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Understanding the characteristics of volcanic thermal emissions and how they change with time is important for forecasting and monitoring volcanic activity and potential hazards. Satellite instruments view volcanic thermal features across the globe at various temporal and spatial resolutions. Thermal features that may be a precursor to a major eruption, or indicative of important changes in an on-going eruption can be subtle, making them challenging to reliably identify with satellite instruments. The goal of this study was to explore the limits of the types and magnitudes of thermal anomalies that could be detected using satellite thermal infrared (TIR) data. Specifically, the characterization of sub-pixel thermal features with a wide range of temperatures is considered using ASTER multispectral TIR data. First, theoretical calculations were made to define a “thermal mixing detection threshold” for ASTER, which quantifies the limits of ASTER's ability to resolve sub-pixel thermal mixing over a range of hot target temperatures and % pixel areas. Then, ASTER TIR data were used to model sub-pixel thermal features at the Yellowstone National Park geothermal area (hot spring pools with temperatures from 40 to 90 °C) and at Mount Erebus Volcano, Antarctica (an active lava lake with temperatures from 200 to 800 °C). Finally, various sources of uncertainty in sub-pixel thermal calculations were quantified for these empirical measurements, including pixel resampling, atmospheric correction, and background temperature and emissivity assumptions.  相似文献   
This study evaluates alternative groundwater models with different recharge and geologic components at the northern Yucca Flat area of the Death Valley Regional Flow System (DVRFS), USA. Recharge over the DVRFS has been estimated using five methods, and five geological interpretations are available at the northern Yucca Flat area. Combining the recharge and geological components together with additional modeling components that represent other hydrogeological conditions yields a total of 25 groundwater flow models. As all the models are plausible given available data and information, evaluating model uncertainty becomes inevitable. On the other hand, hydraulic parameters (e.g., hydraulic conductivity) are uncertain in each model, giving rise to parametric uncertainty. Propagation of the uncertainty in the models and model parameters through groundwater modeling causes predictive uncertainty in model predictions (e.g., hydraulic head and flow). Parametric uncertainty within each model is assessed using Monte Carlo simulation, and model uncertainty is evaluated using the model averaging method. Two model-averaging techniques (on the basis of information criteria and GLUE) are discussed. This study shows that contribution of model uncertainty to predictive uncertainty is significantly larger than that of parametric uncertainty. For the recharge and geological components, uncertainty in the geological interpretations has more significant effect on model predictions than uncertainty in the recharge estimates. In addition, weighted residuals vary more for the different geological models than for different recharge models. Most of the calibrated observations are not important for discriminating between the alternative models, because their weighted residuals vary only slightly from one model to another.  相似文献   
Osmium isotope composition (187Os/188Os) and concentrations of Os, Ir and Pt are reported for an early Pleistocene section from the ODP Site 849 in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Using the data obtained in this study, the contributions from detrital and extraterrestrial particulate matter to Os concentration and 187Os/188Os of sediment are estimated. Our calculations show that detrital contributions to sedimentary Os are too small (<2%) to significantly shift measured bulk sediment 187Os/188Os away from seawater values. A moderate but significant negative correlation between 187Os/188Os and 3He/188Os indicate that the average particulate extraterrestrial Os flux to this site is 1.21 ± 0.47 pg cm−2 kyr−1, which constitutes ?3% of total Os burial flux. The estimates of detrital and extraterrestrial Os are used to calculate the seawater 187Os/188Os in the early Pleistocene. The most notable features of this early Pleistocene 187Os/188Os record are: (1) glacial-interglacial 187Os/188Os differences are insignificant within errors of estimates, (2) glacial 187Os/188Os values are higher compared to those reported for the late Pleistocene glacials. Comparison of 187Os/188Os values at Site 849 to the late Pleistocene records suggests that average seawater 187Os/188Os change has been modest (∼5%) since the early Pleistocene. Assuming that 187Os/188Os difference between the glacial periods of the late and the early Pleistocene results solely from temperature dependence of weathering rates, it has been calculated that average surface temperature during the late Pleistocene glacials was 0.8 ± 0.2 °C lower than glacials in the early Pleistocene. This inference is consistent with temperature estimates based on a recent study of pCO2 reconstruction in the Pleistocene. This observation based on limited studies of marine 187Os/188Os records seems to suggest that temperature played an important role in influencing chemical weathering during the Pleistocene glacials. However, more studies are needed to confirm if this temperature-weathering feedback was operational