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Eddy correlation measurements of NO vertical flux were made periodically from October 1983 through June 1984 at a height of eight meters above grass in northeastern Illinois, U.S.A. From 207 data points, each representing a 25 min average, 19 daytime cases and 8 nighttime cases were selected on the basis of steady, nonadvective atmospheric conditions. Each case was represented by a set of data constituting a 3 to 5 hr average. Concentrations of O3, NO, and NO y (from which NO2 was inferred) and local atmospheric and surface conditions also were measured, to provide the information necessary to assess the relative importance of surface deposition, surface emission, and air chemistry on the observed NO flux. On the basis of a linear regression analysis applied with independent variables representing physical, chemical, and biological processes, surface uptake of NO was very small for data primarily collected in the daytime during spring, and measured deposition velocities at a height of 8 m were very small, much smaller than expected for NO2. For the same time period, the surface emission rates of elemental nitrogen in NO were in the range of 1.4 to 4.2 ng m-2 s-1 for moist, unsaturated soils at temperatures near 15° C. These emissions were partially masked in the measured fluxes by rapid in-air chemical reactions involving O3 and NO2. The effects of rapid in-air chemical reactions involving O3 were to decrease the (upward) flux of NO with height. While the information collected at night was too limited to strongly support hypotheses concerning emissions and deposition, a pathway for NO production by reactions involving NO3 and related compounds was indicated. For daytime conditions, this production pathway is not evident, probably because of the relatively strong effects of photochemical reactions involving NO, NO2, and O3.Formerly with the Chemical Technology Division of Argonne National Laboratory and currently affiliated with Bio-Rad Laboratories, Digilab Division, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.  相似文献   
The East Tianshan is a remote Gobi area located in eastern Xinjiang, northwestern China. In the past several years, a number of gold, porphyry copper, and Fe(-Cu) and Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn skarn deposits have been discovered there and are attracting exploration interest.The East Tianshan is located between the Junggar block to the north and early Paleozoic terranes of the Middle Tianshan to the south. It is part of a Hercynian orogen with three distinct E-W-trending tectonic belts: the Devonian-Early Carboniferous Tousuquan-Dananhu island arc on the north and the Carboniferous Aqishan -Yamansu rift basin to the south, which are separated by rocks of the Kanggurtag shear zone. The porphyry deposits, dated at 322 Ma, are related to the late evolutionary stages of a subduction-related oceanic or continental margin arc. In contrast, the skarn, gold, and magmatic Ni-Cu deposits are associated with post-colli-sional tectonics at ca. 290-270 Ma. These Late Carboniferous - Early Permian deposits are associated with large-scale emplacement and eruption of magmas possibly caused by lithosphere delamination and rifting within the East Tianshan.  相似文献   
In structural geology, viscous creep is generally recognized as the major deformation mechanism in the folding of rock layers through geological time scales of hundreds of thousands of years. Moreover, since deformation of rock salt by creep takes already place on relatively small time scales—weeks to months, say—creep is a relevant phenomenon when studying salt mining, notably the convergence of mine cavities and the land subsidence caused by it. While creep is the dominant process on relatively long time scales, elasticity plays a dominant role in processes that take place on relatively short time scales. The elastic response to a stress is a displacement; the shape of the rock is deformed instantaneously with respect to its initial shape. However, the viscous response of a rock to a stress is a relatively low velocity in the order of millimeters per months or years, say. In this paper we consider the two deformation phenomena creep and elasticity. In general, elasticity is a compressible phenomenon, while creep is incompressible. Here we approximate creep by the introduction of a negligibly small amount of compressibility, which makes creep velocity calculations similar to conventional elastic displacement calculations. Using this procedure, a standard finite element package for elasticity can be applied to viscous problems, also in combination with elasticity. The method has been demonstrated to upscaling of creep viscosities.  相似文献   
