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Constraint preconditioners have proved very efficient for the solution of ill-conditioned finite element (FE) coupled consolidation problems in a sequential computing environment. Their implementation on parallel computers, however, is not straightforward because of their inherent sequentiality. The present paper describes a novel parallel inexact constraint preconditioner (ParICP) for the efficient solution of linear algebraic systems arising from the FE discretization of the coupled poro-elasticity equations. The ParICP implementation is based on the use of the block factorized sparse approximate inverse incomplete Cholesky preconditioner, which is a very recent and effective development for the parallel preconditioning of symmetric positive definite matrices. The ParICP performance is experimented with in real 3D coupled consolidation problems, proving a scalable and efficient implementation of the constraint preconditioning for high-performance computing. ParICP appears to be a very robust algorithm for solving ill-conditioned large-size coupled models in a parallel computing environment.  相似文献   
This work investigated the combined effects of nutrient availability and temperature on phytoplankton in large and deep lakes south of the Alps (lakes Garda, Iseo, Como, Lugano and Maggiore). The more eutrophic basins (Lugano and Iseo) showed a higher presence of cyanobacteria, green algae (Chlorophyta and Charophyta) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyta). Besides these two water bodies, high biomasses of cyanobacteria were recorded also in the oligo-mesotrophic Lake Garda. The development of these algal groups during the growing season showed a strong dependence on the surface spring availability of SRP, which, in turn, was related to winter climatic oscillations, deep mixing dynamics, and trophic status. A specific analysis carried out by applying additive mixed modelling, generalized least squares and mixed modelling, allowed investigation of the direct, seasonal effects of water temperature variations and trophic status on different algal groups. The dominant cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales) showed only a partial relationship with temperature, while Nostocales and Chroococcales, which did not appear to have a close relationship with the trophic status of the lakes, were characterised by abrupt increases during the warmer months. High positive relationships with temperature were found for a few other algal groups (e.g., Chlorophyta, Charophyta and Dinophyta). Overall, the results indicated a positive relationship between the seasonal development of the more abundant and eutrophic-sensitive algal groups and the concurrent effect of trophic status and water temperature. Nevertheless, it was stressed that specific differences could be interpreted taking into account the different autoecological characteristics and susceptibilities of different species and functional groups to other stressing factors favouring losses, including, e.g., vertical sinking and grazing.  相似文献   
A Digital Terrain Model derived from high resolution Lidar data allows the determination of the morphometric and physical parameters of a lava flow erupted from the Somma–Vesuvius volcano in 1944. The downstream variation of morphometric parameters including slope, aspect, relative relief, thickness, width, and cross sectional area is analyzed, and the changes in viscosity, velocity and flow rate are estimated. The aims of the analyses are to recognize different flow surfaces, to reconstruct the flow kinematics, and to obtain information on the mechanism of emplacement. The results indicate that the 1944 lava flow can be divided in three sectors: a near vent sector (NVS) characterized by a toe-like surface, an intermediate sector (IS) with an ‘a’ātype brittle surface, and a distal sector (DS) with a sheet-like ductile surface. Lateral leveés and channels do not occur in NVS, whereas they are well developed in IS. In DS, leveés increase with an increasing distance from the vent. Fold-like surfaces occur in NVS and DS, reflecting local shortening processes due to a decrease in the slope of the substratum and overflows from the main channel. IS and DS emplaced between March 18 and 21, 1944, whereas NVS emplaced on March 19 and partly covered IS. The morphometric and physical parameters indicate that IS moved in a ‘tube’-like regime, whereas DS emplaced in a 'mobile crust' regime. The IS to DS transition is marked by an increase in velocity and the flow rate, and by a decrease in thickness, width, cross sectional area, and viscosity. This transition is due to an abrupt increase in the slope of the substratum. The estimated velocity values are in good agreement with the measurements during the 1944 eruption. The analysis used here may be extended to other lava flows. Some gravity flows (debris/mud flows, floods, and avalanches) have rheological properties and shapes similar to those of lavas, and the same process-form relationships may apply to these flows. The approach used here may be therefore useful for evaluating hazards from various gravity currents.  相似文献   
