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Zeolites from the most important volcanoclastic deposits of Italy include: (1) phillipsite and heulandite from the cinerite of the central northern Apennines; (2) chabazite and phillipsite from the phonolitic tephritic ignimbrite with black pumices; (3) phillipsite from the “tufo lionato” of Vulcano Laziale; (4) chabazite and phillipsite from the Campanian ignimbrite; (5) phillipsite from the Neapolitan yellow tuff; and (6) chabazite and phillipsite from the pyroclastics of Monte Vulture. Compared with sedimentary phillipsites and chabazites described in the literature, the chabazites and phillipsites studied here have lower Si/Al ratios and higher K contents. These chemical peculiarities are correlated with both the K-rich vesuvitic-leucititic, latitic-phonolitic, and potassic alkali-trachytic chemistry of the ash from which they were derived and, very likely, with the character of the hydrologically open system environment in which they formed. The zeolite of the heulandite-clinoptilolite group from the cinerite of the central northern Apennines is classified as a true heulandite on the basis of its chemical composition and thermal behavior.  相似文献   
Recently a divergence between tree-ring parameters from temperature-limited environments and temperature records has been observed worldwide but comprehensive explanations are still lacking. From a dendroclimatic analysis performed on a high-altitude tree-ring network of Pinus cembra (L.) in the Central Italian Alps we found that site aspect influences non-stationary growth-climate relationships over time. A general increasing divergence between ring width and the summer temperature record (J–A) has been observed especially for chronologies from SW-facing slopes, whereas chronologies from N-facing sites showed stable relationships over time. The monthly analysis revealed that the decrease in sensitivity was mostly accounted for by the changes in the relationships with June temperature (decreasing correlations especially for S- and W-facing site chronologies), whereas trees from N-facing sites showed an increasing sensitivity to July temperatures. Our data suggest that at high altitudes, low temperatures at the beginning of the growing season no longer limit growth. We also found that our temperature-sensitive trees did not linearly respond in radial growth to the extreme heat event of summer 2003, and formed an annual ring of average width, resulting in a strong divergence from the temperature record. Our findings underline the importance of site ecology for tree-ring based climate reconstructions using temperature-sensitive ring-width chronologies, and may help in solving the ‘divergence problem’.  相似文献   
An up to date determination of a high-resolution geoid requires the use of best available databases concerning digital terrain model (DTM), bathymetry, global geopotential model and gravity field. The occasion to revisit methods to validate and merge different data sets has been created by a new project for the determination of a new European Geoid.
Since the computation of the latest European geoid and quasi-geoid model (EGG97), significant new or improved data sets have become available, such as new global geopotential models from CHAMP and GRACE missions, new national and global DTMs and new or upgraded gravity data sets.
In the context of the new European Gravity and Geoid Project (EGGP), within the IAG Commission 2, some data validation tests have been performed in the Italian zone.
In the area 19°× 17° wide, covering Italy, three kinds of tests have been performed: comparison among different DTMs in order to choose the best one to be used; comparisons in terms of geoid computation in some coastal areas, to evaluate bathymetry effects, and the validation of the EIGEN-CG01C and EIGEN-CG03C new global models up to degree and order 360.
