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Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß elektrischer Erdbodeneigenschaften auf Sendeabstrahlung und Ausbreitung wird theoretisch untersucht und mit Hilfe von Feldstärkebilanzgleichungen auf praktische Feldberechnungen angewendet. Meteorologische Einwirkungen auf diese Werte und direkt auf den troposphärischen Ausbreitungsweg werden besprochen und rechnerisch analysiert, wo es das Ausmaß der Einwirkung notwendig erscheinen läßt.
Summary The effect of electrical ground characteristics on radiation transmitted and on propagation are investigated theoretically and applied to practical field calculations with the aid of field-strength balance equations. Meteorological effects upon these values and directly upon the tropospheric propagation path are discussed and analysed by calculations wherever the extent of the effect appeared to make it necessary.

Résumé L'auteur étudie théoriquement l'influence des propriétés électriques du sol sur l'émission et la propagation des ondes. Il applique ensuite ses conclusions au calcul pratique des champs grâce aux équations du bilan d'intensité de ceux-ci. Il discute et analyse par le calcul les influences météorologiques sur les valeurs obtenues et sur le chemin de propagation dans la troposphère et cela pour autant que la proportion de ces influences rende nécessaire leur prise en considération.
Zusammenfassung Auf Salina beginnt die vulkanische Tätigkeit mit der Förderung von Labradorit-Andesiten und -Trachyandesiten, die den alten Pollara-Vulkan und den Vulkanstock des Mte. Rivi aufbauen. Der letzte wird von mindestens zwei größeren Vulkanen — dem südwestlichen und dem nordöstlichen Mte. Rivi-Vulkan — zusammengesetzt. Anschließend kam es im Südosten der Insel zu der Extrusion sauerer Laven in Form von Staukuppen und Staurücken (mit rhyodazitischem Chemismus).Im Bereich der alten Rivi-Vulkane und jenem der saueren Laven im SE-Teil von Salina sind marine Brandungsterrassen mit 2- bis 4 m mächtigen, groben Küstenkonglomeraten nachweisbar: sie haben Höhen von maximal + 30 m (NE-Teil von Salina) und + 10 bis + 15 m (SE-Teil der Insel). Da diese beiden Terrassensysteme auch auf anderen Inseln des Archipels ausgebildet sind, wird ihre Entstehung durch eustatische Spiegelschwankungen des Mittelmeeres während des Pleistozäns erklärt: die höheren Terrassen entsprechen dem Tyrrhenien I (Mindel/Riß-Interglazial — oberes Mittelpleistozän), die tieferen dürften dem Monastirien I/II (= Tyrrhenien II — Riß/Würm-Interglazial — mittleres Jungpleistozän) zuzuordnen sein. Der Beginn der vulkanischen Tätigkeit im Bereich des Äolischen Archipels muß damit wesentlich jünger als bisher angenommen angesetzt werden: nämlich nicht im Miozän und Frühpliozän, sondern erst im Quartär beginnend.Im jüngeren Quartär bildeten sich auf Salina etwa gleichzeitig die beiden großen Stratovulkankegel des Mte. dei Porri und der Fossa delle Felci, die nicht basischen Chemismus aufweisen, wie bisher angenommen wurde, sondern von rhyodazitischen Laven und Tuffen zusammengesetzt werden. Sie sind altersmäßig mit dem großen Stratovulkan auf Lipari — dem Mte. S. Angelo — zu parallelisieren.Als jüngstes vulkanisches Ereignis auf Salina fand die Aussprengung des großen Kraters von Pollara und die Förderung quarzlatitischer Bimssteine statt. Diese Bimsstein-Tuffe führen reichlich xenolithische Auswürflinge, unter denen granitische bis dioritische Tiefengesteine, kristalline Schiefer, Marmore, Kalksilikatfelse und thermometamorph sehr wenig veränderte, reichlichglobigerinen-führende mergelige Kalke des Tertiärs besonders auffallen. Als untermeerischer Sockel der Äolischen Inseln ist damit die NW-Fortsetzung der Kalabrisch-Peloritanischen Masse belegt.Der Vulkanismus der Äolischen Provinz ist durch die posthume quartäre Bruchtektonik im Raum der heutigen Tyrrhenis bedingt. Durch diese Schollenbewegungen entstanden Brüche, längs denen sialisch-anatektische Restmagmen pazifischer Sippe empordringen konnten.
