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中国陆地生态系统近 2 0年碳空间动态的初步研究(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
CONGPeng  XUMing 《地学前缘》2002,9(1):55-61
陆地生态系统的净生产力 (NEP)是生态系统净初级生产力 (NPP)和异氧呼吸 (Rh)之差。在全球尺度上 ,反映NPP和Rh之差的NEP直接揭示陆地生态系统与大气系统之间的二氧化碳交换 ,即碳平衡 ,因此 ,意义重大。文章简短回顾了关于中国陆地生态系统碳平衡的研究状况。由于植物根部呼吸很难从土壤表面总二氧化碳 (CO2 )通量中分开 ,因此直接从野外测量土壤异氧呼吸几乎是不可能的。虽然由于像诸如火灾、森林砍伐、土地利用变化及气候和大气变化等干扰因素 ,全球陆地生态系统很大程度上处于非平衡态 ,利用生态系统在平衡态时NPP等于Rh这一事实 ,我们估算了全球和中国森林生态系统的土壤异氧呼吸。利用遥感和地面的NPP观测数据 ,我们也估算了中国森林生态系统逐月的净生产力 (1982— 1998)。NPP的估算主要采用NOAA卫星AVHRR 8km的NDVI数据 ,结合地面气候数据完成。土壤呼吸是通过地面观测数据与温度和降水的关系得到的。在此基础上我们得到了中国陆地生态系统在过去近 2 0年中碳的动态变化 ,并给出了初步结果。  相似文献   
Entanglements of Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella were recorded during four summers from 1996 to 2002 at the subantarctic island, Bouvetøya. Rates of entanglement varied between 0.024% and 0.059%. These rates are low for a pinniped population and might be because of the geographic isolation of the haulout site. An apparent decrease in the levels of entanglement over the course of the study was likely due, at least in part, to the removal of entanglements by observers. At least two-thirds of entangling materials were generated by fishery sources. Since there is no known local source of anthropogenic marine pollution, seals become entangled either in waters distant from the island, or when materials drift into local waters. Significantly more subadults were found entangled than expected from the postulated population age class distribution.  相似文献   
We report 15N/14N ratios of porewater nitrate in sediments from the Bering Sea basin, where microbial nitrate reduction has been identified as a significant sink for fixed nitrogen (N). Strong 15N enrichment in porewater nitrate is observed as one goes deeper in the sediments and nitrate concentration decreases (δ15N generally reaches 25-35‰). Analysis of profiles with a one-dimensional diffusion-reaction model yields organism-scale isotope effects for dissimilatory nitrate reduction (εcell) of 11‰ to 30‰, in the same range as measured in previous studies of cultures and the marine and lacustrine water column. Estimates of εcell, while uncertain, show a negative correlation with bottom water [O2]; we propose that this relates to the at the depth of denitrification. The N isotope effect at the scale of nitrate sediment-water exchange (εapp) is ∼0‰ in two unreactive deep sites and is typically <3‰ at more reactive sites at various depths. εapp is much lower than εcell because nitrate consumption is nearly complete at the sediment depth of denitrification, minimizing the escape of 15N-enriched nitrate from the sediments. In reactive sediments, this is due to rapid denitrification, while in less reactive sediments, it is due to greater diffusive distances for nitrate to the depth of denitrification. The data suggest that low bottom water [O2] tends to yield more complete expression of εcell at the sediment-water scale, due to higher at the depth of denitrification. While porewater ammonium-N isotopes were not measured, our porewater model suggests that, in sediments with high organic matter supply and/or low-[O2] bottom waters, the efflux and subsequent oxidation of ammonium enriched in 15N by incomplete nitrification can significantly enhance the total net isotope effect of sedimentary N loss (εsed, equivalent to εapp but including ammonium fluxes). Model analysis of representative sedimentary environments suggests a global mean εsed of ∼4‰ (∼2‰ if restricted to seafloor below 1 km depth).  相似文献   
The UK Climate Change Act 2008 commits to a reduction of 80% in national GHG emissions by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. This article explores what happens next where these top-level aspirations are expected to be turned into radical action. It does so through examination of the transport sector, which is a highly complex, fragmented, and multi-level delivery environment. The research draws on cases studies of four major cities with different governance structures within the two distinct, yet connected, national contexts of England and Scotland. It integrates a range of theoretical legacies, namely ‘muddling through’, multi-level governance, and positional analysis, to look across governmental layers and out to non-governmental actors at all levels. Underneath the 80% target, the framework for action remains unclear. Lower-tiered authorities report difficulties in acting in a more comprehensive or rapid manner than upper tiers of government, largely because of the potential costs involved and a significant resource dependency on national governments. Ambition is also tempered by conflicts with economic growth objectives and the difficulties in aligning the objectives of the myriad of public and private organizations that need to take action.  相似文献   
