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High-magnitude glacial debris flows in small basins in Himalayas have a significant impact on landscape.The Peilong catchment,a tributary of the Parlung Zangbo river in southeastern Tibet,was chosen as a case study of topographic response to multi-period glacial debris flows.There are few large debris flow records in the catchment before 1983,but four large-scale glacial debris flows with peak discharge up to 8195 m3/s blocked the river during 1983–1985 and in 2015.A combination of field survey,examination of historical records and interpretation of multi-period remote sensing images was used to assess triggering factors and geomorphic impact of the events.The results show that the debris flows during 1983 and 1985 may be attributed to seismic events in 1981 and 1982,while the event in 2015 resulted from large amount of landslide deposits caused by glacier retreat during 1993~2013 and high precipitation in 2015.In the upper-midstream broad valley,erosion and accumulation of the debris flows changed the channel morphology,resulting in course diversion.In the lower-midstream narrow valley,lateral erosion of debris flows induced a large number of landslides but had little impact on the channel longitudinal profile.The ability of massive glacial debris flows to change valley topography is more than ten times that of regular water flows.The landscape of the accumulation fan at the outlet of the valley is controlled by the interaction between the sediment transportation capacity of debris flows and erosional capacity of the main river.The sediment transport capacity of the Peilong river is greater than the delivery capacity of the Parlung Zangbo river,resulting in continuous aggradation of the confluence zone.  相似文献   
Use of a non-zero hydrologic response unit(HRU) threshold is an effective way of reducing unmanageable HRU numbers and simplifying computational cost in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) hydrologic modelling. However, being less representative of watershed heterogeneity and increasing the level of model output uncertainty are inevitable when minor HRU combinations are disproportionately eliminated. This study examined 20 scenarios by running the model with various HRU threshold settings to understand the mechanism of HRU threshold effects on watershed representation as well as streamflow predictions and identify the appropriate HRU thresholds. Findings show that HRU numbers decrease sharply with increasing HRU thresholds. Among different HRU threshold scenarios, the composition of land-use, soil, and slope all contribute to notable variations which are directly related to the model input parameters and consequently affect the streamflow predictions. Results indicate that saturated hydraulic conductivity, average slope of the HRU, and curve number