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The spatial and temporal distributions of the stable isotopes such as HD16O (or 1H2H16O, or HDO) and H2 18O in atmospheric water vapor are related to evaporation in source places, vapor condensation during transport, and vapor convergence and divergence, and thus provide useful information for investigation and understanding of the global water cycle. This paper analyzes spatiotemporal variations of the content of isotope HDO (i.e., δ D), in atmospheric water vapor, namely, δ D v, and the relationship of δ D v with atmospheric humidity and temperature at different levels in the troposphere, using the HDO and H2O data retrieved from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) at seven pressure levels from 825 to 100 hPa. The results indicate that δ D v has a clear zonal distribution in the troposphere and a good correspondence with atmospheric precipitable water. The results also show that δ D v decreases logarithmically with atmospheric pressure and presents a decreasing trend from the equator to high latitudes and from lands to oceans. Seasonal changes of δ D v exhibit regional differences. The spatial distribution and seasonal variation of δ D v in the low troposphere are consistent with those in the middle troposphere, but opposite situations occur from the upper troposphere to the lower stratosphere. The correlation between δ D v and temperature has a similar distribution pattern to the correlation between δ D v and precipitable water in the troposphere. The stable isotope HDO in water vapor (δ D v), compared with that in precipitation (δ D p), is of some differences in spatial distribution and seasonal variation, and in its relationship with temperature and humidity, indicating that the impacts of stable isotopic fractionation and atmospheric circulation on the two types of stable isotopes are different.  相似文献   
It has been shown that the major clay minerals of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone source rock are montmorillonite, illite/montmorillonite (I/M) interlayer mineral, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. Within the depth of the transitional zone, montmorillonite could convert to the I/M ordered interlayer mineral via the I/M disordered one, i.e. in the intercrystalline layer of montmorillonite, A13+replaces Si4+abundantly, resulting in a surface charge imbalance and the occurrenec of a surface acidity. By means of the pyridine analytic method, the surface acidity of these aluminosilicate clay minerals is measured. The catalysis of aluminosilicate clay minerals, such as montmorillonite, illite and kaolinite to the thermo-degraded gas formation of the transitional zone is simulated in the differential thermal analysis-gas chromatography system and the alcohol dehydration catalyzed by clay minerals is employed to discuss this catalytic mechanism. Experiments have shown that montmorillonite is the major catalyst in the formation of the transitional zone gas and it lowers the thermo-degraded temperature of organic matter by 50°C.  相似文献   
