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The study centers on the necessity,the workflow and the synthetically integrated methods (Principal Compo-nent Analysis(PCA),Andytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Fuzzy Comprerhensive Evaluation(FCE)of strategic environ-ment assessment(SEA)on land-use planning.The whole article includes three main parts:firstly,some attribute database,graphic-base and the spatial transform matrix,which reflect the change of regional land-use pattern,can be ob-tained by GIS technique;secondly,adopting fitting method of trend-suface analysis will convert environment monitoring data from scattered spots to regular control spots,based on which we can perform regional environment impact assess-ment;finally,Changchun Economic and Technological Developmen Zone is chosen as a case study on land-use planning.Through those efforts the results may be obtained as follows:1)according to transform matrix,the possibility of transforma-tion from one land-use to another can be obtained after the planning is carried out;2)environment ruality would change as a result of the change of land-use pattern;3)the SEA on land-use plan is an effective tool to make land-use pattern more reasonable.  相似文献   
Based on multi-beam echo soundings and high-resolution single-channel seismic profiles, linear sand ridges in U14 and U2 on the East China Sea (ECS) shelf are identified and compared in detail. Linear sand ridges in U14 are buried sand ridges, which are 90 m below the seafloor. It is presumed that these buried sand ridges belong to the transgressive systems tract (TST) formed 320–200 ka ago and that their top interface is the maximal flooding surface (MFS). Linear sand ridges in U2 are regressive sand ridges. It is presumed that these buried sand ridges belong to the TST of the last glacial maximum (LGM) and that their top interface is the MFS of the LGM. Four sub-stage sand ridges of U2 are discerned from the high-resolution single-channel seismic profile and four strikes of regressive sand ridges are distinguished from the submarine topographic map based on the multi-beam echo soundings. These multi-stage and multi-strike linear sand ridges are the response of, and evidence for, the evolution of submarine topography with respect to sea-level fluctuations since the LGM. Although the difference in the age of formation between U14 and U2 is 200 ka and their sequences are 90 m apart, the general strikes of the sand ridges are similar. This indicates that the basic configuration of tidal waves on the ECS shelf has been stable for the last 200 ka. A basic evolutionary model of the strata of the ECS shelf is proposed, in which sea-level change is the controlling factor. During the sea-level change of about 100 ka, five to six strata are developed and the sand ridges develop in the TST. A similar story of the evolution of paleo-topography on the ECS shelf has been repeated during the last 300 ka.  相似文献   
以玻璃珠作为示踪颗粒,研究底栖双壳类软体动物紫彩血蛤对沉积物的扰动。室内实验的结果表明,在整个实验周期10d内,沉积物表层的示踪颗粒有47%向下迁移,最大迁移深度12cm,垂直迁移率为1.80×10-5·g-1·cm-2·d-1。沉积物10cm深处的示踪颗粒分别有45%和15%向上和向下迁移,向上及向下迁移率分别为1.89×10-5·g-1·cm-2·d-1和0.63×10-5·g-1·cm-2·d-1  相似文献   
The proposed Taiwan Strait Tunnel will raise numerous challenges for environmental professionals. The environmental issues must be incorporated in the preliminary study, planning, design, and construction of the works and be addressed consistently throughout all phases of the project. In this article, the environmental issues that will be encountered in the construction stage are discussed, including environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring, and specific environmental issues during construction such as spoil handling, air quality and noise control, drainage, and health and safety. The experience and practice of handling environmental issues during the construction English Channel Tunnel are reviewed throughout the discussion.  相似文献   