These preliminary tests lead to the choice of SRTM DTM (integrated in no-data holes), with an added bathymetry derived by the Italian 1:25 000 official cartography near the coasts and the NOAA bathymetry in high seas. The validation of the new global models and the comparison with EGM96 model show that, in terms of geoid computation, the EGM96 yields better results. Moreover, the validation of new available land gravity data and the cross-validation of two sets of gravity data on sea have been completed.  相似文献   
This paper presents a geological–structural study of some Neogene hinterland basins of the Northern Apennines, located on the Tyrrhenian side of the chain. These basins developed on the already delineated thrust-fold belt from middle–late Tortonian times. Their evolution has been commonly referred to an extensional tectonic regime, related to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. New data have allowed us to hypothesize a different tectonic evolution for the chain, where compressive tectonics plays a major role both in the external and in the hinterland area. In this frame, the hinterland area located west of a major outcropping crustal thrust (Mid-Tuscany Metamorphic Ridge) has been the target of a geological–structural investigation. The field mapping and structural analysis has been focused on the syntectonic sediments of the Radicondoli–Volterra basin as well as on adjoining minor basins. These basins commonly display a synclinal structure and are generally located in between basement culminations, probably corresponding to thrust anticlines. Sediments of the hinterland basins have been affected by compressive deformation and regional unconformities separate stratigraphic units due to the activity of basement thrusts. In the study area, normal faulting either accommodates the thrusting processes or post-dates compressive deformation. A chronology of faulting and a six-stage evolution of this area are presented, providing further insights for the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
 Coexisting muscovite and paragonite have been observed in an eclogite from the Sesia–Lanzo Zone (Western Alps, Italy). The P-T conditions of this eclogite reached 570–650 °C and 19–21 kbar and the rocks show several stages of mineral growth during their retrograde path, ranging from the subsequent lower-P eclogite facies to the blueschist facies and then the greenschist facies. Muscovite and paragonite are very common in these rocks and show two texturally different occurrences indicating equilibrium and non-equilibrium states between them. In one mode of occurrence they coexist in equilibrium in the lower-P eclogite facies. In the same rock muscovite ± albite also replaced paragonite during a greenschist-facies overprint, as evidenced by unique across – (001) layer boundaries. The chemical compositions of the lower-P eclogite-facies micas plot astride the muscovite – paragonite solvus, whereas the compositions of the greenschist-facies micas lie outside the solvus and indicate disequilibrium. The TEM observations of the textural relations of the greenschist-facies micas imply structural coherency between paragonite and muscovite along the layers, but there is a sharp discontinuity in the composition of the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets across the phase boundary. We propose that muscovite formed through a dissolution and recrystallization process, since no gradual variations toward the muscovite – paragonite interfaces occur and no intermediate, homogeneous Na-K phase has been observed. Because a solid-state diffusion mechanism is highly unlikely at these low temperatures (300–500 °C), especially with respect to octahedral and tetrahedral sites, it is assumed that H2O plays an important role in this process. The across-layer boundaries are inferred to be characteristic of such non-equilibrium replacement processes. The characterization of these intergrowths is crucial to avoiding erroneous assumptions regarding composition and therefore about the state of equilibrium between both micas, which in turn may lead to misinterpretations of thermometric results. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 19 October 1999  相似文献   
Landslide triggers along volcanic rock slopes in eastern Sicily (Italy)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new dataset of landslides, occurred in a tectonically active region, has been analysed in order to understand the causes of the slope instability. The landslides we have dealt with took place along the volcanic rock cliff of S. Caterina and S. Maria La Scala villages (eastern Sicily, Italy), a densely inhabited area located on the eastern margin of Mt. Etna, where some seismogenic faults, locally named Timpe system, slip during moderate local earthquakes and also move with aseismic creep mechanisms. The results show that landslides are triggered by heavy rainfalls, earthquakes and creep fault episodes. Indeed, they occur along discrete fault segments, exhibiting a combination of both brittle failure, indicated by the earthquake occurrence, and aseismic creep events. The analysis of seismicity occurred on the Timpe fault system has shown that the active Acireale fault, in its southernmost segment, is subject to an aseismic sliding, which increases after the stick–slip motion in the nearby faults. Therefore, aseismic creep seems to concur in the predisposition of a rock to fail, since strains can increase the jointing of rock masses leading to a modification in the slope stability. Understanding the factors concurring to the slope instability is a useful tool for future assessments of the landslide hazard in densely settled areas, located on a volcanic edifice, such as Etna that is slowly sliding seawards, and where active faults, seismicity and heavy rains affect the deeply fractured slopes.  相似文献   
