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The Hornby Bay Group is a Middle Proterozoic 2.5 km-thick succession of terrestrial siliciclastics overlain by marine siliciclastics and carbonates. A sequence of conglomeratic and arenaceous rocks at the base of the group contains more than 500 m of mature hematitic quartz arenite interpreted to have been deposited by migrating aeolian bedforms. Bedforms and facies patterns of modern aeolian deposits provided a basis for recognizing two sequences of aeolian arenite. Both sequences interfinger with alluvial—wadi fan conglomerates and arenites deposited by braided streams. Depositional processes, facies patterns and paleotopographic position of the arenites are consistent with modern sand sea dynamics.Distal aeolian facies in both sequences are composed of trough crossbed megasets deposited by climbing, sinuous-crested, transverse dunes. Megasets comprise a gradational assemblage of tabular to wedge-planar cosets formed by deflation/reactivation of dune lee slopes and migration of smaller superposed aeolian bedforms (small dunes and wind ripples). Megasets in the proximal facies are thinner, display composite internal stratification and have a tabular-planar geometry which suggests that they were formed by smaller, straight-crested transverse dunes. Most stratification within the crossbeds is inferred to have formed by the downwind climbing of aeolian ripples across the lee slopes of dunes.Remarkably few Precambrian aeolian deposits have been reported previously. This seems anomalous, because most Precambrian fluvial sediments appear to have been deposited by low sinuosity (braided) streams, the emergent parts of which are prime areas for aeolian deflation. Frequent floods and rapid lateral migration of Precambrian humid climate fluvial systems probably restricted aeolianite deposition to arid paleoclimates. Thus the apparent anomaly may reflect non-recognition and/or non-preservation of aeolianites and/or variations in some aspect of sand sea formation and migration unique to the Precambrian. Reconstruction of the Hornby Bay Group aeolianites using recently developed criteria for their recognition suggests that the latter reason did not exert a strong influence.  相似文献   
Of the terrestrial planets, Earth and probably Mercury possess substantial intrinsic magnetic fields generated by core dynamos, while Venus and Mars apparently lack such fields. Thermal histories are calculated for these planets and are found to admit several possible present states, including those which suggest simple explanations for the observations; whule the cores of Earth and Mercury are continuing to freeze, the cores of Venus and Mars may still be completely liquid. The models assume whole mantle convection, which is parameterized by a simple Nusselt-Rayleigh number relation and dictates the rate at which heat escapes from the core. It is found that completely fluid cores, devoid of intrinsic heat sources, are not likely to sustain thermal convection for the age of the solar system but cool to a subadiabatic, conductive state that can not maintain a dynamo. Planets which nucleate an inner core continue to sustain a dynamo because of the gravitational energy release and chemically driven convection that accompany inner core growth. The absence of a significant inner core can arise in Venus because of its slightly higher temperature and lower central pressure relative to Earth, while a Martian core avoids the onset of freezing if the abundance of sulfur in the core is ?15% by mass. All of the models presented assume that (I) core dynamos are driven by thermal and/or chemical convection; (ii) radiogenic heat production is confined to the mantle; (iii) mantle and core cool from initially hot states which are at the solidus and superliquidus, respectively; and (iv) any inner core excludes the light alloying material (sulfur or oxygen) which then mixes uniformly upward through the outer core. The models include realistic pressure and composition-dependent freezing curves for the core, and material parameters are chosen so that the correct present-day values of heat outflow, upper mantle temperature and viscosity, and inner core radius are obtained for the earth. It is found that Venus and Mars may have once had dynamos maintained by thermal convection alone. Earth may have had a completely fluid core and a dynamo maintained by thermal convection for the first 2 to 3 by, but an inner core nucleates and the dynamo energetics are subsequently dominated by gravitational energy release. Complete freezing of the Mercurian core is prohibited if it contains even a small amount of sulfur, and a dynamo can be maintained by chemical convection in a thin, fluid shell.  相似文献   
Three major fault systems have been recognized in Venezuela: the Oca, Boconó, and El Pilar fault zones. The Boconó-El Pilar system is an active, Late Pleistocene-Holocene fault system, which extends for over 1300 km between the Venezuela-Colombia border, through the Venezuelan Andes and along the northern Venezuelan coast, to the east of Trinidad. Recent tectonic evidence suggests that until the Late Tertiary or Early Quaternary, the Caribbean Plate-South America Plate boundary included the El Pilar and Oca fault systems. Since then, it has included the Boconó fault system. Right-lateral offset along these fault systems is not sufficient to derive the Caribbean Plate from Pacific crust; alternatively, the Caribbean Plate may have been a part of the South America Plate until comparatively recent geologic-time.
Zusammenfassung Drei wichtige Bruchsysteme sind in Venezuela festgestellt worden: die Oca, Boconé und El Pilar Bruchzonen. Das Boconó-El-Pilar-System ist ein aktives, Spätpleistozänes-Holozänes System, daß sich über mehr als 1300 km erstreckt, von der venezolanischkolumbianischen Grenze, durch die venezolanischen Anden und längs der nördlichen venezolanischen Küste, bis östlich von Trinidad. Rezente tektonische Daten lassen andeuten, daß bis zum Spättertiär oder Frühquartär, die Grenze zwischen der Karibischen Platte und der Südamerika-Platte die El Pilar- und Oca-Bruchsysteme einschloß. Später hat sie das Boconó-Bruchsystem eingeschlossen. Rechtsinnige Blattverschiebung an diesen Bruchsystemen ist nicht groß genug, um die Karibische Platte als ein Stück pazifischer Kruste zu betrachten; oder aber, die Karibische Platte war mit der Südamerika-Platte vereinigt bis zu einem relativ jungen geologischen Alter.