The volcanic activity on the island of Salina (Eolian archipelago) began with the eruption of labradorite-andesites and trachyandesites, which compose the old volcano of Pollara and that of Mte. Rivi. Thereupon endogenous domes with rhyodacitic chemism had been formed in the southeastern part of the island.In the region of the above mentioned old volcanoes and domes two old coastlines are developed: the higher is recognizable in the northeastern part of Salina and lies + 30 m above sea-level, the lower one is exposed in the southeastern part of the island and differs between + 10 and + 15 m above sea-level. These old coast-lines are likewise developed on other islands of the Eolian archipelago. By this fact their origin is interpreted by eustatic variations of the sea-level in the Mediterranian during the Pleistocene. The higher coast-lines are corresponding to the Tyrrhenian I (= upper part of the middle-Pleistocene), the lower ones are paralleled with the Monastirian I/II (= Tyrrhenian II = middle part of the upper-Pleistocene). By these facts it becomes apparently, that the volcanic activity in the Eolian archipelago began not in Miocene and lower Pliocene, but only in Quaternary times.The volcanism on Salina continued in the younger Quaternary with the approximately contemporaneous formation of two great strato-volcanoes (Mte. dei Porri and Fossa delle Felci), which are of rhyodacitic, but not of basaltic chemism as hitherto assumed. The youngest volcanic event was the ejection of quartz-latitic pumices and the formation of the great crater of Pollara. These pumice-tuffs are rich in xenolithic ejecta (as for instance granitic and dioritic rocks, gneisses, marbles, calc-silicate rocks formed by contact metamorphism, and slightly altered marly limestones of Tertiary age, rich in globigerines). These xenolithes are the proof, that the base of the Eolian Islands is represented by the continuation of the Calabrian-Peloritanian Massive.The volcanism of the Eolian volcanic province was caused by Quaternary tectonics, which were the result of subsidence of the Tyrrhenian Block. Along the fault fissures sialic-anatectic residual-magmas of Pacific rock suite were erupted.

Résumé L'activité volcanique débute à Salina avec l'éruption d'andésites e trachyandésites à labradorite qui ont formé l'ancien volcan Pollara et le piton volcanique du Mte. Rivi. Ce dernier est composé d'au moins 2 grands volcans, le Mte. Rivi sudoccidental et nord-oriental. Vint en plus dans le sud-est de l'île une extrusion de laves acides en forme de coupoles et de crêtons (à chimisme rhyodacite).Dans la région de l'ancien volcan Rivi et de ces laves acides de la partie SE de Salina, on trouve des terrasses marines formées de conglomérats côtiers grossiers de 2 à 4 m d'épaisseur: leur altitude maximum est de + 30m (NE de Salina) et + 10 m à +15 (SE de l'île). Comme ces 2 systèmes de terrasses se rencontrent également sur d'autres îles de l'archipel, on explique leur origine par des variations eustatiques du niveau de la mer durant le Pléistocène: les terrasses supérieures appartiennent au Tyrrhénien I (Interglaciaire Mindel/Risspartie supérieure du Pléistocène moyen); les terrasses inférieures devraient appartenir au Monastirien I/II (=Tyrrhénien II ⦌- Interglaciaire Riss/Würm — partie moyenne du Pléistocène supérieur). L'activité volcanique dans l'archipel éolien aurait ainsi débuté nettement plus tard qu'on ne l'a considéré jusqu'ici: non pas au Miocène ou au début du Pliocène, mais seulement au Quaternaire.Au Quaternaire récent il s'est formé à Salina presque en même temps les 2 grands stratovolcans du Monte dei Porri et de la Fossa delle Felci, qui n'ont pas un chimisme basique comme on l'admettait jusqu'ici, mais qui sont composés de laves et tuffs rhyodacitiques. Du point de vue de l'âge ils sont à paralléliser avec le grand stratovolcan de Lipari, le Mte. S. Angelo.La manifestation volcanique la plus récente à Salina fut l'explosion du grand cratère de Pollara et l'émission de ponces de composition latitique acide. Ces tuffs contiennent de nombreux xénolithes parmi lesquels on remarque surtout des roches profondes granitiques à dioritiques, des schistes cristallins, des marbres, des roches à silicates calcaires, et des calcaires marneux du Tertiaire, riches en globigérines et très peu thermométamorphisés.Le socle sous-marin des îles éoliennes serait donc le prolongement NW de la masse calabro-péloritaine.Le volcanisme de la province éolienne est causé par la tectonique cassante quaternaire dans le cadre de la Tyrrhénide actuelle. Grâce aux mouvements de ces blocs, des cassures ont pris naissance par lesquelles ont pu monter les magmas résiduels sialiques-anatectiques appartenant à la série pacifique.