Stress drop estimates of moderate-magnitude earthquakes in the Umbria–Marche region, in the northern Apennines, exhibit a large scatter. For the two M w 5.7 and 6.0 main shocks of 26 September 1997 near Colfiorito, several papers resulted in stress drop estimates of 20 MPa, but values as low as 2–3 MPa were proposed as well. Also for the largest aftershocks (M w > 4), estimates spread from < 1 MPa up to values ten times larger. We have critically revisited methods and data used in the literature. We have specifically faced the trade-off between source and propagation effects, as we believe that it is responsible for a part of the large scatter. To keep this trade-off under control, we have applied a methodology that combines the best fit of both source spectra after Empirical Green’s Function (EGF) deconvolution and observed ground motion spectra, finding that the results of the two different data sets converge independently at the same solution. We have used ground motions observed in the Colfiorito basin, where an accelerograph and a co-located seismological broad-band station recorded three clusters of earthquakes in a broad magnitude interval (1.7 ≤ M w ≤ 6.0). We have found that the mainshock–aftershock sequences result in stress drops of 2–5 MPa at M w ≥ 5.6, with an average tendency to decrease at smaller magnitudes where stress drop variability increases. These findings confirm the source scaling recently assessed through Empirical Green’s Function deconvolution for another well-monitored seismic sequence of normal-faulting earthquakes, which struck the city of L’Aquila in the central Apennines in April 2009. The similar scaling law of the two areas suggests common mechanisms of stress release for the shallow normal faults in the Apennines. The propensity of smaller earthquakes to increase in variability, with a tendency toward smaller stress drops, may reflect an effect of fault strength heterogeneities for smaller size ruptures.  相似文献   
In this study, we analyse the susceptibility to liquefaction of the Pozzone site, which is located on the northern side of the Fucino lacustrine basin in central Italy. In 1915, this region was struck by a M 7.0 earthquake, which produced widespread coseismic surface effects that were interpreted to be liquefaction-related. However, the interpretation of these phenomena at the Pozzone site is not straightforward. Furthermore, the site is characterized by an abundance of fine-grained sediments, which are not typically found in liquefiable soils. Therefore, in this study, we perform a number of detailed stratigraphic and geotechnical investigations (including continuous-coring borehole, CPTu, SDMT, SPT, and geotechnical laboratory tests) to better interpret these 1915 phenomena and to evaluate the liquefaction potential of a lacustrine environment dominated by fine-grained sedimentation. The upper 18.5 m of the stratigraphic succession comprises fine-grained sediments, including four strata of coarser sediments formed by interbedded layers of sand, silty sand and sandy silt. These strata, which are interpreted to represent the frontal lobes of an alluvial fan system within a lacustrine succession, are highly susceptible to liquefaction. We also find evidence of paleo-liquefaction, dated between 12.1–10.8 and 9.43–9.13 kyrs ago, occurring at depths of 2.1–2.3 m. These data, along with the aforementioned geotechnical analyses, indicate that this site would indeed be liquefiable in a 1915-like earthquake. Although we found a broad agreement among CPTu, DMT and shear wave velocity “simplified procedures” in detecting the liquefaction potential of the Pozzone soil, our results suggest that the use and comparison of different in situ techniques are highly recommended for reliable estimates of the cyclic liquefaction resistance in lacustrine sites characterized by high content of fine-grained soils. In geologic environments similar to the one analysed in this work, where it is difficult to detect liquefiable layers, one can identify sites that are susceptible to liquefaction only by using detailed stratigraphic reconstructions, in situ characterization, and laboratory analyses. This has implications for basic (Level 1) seismic microzonation mapping, which typically relies on the use of empirical evaluations based on geologic maps and pre-existing sub-surface data (i.e., age and type of deposits, prevailing grain size, with particular attention paid to clean sands, and depth of the water table).  相似文献   
About 20 years after the discovery of the first extrasolar planet, the number of planets known has grown by three orders of magnitude, and continues to increase at neck breaking pace. For most of these planets we have little information, except for the fact that they exist and possess an address in our Galaxy. For about one third of them, we know how much they weigh, their size and their orbital parameters. For less than 20, we start to have some clues about their atmospheric temperature and composition. How do we make progress from here?We are still far from the completion of a hypothetical Hertzsprung–Russell diagram for planets comparable to what we have for stars, and today we do not even know whether such classification will ever be possible or even meaningful for planetary objects. But one thing is clear: planetary parameters such as mass, radius and temperature alone do not explain the diversity revealed by current observations. The chemical composition of these planets is needed to trace back their formation history and evolution, as happened for the planets in our Solar System. As in situ measurements are and will remain off-limits for exoplanets, to study their chemical composition we will have to rely on remote sensing spectroscopic observations of their gaseous envelopes.In this paper, we critically review the key achievements accomplished in the study of exoplanet atmospheres in the past ten years. We discuss possible hurdles and the way to overcome those. Finally, we review the prospects for the future. The knowledge and the experience gained with the planets in our solar system will guide our journey among those faraway worlds.  相似文献   
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