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The zero-lag cross-correlation technique, used for array analysis in the hypothesis of plane waves, has been modified to allow the wave front to be circular. Synthetic tests have been performed to check the capability of the method, which returns the input test data when the source–array distances are not greater than two or three times the array aperture. For this distance range the method furnishes an estimate of the apparent velocity and the epicentral coordinates of the source. For more distant sources the method becomes equivalent to that based on the planar-wave approximation, which gives an estimate of the backazimuth to the source and the apparent velocity. The method has been applied to seismic data recorded at the active volcano located at Deception Island, Antarctica. 35 volcanic long-period events occurring in a small swarm were selected. Results show that the epicentres are close to the array (between 0.4 and 2 km) and aligned in a SW direction, in agreement with one of the main directions of the fracture system of Deception volcano.  相似文献   
An improved mathematical hydrodynamic quasi-two-dimensional model of cells, CELSUB3, is presented for simulating drainage systems that consist of pumping well fields or subsurface drains. The CELSUB3 model is composed of an assemblage of algorithms that have been developed and tested previously and that simulate saturated flow in porous media, closed conduit flow, and flow through pumping stations. A new type of link between aquifer cells and drainage conduits is proposed. This link is verified in simple problems with well known analytical solutions. The correlation between results from analytical and mathematical solutions was considered satisfactory in all cases. To simulate more complex situations, the new proposed version, CELSUB3, was applied in a project designed to control the water-table level within a sewer system in Cha?ar Ladeado Town, Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Alternative drainage designs, which were evaluated under conditions of dynamic recharge caused by rainfall in a critical year (wettest year for the period of record) and a typical year, are briefly described. After analyzing ten alternative designs, the best technical–economic solution is a subsurface drainage system of closed conduits with pumping stations and evacuation channels. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
So far, the direction and rate of relative motion between the Rivera and the North American plates (RIV-NAM) has been determined by the combination of two Euler poles: Rivera (RIV), with respect to Pacific (PAC), and PAC with respect to North America. Here, we estimate the relative motion of this plate pair (RIV-NAM) assuming that the horizontal projection of the direction of slip of the earthquakes occurring on the RIV-NAM boundaries reflect their relative plate motion. A catalog of earthquakes for which focal mechanisms are reported since 1976 is used in the analysis. Earthquakes were considered in the three segments of the RIV-NAM plate boundary: the subduction zone of the Rivera plate beneath the Jalisco block, the Tres Marias Escarpment and the events associated with the Tamayo Fracture Zone. The best fitting Euler pole is determined using a grid search of 64 potential poles. The slip direction predicted for each grid point is compared to the slip direction of the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes on the plate boundary. The best fitting Euler pole, determined in a root mean square sense (RMS), is located at 21.8°N, 107.6°W. A rate of rotation of 5.3°/year is estimated assuming the seismic earthquake cycle of the 1932 and 1995 great earthquakes represents a lower bound of the rate of plate motion in the subduction zone. The best fitting Euler pole shows that the subduction of the Rivera plate takes place in a direction perpendicular to the trench with a relative velocity of 4.3 cm/year, offshore Manzanillo. The rate of relative motion RIV-NAM decreases from SE to NW. North of approximately 21°N, the subduction of the Rivera plate becomes oblique to the trench and the relative velocity between the two plates decreases to an average of 1.9 cm/year. This slow rate of convergence may explain the rapid decrease of seismicity in the trench and the apparent absence of large earthquakes in this region. In the Tres Marias Escarpment, our best-fitting pole suggests that subduction stops, giving way to high-angle reverse faulting perpendicular to the Tres Marias Escarpment, in agreement with the reverse faulting earthquakes occurring here. To the north of 22.5°N, the slip predicted by the best-fitting pole suggests right-lateral faulting in a direction parallel to the Tamayo Fracture Zone, at a very low velocity (0.5–1.0 cm/year). The best fitting Euler pole determined here lies very close to the RIV-NAM plate boundary in the vicinity of the Tamayo Fracture Zone. This location of our best fitting Euler pole explains the low relative plate velocity, the relatively low level of seismic activity and the presence of a broad zone of deformation that accommodates the RIV-NAM motion.  相似文献   
