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俄国鱼类行为与感觉研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
何大仁 《台湾海峡》1996,15(2):191-199
本文简述俄国鱼类行为及感觉系统研究的发展,概述了在洄游及基本行为类型研究结果,鱼在水流中行为,其水动力学特征及游泳速度、温度选择、与个体生理状态相关的鱼行为,以及鱼类行为遗传研究。  相似文献   
In the present experiments, ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) is used to treat blue-green alga Spirulina platensis. Results show that the chemical is a very effective mutagen on the species and some genetic changes, including morphological variation, different growth rate and greater resistance to low temperature, have been found, which may offer an efficient method for the strain breeding of Spirulina platensis.  相似文献   
沿海与内陆地下卤水对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析对比我国滨海与内陆地下卤水的分布、成因及其水文地球化学特征,指出不同成因的地下卤水具有不同的水质.  相似文献   
克隆得到缢蛏天然抗性相关巨噬蛋白2(Sc-Nramp2)基因的cDNA全长序列3 681 bp,该基因的开放阅读框有1 776 bp,编码591个氨基酸,预测分子量为65.86 kDa;其结构具有Slc11蛋白家族的典型特征,包括有10个典型的跨膜结构和2个糖基化位点。Sc-Nramp2基因3'-UTR有2个类似于脊椎动物Nramp2中铁反应控制蛋白结合位点;同源性分析表明,Sc-Nramp2和太平洋牡蛎Nramp2-like的同源性最高为71.6%。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,Sc-Nramp2基因在闭壳肌、外套膜、肝胰腺、斧足、水管和鳃6个组织中均有表达,其中肝胰腺中的表达量最高,其次是鳃,与其他组织均有极显著性差异(P<0.01);注射副溶血弧菌后,肝胰腺中Sc-Nramp2基因的表达量较对照组显著上调(P<0.01),且表达量呈现先上升后下降的趋势,在12 h时达到最大表达量,推测Sc-Nramp2基因参与了缢蛏非特异性免疫应答反应。  相似文献   
New sour pools have recently found in the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Fm carbonate reservoirs in the East Sichuan Basin in China with H2S up to 17.4% by volume. A recent blowout from a well drilled into this formation killed hundreds of people as a result of the percentage concentrations of H2S. In order to assess the origin of fatal H2S as well as the cause of petroleum alteration, H2S concentrations and the isotopes, δ34S and δ13C have been collected and measured in gas samples from reservoirs. Anhydrite, pyrite and elemental sulphur δ34S values have been measured for comparison. The high concentrations of H2S gas are found to occur at depths >3000 m (temperature now at 100 °C) in evaporated platform facies oolitic dolomite or limestone that contains anhydrite nodule occurrence within the reservoirs. Where H2S concentrations are greater than 10% its δ34S values lie between +12.0 and +13.2‰ CDT. This is within the range of anhydrite δ34S values found within the Feixianguan Fm (+11.0 to +21.7‰; average 15.5±3.5‰ CDT). Thus H2S must have been generated by thermochemical sulphate reduction (TSR) locally within the reservoirs. Burial history analysis and fluid inclusion data reveal that the temperature at which TSR occurred was greater than about 130–140 °C, suggesting that the present depth-temperature minimum is an artifact of post-TSR uplift. Both methane and ethane were actively involved in TSR since the petroleum became almost totally dry (no alkanes except methane) and methane δ13C values become significantly heavier as TSR proceeded. Methane δ13C difference thus reflects the extent of TSR. While it is tempting to use a present-day depth control (>3000 m) to predict the distribution of H2S in the Feixianguan Fm, this is an invalid approach since TSR occurred when the formation was buried some 1000–2000 m deeper than it is at present. The likelihood of differential uplift across the basin means that it is important to develop a basinal understanding of the thermal history of the Feixianguan Fm so that it is possible to determine which parts of the basin have been hotter than 130–140 °C.  相似文献   