正Massive nitrate deposits have been discovered in the Turpan-Hami basin in northwestern China.Previously,large ore grade nitrate minerals were thought only to exist in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile.Estimates of the  相似文献   
Landform evolution models are powerful tools for determining long-term erosional stability and denudation rates spanning geological timescales. SIBERIA, CAESAR and CHILD are examples of these model. The newly developed State Space Soil Production and Assessment Model (SSSPAM) coupled soilscape-landform evolution model has the ability to assess overall erosion rates of catchment scale landforms either using short-term precipitation events, variable precipitation or time-averaged precipitation (annual average). In addition, SSSPAM has the capability of developing the subsurface soil profile through weathering and armouring. In SSSPAM, physical processes of pedogenesis such as erosion and armouring, diffusion, sediment deposition and weathering are modelled using a state space matrix approach. In this article we simulate the short-term evolution (100 years) of a proposed post-mining landform using both SIBERIA and SSSPAM and compare the erosion and sediment output results. For the short-term simulations SSSPAM's armouring capability was disabled. The models were then used to simulate the evolution of the catchment for 10,000 years. Results demonstrate that the short-term SSSPAM simulation results compare well with the results from the established landform evolution model SIBERIA. The long-term armouring disabled SSSPAM simulations produces simulated erosion rates comparable with SIBERIA simulations both of which are similar to upper limit of field measured denudation rates. The SSSPAM simulation using armouring demonstrated that armouring reduced the erosion rate of the catchment by a factor of 4 which is comparable with the lower limit of field measured denudation rates. This observation emphasizes the importance of armouring in long-term evolution of landforms. Soil profile cross-sections developed from the same results show that SSSPAM can also reproduce subsurface soil evolution and stratification and spatial variability of soil profile characteristics typically observed in the field.  相似文献   
A passive sampling system for use with rhodamine WT (RWT) in groundwater tracing experiments was developed to assist in the characterisation of groundwater flow paths. Amberlite XAD-7 resin was found to be suitable for adsorption of RWT, which can then be extracted using an ethanol/water mix and analysed fluorometrically. Batch and column experiments showed that XAD-7 resin has a high RWT capacity. The adsorption was slightly dependent on pH, but was always above 75% under batch conditions. The resin had a high percentage mass recovery at flow velocities around 1.5 m/day, but this decreased with increasing flow velocities. Desorption of RWT off the resin in water is dependent on the flow velocity of water and the time after the peak RWT has passed. The mass of RWT extracted from the resin bags correlated very well with both the RWT mass flux in the water and the peak concentrations observed in the monitoring wells in a field experiment. The results of resin bags were reproducible in the field with a mean coefficient of variation equal to 16%. This method has been successfully applied to two field situations with different flow velocities to indicate groundwater flow paths. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
