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A total of 12 indices of temperature extremes and 11 indices of precipitation ex-tremes at 111 stations in southwestern China at altitudes of 285-4700 m were examined for the period 1961-2008. Significant correlations of temperature extremes and elevation in-cluded the trends of diurnal temperature range, frost days, ice days, cold night frequency and cold day frequency. Regional trends of growing season length, warm night frequency, coldest night and warmest night displayed a statistically significant positive correlation with altitude. These characteristics indicated the obvious warming with altitude. For precipitation extreme indices, only the trends of consecutive dry days, consecutive wet days, wet day precipitation and the number of heavy precipitation days had significant correlations with increasing alti-tude owing to the complex influence of atmospheric circulation. It also indicated the increased precipitation mainly at higher altitude areas, whereas the increase of extreme precipitation events mainly at lowers altitude. In addition, the clearly local influences are also crucial on climate extremes. The analysis revealed an enhanced sensitivity of climate extremes to ele-vation in southwestern China in the context of recent warming.  相似文献   
澜沧江流域农业灌溉需水的时空变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the data of eight meteorological stations from the 1950s to 2007, current cropping patterns, field water moisture management, we use the Mann-Kendall and the Re-scaled Range Analysis methods to research the changes of humidity and crop irrigation water requirements in the Lancang River Basin. The results show that the annual and dry season average temperatures significantly increased, and the dry season rainfall increased while wet season rainfall decreased. Evaportranspiration (ET0) increased during both dry and wet seasons at all stations except Dali, Jianchuan and Gengma, and the aridity-humidity index decreased at most of the stations. The turning points of weather factors, ET0, the arid-ity-humidity index, paddy irrigation requirements and total agricultural water requirements occurred from the 1960s to the 1990s. The spatial changing tendency of paddy irrigation quota increased with the increase of altitude and latitude, and the correlation coefficients are 0.513 and 0.610, respectively. The maximum value is observed in Weixi, while the minimum in Mengla.  相似文献   
In coordination with Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) initiated by World Meteorology Administration (WMO), a regional observation network is proposed based on existing stations/sites over High Asia and cryospheric elements required by GCW. Thus, High Asian Cryosphere (HAC) network is preliminary designed, composing of seven "supersites", each containing several reference sites. The network covers major mountain ranges in High Asia, such as East Tianshan, Qilian, Tanggula, Nyainqentanglha, Himalayas as well as the central and eastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Although multiple cryospheric elements were observed at the existing HAC network, many others, which are required by Integrated Global Observation System-Cryosphere Theme (IGOS-Cryosphere), are not yet included. More comprehensive observations are necessary to be included into "supersites" of HAC, so that the basic requirements for validation of satellite data, assimilation and coupled regional models can be met.  相似文献   
During the course of a major sandstorm from April 17 to April 23, 2008 in the Taklimakan Desert, data pertaining to the mass concentrations of different-sized atmospheric particulate matter were observed continuously with Grimm 1.108, Thermo RP 1400a, TSP, and CAWS-600 instruments. The results showed that: (1) during the entire sandstorm process there were some differences between the daily mean particle concentration peaks and the hourly mean particle concentration peaks because the actual sandstorm lasted for only about 4 hr, whereas more particles were accumulated in the floating dust days before and after the actual sandstorm; (2) the intensity of the sandstorm was enhanced with the increase of wind speed, and this was related to the peak mass concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter; the