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This is a reply to R.S. Perry and M.A. Sephton's “Reply to comments on defining biominerals and organominerals: direct and indirect indicators of life [Perry et al., Sedimentary Geology, 201, 157–179]” [Sedimentary Geology 213 (2009) 156].  相似文献   
The 1.07?Myr old Bosumtwi impact structure (Ghana), excavated in 2.1-2.2?Gyr old supracrustal rocks of the Birimian Supergroup, was drilled in 2004. Here, we present single crystal U-Pb zircon ages from a suevite and two meta-graywacke samples recovered from the central uplift (drill core LB-08A), which yield an upper Concordia intercept age of ca. 2145?±?82?Ma, in very good agreement with previous geochronological data for the West African Craton rocks in Ghana. Whole rock Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope data of six suevites (five from inside the crater and one from outside the northern crater rim), three meta-graywacke, and two phyllite samples from core LB-08A are also presented, providing further insights into the timing of the metamorphism and a possibly related isotopic redistribution of the Bosumtwi crater rocks. Our Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd data show also that the suevites are mixtures of meta-greywacke and phyllite (and possibly a very low amount of granite). A comparison of our new isotopic data with literature data for the Ivory Coast tektites allows to better constrain the parent material of the Ivory Coast tektites (i.e., distal impactites), which is thought to consist of a mixture of metasedimentary rocks (and possibly granite), but with a higher proportion of phyllite (and shale) than the suevites (i.e., proximal impactites). When plotted in a Rb/Sr isochron diagram, the sample data points (n?=?29, including literature data) scatter along a regression line, whose slope corresponds to an age of 1846?±?160?Ma, with an initial Sr isotope ratio of 0.703?±?0.002. However, due to the extensive alteration of some of the investigated samples and the lithological diversity of the source material, this age, which is in close agreement with a possible "metamorphic age" of ~?1.8-1.9?Ga tentatively derived from our U-Pb dating of zircons, is difficult to consider as a reliable metamorphic age. It may perhaps reflect a common ancient source whose Rb-Sr isotope systematics has not basically been reset on the whole rock scale during the Bosumtwi impact event, or even reflect another unknown geologic event.  相似文献   
In the geological sciences it has only recently been recognized how important the process of impact cratering is on a planetary scale, where it is commonly the most important surface-modifying process. On the Moon and other planetary bodies that lack an appreciable atmosphere, meteorite impact craters are well preserved, and they can commonly be recognized from morphological characteristics, but on Earth complications arise as a consequence of the weathering, obliteration, deformation, or burial of impact craters and the projectiles that formed them. These problems made it necessary to develop diagnostic criteria for the identification and confirmation of impact structures on Earth. Diagnostic evidence for impact events is often present in the target rocks that were affected by the impact. The conditions of impact produce an unusual group of melted, shocked, and brecciated rocks, some of which fill the resulting crater, and others which are transported, in some cases to considerable distances from the source crater. Only the presence of diagnostic shock-metamorphic effects and, in some cases, the discovery of meteorites, or traces thereof, is generally accepted as unambiguous evidence for an impact origin. Shock deformation can be expressed in macroscopic form (shatter cones) or in microscopic forms (e.g., distinctive planar deformation features [PDFs] in quartz). In nature, shock-metamorphic effects are uniquely characteristic of shock levels associated with hypervelocity impact. The same two criteria (shock-metamorphic effects or traces of the impacting meteorite) apply to distal impact ejecta layers, and their presence confirms that materials found in such layers originated in an impact event at a possibly still unknown location. As of 2009 about 175 impact structures have been identified on Earth based on these criteria. A wide variety of shock-metamorphic effects has been identified, with the best diagnostic indicators for shock metamorphism being features that can be studied easily by using the polarizing microscope. These include specific planar microdeformation features (planar fractures [PFs], PDFs), isotropization (e.g., formation of diaplectic glasses), and phase changes (high pressure phases; melting). The present review provides a detailed discussion of shock effects and geochemical tracers that can be used for the unambiguous identification of impact structures, as well as an overview of doubtful criteria or ambiguous lines of evidence that have erroneously been applied in the past.  相似文献   
A new algorithm is presented for the numerical integration of second-order ordinary differential equations with perturbations that depend on the first derivative of the dependent variables with respect to the independent variable; it is especially designed for few-body problems with velocity-dependent perturbations. The algorithm can be used within extrapolation methods for enhanced accuracy, and it is fully explicit, which makes it a competitive alternative to standard discretization methods.  相似文献   