In recent years a growing understanding has emerged regarding the need to expand the modeling paradigm to include conceptual model uncertainty for groundwater models. Conceptual model uncertainty is typically addressed by formulating alternative model conceptualizations and assessing their relative likelihoods using statistical model averaging approaches. Several model averaging techniques and likelihood measures have been proposed in the recent literature for this purpose with two broad categories—Monte Carlo-based techniques such as Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation or GLUE (Beven and Binley 1992) and criterion-based techniques that use metrics such as the Bayesian and Kashyap Information Criteria (e.g., the Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Model Averaging or MLBMA approach proposed by Neuman 2003) and Akaike Information Criterion-based model averaging (AICMA) (Poeter and Anderson 2005). These different techniques can often lead to significantly different relative model weights and ranks because of differences in the underlying statistical assumptions about the nature of model uncertainty. This paper provides a comparative assessment of the four model averaging techniques (GLUE, MLBMA with KIC, MLBMA with BIC, and AIC-based model averaging) mentioned above for the purpose of quantifying the impacts of model uncertainty on groundwater model predictions. Pros and cons of each model averaging technique are examined from a practitioner's perspective using two groundwater modeling case studies. Recommendations are provided regarding the use of these techniques in groundwater modeling practice.  相似文献   
The Tichka Massif is one of many late-Paleozoic massifs emplaced in northwestern Africa. It consists of granitic pods surrounded by a complex assemblage of dioritic and gabbroic rocks. Previous workers have suggested an independent origin for the granitic and gabbroic rocks and this study evaluates this suggestion using REE data.The Ce/Yb ratio versus Ce plot for the gabbro shows a large Ce/Yb variation for small changes in Ce, whereas the granites show a linear increase of Ce/Yb with Ce. In the granites, the samples with the highest Ce/Yb ratio have the lowest SiO2, whereas in the gabbros the Ce/Yb ratio is lowest in the low SiO2 rocks. The diorites show a tightly clustered pattern.Based on the REE data the granite-diorite-gabbro sequence cannot be related by fractional crystallization. Partial melting of a garnet bearing mantle is consistent with the gabbroic trends. Partial melting of a crustal source with small amounts of apatite and abundant hornblende can produce the granitic rocks.  相似文献   
Proximal deposits of the 3.3 Ma Grants Ridge Tuff, part of a 5-km3 topaz rhyolite sequence, are composed of basal pyroclastic flow, surge, and fallout deposits, a thick central ignimbrite, and upper surge and fallout deposits. Large lithic blocks (≤2 m) of underlying sedimentary and granitic bedrock that are present in lower pyroclastic flow and fallout deposits indicate that the eruptive sequence began with explosive, conduit-excavating eruptions. The massive, nonwelded central ignimbrite displays evidence for postemplacement deformation. The upper pyroclastic surge deposits are dominated by fine ash, some beds containing accretionary lapilli, soft-sediment deformation features, and mud-coated lithic lapilli, indicating an explosive, hydromagmatic component to these later eruptions. The upper fall and surge deposits are overlain by fluvially reworked volcaniclastic deposits that truncate the primary section with a relatively planar surface. The proximal, upper pyroclastic surge and Plinian fall deposits are preserved only in small grabens (5–8 m deep and wide), where they subsided into the ignimbrite and were protected from reworking. The pyroclastic surge and fall deposits within the grabens are offset by numerous small normal faults. The offset on some faults decreases upward through the section, indicating that the faulting process may have been syn-eruptive. Several graben-bounding faults extend downward into the ignimbrite, but the uppermost, fluvially reworked tephra layers are not cut by these faults. The faulting mechanism may have been related to settling and compaction of the 60 m thick, valley-filling ignimbrite along the axis of the paleovalley. Draping surge contacts against the graben faults and brittle and soft-style disruption of the upper pyroclastic surge beds indicate that subsidence was ongoing during the emplacement of the upper eruptive sequence. Seismicity accompanying the late-stage hydromagmatic explosions may have contributed to the abrupt settling and compaction of the ignimbrite.  相似文献   
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