综合利用总场异常及其垂直梯度的快速曲化平方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要 结合观测异常及其垂直梯度的特点‚给出了一种新的快速曲化平方法。这种方法利 用了位场的调和性质‚借助了三次样条优良拟合特点。模型计算表明‚该方法计算速度快‚ 精度较高‚充分发挥了垂直梯度反映地质体垂向变化的特点。  相似文献   
南极布兰斯菲尔德海峡及周边区域是南极大陆火山、地震等新构造活动最活跃的地区,与南设得兰海沟、南设得兰群岛一同构成南极大陆边缘现存唯一的"沟-弧-盆"构造体系。本文基于"雪龙"船第28、第30航次实测数据及两个航次的国际共享资料,利用均衡改正数据处理方法获得布兰斯菲尔德海峡的莫霍面深度及其分布规律,分析深部构造-断裂的区域分布及其重力异常特征等。布兰斯菲尔德海峡内的空间重力异常呈条带状分布,走向总体与地形相近,布格重力异常则由两侧向中间升高,大致在坡折处形成异常场值为100×10-5 m/s2的分界线,在中央次海盆和东部次海盆海山处形成两个异常高值圈闭,异常值最高为150×10-5 m/s2。莫霍面深度以弧后扩张中心为最低值,向南设得兰群岛和南极半岛两个方向递增,深度从12 km递增至陆坡位置的24 km。  相似文献   
采用Longuet-Higgins形式的方向分布函数作为已知谱,用模拟数据检验了作者所提出的估计方法EEV的合理性,并与扩展最大似然方法(EMLM)及Lygre等(1986)的最大熵方法(MEM)作了比较.在验证和比较中,使用纵摇-横摇浮标、星形阵列和CERC阵列作为复合阵列。计算表明,EEV优于EMLM和MEM。最后将EEV和EMLM两种方法应用于仪器阵列的外海观测数据,得到了比较合理的海浪方向谱。  相似文献   
水产加工技术发展现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了水产品加工技术研究及其应用现状和展望,并对海洋水产资源的开发利用现状和前景作了论述,许多先进技术,如微波技术,辐照杀菌技术,超高压杀菌技术等,在水产品加工业中应用前景广阔,对海洋低值鱼类资源,水产加工废弃物,以及尚未利用的海洋生物资源的开发利用已引起重视,海洋生物技术在开发海洋食用生物资源方面具有重要意义,现代高新技术的应用将成为21世纪水产加工业发展趋势。  相似文献   
Abstract— We report the occurrence of an oxide‐bearing clast and an FeO‐rich clast from aubrites. The FeO‐rich clast in Pesyanoe is dominated by olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts with mineral compositions slightly less FeO‐rich than is typical for H chondrites. In Allan Hills (ALH) 84008, the oxide‐bearing clast consists of a single forsterite grain rimmed by an array of sulfides, oxides, and phosphides. We consider a number of possible origins. We can exclude formation by melting of oxide‐bearing chondrules and CAIs formed in enstatite chondrites. The Pesyanoe clast may have formed in a more oxidized region of the aubrite parent body or, more likely, is a foreign clast from a more oxidized parent body. The ALH 84008 clast likely formed by reaction between sulfides and silicates as a result of cooling, oxidation, or de‐sulfidization. This clast appears to be the first oxide‐bearing clast from an aubritic breccia that formed on the aubrite parent body. Identification of additional oxide‐bearing clasts in aubrites could shed light on whether this was a widespread phenomenon and the origin of these enigmatic objects.  相似文献   
采用东英吉利大学气候研究中心(CRU)提供的月地表温度和降水资料,分析了全球年平均及冬季地表温度变化趋势,发现在北半球中高纬地区半干旱区冬季快速增温。在此基础上通过分析帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI)研究了北美和欧亚大陆冬季地表干湿变化的时空特征和差异,并讨论北美和欧亚大陆冬季快速增温对地表干湿变化的影响。结果表明,北美大陆南部微弱变湿,加拿大北极群岛变湿明显,而在北美大陆的中西部有明显的变干趋势;欧亚大陆大部分地区在冬季有一定的变干趋势,其中尤以西欧南部,中国华北、东北,蒙古中北、东北部及俄罗斯远东地区变干最为显著。但北美和欧亚大陆1950-2008年冬季降水并无显著变化趋势,地表干湿变化主要受气温的影响,尤其是在冬季增温最为快速的地区。  相似文献   
以库布齐沙漠南缘典型抛物线形沙丘为研究对象,选取3个沙丘前端活动区的纵断面和一个贯穿两翼及翼间平地的横断面,同步观测各个断面的风速与输沙率,讨论抛物线形沙丘表面形态-动力学过程。结果显示,沙丘前端活动区3个纵断面的风速和输沙率遵循一般变化规律,即沿迎风坡上升逐渐增加,至丘顶及附近达到最大,并在背风侧降低;二者在3个纵断面上的变化趋势一致,但具体变化形式不同,沙丘表面动力与输沙过程存在较大的空间异质性。沙丘两翼具有纵向沙丘的动力学性质,翼体两侧风速和输沙率具有对称性。该沙丘沙源匮缺,前端活动区主要依靠两翼内侧侵蚀提供沙源。受沙丘形状和植被等因素影响,坡脚及坡下部风速与输沙率之间没有相关性,因此简单的风速放大率和输沙率变化程度无法准确揭示该类型沙丘表面复杂的形态-动力学关系。  相似文献   
张裂陆缘作为威尔逊旋回中关键的一环,是研究地球板块构造及其演化过程的重要构造单元.本文阐述了3种类型张裂陆缘(富岩浆型、贫岩浆型和中间型)的地壳结构特征,总结了它们的演化过程与机制,分析表明构造作用、岩浆活动程度、先存结构等是形成不同类型张裂陆缘的主要控制因素.针对南海北部陆缘复杂的构造属性与演化机制问题,提出了今后重...  相似文献   
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