The effects of grid-size modification on the derived topographic attributes are analysed and a procedure for scaling model parameters and similarity assessment between flow variables is proposed. Hydrological simulations are performed with a physically-based and spatially-distributed quasi-2D mathematical model. The scaled model parameters are the effective roughness coefficient associated with overland flow (nov) and the transverse slope in the cell (TSC). To scale the selected parameters, the criterion of equilibrium storage conservation between the different grid sizes is applied. Three basins of the central-east region of Argentina are modelled. The spatial variability of basin geomorphology is quantified using the entropy concept. The simulation results show that when grid size is increased, to obtain similar hydrological responses it is necessary to increase the nov or to reduce the TSC. In terms of similarity, the best results are achieved when TSC is scaled, particularly when water depths are considered.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of investigations of the generalized subsidence occurring in and around the city of Murcia, Spain. Based on this research, this is the first integrated investigation of its type performed in Spain. The phenomenon of ground consolidation in the city of Murcia leads to the appearance of severe cracking and settlement in buildings. Subsidence is the result of two factors: on the one hand, the nature of the ground in this area, as it is made of recent deposits of clay and soft limes filled in with clay–lime backfills in the top layers. On the other hand, the increase in groundwater withdrawal during the 1992–95 drought led to a decrease in the water level of a magnitude never before recorded in the city. The risk prevention management suggested convenience of the installation of a measurement network to study and follow the phenomena of the subsidence to quantify it and to calibrate this theoretical model. This network is composed of extensometers and piezometers, the best devices to measure moderate ground movements, which is the case of Murcia. The first phase (Phase I) of this study of ground settlement in the metropolitan area of Murcia involved the installation of a network with 22 extensometers and taking the first measurement series. In a second phase (Phase II), during a period of 4 years, measurements with extensometers were performed to make the analysis and calibration of the theoretical model. Experience and data analysis showed the convenience of installation of new control points with an incremental extensometer and a piezometer in close position with the aim of precisely correlating piezometric levels with the observed subsidence. The third phase (Phase III) started in 2007, a new control technique, based on radar interferometry (InSAR), is being employed to provide information about subsidence in areas not previously monitored.  相似文献   
Civil engineering structures are often subjected to multidirectional actions such as earthquake ground motion, which lead to complex structural responses. The contributions from the latter multidirectional actions to the response are highly coupled, leading to a MIMO system identification problem. Compared with single‐input, multiple‐output (SIMO) system identification, MIMO problems are more computationally complex and error prone. In this paper, a new system identification strategy is proposed for civil engineering structures with multiple inputs that induce strong coupling in the response. The proposed solution comprises converting the MIMO problem into separate SIMO problems, decoupling the outputs by extracting the contribution from the respective input signals to the outputs. To this end, a QR factorization‐based decoupling method is employed, and its performance is examined. Three factors, which affect the accuracy of the decoupling result, including memory length, input correlation, and system damping, are investigated. Additionally, a system identification method that combines the autoregressive model with exogenous input (ARX) and the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) is proposed. The associated extended modal amplitude coherence and modal phase collinearity are used to delineate the structural and noise modes in the fitted ARX model. The efficacy of the ARX‐ERA method is then demonstrated through identification of the modal properties of a highway overcrossing bridge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Here we provide three new Holocene (11–0 cal ka BP) alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) records from the southernmost Chilean fjord region (50–53°S). SST estimates may be biased towards summer temperature in this region, as revealed by a large set of surface sediments. The Holocene records show consistently warmer than present-day SSTs