采用相关分析方法对北京平谷台 1971~ 1977年获得的重力位 2次偏微商曲率值 K进行处理 ,消除降雨等噪声对观测值的影响 ,得到较真实的重力等位面弯曲变化值 KS。分析研究的结果表明 ,1975年 2月 4日海城 7.3级地震、1976年 7月 2 8日唐山 7.8级地震、1976年 11月 15日宁河 6 .9级地震、1977年 5月 12日宁河 6 .5级地震前 ,曲率值 KS均有明显的震前异常出现。在此基础上进行定量分析处理 ,求得各次地震前 KS值的真正异常变化量△ KS,并运用近似积分法求得异常面积与地震震级之间的关系 ,初步建立了预报方程 ,从而为单台重力异常预报不同距离发生的地震震级提供一种借鉴方法  相似文献   
丛生竹根系抗拉力学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
竹林是具有水土保持功能的一种重要植被,其地下根系力学性能好坏是影响竹林固土力学作用的重要因素。为了了解丛生竹林地下根系的抗拉力学特性,利用自制的植物根系抗拉力学特性野外便携实验系统,对料慈竹、绿竹、龙竹、香竹4种丛生竹根系进行了现场拉伸实验,测量这4种丛生竹不同直径根系的抗拉力、应变,并通过计算得到抗拉强度和弹性模量。结果表明,4种丛生竹根系最大抗拉力与根直径的关系呈幂函数正相关增长,抗拉强度与根直径的关系呈幂函数负相关增长。根系平均抗拉力分别为料慈竹(59.47 N)、香竹(58.65 N)、龙竹(43.51 N)、绿竹(40.80 N),平均抗拉强度依次为龙竹(30.24 MPa)、料慈竹(23.14 MPa)、绿竹(22.83 MPa)、香竹(18.14 MPa),平均极限应变较为接近,在14%~18%之间,平均弹性模量值为龙竹(169.86 MPa)、料慈竹(166.37MPa)、绿竹(158.36 MPa)、香竹(135.56 MPa),最高峰值达到350 MPa。4种丛生竹相比,龙竹根系的综合抗拉力学性能最好,其次是料慈竹和绿竹,最后是香竹。与常见造林树种油松、落叶松、白桦相比,丛生竹根系具有较好的抗拉力学性能。  相似文献   
目的:基于网络药理学与体外细胞实验探讨复方清痹片治疗类风湿性关节炎(RA)的作用机制。方法:基于TCMID、TCMSP和DrugBank数据库筛选复方清痹片的活性成分并预测潜在活性成分靶点;基于GeneCard、OMIM等数据库筛选RA疾病靶点;明确复方清痹片活性成分与RA的共同潜在靶标;利用STRING数据库和Cytoscape软件构建蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络,并通过DAVID数据库进行基因本体(GO)功能及京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析,RT-PCR检测复方清痹片对肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)诱导的人类风湿性关节炎成纤维样滑膜细胞(HFLS-RA)模型白介素6(IL-6)、TNF-α、丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶1(AKT1)和血管内皮生长因子A(VEGFA)mRNA表达的影响。结果:筛选出217种潜在活性成分以及158个潜在靶点;IL-6、TNF、AKT1、白蛋白(ALB)、VEGFA等是复方清痹片治疗RA的关键靶点;复方清痹片主要通过炎性因子、趋化因子、免疫调控等信号通路来发挥治疗RA的作用。复方清痹片能够抑制HFLS-RA增殖,下调IL-6、TNF、AKT1和VEGFA mRNA的表达,这与网络药理学预测的结果相一致。结论:本研究揭示了复方清痹片治疗RA“活性成分-靶点-通路”的复杂关系,为后续该药的临床应用提供了研究基础。  相似文献   
We report a Middle Ordovician metagranitoid from the northern margin of the Anatolide‐Tauride Block, the basement of which is generally characterized by voluminous Latest Proterozoic to Early Cambrian granitoids. The Ordovician metagranitoid forms an ~400‐m‐thick body in the marbles and micaschists of the Tav?anl? Zone. The whole sequence was metamorphosed in the blueschist facies during the Late Cretaceous (c. 80 Ma). Zircons from the metagranitoid give a Middle Ordovician Pb‐Pb evaporation age of 467.0 ± 4.5 Ma interpreted as the age of crystallization of the parent granitic magma. The micaschists underlying the metagranitoid yield Cambro‐Ordovician (530–450 Ma) and Carboniferous (c. 310 Ma) detrital zircon ages indicating that the granitoid is a pre‐ or syn‐metamorphic tectonic slice. The Ordovician metagranitoid represents a remnant of the crystalline basement of the Anatolide‐Tauride Block and provides evidence for Ordovician magmatism at the northern margin of Gondwana. Prismatic Carboniferous detrital zircons in the micaschists indicate that during the Triassic, the northern margin of the Anatolide‐Tauride Block was close to Variscan terranes.  相似文献   
滇西南那邦变质基性岩两期变质作用的40Ar/39Ar年代学研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
中缅边界那邦变质基性岩出露于东缅著名的 Mogok带的东缘。那邦基性麻粒岩经历了早期麻粒岩相、晚期角闪岩相的两期变质作用的改造。早期变质作用的矿物石榴石和单斜辉石的 40 Ar/ 39Ar激光微区等时线年龄是 74.44± 1.44 Ma;石榴石和单斜辉石的 40 Ar/ 39Ar年龄谱图和等时线年龄均显示两组年龄 :74~ 76 Ma和 2 3~ 2 4Ma。晚期变质作用矿物角闪石的K- Ar法得出 2 3Ma,角闪石和斜长石的 40 Ar/ 39Ar年龄谱图和等时线年龄均显示 2 3~ 2 4Ma的变质年龄。综合这些结果 ,可以确定那邦基性麻粒岩的早期麻粒岩相变质作用的年龄是 74~ 77Ma,可能与新特提斯洋壳俯冲事件有关 ;晚期角闪岩相变质作用的年龄是 2 3~ 2 4Ma,与区内喜山期以来陆内块体响应两大陆会聚作用发生的大型走滑事件有关。那邦基性麻粒岩是世界上最年轻的麻粒岩相岩石之一 ,而且 ,两期变质作用年龄的确定对揭示区内与变质作用相关的地质事件具有重要意义。  相似文献   
首次报道了产于内蒙古锡林浩特盆地侏罗系红旗组的植物群,共计21属37种。该植物群由木贼目、真蕨纲、苏铁纲、银杏纲、松柏纲和少量分散保存的种子等组成,以真蕨类丰富、蚌壳蕨科Coniopteris和Eboracia出现以及南方型分子较多等为特征。该植物群的时代为早侏罗世晚期,反映研究区红旗组主体的沉积时代为早侏罗世晚期,上部沉积可能形成于中侏罗世早期。气候敏感植物,特别是南方型分子的出现,指示锡林浩特盆地早侏罗世晚期属于暖温带—亚热带气候区,气候较热或短期有一定程度的偏干旱;其气温较早侏罗世早期和中侏罗世早期更高,说明早侏罗世晚期发生过1次升温气候事件。对早、中侏罗世植物群和沉积特征的综合分析表明,中国在早侏罗世晚期可划分出黑龙江东部温凉气候区、北方暖温带温暖潮湿气候区、中部热带—亚热带半干旱—半潮湿气候区、中南热带—亚热带干旱气候区和西藏—滇西热带干旱气候区共5个气候区,其中北方暖温带温暖潮湿气候区与中部热带—亚热带半干旱—半潮湿气候区的界线较早侏罗世早期和中侏罗世早期偏北4°~8°(纬度),亦说明早侏罗世晚期发生了升温事件。此升温事件与中亚和西伯利亚的图阿尔期升温事件相当,其很可能是早侏罗世晚期图阿尔期大洋缺氧事件(T-OAE)在陆地生态系统中的响应。  相似文献   
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