throughout the Pleistocene. A significant down core Ir-3He co-variation coupled with similar burial fluxes of Ir at Site 849 and at LL44 GPC-3 in the north Pacific point to the utility of Ir concentration as a point paleoflux tracer. However, a twofold difference in Ir burial fluxes between the eastern and the western equatorial Pacific suggests that calibration in space and time is required to use Ir concentration as a robust indicator of paleoflux through time. Significant co-variation of concentrations of Os and total alkenone during the glacials coupled with lighter δ13C of benthic foraminifera indicates that productivity and carbon burial played a dominant control on scavenging of Os at Site 849. In a broader context, this data set encourages future investigation of response of PGE behavior to paleoceanographic processes.  相似文献   
Incision as a result of fluvial erosion is an important process to model when simulating landform evolution. For gullies, it is apparent that coupled with the processes that cause incision there must be a range of processes that stop incision. Once started, rills and gullies will grow infinitely without a reduction in support area and/or being arrested by deposition and armouring. Some of these processes have been well studied under the heading of inter-rill erosion. Other limiting processes are related to the shape of the landform and how downstream deposition areas are linked geomorphically to the upstream gullies. Armouring is also an important process that reduces gully incision and extension, where the gully erodes to bedrock and the resistant base limits further development. Post-mining landscapes are new surfaces with new materials and provide the opportunity to examine gully initiation, extension and stabilization. The work presented here has largely been driven by the mining industry, where there has been a need to assess erosion over hazardous wastes like mine tailings and low-level nuclear waste. We demonstrate the usefulness of computer-based landscape evolution models and the more recent soilscape models (that include both surface and subsurface processes) to understand both fluvial and diffusive processes as well as armouring in a digital elevation model framework (as well as landscape evolution). Landscape evolution models provide insights into complex non-linear systems such as gullies. A key need is that of field data to parameterize and validate the models. It is argued that current models have more capability than field data available for parameterization and importantly the validation of model outputs.  相似文献   
East Asia plate tectonics since 15 Ma: constraints from the Taiwan region   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
15 Ma ago, a major plate reorganization occurred in East Asia. Seafloor spreading ceased in the South China Sea, Japan Sea, Taiwan Sea, Sulu Sea, and Shikoku and Parece Vela basins. Simultaneously, shear motions also ceased along the Taiwan–Sinzi zone, the Gagua ridge and the Luzon–Ryukyu transform plate boundary. The complex system of thirteen plates suddenly evolved in a simple three-plate system (EU, PH and PA). Beneath the Manila accretionary prism and in the Huatung basin, we have determined magnetic lineation patterns as well as spreading rates deduced from the identification of magnetic lineations. These two patterns are rotated by 15°. They were formed by seafloor spreading before 15 Ma and belonged to the same ocean named the Taiwan Sea. Half-spreading rate in the Taiwan Sea was 2 cm/year from chron 23 to 20 (51 to 43 Ma) and 1 cm/year from chron 20 (43 Ma) to 5b (15 Ma). Five-plate kinematic reconstructions spanning from 15 Ma to Present show implications concerning the geodynamic evolution of East Asia. Amongst them, the 1000-km-long linear Gagua ridge was a major plate boundary which accommodated the northwestward shear motion of the PH Sea plate; the formation of Taiwan was driven by two simple lithospheric motions: (i) the subduction of the PH Sea plate beneath Eurasia with a relative westward motion of the western end (A) of the Ryukyu subduction zone; (ii) the subduction of Eurasia beneath the Philippine Sea plate with a relative southwestward motion of the northern end (B) of the Manila subduction zone. The Luzon arc only formed south of B. The collision of the Luzon arc with Eurasia occurred between A and B. East of A, the Luzon arc probably accreted against the Ryukyu forearc.  相似文献   
Increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are expected to result in global climatic changes over the next decades. Means of evaluating and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are being sought. In this study an existing simulation model of a tropical savanna woodland grazing system was adapted to account for greenhouse gas emissions. This approach may be able to be used in identifying ways to assess and limit emissions from other rangeland, agricultural and natural ecosystems.GRASSMAN, an agricultural decision-support model, was modified to include sources, sinks and storages of greenhouse gases in the tropical and sub-tropical savanna woodlands of northern Australia. The modified model was then used to predict the changes in emissions and productivity resulting from changes in stock and burning management in a hypothetical grazing system in tropical northeastern Queensland. The sensitivity of these results to different Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) and emission definitions was then tested.Management