Lime softening produces an estimated 10,000 metric tons of dry drinking water treatment wastes (DWTW) per year, costing an estimated one billion dollars annually for disposal worldwide. Lime softening wastes have been investigated for reuse as internal curing agents or supplementary cementitious materials in concrete as well as a high-capacity sorbent for heavy metal removal. Lead, cadmium, and zinc are common heavy metals in groundwater contaminated by mine tailings. Cement-based filter media (CBFM) are a novel material-class for heavy metal remediation in groundwater. This study investigated the incorporation of DWTW as a recycled, low-cost additive to CBFM for the removal of lead, cadmium, and zinc. Jar testing at three different metal concentrations and breakthrough column testing using synthetic groundwater were performed to measure removal capacity and reaction kinetics. Jar testing results show as DWTW content increases at low concentrations, removal approaches 100% but at high metal concentrations removal decreases due to saturation or exhaustion of the removal mechanisms. Removal occurs through the formation of metal carbonate precipitates, surface sorption, and ion exchange with calcium according to the preferential series Pb+2 > Zn+2 > Cd2+. Removal kinetics were also measured through column testing and exceeded estimated calculations derived from batch jar testing isotherms due to the large formation of oolitic metal carbonates. Lead, cadmium, and zinc was concentrated in the column precipitates from 0.29, 0.23, and 20.0 μg/g in the influent solution to approximately 200, 130, 14,000 μg/g in the reacted DWTW-CBFM. The control and DWTW-CBFM columns had statically similar removal for zinc and lead. In the DWTW-CBFM, cadmium had decreased removal of approximately 25% due to proportionately decreased hydroxide content from cement replacement with 25% DWTW. This study shows the potential for DWTW as an enhancement to CBFM, thereby valorizing an otherwise waste material. Furthermore, the concentrative abilities of CBFM through precipitate and oolitic mineral formation could provide a minable waste product and close the waste-product cycle for DWTW.  相似文献   
Hydrostratigraphic models require subsurface data. Those data can be gleaned from Well Construction Reports (WCRs) if the reports are properly reviewed and processed. In the United States, WCRs or similar documents are generally required to be submitted to a state agency. The quality of those reports varies considerably and depends on the water well contractor's level of geologic knowledge. Nevertheless, these types of reports are usually the largest available subsurface data set. We present two examples from Wisconsin, each of which had approximately 2000 WCRs, to demonstrate a variety of new applications of WCRs including obtaining information about the depositional environment; selecting sites to perform surface geophysical measurements; and creating three‐dimensional hydrostratigraphic models for groundwater modeling.  相似文献   
Communication of hydrologic data to the public can be improved by connecting data to the places they represent. In our example of data communication, we coupled hydrologic data with simultaneously collected video as both a scientific and public engagement tool. This note presents a method for collecting spatially and temporally dense datasets of water-quality and geophysical data on small streams and lakes, and for displaying the data in a user-friendly format using commercially available software. With this method, multiple instruments are mounted on a canoe and a controlled survey float is carried out to collect data. The data stream is georeferenced and logged using an Arduino microcontroller to provide detailed information about spatial variability. We employed these continuous data-collection methods at small streams and lakes across Wisconsin, USA. Comparison of stream-float sensor data to lab reported data, data collected by alternative sensors, and previously collected data in our study areas indicates that the low-cost temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen sensors performed well. GoPro cameras recorded video throughout the duration of data collection. Our established water-quality and geophysical data collection methods are inexpensive, fast, and reliable, which qualify them as excellent tools for fine-scale spatial understanding of stream and lake habitats' health. Data-rich video connects point measurements of water properties to the appearance of the native environment. This method helps improve our understanding of groundwater and surface water interactions in complex hydrogeologic systems, enhance communication amongst stakeholders, and provide context when monitoring and managing sensitive habitats.  相似文献   
Recent research has demonstrated the use of in‐well heat tracer tests monitored by a fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system to characterize borehole flow conditions in open bedrock boreholes. However, the accuracy of borehole flow rates determined from in‐well heat tracer tests has not been evaluated. The purpose of the research presented here is to determine whether borehole flow rates obtained using DTS‐monitored in‐well heat tracer tests are reasonable, and to evaluate the range of flow rates measureable with this method. To accomplish this, borehole flow rates measured using in‐well heat tracer tests are compared to borehole flow rates measured in the same boreholes using an impeller or heat pulse flowmeter. A comparison of flow rates measured using in‐well heat tracer tests to flow rates measured with an impeller flowmeter under the same conditions showed good agreement. A comparison of in‐well heat tracer test flow rate measurements to previously‐collected heat pulse flowmeter measurements indicates that the heat tracer test results produced borehole flow rates and flow profiles similar to those measured with the heat pulse flowmeter. The results of this study indicate that borehole flow rates determined from DTS‐monitored in‐well heat tracer tests are reasonable estimates of actual borehole flow rates. In addition, the range of borehole flow rates measurable by in‐well heat tracer tests spans from less than 10?1 m/min to approximately 101 m/min, overlapping the ranges typically measurable with an impeller flowmeter or a heat pulse flowmeter, making in‐well heat tracer testing a versatile borehole flow logging tool.  相似文献   