Silicate weathering and resulting transport of dissolved matter influence the global carbon cycle in two ways. First by the uptake of atmospheric/soil CO2 and second by providing the oceanic ecosystems via the fluvial systems with the nutrient dissolved silica (DSi). Previous work suggests that regions dominated by volcanics are hyperactive or even “hot spots” concerning DSi-mobilization. Here, we present a new approach for predicting DSi-fluxes to coastal zones, emphasizing “first-order” controlling factors (lithology, runoff, relief, land cover and temperature). This approach is applied to the Japanese Archipelago, a region characterized by a high percentage of volcanics (29.1% of surface area). The presented DSi-flux model is based on data of 516 catchments, covering approximately 56.7% of the area of the Japanese Archipelago. The spatial distribution of lithology—one of the most important first order controls—is taken from a new high resolution map of Japan. Results show that the Japanese Archipelago is a hyperactive region with a DSi-yield 6.6 times higher than the world average of 3.3 t SiO2 km−2 a−1, but with large regional variations. Approximately 10% of its area exceeds 10 times the world average DSi-yield. Slope constitutes another important controlling factor on DSi-fluxes besides lithology and runoff, and can exceed the influence of runoff on DSi-yields. Even though the monitored area on the Japanese Archipelago stretches from about 31° to 46°N, temperature is not identified as a significant first-order model variable. This may be due to the fact that slope, runoff and lithology are correlated with temperature due to regional settings of the Archipelago, and temperature information is substituted to a certain extent by these factors. Land cover data also do not improve the prediction model. This may partly be attributed to misinterpreted land cover information from satellite images. Implications of results for Earth System and global carbon cycle modeling are discussed.  相似文献   
Nitrate (NO3 ?) reduction processes are important for depleting the NO3 ? load from agricultural source areas before the discharge water reaches surface waters or groundwater aquifers. In this study, we experimentally demonstrate the co-occurrence of microbial iron sulfide oxidation by NO3 ? (MISON) and other NO3 ?-depleting processes in a range of contrasting sediment types: sandy groundwater aquifer, non-managed minerotrophic freshwater peat and two brackish muddy sediments. Approximately 1/3 of the net NO3 ? reduction was caused by MISON in three of the four environments despite the presence of organic carbon in the sediment. An apparent salinity limitation to MISON was observed in the most brackish environment. Addition of high surface area synthetically precipitated iron sulfide (FeS x ) to the aquifer sediment with the lowest natural FeS x reactivity increased both the relative fraction of NO3 ? reduction linked to MISON from approximately 30–100 % and the absolute rates by a factor of 17, showing that the potential for MISON-related NO3 ? reduction is environmentally significant and rate limited by the availability of reactive FeS x .  相似文献   
Shocked quartz and feldspar grains commonly exhibit planar microstructures, such as planar fractures, planar deformation features, and possibly microtwins, which are considered to have formed by shock metamorphism. Their orientation and frequency are typically reported to be randomly distributed across a sample. The goal of this study is to investigate whether such microstructures are completely random within a given sample, or whether their orientation might also retain information on the direction of the local shock wave propagation. For this work, we selected samples of shatter cones, which were cut normal to the striated surface and the striation direction, from three impact structures (Keurusselkä, Finland, and Charlevoix and Manicouagan, Canada). These samples show different stages of pre‐impact tectonic deformation. Additionally, we investigated several shocked granite samples, selected at different depths along the drill core recovered during the joint IODP‐ICDP Chicxulub Expedition 364 (Mexico). In this case, thin sections were cut along two orthogonal directions, one parallel and one normal to the drill core axis. All the results refer to optical microscopy and universal‐stage analyses performed on petrographic thin sections. Our results show that such shock‐related microstructures do have a preferred orientation, but also that relating their orientation with the possible shock wave propagation is quite challenging and potentially impossible. This is largely due to the lack of dedicated experiments to provide a key to interpret the observed preferred orientation and to the lack of information on postimpact orientation modifications, especially in the case of the drill core samples.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ein Teil der Mitteldeutschen Schwelle (R.Brinkmann 1948), der Spessart, wird sowohl bezüglich seines Innenbaues (Tektonik, Stratigraphie, Petrogenese des Grundgebirges), als auch bezüglich seiner Funktion als Lieferant für die jungpaläozoisch-mesozoischen Sedimente des Wetterau-Beckens betrachtet.Über diese Betrachtungen hinaus lassen sich Vergleiche zu anderen Gebieten der Mitteldeutschen Schwelle durchführen.Ganz offenbar ist die Grenzzone zwischen Saxothuringischer und Rhenoherzynischer Zone des Varistischen Gebirges in Mitteleuropa keine zufällige Ortslage für die Mitteldeutsche Schwelle und das Saar-Nahe-(Wetterau-)Becken. - Diese Kristallinzone hat tatsächlich zu verschiedenen Zeiten in der Erdgeschichte umgebungsdifferente Bewegungsimpulse erfahren. Sie ist darüber hinaus ohne Zweifel ein krustenversteifendes Element, was sich bereits mindestens aus ihrer modifizierenden Wirkung auf die großen Bruchsysteme der Mittelmeer-Mjösen-Zone im Bereich des nördlichen Oberrheingrabens und der südlichen Hessischen Senke ablesen läßt.
