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The concentrations of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are determined in atmospheric aerosol samples collected at a rural sampling site in Hungary. For the n-alkanes the chromatographic profiles are established and the average carbon number and carbon preference index (CPI) are calculated. An attempt is made to obtain the origin of n-alkanes found in atmospheric aerosol samples. Based on the results of the measurements the probable importance of a round-the-year biogenic source for the n-alkanes with CPIs close to unity is emphasized.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the hydrothermal fluid circulation that was linked to the extensional evolution of the Adriatic rifted margin during the Jurassic opening of the Alpine Tethys. Remnants of this rifted margin are spectacularly preserved in SE Switzerland and N Italy. Five study areas were chosen ranging from the former proximal to the most distal part of the margin. We demonstrate an intimate link between Jurassic extensional tectonics and fluid activity affecting the pre- to early post-rift sedimentary sequences. Nature, composition and origin of fluids are constrained by a multidisciplinary approach based on field observations and including geochemical (O-C, Sr, He isotopes, U-Pb datings, fluid inclusion microthermometry) and petrological methods. Several fluid-related diagenetic products and processes such as dolomitization, veining, hydraulic brecciation, and silicification can be recognized. It appears that different paleogeographic settings and different stratigraphic levels document distinct phases of fluid activity. The fluids reached temperatures of up to 150°C near paleo-seafloor. They were enriched in 18O, had high 87Sr/86Sr and low 3He/4He ratios, documenting a strong interaction between seawater and a granitic basement. Many lines of evidence point to the occurrence of over-pressured fluids and long-lasting fluid circulation due to fault-valve mechanisms and high thermal gradients. Two main stages with different fluid chemistry can be recognized: (1) a carbonate-rich stage that developed during the stretching phases and was linked to high-angle normal faulting, and (2) a silica-rich stage occurring during late rift exhumation of crustal and mantle rocks in the distal domains in the presence of detachment faults and high thermal gradients. This paper provides, for the first time, a large and robust characterization of fluid–rock interactions occurring during rifting along an almost complete section across a magma-poor rifted margin.  相似文献   
György Enyedi 《GeoJournal》1994,32(4):399-402
Budapest is going to take over Vienna's gateway functions esp. in case Berlin succeeds to be a global city of Central Europe and will develop a parallel urban system like the present one of London and Paris for Western Europe. Budapest will be able to fulfill the role of a subregional continental centre. To prove these expectations, the paper discusses the competitiveness of the Hungarian capital, compared to Prague and Warsaw. The advantageous position of Budapest lies partly in its geographic situation, partly in the reforms giving way to private enterprise in the last decades of socialism. Most of the Central European post-communist capital cities, with the exception of Ljubljana and Bratislava, are large and developed enough to enter a European urban competition. Belgrade and Zagreb will be delayed due to the civil war in their region; Bucharest and Sofia have infrastructural, economic and social problems, while Budapest, Prague and Warsaw may have an opportunity to join the developed European urban network. Their chances are examined in this study, with special regard to the Hungarian capital.  相似文献   
The Duna-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary, is characterized by patchy surface salinization. However, in the Duna Valley, salinized wetlands appear in a N?CS trending continuous zone (Lake Kelemenszék area). The source of the salts is reported to be the overpressured NaCl-type water of the Pre-Neogene basement and the NaHCO3-type water of the Neogene sediments. This ??basement and basin origin of salts?? concept is based on the strong correlation between the regional distribution of surface salinization and the basinal flow pattern. This study, applying integrated methods, presents hydrogeological evidence for this theory and creates a conceptual model for the salinization. The model reflects that the basement water rises near to the surface through conductive faults crosscutting an extensive aquitard and aquifer. These faults ensure ??shortcut??-type water exchange between the basement and the uppermost aquifer. This hydraulic setting generates chemical anomalies in this aquifer up to the surface, producing Na?CHCO3?CCl-type water. This water causes extensive surface salinization in those discharge areas where the infiltrating freshwater does not superimpose the upwelling saline water. Where a freshwater lens is located above the ascending saline water, this fresh gravity-driven flow controls the surface distribution of salts, which results in saline patches.  相似文献   
Our knowledge of the lithosphere beneath the Carpathian–Pannonian Region (CPR) has been greatly improved through petrologic, geochemical and isotopic studies of upper mantle xenoliths hosted by Neogene–Quaternary alkali basalts. These basalts occur at the edge of the Intra-Carpathian Basin System (Styrian Basin, Nógrád-Gömör and Eastern Transylvanian Basin) and its central portion (Little Hungarian Plain, Bakony-Balaton Highland).The xenoliths are mostly spinel lherzolites, accompanied by subordinate pyroxenites, websterites, wehrlites, harzburgites and dunites. The peridotites represent residual mantle material showing textural and geochemical evidence for a complex history of melting and recrystallization, irrespective of location within the region. The lithospheric mantle is more deformed in the center of the studied area than towards the edges. The deformation may be attributed to a combination of extension and asthenospheric upwelling in the late Tertiary, which strongly affected the central part of CPR subcontinental lithosphere.The peridotite xenoliths studied show bulk compositions in the following range: 35–48 wt.% MgO, 0.5–4.0 wt.% CaO and 0.2–4.5 wt.% Al2O3 with no significant differences in regard to their geographical location. On the other hand, mineral compositions, particularly of clinopyroxene, vary according to xenolith texture. Clinopyroxenes from less deformed xenoliths show higher contents of ‘basaltic’ major elements compared to the more deformed xenoliths. However, clinopyroxenes in more deformed xenoliths are relatively enriched in strongly incompatible trace elements such as light rare earth elements (LREE).Modal metasomatic products occur as both hydrous phases, including pargasitic and kearsutitic amphiboles and minor phlogopitic micas, and anhydrous phases — mostly clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. Vein material is dominated by the two latter phases but may also include amphibole. Amphibole mostly occurs as interstitial phases, however, and is more common than phlogopite. Most metasomatized peridotites show chemical and (sometimes) textural evidence for re-equilibration between metasomatic and non-metasomatic phases. However, amphiboles in pyroxenites are sometimes enriched in K, Fe and LREE. The presence of partially crystallized melt pockets (related to amphiboles and clinopyroxenes) in both peridotites and pyroxenites is an indication of decompression melting and, rarely, incipient partial melting triggered by migrating hydrous melts or fluids. Metasomatic contaminants may be ascribed to contemporaneous subduction beneath the Carpathian–Pannonian Region between the Eocene and Miocene.Sulfide inclusions are more abundant in protogranular and porphyroclastic xenoliths relative to equigranular types. In mantle lithologies, sulfide bleb compositions vary between pentlandite and pyrrhotite correlating with the chemistry and texture of the host xenoliths. While sulfides in peridotites are relatively rich in Ni, those in clinopyroxene-rich xenoliths are notably Fe-rich.  相似文献   
Mikle  György  Randelli  Filippo 《GeoJournal》2022,87(1):99-110
GeoJournal - In order to study complex transformation of rural areas in the long term, our paper aims to integrate the concepts of rural restructuring and evolutionary economic geography. We argue...  相似文献   
Water Resources - Floods are one of the most common natural hazards and as such, they are causing a great loss of human life as well as great economic damages. Flood frequency analysis (FFA) is...  相似文献   
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