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Using the Conservation Index, which measures the proportional amount of dead matte relative to live Posidonia oceanica, we assessed the health of 15 P. oceanica meadows at a regional scale along the coast of Liguria (NW Mediterranean). These areas were characterized by different degrees of anthropization, from highly urbanized sites to marine protected areas. Two different scenarios were identified according to depth: in shallow zones, the health of P. oceanica meadows was related to the degree of anthropization along the coastline. In contrast, in deep zones, most meadows exhibited poor health, independent of both the degree of disturbance and the legal measures protecting the area. Working synergistically with the regional impact of increased water turbidity, local impacts from the coast were recognized as the main causes of the severe regression of most Ligurian P. oceanica meadows. We conclude that marine protected areas alone are not sufficient to guarantee the protection of P. oceanica meadows. We emphasize the need for a management network involving the Sites of Community Interest (SCIs) containing P. oceanica meadows.  相似文献   
Smaller glaciers (<0.5 km2) react quickly to environmental changes and typically show a large scatter in their individual response. Accounting for these ice bodies is essential for assessing regional glacier change, given their high number and contribution to the total loss of glacier area in mountain regions. However, studying small glaciers using traditional techniques may be difficult or not feasible, and assessing their current activity and dynamics may be problematic. In this paper, we present an integrated approach for characterizing the current behaviour of a small, avalanche‐fed glacier at low altitude in the Italian Alps, combining geomorphological, geophysical and high‐resolution geodetic surveying with a terrestrial laser scanner. The glacier is still active and shows a detectable mass transfer from the accumulation area to the lower ablation area, which is covered by a thick debris mantle. The glacier owes its existence to the local topo‐climatic conditions, ensured by high rock walls which enhance accumulation by delivering avalanche snow and reduce ablation by providing topographic shading and regulating the debris budget of the glacier catchment. In the last several years the glacier has displayed peculiar behaviour compared with most glaciers of the European Alps, being close to equilibrium conditions in spite of warm ablation seasons. Proportionally small relative changes have also occurred since the Little Ice Age maximum. Compared with the majority of other Alpine glaciers, we infer for this glacier a lower sensitivity to air temperature and a higher sensitivity to precipitation, associated with important feedback from increasing debris cover during unfavourable periods.  相似文献   
Many types of anthropogenic stress to estuaries lead to destruction and conversion of habitats, thus altering habitat landscapes and changing the “arena” in which the life history interactions of native fauna take place. This can lead to decreased populations of valued fauna and other negative consequences. The Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) pioneered a system-wide management framework that develops estuarine habitat restoration and protection goals based on supporting estuarine-dependent species and the habitat landscapes they require (for example, the extent of seagrass beds, mangrove forests, oyster reefs, or oligohaline marshes) within an estuary. We describe this framework and provide related statistics as methods to help managers set system-wide ecological goals using larger conceptual approaches that are easily communicated to stakeholders and the public; we also discuss applications of the approach to existing and evolving paradigms of estuarine management. The TBEP and partners used this framework to combine a simple and unifying vision with a diverse and complex set of management tools, resulting in greatly improved environmental conditions within Tampa Bay.  相似文献   
Preceding research on 172 B5V-A5V stars (Fracassiniet al., 1973) has been extended to cover 116 A5V-F5V stars of the catalogue of Geneva Observatory (Rufener, 1971), to test the validity of the method for later type stars. Figure 2 shows a satisfactory agreement between our results and those obtained by Gaposchkin (1958) using data from 82 eclipsing binary systems. Furthermore, our results also seem to confirm that the Sun has an absolute radius larger than that averaged from F5V-G0V stars. There is also a good agreement with the apparent radii of α Aql and α C Mi determined by Hanbury Brownet al. (1967, 1974). Three other stars, which are anomalous in the log α″ vsm vdiagram have been added to those selected in the preceding paper. No systematic differences among the absolute radii of stars of the same spectral type, in the Hyades, Pleiades and Praesepe, have been found.  相似文献   
We look for a non-Gaussian signal in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 5-year temperature anisotropy maps by performing a needlet-based data analysis. We use the foreground-reduced maps obtained by the WMAP team through the optimal combination of the W, V and Q channels, and perform realistic non-Gaussian simulations in order to constrain the non-linear coupling parameter f NL. We apply a third-order estimator of the needlet coefficients skewness and compute the  χ2  statistics of its distribution. We obtain  −80 < f NL < 120  at 95 per cent confidence level, which is consistent with a Gaussian distribution and comparable to previous constraints on the non-linear coupling. We then develop an estimator of f NL based on the same simulations and we find consistent constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity. We finally compute the three-point correlation function in needlet space: the constraints on f NL improve to  −50 < f NL < 110  at 95 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   
The luminosities of the optical afterglows of gamma-ray bursts, 12 h (rest-frame time) after the trigger, show a surprising clustering, with a minority of events being at a significantly smaller luminosity. If real, this dichotomy would be a crucial clue to understand the nature of optically dark afterglows, i.e. bursts that are detected in the X-ray band, but not in the optical. We investigate this issue by studying bursts of the pre- Swift era, both detected and undetected in the optical. The limiting magnitudes of the undetected ones are used to construct the probability that a generic burst is observed down to a given magnitude limit. Then, by simulating a large number of bursts with pre-assigned characteristics, we can compare the properties of the observed optical luminosity distribution with the simulated one. Our results suggest that the hints of bimodality present in the observed distribution reflect a real bimodality: either the optical luminosity distribution of bursts is intrinsically bimodal, or there exists a population of bursts with a quite significant grey absorption, i.e. wavelength-independent extinction. This population of intrinsically weak or grey-absorbed events can be associated with dark bursts.  相似文献   

In the Northern Apennines, the External Liguride (EL) units are interpreted as derived from the domain that joined the Ligure–Piemontese oceanic basin to the Adriatic plate continental margin. The EL units can be divided into two different groups according to the lithostratigraphic features of the basal complexes underlying the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary carbonate flysch (e.g. Helminthoid flysch). The first group includes the western successions characterized by Santonian–Campanian sedimentary melanges where slide blocks of lherzolitic mantle, gabbros, basalts, granulites, continental granitoids are represented. The second group is represented by the eastern successions where the Cenomanian–Campanian basal complexes mainly consist of sandstones and conglomerates where the mafic and ultramafic rocks are scarce or completely lacking. Their original substrate is represented by the Middle Triassic to Lower Cretaceous, mainly platform carbonate deposits, found as slices at the base of the eastern successions.