The Spessart, as part of the Central German geanticline (Mitteldeutsche Schwelle, R.Brinkmann 1948) is discussed with respect to both its internal structure (tectonics, stratigraphy, petrogenesis of the basement) and its importance as a source region of Upper-Paleozoic-Mesozoic sediments which were deposited in the basin of the Wetterau. This leads to comparisons with other regions of the Central German geanticline.Obviously the regional situation of the Central German geanticline as well as the basins along Saar and Nahe(-Wetterau) between the hercynian zones of Saxothuringia and Rhenohercynia in Central Europe is not chance.The basement belt actually has been affected to vertical movements several times during its geologic history. Apart from this this belt is a consolidating element for the crust. This can clearly be seen by watching the great fault systems which can be traced from the Mediterranean to the Norwegian Lake Mjösen (Mittelmeer-Mjösen-Zone). They are modified by the Central German geanticline in the north of the Upper Rhine Valley and in the southern low-lands of Hesse.

Résumé Une partie du bombement de l'Allemagne centrale (R.Brinkmann 1948), le Spessart, est étudiée tant sous l'aspect de sa structure interne (tectonique, stratigraphie, pétrogenèse du socle cristallin) que sous celui de son rôle comme domaine nourricier en sédiments du bassin Wetterau, du Paléozoïque supérieur au Mésozoïque.Partant de ces considérations, on peut faire des comparaisons avec d'autres régions du bombement de l'Allemagne centrale. Il est tout-à-fait évident que la zone limitrophe comprise entre les zones saxothuringienne et rhénohercynienne de la chaîne varisque de l'Europe Centrale n'est pas quelconque par rapport au bombement de l'Allemagne centrale et au bassin de la Sarre et de la Nahe (-basin de Wetterau). Cette zone cristalline a effectivement subi à différentes époques de l'histoire terrestre des mouvements distincts de ceux de son entourage. En outre elle constitue sans doute un élément qui a raidi la croûte terrestre, ce qui apparaît par l'influence modificatrice qu'elle a exercé dans la région septentrionale du Fossé du Rhin supérieur et de la dépression méridionale de la Hesse sur le grand système de fractures tectoniques de la zone Mer Méditerranée-Mjösen.

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Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Cospectra and quadrature spectra are calculated for six pairs of tall offshore measurement masts near the Horns Rev I wind farm in the Danish North Sea and the Nysted wind farm in the Baltic sea. The mast-pairs are separated from one another by horizontal distances of 2.13–12.4 km. Cospectra and quadrature spectra for the two sites are classified in terms of the angle between the mean wind direction and the line connecting each pair of masts. The frequency axes of the spectra are normalized to remove the effect of mean wind speed and separation distance. Results indicate a larger contribution to the quadrature spectrum for flow from the sea than for flow from the land, and the patterns in the spectra are clearer and better defined for Horns Rev I (which has a long uninterrupted sea-fetch from the west) than for Nysted (which is surrounded by a more complicated coastline). The analysis is replicated based on 3-month simulations using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) numerical model with a horizontal grid spacing of 2 km. For the sea-fetch directions, good agreement in spectral properties between the model and observations is found. Analytical expressions based on the properties of the cross-correlation function and an exponentially decaying coherence function are fitted to the normalized cospectra and quadrature spectra. The expressions are shown to be a good fit to the spectra calculated from the WRF simulations and to the observed spectra for directions with a long sea-fetch, which suggests that to a good approximation, the average cospectra and quadrature spectra over the sea can be written as functions of frequency, mean wind speed, separation distance and the angle between the wind direction and the orientation of the masts.  相似文献   
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