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In this paper we investigate the gravothermal instability of spherical stellar systems endowed with a radially anisotropic velocity distribution. We focus our attention on the effects of anisotropy on the conditions for the onset of instability and in particular we study the dependence of the spatial structure of critical models on the amount of anisotropy present in a system. The investigation has been carried out by the method of linear series which has already been used in the past to study the gravothermal instability of isotropic systems._   We consider models described by King, Wilson and Woolley–Dickens distribution functions. In the case of King and Woolley–Dickens models, our results show that, for quite a wide range of the amount of anisotropy in the system, the critical value of the concentration of the system (defined as the ratio of the tidal to the King core radius of the system) is approximately constant and equal to the corresponding value for isotropic systems. Only for very anisotropic systems does the critical value of the concentration start to change and it decreases significantly as the anisotropy increases and penetrates the inner parts of the system. For Wilson models the decrease of the concentration of critical models is preceded by an intermediate regime in which critical concentration increases, reaches a maximum and then starts to decrease. The critical value of the central potential always decreases as the anisotropy increases.  相似文献   
Twenty-two photographs of Comet Kohoutek (1973f) have been projected onto the comet's orbital plane under the assumption of a flat tail confined in that plane. The comet has a mixed-type tail; therefore the results concerning Type I and Type II components of the tail are presented separately. The axis of the Type I tail appears to sweep back and forth with respect to the prolonged radius vector in a rather periodical way. Interpretations advanced by some authors for the analogous case of Comet Burnham (1959k) are mentioned briefly. For the Type II tail, a comparison with a theoretical tail model by Sekanina has allowed us to establish when the onset of appreciable dust production occurred. Finally, mention is made of the fact that some peculiarities of the dust tail might be also explained by assuming a three-dimensional model.  相似文献   
The nature, origin and distribution of US EPA polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the sediments of Olbia harbor (North Sardinia, Italy) were investigated by gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS). PAH concentrations in the sediments (SigmaPAHs) ranged from 0.16 to 0.77 microg g(-1), indicating a homogeneously low level of pollution. A rather exceptional prevalence of low molecular weight PAHs was substantiated: nearly 80% of SigmaPAHs include naphthalene (15.19%) and phenanthrene (64.47%). Carcinogenic compounds were present in very low (BaP, BkF, BaA and DBA) or negligible (BbF and Inp) concentrations. As indicated by the Phen/Ant molar ratio, the main source of PAHs is petrogenic, probably due to oil spills from shipping. The low/high molecular weight ratio (ranging between 1.2 and 26) distinguishes the sediments of the tourist harbor from those of the commercial/industrial harbor. Moreover, a slight but meaningful pyrolytic contribution to pollution was found in the tourist harbor, which has the most polluted sediments in the whole harbor. Finally, good linear correlations were found between a selected PAH (Phen and Naph) and selected sums of PAHs (i.e. the total amount of the other 15 US EPA and the sum of low molecular weight PAHs).  相似文献   
Land subsidence due to subsurface fluid (water, gas, oil) withdrawal is often predicted by either finite element or finite difference numerical models based on coupled poroelastic theory, where the soil is represented as a semi-infinite medium bounded by the traction-free (ground) surface. One of the variables playing a most important role on the final outcome is the flow condition used on the traction-free boundary, which may be assumed as either permeable or impermeable. Although occasionally justified, the assumption of no-flow surface seems to be in general rather unrealistic. A permeable boundary where the fluid pressure is fixed to the external atmospheric pressure appears to be more appropriate. This paper addresses the response, in terms of land subsidence, obtained with a coupled poroelastic finite element model that simulates a distributed pumping from a horizontal aquifer confined between two relatively impervious layers, and takes either a permeable boundary surface, i.e., constant hydraulic potential, or an impermeable boundary, i.e., a zero Neumann flow condition. The analysis reveals that land subsidence is rather sensitive to the flow condition implemented on the traction-free boundary. In general, the no-flow condition leads to an overestimate of the predicted ground surface settlement, which could even be 1 order of magnitude larger than that obtained with the permeable boundary.  相似文献   
We analyse the seismic catalogue of the local earthquakes which occurred at Somma-Vesuvius volcano in the past three decades (1972–2000). The seismicity in this period can be described as composed of a background level, characterised by a low and rather uniform rate of energy release and by sporadic periods of increased seismic activity. Such relatively intense seismicity periods are characterised by energy rates and magnitudes progressively increasing in the critical periods. The analysis of the b value in the whole period evidences a well-defined pattern, with values of b progressively decreasing, from about 1.8 at the beginning of the considered period, to about 1.0 at present. This steady variation indicates an increasing dynamics in the volcanic system. Within this general trend it is possible to identify a substructure in the time sequence of the seismic events, formed by the alternating episodes of quiescence and activity. The analysis of the source moment tensor of the largest earthquakes shows that the processes at the seismic source are generally not consistent with simple double-couples, but that they are compatible with isotropic components, mostly indicating volumetric expansion. These components are shown to be statistically significant for most of the analysed events. Such focal mechanisms can be interpreted as the effect of explosion phenomena, possibly related to volatile exsolution from the crystallising magma. The availability of a reduced amount of high quality data necessary for the inversion of the source moment tensor, the still limited period of systematic observation of Vesuvius micro-earthquakes and, above all, the absence of eruptive events during such interval of time, cannot obviously permit the outlining of any formal premonitory signal. Nevertheless, the analysis reported in this paper indicates a progressively evolving dynamics, characterised by a generally increasing trend in the seismic activity in the volcanic system and by a significant volumetric component of recent major events, thus posing serious concern for a future evolution towards eruptive activity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus den Monats-Werten (Periode: März 1959-Mai 1961) der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Luft und des Niederschlagswassers in Vesima (Genua) und in Sauze d'Oulx (West-Alpen) werden die wichtigsten Eigenschaften abgeleitet, welche mit den entsprechenden Ergebnisse von Westerland (Sylt) und Hohenpeissenberg verglichen werden. Die Resultate der Berg-Stationen in Sauze d'Oulx und Hohenpeissenberg zeigen u.a., dass um das Peplopause-Niveau der mittlere Wert des Verhältnisses Cl/Na mit dem Abstand vom Meer, sei es in der Luft oder im Niederschlag zunimmt. Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Abhängigkeit von der Wetterlage werden mitgeteilt.