Riassunto Sull'isola di Salina (archipelago Eoliano) l'attività vulcanica inizia con l'emissione di lave trachiandesiti- e andesiti-labradoritiche, che formano il vecchio vulcano di Pollara ed il massivo vulcanico del Mte. Rivi. L'ultimo è formato da almeno due grandi vulcani — il vulcano sudovest ed il vulcano nordest di Mte. Rivi — die adesso in maggior parte sono degradati e distrutti. Dopo c'è stata nella parte sudest dell'isola l'estrusione di lave acide, che formano le cupole all'occidente di Lingua (con chimismo riodazitico).Nella zona dei vecchi vulcani di Mte. Rivi e quella delle rocce acide nella parte sudest di Salina sono da constatare terrazze marine con grossi conglomerati litorale della potenza di 2–4 m. L'altitudine di queste terrazze marine è al massimo di + 30 m (parte NE di Salina) e tra + 10 e + 15 m (parte SE dell'isola). Poichè questi due sistemi di terrazze marine si trovano anche sull'altre isole dell'archipelago (Lipari, Panarea, Filicudi) si spiega la loro origine da oscillazioni eustatiche del Mediterraneo durante il Pleistocene: le terrazze superiori corrispondono al Tirreniano I (medio-Pleistocene superiore), le terrazze inferiori forse sono appartenenti al Monastiriano I/II (= Tirreniano II, medio tardo-Pleistocene). L'inizio dell'attività vulcanica nella provincia Eolia perció è più giovane come si pensava finora: cioè non è stato durante il Miocene e Pliocene inferiore, ma soltanto nel Quaternario.Nel Quaternario giovane si formarono a Salina quasi contemporaneamente i due grandi strato-vulcani del Mte. dei Porri e della Fossa delle Felci, che non dimostrano un chimismo basico come è stato scritto finora ma sono composti di lave e tufi riodazitiche. Nell'età essi corrispondono al grande strato-vulcano su Lipari — il Mte. S. Angelo.Il più giovane awenimento vulcanico a Salina è stato la formazione del grande cratere di Pollara con espulsione di pomice quarzlatitica. In questa pomice componenti xenolitici sono abbondanti per esempio tali di graniti, granodioriti, dioriti, scisti cristallini, marmi, rocce a calcare-silicatiche e calcari marnosi tertiari poco alterati termometamorfici con abbondante globigerine. Lo zoccolo sottomarino dell'archipelago Eoliano è così la continuazione ipotetica della massa calabro-peloritanica. Il vulcanismo della provincia Eolia è causato dalla tettonica germanotipica quaternaria nella zona del Tirreno. Per l'effetto dello sprofondamento della massa del Tirreno si formarono grandi faglie, lungo a queste salivano magmi sialici-anatectici pacifici.

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Barth  Hans Karl  Quiel  Friedrich 《GeoJournal》1986,13(3):251-259
Due to a particularly favourable geologic and tectonic setting in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia has the world largest oil reserves and is the third largest oil-producing nation in the world. Based on oil and gas revenues, the Kingdom experienced an overwhelming development during the last few decades, changing a desert country into a modern industrialized nation. Main characteristics of spatial changes are based on processes of urbanization and industrialization, on agricultural reclamations and infra-structural developments. Since the natural environment of deserts and semi-deserts in the Eastern Province is determined by an extremely sensitive equilibrium, environmental impacts, shortages in water resources, as well as limited human resources are causing basic problems, which will influence future developments.  相似文献   
To the extent that rock deformation can be approximated by a two-dimensional Newtonian model, a powerful stream-function simulation method is applicable. The significance of stream functions is that velocity, strain, stress and energy derived from the same stream function satisfy automatically three basic conditions of dynamics:
1. (1) the condition of continuity.
2. (2) the Navier-Stokes equations.
3. (3) conservation of energy.
Hence we state with Jaeger: “If a stream function can be found which satisfies the boundary conditions of a dynamic model the complete solution follows.” All pertinent bits of dynamic information are implied in the stream function from which they can be directly derived, guaranteed—so to speak—not to violate the basic conditions of dynamics. Stream functions useful in structural geology are solutions of: A double-polynomial solution of max. degree 14 is developed, in which the coefficients are related controlled by the 4ψ = 0 constraint, and their absolute values are determined by the boundary conditions of specific models and by the condition of maximum rate of energy dissipation or maximum rate of decline of potential energy. The polynomial stream function is applied to a collapsing viscous “nappe” consisting of a thin basal layer with low viscosity on which a thicker layer with high viscosity slides due to gravitational spreading. The velocity of forward movement depends upon absolute and relative values of the following parameters: viscosity, thickness, the aspect ratio and density. The velocity of a variety of nappes with different thicknesses, aspect ratios, viscosities and densities is determined.  相似文献   
This paper explores some of the key institutional transformations in livestock breeding associated with the increasing significance of genetic techniques, situating this within an assessment of an emerging agricultural bioeconomy. Focusing on beef cattle and sheep breeding in the United Kingdom, the paper examines how a move towards the involvement of international and corporate interests in livestock breeding is restructuring the network of institutional interests affecting the knowledge and decision making of individual breeders. The paper suggests that the structural transformation of beef cattle and sheep breeding is complicated by the need for negotiation between breeders’ ‘traditional’ knowledge-practices and the ‘geneticised’ techniques being made available to them. We are thus seeing the emergence of new and complex interactions between the major actors which are reconfiguring power relationships in the UK livestock breeding sector.  相似文献   
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