are the three key factors affecting stream discharge when changing the HRU thresholds. It is also found that HRU thresholds have little effect on monthly model performance, while evaluation statistics for daily discharges are more sensitive than monthly results. For daily streamflow predictions, thresholds of 5%/5%/5%(land-use/soil/slope) are the optimum HRU threshold level for the watershed to allow full consideration of model accuracy and efficiency in the present work. Besides, the results provide strategies for selecting appropriate HRU thresholds based on the modelling goal.  相似文献   
朱映  王密  潘俊  胡芬 《测绘学报》2015,44(4):399-406
卫星平台震颤是影响高分辨率卫星成像质量的因素之一,会引起影像模糊和内部畸变。本文从资源三号卫星多光谱相机的成像特点和多光谱影像配准误差影响因素入手,理论推导和仿真分析了卫星平台震颤对配准误差的影响规律,在此基础上提出了基于多光谱影像高精度密集匹配的平台震颤检测方法和流程,最后利用不同波段、不同时间的成像数据进行试验。试验结果表明资源三号卫星在试验数据成像阶段存在约0.6Hz的平台震颤,且垂轨方向震颤幅值大于沿轨方向,同时引起波段间相同频率周期性配准误差。检测结果为进一步提高资源三号处理精度提供了可能,也为卫星平台震颤源的分析和优化卫星平台设计提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   
凡纳滨对虾的遗传育种研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei Boone),由于其生长快,抗环境变化能力强,对饵料的要求低,肉味鲜美、出肉率高,成为世界上公认的优良养殖对虾品种之一.凡纳滨对虾自1998年从美国夏威夷再次引进到中国华南,并相继突破集约化防病养殖和全人工繁育技术以来[1],已成为中国海水养殖动物中发展最快的一个种类,其养殖产量已达到中国养殖对虾产量的80%~90%.然而目前中国凡纳滨对虾亲虾多数直接从虾塘挑选,造成品质参差不齐,抗病力下降,生产周期延长,严重制约了中国凡纳滨对虾养殖业持续健康发展.凡纳滨对虾亟需形成稳定优良的养殖品系.  相似文献   
庙咀钒矿是近年查明的一个中型钒矿床。钒矿床地处荆紫关—师岗复向斜南翼,矿体赋存于下寒武统水沟口组底部硅质岩和泥岩中,严格受控于地层及岩性。矿石类型主要为黏土岩型及条带状硅质岩型两种,钒主要以离子吸附和类质同象赋存于黏土矿物中。矿床成因为滨海-浅海沉积型层控矿床。  相似文献   
为了更好地掌握重庆青木关地下河水文动态变化规律,2007年5月至2008年6月利用WGZ-1型光电数字水位计和水质监测仪(CTDP300型在线水质分析仪),对降雨量和地下河水位、水温、pH及电导率进行了连续自动监测,并采用水文动态曲线线型分析法分析了该地下河水文动态变化对降水事件的响应。结果表明,地下河水文动态对降雨响应迅速,水位流量过程曲线线型呈不对称尖峰型,尤其在2007年7月17日出现的大暴雨事件中,最高水位为1.175m,滞后最大雨强6h10min,最大流量为2.5781m3/s,而观测中该地下河最小流量仅为0.0189 m3/s,反映出该岩溶地下河发育强烈,赋水空间较单一、含水层对水资源调蓄能力较弱。电导率、pH和水温对降雨同样快速响应,电导率由602.7μs/cm降到462.09μs/cm,pH由7.23降到7.01,水温由18.9℃上升到19.5℃,各指标滞后不超过15h。   相似文献   
应用钠土泥浆,解决了锡坑矿区复杂地层钻进中运用其它措施难以解决的塌、漏、掉等问题,保证了后续施工的钻孔质量,提高了钻进效率和经济效益。通过钠土泥浆与钙土泥浆及其它无固相冲洗液类比分析,得出了钠土泥浆在该矿区取得好成效的机理。针对赣南构造破碎带型复杂地层钻进中存在的问题,借鉴锡坑矿区的成功经验,提出应重视对钠土泥浆的研究和应用的建议。  相似文献   
基于分布式控制力矩陀螺的水下航行器轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于控制力矩陀螺群(CMGs)的水下航行器具有低速或零速机动的能力。采用基于分布式CMGs的水下航行器方案,并研究其水平面的轨迹跟踪控制问题。通过全局微分同胚变换将非完全对称的动力学模型解耦成标准欠驱动控制模型,并根据简化的模型构建其轨迹跟踪的误差动力学模型,将轨迹跟踪控制问题转化为误差模型镇定问题。基于一种分流神经元模型和反步法设计了系统的轨迹跟踪控制律,该控制器不需要对任何虚拟控制输入进行求导计算,且能确保跟踪误差的最终一致有界性。仿真结果表明该控制器能够实现在不依赖动力学参数先验知识的情况下对光滑轨迹的有效跟踪。  相似文献   
风沙对黄河内蒙古河段河道泥沙淤积的影响   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
通过对黄河内蒙古河段河道淤积泥沙打钻采样,以及黄河沿岸及支流产沙地层采样分析对比,暴雨、洪水等分析追踪河道淤积泥沙源地表明,黄河内蒙古河段河道泥沙淤积主要来源于乌兰布和沙漠及十大孔兑(沟谷)的库布齐沙漠和丘陵沟壑梁地。通过输沙平衡法计算该河段河道泥沙淤积量得知,1954-2000年该河段淤积泥沙总量约20.11亿t,其中大于0.1mm的粗沙为15.57亿t,占总量的77.424%;小于0.1mm的泥沙约4.54亿t,占总量的22.57%。风成沙入黄淤积量是:乌兰布和沙漠6.0552亿t;库布齐沙漠5.8499亿t;二者约占大于0.1mm粗泥沙总量的76.46%。  相似文献   
分析了上两个世纪发生在淮河的洪水事件的可公度性,根据其可公度值及其黄金分割点指出1991年与2003年淮河洪水的不可避免,最后讨论了可公度性的局限及淮河洪水可公度值的可能机制。  相似文献   
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