Summary The monthly means (Period: March 1959–May 1961) of the chemical composition of air and atmospheric precipitation in Vesima (Genoa) and Sauze d'Oulx (West-Alps) have been worked out to deduce the chief relative characteristics and to compare them with the corresponding mean conditions at Westerland (Sylt) and Hohenpeissenberg (Bavaria). From the discussion it follows a.o. that near the peplopauselevel the mean value of the quotient Cl/Na increases with the distance from the sea, both for air as well as for atmospheric precipitation. Preliminary results regarding the dependence on the general meteorological situation are also given.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are aimed at managing and protecting marine environments. Their design, however, often disregards both a thorough knowledge of the distribution of habitats and assemblages and the use of proper experimental evaluations of the efficacy of MPAs by comparing protected vs. unprotected zones. About 200 MPAs have been recently instituted in the Mediterranean area, but the evidence of their efficacy is scant. The MPA of Torre Guaceto (Southern Adriatic Sea, Italy) is one of the rare cases of effective protection enforcement. The reserve was instituted more than 10 years ago, a period currently considered as sufficient to show responses by organisms to protection. The MPA is divided into a C zone, the general reserve, where many activities are permitted, a B zone, the partial reserve where restrictions increase and two A zones, the integral reserve where access is prohibited. The goals of the paper were to map the distribution of benthic assemblages to assess if they were properly represented in the differently protected zones, and to test the efficacy of protection by quantifying possible differences between the assemblages in two control areas and in the two A zones, where human impact is completely excluded. The analysis of habitat and assemblage distribution within the MPA showed that the zones with total protection do not include most valuable environmental types. Most of the considered variables (i.e. cover of substratum, number of taxa, and average abundance of the most common taxa) were not significantly different in and out of the A zones, at each time of sampling. Results, however, suggested a possible effect of protection in modifying patterns of abundance of sponges under Cystoseira canopy (more abundant in the fully protected zone). In the subtidal habitat, differences were found in the structure of the whole assemblage and in the abundance of encrusting coralline red algae (more abundant outside the fully protected area). Notwithstanding the correct general methodology employed in the study, a lack of statistical power could have a role in preventing the detection of ecologically relevant effects of protection. In some instances, data pooling allowed a discrimination between cases where there was clearly no effect of protection and cases where there might be. On this basis, the optimization of this experimental design should be considered in further studies. In any case, if the goals of MPAs have not been clearly stated, efficacy of protection might prove very difficult to test even with the use of sound experimental designs.  相似文献   
Abstract. Nematocytes are the specialized stinging cells of cnidarians. So far, Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) nematocytes have never been isolated. Taking in account the notable increase in the population of Pelagia noctiluca ("blooming") in the Strait of Messina in 1999, we performed preliminary studies on the applicability of two different methods for isolating nematocytes from tentacles and mouth arms: a chemical method, namely SCN treatment, and a physical one, namely heat dissociation. These approaches have already been employed to isolate nematocytes from Aiptasia diaphana (Anthozoa). Membrane integrity was assessed by the cytological Trypan blue test. To evaluate cell viability, the capacity to regulate cell volume was investigated under 35 % hyposmotic shock by image computer processing of sagittal sections. The results show that heat dissociation is unsuitable to isolate nematocytes because the cell membrane was damaged as revealed by cytological test. On the other hand, SCN treatment yields 90% anatomically intact, isolated nematocytes from tentacles, but not from mouth arms. Nematocytes isolated by SCN exhibit volume regulation mechanisms (RVD). These results are compared with those described in Aiptasia diaphana (Anthozoa), which lives in a different habitat.  相似文献   
Giuseppe Barbaro   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1706-1710
Here, an easy analytical solution for the direct calculation of the instant in which the maximum wave force on a support of an offshore platform is realized, and for the direct estimation of the aforementioned maximum force. The solution is obtained thanks to an artifice. The instant is expressed tm of the maximum force as limits of a succession tm0, tm1, tm2,…, and it is proved that in cases of practical interests the successions converge very quickly: tm=tm1, less than negligible errors.The solution allows the estimate of useful synthesis to be arrived at in the preliminary phase of the project. In fact, it allows one to immediately appreciate the effects of variations of the parameters in play: the sections of the cylinder, the depth of the sea floor and the characteristics of the waves.  相似文献   
We consider time dependent photon transport in a three dimensional interstellar cloud which occupies a three dimensional regionV. One or more clumps of given shapes are present withinV and their positions are determined by a suitable set of stochastic variables. Iff is the photon number density in the cloud or in the clumps, then our mathematical model leads to two coupled initial value problems for the average photon density over the stochastic variables f and forf * =f -f. By using the theory of semigroups, we prove existence and uniqueness of a strongly continuous solution and examine the small fluctuation approximation of such a solution.  相似文献   
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