Forty new K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar isotopic ages from the northern Main Ethiopian Rift (MER)–southern Afar transition zone provide insights into the volcano-tectonic evolution of this portion of the East African Rift system. The earliest evidence of volcanic activity in this region is manifest as 24–23 Ma pre-rift flood basalts. Transition zone flood basalt activity renewed at approximately 10 Ma, and preceded the initiation of modern rift margin development. Bimodal basalt–rhyolite volcanism in the southern Afar rift floor began at approximately 7 Ma and continued into Recent times. In contrast, post-subsidence volcanic activity in the northern MER is dominated by Mio-Pliocene silicic products from centers now covered by Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary lithologies. Unlike other parts of the MER, Mio-Pliocene silicic volcanism in the MER–Afar transition zone is closely associated with fissural basaltic products. The presence of Pliocene age ignimbrites on the plateaus bounding the northern MER, whose sources are found in the present rift, indicates that subsidence of this region was gradual, and that it attained its present physiography with steep escarpments only in the Plio-Pleistocene. Large 7–5 Ma silicic centers along the southern Afar and northeastern MER margins apparently formed along an E–W-oriented regional structural feature parallel to the already established southern escarpment of the Afar. The Addis Ababa rift embayment and the growth of 4.5–3 Ma silicic centers in the Addis Ababa area are attributed to the formation of a major cross-rift structure and its intersection with the same regional E–W structural trend. This study illustrates the episodic nature of rift development and volcanic activity in the MER–Afar transition zone, and the link between this activity and regional structural and tectonic features.  相似文献   
Authigenic carbonates were sampled in piston cores collected from both the Tunica Mound and the Mississippi Canyon area on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico during a Marion Dufresne cruise in July 2002. The carbonates are present as hardgrounds, porous crusts, concretions or nodules and shell fragments with or without carbonate cements. Carbonates occurred at gas venting sites which are likely to overlie gas hydrates bearing sediments. Electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thinsection investigations show that these carbonates are high-Mg calcite (6–21 mol% MgCO3), with significant presence of framboidal pyrite. All carbonates are depleted in 13C (δ13C = − 61.9 to − 31.5‰ PDB) indicating that the carbon is derived mainly from anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO). Age estimates based on 14C dating of shell fragments and on regional sedimentation rates indicate that these authigenic carbonates formed within the last 1000 yr in the Mississippi Canyon and within 5500 yr at the Tunica Mound. The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonates ranges from + 3.4 to + 5.9‰ PDB. Oxygen isotopic compositions and Mg2+ contents of carbonates, and present in-situ temperatures of bottom seawater/sediments, show that some of these carbonates, especially from a core associated with underlying massive gas hydrates precipitated in or near equilibrium with bottom-water. On the other hand, those carbonates more enriched in 18O are interpreted to have precipitated from 18O-rich fluids which are thought to have been derived from the dissociation of gas hydrates. The dissociation of gas hydrates in the northern Gulf of Mexico within the last 5500 yr may be caused by nearby salt movement and related brines.  相似文献   
A substantial proportion of the glacial sediments of East Anglia, England, are chaotic and highly deformed. This has been attributed to (a) direct glaciotectonic deformation or (b) slumping of glaciomarine sediments. We show that interpretation (a) leads to a classification of subglacial glaciotectonic deposits into sites of ‘constructional deformation’, where little or no erosion of the preglacial deposits has occurred and styles of deformation are preserved moving up in the sequence, and ‘excavational deformation’, where substantial erosion of preglacial sediments has occurred and deformational styles are superimposed on each other. By using glaciological and geotechnical theory, we show that the expression of these deformational styles in East Anglia is a natural response to the stress fields imposed by the ice-sheet, and that in consequence their spatial relationships are explicable. The depth of deformation is related to the geotechnical properties of till and substrate, the stress and effective stress fields, and found to be consistent with observations.  相似文献   
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