Mercury (Hg) was investigated in bone tissues of skua ( Catharacta maccormick) and penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) collected in the maritime Antarctic using atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) and synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) method. The total levels of mercury in bone tissues of penguin and skua are much lower than those in other organs (e. g. , kidney, liver). The toxic effects of mercury in bone tissues of seabirds in polar region are not known. We have used SR- XRF method to map the distribution of trace levels of mercury in bones. The levels of mercury are found to be enriched somewhere near the periosteal surface and/or endosteal surface. The distribution of mercury shows strongly correlation with that of some essential elements and probably poses negative effect on the bone metabolism inferring from the relationship of mercury with the other elements. These studies represent a first step toward understanding the toxic effects of mercury on bone of polar animals by suggesting the possible microscopic investigation.  相似文献   
青海昆仑河北地区靠近昆中断裂带,经历早古生代、晚古生代—中生代多期岩浆活动,近年来自西至东陆续发现黑海北、拉陵灶火、苏海图、加祖它士西、向阳沟、加祖它士东、大灶火、黑刺沟等多个金矿床(点),形成一条东西长度近150 km长的成矿带。文章在总结带内金矿成矿基本特征基础上,选取黑海北金矿和加祖它士东金矿的赋矿围岩开展锆石U-Pb定年,结果显示黑海北硅化二长花岗岩锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为443±8 Ma,形成于原特提斯洋向柴达木地块俯冲碰撞后伸展环境;加祖它士东的花岗闪长岩脉含有较多的继承锆石,锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为250±1 Ma,继承锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为420±2 Ma,加祖它士东花岗闪长岩侵位于古特提斯洋向北俯冲背景下的大陆弧构造环境。综合分析认为昆仑河北地区金矿成矿作用与早中生代三叠纪岩浆活动关系更为密切,其矿床类型存在造山型金矿与岩浆热液型金矿两种不同认识。昆仑河北地区土壤化探异常、低阻高极化激电异常、主要断裂(穿矿区)的次级断裂形成的蚀变破碎带等可以作为区内主要的找矿标志,推测该成矿带具有较大的找矿前景。   相似文献   
在航空电磁探测方法应用中,地下探测环境复杂,地下介质物性参数存在各向异性特征。如果采用常规各向同性介质模型,在资料解释过程中会产生严重的偏差。本文基于矢量有限元法开展三维任意各向异性频率域航空电磁响应模拟计算研究。首先,将总场分解成一次场和二次场,对空气介质的均匀全空间进行一次场解析计算,同时利用矢量有限元法对二次电场的双旋度方程进行求解。为提高求解速度,采用共享内存直接求解器PARDISO对大规模稀疏矩阵并行计算,大大提高了三维模型的计算速度。之后开展了4种典型目标模型的三维各向异性介质模拟:围岩各向同性-目标体各向异性(绕z轴旋转)模型;围岩各向同性-目标体各向异性(绕x轴旋转)模型;围岩各向异性-目标体各向异性(绕z轴旋转)模型;围岩各向异性-目标体各向异性(绕x轴旋转)模型。对比分析了不同模型在不同旋转角度情况下,磁场实虚分量的变化特征,进而总结了各向异性参数对航空电磁响应的影响规律和识别方法。  相似文献   
云南马关都龙锡锌多金属矿床位于滇东南老君山锡锌钨多金属成矿区南部,是我国三大锡石硫化物矿床之一,目前对其矿床成因认识存在较大分歧。本文采用ICP-MS对都龙矿床中闪锌矿微量元素及稀土元素组成进行分析,以探讨该矿床成矿作用,为甄别已有成因观点提供证据。结果表明,矿床中闪锌矿以富集Fe、Mn、In、Co、Sn和贫Cd、Ga、Ge、Ni等元素为特征,成矿温度属于中—高温,其微量元素组成与白牛厂矿床(与燕山晚期花岗岩有关的矽卡岩型矿床)中的闪锌矿非常相似,和远源矽卡岩型铅锌矿床(核桃坪和芦子园)中闪锌矿存在一定差异,明显有别于喷流沉积型铅锌矿床(云南澜沧老厂和广东大宝山)中闪锌矿。此外,该矿床闪锌矿稀土配分模式多为轻稀土元素富集中等的向右倾斜曲线,以LREE/HREE值高、Eu负异常明显和Ce异常不明显为特征,与矿区燕山晚期隐伏花岗岩稀土元素特征基本一致,成矿物质来源以矿区燕山晚期隐伏花岗岩为主。结合近期矿山开采和地质勘探所揭露的矿化和矽卡岩蚀变的垂向分带等矿床地质特征,认为云南马关都龙锡锌多金属矿床属于与燕山晚期花岗岩有关的矽卡岩型多金属矿床,其中层状矽卡岩的形成应为成矿流体顺层交代的结果,矿化类型和围岩蚀变的分带与隐伏岩体的距离有关。  相似文献   
中尺度数值天气预报的初步试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何洁琳 《广西气象》2005,26(2):1-3,13
通过用中尺度MM4模式对2004年11月14日到15日天气过程进行数值模拟预报试验,了解MM4模式和用数值预报模式进行天气预报的全过程。对MM4模式的初次应用表明,中尺度数值模拟及预报的研究在一般台站是可行的,中小尺度数值预报模式为今后发展地县精细化预报及中尺度过程诊断分析提供了良好的工具。  相似文献   
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