The stratigraphic features shown by the basal complexes allow the reconstruction of their source area that is assumed to be also representative for the pre-Upper Cretaceous setting. The proposed reconstruction suggests the occurrence in the EL domain of two distinct domains. The eastern domain was characterized by a thinned and faulted continental crust belonging to the Adriatic continental margin. The western domain was instead floored by subcontinental mantle associated with lower and upper continental crust, representing the ocean–continent transition. This setting is interpreted as the result of the opening of the Ligure–Piemontese oceanic basin by passive rifting, mainly developed by simple shear, asymmetric extension of the continental crust. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
A well-characterized suite of vesuvianite samples from the volcanic ejecta (skarn or syenites) from Latium (Italy) was studied by single-crystal, polarized radiation, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and secondary-ion mass-spectrometry (SIMS). OH-stretching FTIR spectra consist of a rather well-defined triplet of broad bands at higher-frequency (3,700–3,300 cm–1) and a very broad composite absorption below 3,300 cm–1. Measurements with E//c or Ec show that all bands are strongly polarized with maximum absorption for E//c. They are in agreement with previous band assignments (Groat et al. Can Mineral 33:609, 1995) to the two O(11)–H(1) and O(10)–H(2) groups in the structure. Pleochroic measurements with changing direction of the E vector of the incident radiation show that the orientation of the O(11)–H(1) dipole is OHc~35°, in excellent agreement with the neutron data of Lager et al. (Can Mineral 37:763, 1999). A SIMS-based calibration curve at ~10% rel. accuracy has been worked out and used as reference for the quantitative analysis of H2O in vesuvianite by FTIR. Based on previous SIMS results for silicate minerals (Ottolini and Hawthorne in J Anal At Spectrom 16:1266, 2001; Ottolini et al. in Am Mineral 87:1477, 2002) the SiO2 and FeO content of the matrix were assumed as the major factors to be considered at a first approximation in the selection of the standards for H. The lack of vesuvianite standards for quantitative SIMS analysis of H2O has been here overcome by selecting low-silica elbaite crystals (Ottolini et al. in Am Mineral 87:1477, 2002). The resulting integrated molar absorption FTIR coefficient for vesuvianite is i=100.000±2.000 l mol–1 cm–2. SIMS data for Li, B, F, Sr, Y, Be, Ba REE, U and Th are also provided in the paper.  相似文献   
In this study, a baroclinic coastal trapped wave, with period ~?4.5 days and cross-shore scale ~?3 km, is identified in the outputs of a very-high-resolution ocean circulation model of the Campania coastal system (central Tyrrhenian Sea; including the Gulfs of Salerno, Naples, and Gaeta). The outputs are from a simulation spanning June 2003, a month in which the surface winds were always weak, except for a strong northeasterly wind event that lasted 1 day (20 June). This event is found to generate a strong upwelling along the Campania coasts, whose relaxation—virtually free, because of the weakness of the winds—produces coastal current fluctuations that propagate to the north, spanning the three gulfs. The dynamics (analyzed with a focus on the Gulf of Naples) is found to share important features with baroclinic Kelvin waves in a two-layer model, such as the sharp cross-shore decrease of the perturbation amplitude and the vertical reversal of the long-shore current velocities. The simulated phase speed, cross-shore extension, and wavelength of the perturbation are also close to those obtained using a two-layer approximation of the dynamics. Moreover, the propagation described by the models is shown to be compatible with current measurements that were made in June 2003 at the southern entrance of the Gulf of Naples. Experimental implications related to the specific oceanographic problem are finally discussed, and an experimental strategy—inspired by our modeling approach—aimed at identifying the phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   
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