A procedure for the dynamic identification of the physical parameters of coupled base isolation systems is developed in the time domain. The isolation systems considered include high damping rubber bearings (HDRB) and low friction sliding bearings (LFSB). A bi‐linear hysteretic model is used alone or in parallel with a viscous damper to describe the behavior of the HDRB system, while a constant Coulomb friction device is used to model the LFSB system. After deriving the analytical dynamical solution for the coupled system under an imposed initial displacement, this is used in combination with the least‐squares method and an iterative procedure to identify the physical parameters of a given base isolation system belonging to the class described by the models considered. Performance and limitations of the proposed procedure are highlighted by numerical applications. The procedure is then applied to a real base isolation system using data from static and dynamic tests performed on a building at Solarino. The results of the proposed identification procedure have been compared to available laboratory data and the agreement is within ±10%. However, the need for improvement both in models and testing procedures also emerges from the numerical applications and results obtained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Northern Apennines of Italy is a fold and thrust belt that resulted from the NE‐ward progressive overthrusting of a Mesoalpine stacking (the ocean‐derived Ligurian Units) onto the detached sedimentary cover of the Adria plate continental margin (Foredeep Units). The Futa Pass area represents a key sector for the reconstruction of the deformation history of two Foredeep Units (Acquerino and Carigiola Units). The tectonic evolution of this sector is characterized by the superposition of three main deformation stages, with a constant NNE–SSW compression direction. The oldest structure is represented by the NNE‐verging Acquerino Unit duplex structure, the roof thrust of which is represented by the Ligurian stacking basal thrust. The interpretation of this structure as a large‐scale duplex is supported by the presence in the outer sectors of the Northern Apennines belt of Ligurian Units directly overthrust on younger Foredeep Units. In the second deformation stage the NNE‐verging Tavaiano Thrust developed. This regionally significant tectonic surface juxtaposes the Acquerino Unit (already developed as a duplex) and the overlying Ligurian Units, onto the Carigiola Unit. During this stage the fault pattern of the Carigiola Unit was also developed, characterized by two conjugate fault systems, coherent with a NNE–SSW maximum compression direction. During the last deformation stage, a backthrusting with a top‐to‐the SSW sense of movement (the Marcoiano Backthrust) brings the Carigiola Unit and its tectonic cover over the Acquerino and Ligurian Units, with the development of a large footwall syncline. The deformation history presented here differs from previous studies, and so provides a contribution to the debate on Northern Apennines tectonic evolution. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this work, we report the results of an integrated approach using both seismological and geodetic data provided by the INGV-CT (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Catania) Stromboli volcano monitoring systems, in order to improve the knowledge of its plumbing system. In particular, we investigated the relationships between the June 1999 seismic swarm, occurring in the area of Stromboli, and the possible activation of the NE–SW oriented volcano-tectonic structure. We analyzed this seismic swarm proposing new locations and a morphological analysis of the waveforms. This approach allowed us to demonstrate that there are relationships between the tectonic activity near Stromboli and the rising of magma. This evidence supports the hypothesis that during the 1999 swarm an intrusive process started from a crustal level where earthquakes were located (about 10–15 km b.s.l.).  相似文献   
Abstract. In the Sicilian lagoon Stagnone di Marsala, Tethya aurantium and T. citrina show different ecological distributions, although some overlapping occurs. The first species reaches its highest density where linear currents are maximal, and in this habitat it is particularly frequent on Posidonia oceanica rhizomes. The second species is more abundant in still water locations and is equally common on Posidonia rhizomes and on calcareous concretions. Such distributions can be related to water movement, Posidonia shoot density, and associated factors such as sedimentation and food availability. These observations are consistent with an adaptive interpretation of the morphofunctional features distinguishing the two species.  相似文献   
A dataset collected during a measurement campaign in the middle of the Po Valley, Italy, is used to investigate the boundary-layer structure in stable conditions. Empirical formulations for temperature and wind profiles derived from Monin–Obukhov similarity theory are used as regression curves to fit radiosounding profiles in the lower half of the boundary-layer. The best fitting parameters of the regression are then compared to the surface turbulent fluxes as measured by a co-located sonic anemometer. This comparison shows significant discrepancies and supports earlier results showing that surface fluxes, in the limit of high stability, are not adequate scalings for mean profiles. The most evident differences are found for cases for which the bulk Richardson number turns out to be quite large. One of the practical consequences is that boundary-layer height diagnostic formulations that mainly rely on surface fluxes are in disagreement with those obtained by inspecting the thermodynamic profiles recorded during the radiosounding ascent. Moreover the incorrect scaling of similarity profiles in stable conditions leads to the erroneous diagnosis of 2-m air temperatures used in numerical weather prediction validation.  相似文献   
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