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陈述了岳阳市及周边地区的主要断裂带及其地震活动,归纳了发震部位。认为利用小震条带预报本区地震具有积极意义,并运用数理统计法预测了本区今后50及100年内的地震活动水平。  相似文献   
Development of Geological Data Warehouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data warehouse (DW), a new technology invented in 1990s, is more useful for integrating and analyzing massive data than traditional database. Its application in geology field can be divided into 3 phrases: 1992-1996, commercial data warehouse (CDW) appeared; 1996-1999, geological data warehouse (GDW) appeared and the geologists or geographers realized the importance of DW and began the studies on it, but the practical DW still followed the framework of DB; 2000 to present, geological data warehouse grows, and the theory of geo-spatial data warehouse (GSDW) has been developed but the research in geological area is still deficient except that in geography. Although some developments of GDW have been made, its core still follows the CDW-organizing data by time and brings about 3 problems: difficult to integrate the geological data, for the data feature more space than time; hard to store the massive data in fifferent levels due to the same reason; hardly support the spatial analysis if the data are organized by time as CDW does. So the GDW should be redesigned by organizing data by scale in order to store mass data in different levels and synthesize the data in different granularities, and choosing space control points to replace the former time control points so as to integrate different types of data by the method of storing one type data as one layer and then to superpose the layers. In addition, data cube, a wide used technology in CDW, will be no use in GDW, for the causality among the geological data is not so obvious as commercial data, as the data are the mixed result of many complex rules, and their analysis needs the special geological methods and software; on the other hand, data cube for mass and complex geo-data will devour too much store space to be practical. On this point, the main purpose of GDW may be fit for data integration unlike CDW for data analysis.  相似文献   
Web环境下SVG地图浏览器的设计与实现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
SVG是近年来发展起来的基于XML的用于描述矢量图形、图像的标准规范,该规范的制定对网上矢量地图数据的共享具有十分重要的意义,基于SVG的矢量地图十分有利于地理空间数据的传播。文中首先分析了目前Web环境下矢量地图发布存在的问题,之后介绍了SVG的有关情况,最后基于Adobe的SVG Vie—wer2.0设计并实现了一个SVG地图浏览器,着重研究了3个问题,即矢量地图数据在SVG文档中的组织与编码,地图浏览器界面的设计以及若干地图操作功能的实现。  相似文献   
目的 探讨CT诊断新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)与临床症状的关系。方法 CT轴位扫描46例新生儿,观察脑实质密度及脑脊液腔系统的变化。结果 HIE以脑白质密度减低为主力(100%),可伴有蛛网膜下腔出血,CT诊断正确率97.6%。结论 CT诊断HIE较有优势,但应密切结合临床。早期正确诊断该病,对新生儿预后较为有利。  相似文献   
慢地震慢前兆的机制研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过岩石高温高压破裂实验与有机玻璃破裂试验的应力—应变曲线对比、地震波形记录(观测资料)与试样破裂波形(实验资料)对比、地震前后定点应变与主破裂前后应变形态变化的对比,认为慢地震是临界或亚临界破裂或预先滑动所致,是低频应变波动。它是材料屈服、弱化或塑性变化的必然结果。而慢前兆则是临近大地震(大破裂)前出现的诸如形变、低频地震波(破裂弹性波)等的短期及临震前兆现象,它比较可靠。但由于许多岩石主破裂前并无明显的临界破裂或预滑动现象,也并非所有岩石都一定出现明显屈服,所以也并非每个地震前都有慢地震,因此,也就不一定都出现低频波动。从而,也并不一定都出现相同的短期、临震前兆现象。  相似文献   
以一体式膜生物反应器(SMBR)对生活污水进行处理,研究不同水力停留时间(HRT)条件下污泥浓度对有机物去除率的影响,并对所得试验数据进行曲线拟合,建立有机物去除率与污泥浓度的数学模型。试验结果表明:在溶解氧(DO)浓度为2.0~3.0mg/L的条件下,HRT为3h、2h和1h时,有机物去除率(η)随着污泥浓度的增大而增大,但当污泥浓度增大到6000mg/L时,η增大趋势逐渐减小,并趋于稳定。有机物去除率与污泥浓度的数学模型表明:有机物去除率(η)与水力停留时间(τ)、进水COD浓度(S_o)和污泥负荷率(N_s)等主要运行参数有关,并可以通过调节运行参数τ、S_o和N_s来达到所需要的COD去除率。  相似文献   
Introduction Through many year's practices by vast numbers of scientific and technological workers andefforts from all aspects, the dynamic testing method of high-low strain has formally entered intothe technical code of foundation pile test of construction at last (The Industry Standards of thePeople's Republic of China, 2003). The striking mode of the dynamic testing method of high strainis stipulated as hammer in the code, the striking of rocket can also be used. The latter is widely…  相似文献   
柴达木盆地近40a气候变化及其对农业影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用柴达木盆地6个代表站逐日平均气温、逐月降水资料以及逐日最低气温资料。对盆地40a来的气候变化特征进行分析。同时分析了气候变化对农业生产的影响。为充分利用变化了的农业气候资源。减少不利因素带来的影响提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   
成像测井技术在碳酸盐岩水平井中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
塔里木盆地北部地区碳酸盐岩油藏储层,非均质性较强,只依靠常规测井判断碳酸盐岩裂缝、溶孔、溶洞很困难.利用地层微电阻率扫描成像(FMI),对碳酸盐岩水平井储层进行定性分析、定量解释,并能准确识别出碳酸盐岩目的层裂缝的性质、大小、开度、溶蚀孔洞原生孔隙、次生孔隙的发育情况等.同时并利用测试、酸压资料验证了使用成像测井判断裂缝的有效性.  相似文献   
压力式水位计在水文自动测报系统中很难推广的主要原因是泥沙对传感器的影响,泥沙不但会使传感器测量精度达不到测验要求,而且由于泥沙淤积还会给水位计的日常维护带来很大不便。目前进口传感器测量精度高、稳定性能好,但仍避免不了泥沙的影响。针对这一问题,提出了一种新型压力式水位计———液压传感间接测量水位计,该水位计解决了泥沙对压力式水位计的影响,是一种具有很大发展前景的水位测量仪器。  相似文献   
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