wind speed directly affected the concentration of atmospheric particulate matter: the higher the wind speed, the higher the mass concentration (>0.23 μm was 39,496.5 μg/m3, and >20.0 μm was 5,390.7 μg/m3); (3) the concentration changes of PM10 and TSP were also related to the course and intensity of the sandstorm; and (4) the mass concentration of atmospheric particulate matter had the following sequence during the dust weather: clear day < floating dust < floating and blowing dust < sandstorm. Temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure are important factors affecting the strength of storms, which could also indirectly affect the concentration change of atmospheric particulate matter.  相似文献   
国外脆弱性理论模型与评估框架研究评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,脆弱性研究作为一种新的研究范式已经在多学科领域中得到了广泛应用,并取得了丰硕成果.但随着研究的深入,学者们发现,由于学科背景及研究视角的差异性,不同研究领域之间存在着结论不兼容和工作重复等问题,迫切需要一个可行的理论模型与评估框架来整合其理论和实践的研究.在对脆弱性概念内涵的发展演变过程分析的基础上,对国外多学科领域中的脆弱性理论模型及评估框架进行了对比研究和评述.研究发现:脆弱性概念的泛化是制约通用脆弱性理论模型与评估框架的关键因素,结合未来脆弱性研究的发展方向,对整合的脆弱性理论模型与评估框架提出了4个方面的要求,即多时空尺度特征、多重扰动特征、耦合系统特征和人文特征.  相似文献   
刘建忠  张蔷  金华  李宏宇  何晖 《气象》2012,38(3):314-321
2008年8月8日下午到夜间,针对北京地区西北部、西部和西南部强对流天气进行了人工影响天气作业。为了解大规模进行人工影响天气作业后下游地区地面湿度的变化情况,文章结合空中天气形势,利用北京城区和郊区215个自动站及非自动站资料进行降水分布研究,重点利用其有湿度记录的108个站资料,对大规模人工影响后的地面湿度变化结合同期降水资料进行分析,以期为今后大规模的人工影响天气提供实验依据。结果表明,2008年8月8日夜间北京地区引导气流为西南东北向,天气系统基本沿西南—东北向移动,18:00—00:00的6小时累计降水量,呈东北西南向带状分布,北京城区处在降水量比较少的"豁口"处,"鸟巢"无降水。人工影响天气部门在北京地区西南部进行大规人工模影响强对流天气作业。作业后,在大规模人工影响作业区下风方带状范围内,地面水汽压随时间具有明显的突变(地面水汽压突然减小,持续时间大致在25分钟左右),且这种突变从由西南向东北减弱,突变开始的时间逐渐推后。在带状中心轴线附近这种突变比较明显,远离中心轴线这种突变减弱,开始突变的时间也推后;而在带状范围外,则没有这种现象。究其原因,主要由于大规模发射火箭弹进行作业,一是火箭弹尾喷的播撒作用,二是尾喷激起的强大扰动作用,有利于大的雨滴降落,或迅速长大后降落,形成下沉气流,下沉气流将高层的干冷空气带到低层引起地面水汽压减小;此下沉气流沿着引导气流向下游传播,在传播过程中逐渐衰减。进一步分析2008年8月8日20时500 hPa风,根据此高度风速大小估算大规模作业区距离分析地面水汽压发生较大变化测站的时间,发现测站地面水汽压的发生较大变化时间与由上游空气柱移来的时间比较一致。  相似文献   
不同时次地基微波辐射计反演产品评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘建忠  何晖  张蔷 《气象科技》2012,40(3):332-339
利用北京大型活动期间探空和微波辐射计资料,采用统计方法进行评价分析,目的是了解该型微波辐射计的性能。结果表明:①总体平均:对温度,有降水时误差变化范围大,无降水时相对比较小,比较平稳;无降水时比有降水时更接近于探空观测结果。对相对湿度,误差的变化与温度比较相似,但从相对误差的变化来看,有降水时比无降水时小。无降水时反演的相对湿度与探空的比较一致。②不同时次:对温度,无降水时统计量随高度的变化规律性比较明显,趋势一致;有降水时的规律相对较差。无降水时,20:00误差比较小,比较接近探空;14:00误差比较大。有降水时,各时次误差比无降水时大,反演的20:00温度变化曲线与探空最接近。对相对湿度,无降水时统计量随高度的变化规律性比较明显,趋势较一致;有降水时的规律性相对比较差。总体来看,降水对微波辐射计影响较大,反演的20:00的资料误差小一些,5000m高度上下误差变化比较大,与云层有关。  相似文献   
近实时公共气象服务分析图网站发布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
给出一种基于开源IDV工具构建气象产品网站发布平台的设计思路和实现方法。近实时公共气象服务分析图将使用人员定位于浏览器端县乡级气象、农技、公众群体,突出分析图的时空分级覆盖、耕作层气象服务、山地气象服务和灾害气象服务。通过内容、时间、区域以及表现形式4个方面的分解,描述了网站的设计原理。通过本体技术实现气象要素向气象知识的过渡。通过图形产品的静态和动态层分别处理,提高了二维和三维图形产品的生成速度。构建形成的气象产品发布平台已经在多个网站得到应用并得到好评。  相似文献   
This study focuses on the evolution of large-scale circulations before and after the beginning of the Meiyu and analyzes the formations of the typical vertical circulation pattern associated with Meiyu and its relationship with the Meiyu rainband. Results show that the typical vertical circulation pattern during the Meiyu season is characterized by the ??two-leg??-type pattern in the vorticity field, a typhoon eye-like structure of the equivalent potential temperature field, as well as the sharp gradient of the equivalent potential temperature zone, i.e., the Meiyu front are typically presented in the Meiyu season. Tracking its evolution process, we find that the typical vertical circulation pattern is built at late March and early April along with the rainband locating at the area south to the Yangtze River. This typical pattern and the rainband both advance northward affecting Jianghuai valley since the beginning of Meiyu. Moreover, the typical vertical circulation pattern derived from Meiyu season has been formed in April and corresponds to the reverse of the land-sea thermal contrast between the Eastern Asia and western Pacific Ocean, demonstrating the close relationship of the movement between the rainband and the march of the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon.  相似文献   
闫鹤  张峥  杨森  陈亮 《测绘工程》2012,21(2):50-53
近几年来,虚拟地理环境系统得到广泛应用。专题图制作在制图学上有着悠久的历史。但是在虚拟地理环境浏览系统中(如Google Earth)对专题要素的表达没有得到足够的重视。文中研究如何利用KML制作专题符号,并在三维虚拟地理环境浏览系统中利用基于KML的专题符号实现定点符号法、分区图表法、质别底色法等专题图表示方法。通过实验说明KML在专题图的制作中具有巨大潜力,但同时也有一些重点问题需要解决。  相似文献   
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