except for the past ~ 0.6 cal ka BP. However, they do not exhibit an early Holocene temperature optimum as registered further north off Chile and in Antarctica. This may have resulted from a combination of factors including decreased inflow of warmer open marine waters due to lower sea-level stands, enhanced advection of colder and fresher inner fjord waters, and stronger westerly winds. During the mid-Holocene, pronounced short-term variations of up to 2.5°C and a cooling centered at ~ 5 cal ka BP, which coincides with the first Neoglacial glacier advance in the Southern Andes, are recorded. The latest Holocene is characterized by two pronounced cold events centered at ~ 0.6 and 0.25 cal ka BP, i.e., during the Little Ice Age. These cold events have lower amplitudes in the offshore records, suggesting an amplification of the SST signal in the inner fjords.  相似文献   
Biogenic bottom features, animal burrows and biological activities interact with the hydrodynamics of the sediment–water interface to produce altered patterns of sediment erosion, transport and deposition which have consequences for large-scale geomorphologic features. It has been suggested that depending on the hydrodynamic status of the habitat, the biological activity on the bottom may have a variety of effects. In some cases, different bioturbation activities by the same organism can result in different consequences. The burrowing crab Neohelice granulata is the most important bioturbator at SW Atlantic saltmarshes and tidal plains. Because of the great variety of habitats that this species may inhabit, it is possible to compare its bioturbation effects between zones dominated by different hydrodynamic conditions. Internal marsh microhabitats, tidal creeks bottoms and basins, and open mudflats were selected as contrasting zones for the comparison on a large saltmarsh at Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina). Crab burrows act as passive traps of sediment in all zones, because their entrances remain open during inundation periods at high tide. Mounds are generated when crabs remove sediments from the burrows to the surface and become distinctive features in all the zones. Two different mechanisms of sediment transport utilizing mounds as sediment sources were registered. In the first one, parts of fresh mound sediments were transported when exposed to water flow during flooding and ebbing tide, with higher mound erosion where currents were higher as compared to internal marsh habitats and open mudflats. In the second mechanism, mounds exposed to atmospheric influence during low tide became desiccated and cracked forming ellipsoidal blocks, which were then transported by currents in zones of intense water flow in the saltmarsh edge. Sedimentary dynamics varied between zones; crabs were promoting trapping of sediments in the internal saltmarsh (380 g m−2 day−1) and open mudflats (1.2 kg m−2 day−1), but were enhancing sediment removal in the saltmarsh edge (between 10 and 500 g m−2 day−1 in summer). The implication is that biologically mediated sedimentological changes could be different among microhabitats, potentially leading to contrasting geomorphologic effects within a particular ecosystem.  相似文献   
Abstract— The suevite breccia of the Chicxulub impact crater, Yucatàn, Mexico, is more variable and complex in terms of composition and stratigraphy than suevites observed at other craters. Detailed studies (microscope, electron microprobe, SEM, XRF) have been carried out on a noncontinuous set of samples from the drill hole Yucatàn 6 (Y6) located 50 km SW from the center of the impact structure. Three subunits can be distinguished in the suevite: the upper unit is a fine‐grained carbonate‐rich suevite breccia with few shocked basement clasts, mostly altered melt fragments, and formerly melted carbonate material; the middle suevite is a coarse‐grained suevite with shocked basement clasts and altered silicate melt fragments; the lower suevite unit is composed of shocked basement and melt fragments and large evaporite clasts. The matrix of the suevite is not clastic but recrystallized and composed mainly of feldspar and pyroxene. The composition of the upper members of the suevite is dominated by the sedimentary cover of the Yucatàn target rock. With depth in well Y6, the amount of carbonate decreases and the proportion of evaporite and silicate basement rocks increases significantly. Even at the thin section scale, melt phases of different chemistry can be identified, showing that no widespread homogenization of the melt took place. The melt compositions also reflect the heterogeneity of the deep Yucatàn basement. Calcite with characteristic feathery texture indicates the existence of formerly pure carbonate melt. The proportion of carbonate to evaporite clasts is less than 5:1, except in the lower suevite where large evaporite clasts are present. This proportion constrains the amount of CO2 and SOX released by the impact event.  相似文献   
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