Resumen Se han establecido tres sistemas mayores de fallamiento en Venezuela: las zonas de falla de Oca, Boconó y El Pilar. El sistema de Boconó-El Pilar es un sistema de falla activo pleistoceno-holoceno, el cual se extiende por más de 1300 km entre la frontera colombo-venezolana, a traves de los Andes venezolanos y a lo largo de la costa norte de Venezuela, hasta más al este de Trinidad. Evidencias tectónicas recientes sugieren que hasta el Terciario Tardio o Cuatemario Temprano, el límite entre las Plaças del Caribe y de América del Sur incluía los sistemas de falla de Oca y El Pilar. Desde entonces incluye al sistema de falla de Boconó. El desplazamiento de rumbo hacia la derecha a lo largo de estos sistemas de fallamiento no es suficiente para derivar la Plaça del Caribe de la corteza pacifica; alternativamente, la Placa del Caribe puede haber sido parte de la Placa de América del Sur hasta una época geológica relativamente reciente.

: , ' El Pilar. - / , 1300 - , . , 1 Pilar. '. , , , , , .

Dedicated to the memory of John D. Weaver.  相似文献   
A petrologic problem of fundamental importance is to determine whether 2 or more mineral assemblages can be related to one another by continuous or discontinuous facies changes, or whether their bulk compositions occupy non-overlapping regions of composition space. A general method is developed by which 2 regions of n-dimensional space whose vertices are defined by the phases present are tested for compositional overlap. This is accomplished by generating mass balance equations of the type:
i = 1m aiAi = j = 1k bjBj
where Ai is the ith phase in one region and Bj is the th phase in the other. If any such equation satisfies the requirement that the sign of each ai is the same, and that the sign of each bj is the opposite for all i, j such that: k + m = n + 1 then the 2 regions overlap in phase space.By eliminating all overlapping assemblages in a given set, the bivariant fields bounded by univariant equilibria in n-dimensional systems are completely specified. All bulk compositions are considered within the space defined by the phases that participate in the bounding reactions. An extension of the method generates in sequence all bivariant fields and associated reactions about any invariant point. A further extension is applied to multi-system analysis.  相似文献   
Gerald Manners 《Geoforum》1979,10(3):323-332
This paper suggests that the major uncertainties overhanging the future geography of mineral supply in the non-Communist world derive from intellectual rather than resource inadequacies. In particular, the paucity of medium-term, macro-economic forecasts of growth in the economies of the OECD seriously undermine the value of mineral-demand forecasts. At the same time, the altered investment climate for mineral exploration and development will have a substantial impact upon mineral supplies, but its magnitude and geography remain a matter for dispute. And, third, the future pattern of mineral trade, shaped by the shifting geography of mineral-processing activities and metal manufacture, continues to elude convincing analysis.  相似文献   
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