing inundation upstream. They may trigger severe outburst flooding that may devastate downstream areas once failed. Thus, the advancement in understanding the formation of landslide dams is highly necessary. This paper presents 3D numerical investigations of the formation of landslide dams in open fluid channels via the discrete element method (DEM) coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). By employing this model, the influence of flow velocity on granular depositional morphology has been clarified. As the grains settle downwards in the fluid channel, positive excess water pressures are generated at the bottom region, reducing the total forces acting on the granular mass. In the meantime, the particle sedimentations into the fluid channel with high impacting velocities can generate fluid streams to flow backwards and forwards. The coupled hydraulic effects of excess water pressure and fluid flow would entrain the solid grains to move long distances along the channel. For simulations using different flow velocities, the larger the flow velocity is, the further distance the grains can be transported to. In this process, the solid grains move as a series of surges, with decreasing deposit lengths for the successive surges. The granular flux into the fluid channel has very little influence on the depositional pattern of particles, while it affects the particle–fluid interactions significantly. The results obtained from the DEM-CFD coupled simulations can reasonably explain the mechanisms of granular transportation and deposition in the formation of landslide dams in narrow rivers.  相似文献   
We reformulate the equation of reverse‐time migration so that it can be interpreted as summing data along a series of hyperbola‐like curves, each one representing a different type of event such as a reflection or multiple. This is a generalization of the familiar diffraction‐stack migration algorithm where the migration image at a point is computed by the sum of trace amplitudes along an appropriate hyperbola‐like curve. Instead of summing along the curve associated with the primary reflection, the sum is over all scattering events and so this method is named generalized diffraction‐stack migration. This formulation leads to filters that can be applied to the generalized diffraction‐stack migration operator to mitigate coherent migration artefacts due to, e.g., crosstalk and aliasing. Results with both synthetic and field data show that generalized diffraction‐stack migration images have fewer artefacts than those computed by the standard reverse‐time migration algorithm. The main drawback is that generalized diffraction‐stack migration is much more memory intensive and I/O limited than the standard reverse‐time migration method.  相似文献   
山东半岛蓝色经济区土壤有机碳储量及固碳潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤碳储量研究在碳循环和全球变化中具有重要意义,但以往碳储量计算结果受到数据来源的制约。山东省多目标区域地球化学调查采用双层网格化采样和分析,获取了大密度、高精度土壤有机碳数据,为土壤碳库的准确计算奠定了基础。笔者利用这些数据计算了山东半岛蓝色经济区表层(0~20 cm)、中上层(0~100 cm)及全层(0~160 cm)的土壤有机碳(SOC)密度和储量,并对其空间分布特征及固碳潜力进行了研究。结果显示,经济区内3种土壤层次的碳库组成不同,表层SOC储量占总碳(TC)储量的71.67%,随深度增加所占比例逐渐减小,而无机碳(SIC)储量所占比例逐渐增加,全层二者所占比率较为接近:表层SOC储量为132.64 Mt,碳密度为2.06 kg/m2;中上层为458.27 Mt,碳密度为7.11 kg/m2;全层为619.96 Mt,碳密度为9.61 kg/m2。各层SOC密度处于全国偏低水平,且在不同土壤类型、地貌类型、土地利用类型之间有一定差异:褐土土表层SOC密度最高(2.48 kg/m2),风沙土最低(0.91 kg/m2);灌溉水田表层SOC密度最高(3.45 kg/m2),菜地最低(1.61 kg/m2)。表层SOC密度分布总体上呈现为沿海地区低、鲁北平原和胶莱盆地中等、山地丘陵和中低山区偏高的分布格局。从第二次土壤普查和本次多目标调查数据所建立的回归方程分析发现,在今后一定时期内,本区表层土壤总体表现为“碳汇”效应,未来可净增总有机碳(TOC)量60.94 Mt,其中“碳源”量5.07 Mt,“碳汇”量65.97 Mt。  相似文献   
提出采用变系数回归模型提取连续GPS坐标序列中包含的振幅时变季节性信号。对模拟数据及实际GPS坐标序列两组数据的分析结果表明,变系数回归模型在提取GPS坐标序列季节信号方面比传统模型更有效。经处理,GPS坐标序列能获得更合理的速度及噪声估计。  相似文献   
Dynamic responses under the excitation of pulse sequences   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
This paper studies the dynamic responses of SDOF system under pulse-dominant excitations. The purpose of the study is to prepare for scrutiny of some near-field pulse-dominant ground motions and their potential to cause structural damage. Extending the single pulse dynamics, we consider the effect of pulse sequences. This kind of excitation was particularly obvious in some of previous earthquakes such as Northridge (1994) and Chi-Chi (1995). Based on the duration,peak and rise and decay era of the main pulse as well as its relationship with the predecessor and successor pulses, we propose a classification for the pulse sequences. Consequent studies have been carried out for acceleration, velocity and displacement response spectra of the main pulse with either a predecessor or a successor pulse. The analysis also includes general response behaviors in different fundamental period segments and special aspects of response at certain points (e.g., the corresponding peak points).  相似文献   
湖北省潮汐形变观测异常及干扰识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2003—2013年湖北省数字化定点形变潮汐观测中的突跳、阶变、震颤等异常的分析发现,气象因素对形变潮汐观测的影响复杂:1)不同气压场控制影响形变观测的异常形态不同,但响应频率一致;2)台风对形变观测的秒值和分钟值数据在1~4秒和2~4分钟较高频段均有响应;3)台址条件不同,降雨对形变观测产生的畸变影响不同。影响范围一般在0~全日波频段且存在较大的噪声;4)短时大气温度变化对形变观测有一定影响,会使曲线发生抖动或暂态波动,在64~128分钟和128~256分钟较低频段上有响应。水库冲沙、水库蓄水、土石开挖等环境荷载变化对分钟值观测曲线产生明显阶跃、抖动型实时畸变。人员进洞、施工、仪器标定检修等人为活动对观测曲线的影响可直接识别。  相似文献   
The present study investigated the removal of inorganic arsenic from Pinctada martensii enzymatic hydrolysate through unmodified resin (D296) and Zr(IV)-loaded chelating resin (Zr-D401). By loading Zr to macroporous chelating resin D401, the as exchange adsorption active sites are generated. This transforms D401 from a material that does not have the arsenic adsorption capacity into a material that has excellent arsenic exchange adsorption capacity. The static adsorption experiments were conducted to investigate the optimal removal condition for D296 and Zr-D401. The experimental results show that: the optimum condition for D296 is that T= 25°C, pH = 5, resin additive amount = 1 g (50 mL)?1, and contact time = 10 h, the corresponding arsenic removal rate being 65.7%, and protein loss being 2.33%; the optimum condition for Zr-D401 is that T=25°C, pH = 8, resin additive amount = 1 g (50 mL)?1, and contact time=10 h, the corresponding arsenic removal rate being 70.3%, and protein loss being 4.65%. These results show that both of the two resins are effective in arsenic removal for preserving useful substance. Our research provides scientific evidence and advances in the processing technology for heavy metal removal in shellfish.  相似文献   
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