options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the tropical grazing system investigated were highly sensitive to the GWPs used, and to the emission definition adopted. A recommendation to reduce emissions by changing burning management would be toreduce fire frequency if both direct and indirect GWPs of CO2, CH4, N2O, CO and NO are used in evaluating emissions, but toincrease fire frequency if only direct GWPs of CO2, CH4 and N2O are used. The ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from these systems by reducing stocking rates was also sensitive to the GWPs used. In heavily grazed systems, the relatively small reductions in stocking rate needed to reduce emissions significantly should also reduce the degradation of soils and vegetation, thereby improving the sustainability of these enterprises.The simulation studies indicate that it is possible to alter management to maximise beef cattle production per unit greenhouse gases or per unit methane emitted, but that this is also dependent upon the emission definition used. High ratios of liveweight gain per unit net greenhouse gas emission were found in a broadly defined band covering the entire range of stocking rates likely to be used. In contrast, high values of liveweight gain per unit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission were found only at very low stocking rates that are unlikely to be economically viable.These results suggest that policy initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tropical grazing systems should be evaluated cautiously until the GWPs have been further developed and the implications of emission definitions more rigorously determined.  相似文献   
We describe two small scoria cone volcanoes, Hidden Cone and Little Black Peak (ages between ~320–390 ka), in the Southwestern Nevada Volcanic Field and discuss their eruption mechanisms and inferences about their plumbing systems. Cone-forming pyroclastic deposits are consistent with eruptive styles ranging from Strombolian to violent Strombolian, and lavas emanated from near the bases of the cones. The volcanoes are monogenetic (rather than polycyclic, as allowed by previous geomorphic interpretations). Vents at each volcano appear to coincide with pre-existing normal faults, consistent with observations at older, deeply eroded volcanoes in the region. The existence of these two volcanoes on a topographically high area (particularly Hidden Cone) provides evidence for short feeder dike lengths (~500 m at the surface). We infer that this short length reflects the small length scale of the mantle source region that was tapped to feed each volcano. Editorial responsibility: J Stix  相似文献   
During the summer, a northward, wind-driven current dominates the Rottnest Island region in southwestern Australia. Field studies have shown that the interaction between Rottnest Island and the northward current generates upwelling at the western end of the island, which is advected downstream, resulting in isotherm doming in the wake region. Flow curvature-induced secondary circulation has been proposed as the dominant mechanism responsible for this upwelling. Here, a three-dimensional numerical model, together with field observations, was used to undertake a detailed investigation of the three-dimensional flow structure in the wake region. Comparison of the observed upwelling pattern and the simulated flows revealed the island's dominant role in generating upwelling. This result was confirmed with the use of idealized numerical experiments. The modeling results confirmed the presence of secondary circulation, generated as a result of flow curvature at the western end of the island, which caused strong upwelling and extended downstream.  相似文献   
The error in physically-based rainfall-runoff modelling is broken into components, and these components are assigned to three groups: (1) model structure error, associated with the model’s equations; (2) parameter error, associated with the parameter values used in the equations; and (3) run time error, associated with rainfall and other forcing data. The error components all contribute to “integrated” errors, such as the difference between simulated and observed runoff, but their individual contributions cannot usually be isolated because the modelling process is complex and there is a lack of knowledge about the catchment and its hydrological responses. A simple model of the Slapton Wood Catchment is developed within a theoretical framework in which the catchment and its responses are assumed to be known perfectly. This makes it possible to analyse the contributions of the error components when predicting the effects of a physical change in the catchment. The standard approach to predicting change effects involves: (1) running “unchanged” simulations using current parameter sets; (2) making adjustments to the sets to allow for physical change; and (3) running “changed” simulations. Calibration or uncertainty-handling methods such as GLUE are used to obtain the current sets based on forcing and runoff data for a calibration period, by minimising or creating statistical bounds for the “integrated” errors in simulations of runoff. It is shown that current parameter sets derived in this fashion are unreliable for predicting change effects, because of model structure error and its interaction with parameter error, so caution is needed if the standard approach is to be used when making management decisions about change in catchments.  相似文献   
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