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Marble-hosted ruby deposits represent the most important source of colored gemstones from Central and South East Asia. These deposits are located in the Himalayan mountain belt which developed during Tertiary collision of the Indian plate northward into the Eurasian plate. They are spatially related to granitoid intrusions and are contained in platform carbonates series that underwent high-grade metamorphism. All occurrences are located close to major tectonic features formed during Himalayan orogenesis, directly in suture zones in the Himalayas, or in shear zones that guided extrusion of the Indochina block after the collision in South East Asia. Ar–Ar dating of micas syngenetic with ruby and U–Pb dating of zircon included in ruby gives evidence that these deposits formed during Himalayan orogenesis, and the ages document the extensional tectonics that were active, from Afghanistan to Vietnam, between the Oligocene and the Pliocene.The petrography shows that ruby-bearing marbles formed in the amphibolite facies (T = 610 to 790 °C and P ~ 6 kbar). A fluid inclusion study defines the conditions of gem ruby formation during the retrograde metamorphic path (620 < T < 670 °C and 2.6 < P < 3.3 kbar) for the deposits of Jegdalek, Hunza and northern Vietnam.Whole rock analyses of non-ruby-bearing marbles indicate that they contain enough aluminum and chromiferous elements to produce all the ruby crystals that they contain. In addition, (C, O)-isotopic analyses of carbonates from the marbles lead to the conclusion that the marbles acted as a metamorphic closed fluid system that were not infiltrated by externally-derived fluids. The carbon isotopic composition of graphite in marbles reveals that it is of organic origin and that it exchanged C-isotopes with the carbonates during metamorphism. Moreover, the O-isotopic composition of ruby was buffered by metamorphic CO2 released during devolatilisation of marble and the H-isotopic composition of mica is consistent with a metamorphic origin for water in equilibrium with the micas. The (C, O, H)-isotopic compositions of minerals associated with marble-hosted ruby are all in agreement with the hypothesis, drawn from the unusual chemistry of CO2–H2S–COS–S8–AlO(OH)-bearing fluids contained in fluid inclusions, that gem ruby formed at P ~ 3 kbar and 620 < T < 670 °C, during thermal reduction of evaporite by organic matter, at high temperature-medium pressure metamorphism of platform carbonates during the Tertiary India–Asia collision. The carbonates were enriched in Al- and chromiferous-bearing detrital minerals, such as clay minerals that were deposited on the platform with the carbonates, and in organic matter. Ruby formed during the retrograde metamorphic path, mainly by destabilization of muscovite or spinel. The metamorphic fluid system was rich in CO2 released from devolatilisation of carbonates, and in fluorine, chlorine and boron released by molten salts (NaCl, KCl, CaSO4). Evaporites are key to explaining the formation of these deposits. Molten salts mobilized in situ Al and metal transition elements contained in marbles, leading to crystallization of ruby.  相似文献   
High pressure melting behavior of three Fe-alloys containing 5 wt% Ni and (1) 10 wt% Si, (2) 15 wt% Si or (3) 12 wt% S was investigated up to megabar pressures by in situ X-ray diffraction and laser-heated diamond anvil cell techniques. We observe a decrease in melting temperature with increasing Si content over the entire investigated pressure range. This trend is used to discuss the melting curve of pure Fe. Moreover, our measurements of eutectic melting in the Fe–Fe3S system show a change in slope around 50 GPa concomitant with the fcc–hcp phase transition in pure solid iron. Extrapolations of our melting curve up to the core–mantle boundary pressure yield values of 3,600–3,750 K for the freezing temperature of plausible outer core compositions.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the dynamics of the forest–savanna mosaic from central Cameroon, we analyzed 13C and 14C profiles of six oxisols: two under forests and four under savannas. The δ13C soil profiles collected in the forests indicate that these environments are stable at least since the mid-Holocene, whereas the areas currently covered by savannas were formerly occupied by more forested vegetations. The 14C dating of organic matter indicate that the late extension of the savannas in central Cameroon date from the Late Holocene, starting from 4000–3500 14C yr BP.  相似文献   
summary . An ocean-coast model which consists of a uniformly conducting half-space screened by a perfectly conducting half-plane (the model ocean) is studied. On the land the electric field decreases continuously to zero as the coast is approached. The horizontal magnetic field component is found to vary rapidly, but remains finite; the vertical component on the other hand, increases to infinity at the coast. On the surface of the model ocean as well as on the sea floor, electric field and vertical magnetic field are both nil, but the horizontal magnetic field becomes singular as the seashore is approached. This horizontal magnetic field however, is different on the sea floor and at the ocean surface, because the integrated ocean current is finite, even growing to infinity as the shore is approached. The very large ocean currents near the shore act as an extremely long line antenna, which radiates far afield. This antenna feature explains the very long range of the ocean-coast effects observed under E -polarization induction, compared to the corresponding H -polarization effects where no such antenna-like feature occurs. A similarly large difference of ranges can be expected for all shallow structures with large lateral conductivity contrasts. The present study may therefore be of some interest in relation to geomagnetic depth soundings by the inductive and magnetotelluric methods, as well as in understanding the ocean-coast effect known for some time from records of coastal observatories.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to measure the effects of invertebrates on the physical characteristics and microbial processes in hyporheic sediments. We investigated the impacts of an assemblage of three taxa (asellids, chironomid larvae, and tubificid worms) on sediment distribution, water fluxes, sediment organic carbon, biofilm (attached bacteria) characteristics, and O2, dissolved organic carbon NO3?, NO2?, and NH4+ concentrations in slow filtration sand–gravel columns. The results showed that invertebrates clearly modified the distribution of particles in the sediment column, probably because of the structures (tubes, macropores, and faecal pellets) produced by the three taxa in the sediment. Our assessment of water fluxes indicated that invertebrate activities led to an increase in the porosity of the sediment columns. In addition, aerobic (O2 consumption) and anaerobic (denitrification and fermentative decomposition of organic matter) microbial processes occurring in the sediment were stimulated in the presence of invertebrates. Finally, the present study demonstrates that invertebrates can act as ecosystem engineers in heterogeneous sediments that are under the influence of an advective flux of water. The solute residence time increased in columns containing the faunal assemblage. Micro‐organisms used more dissolved organic matter and nutrients in the presence of invertebrates because invertebrate activities increased the contact between the biofilm and water. We conclude that engineering by invertebrates in natural conditions modifies characteristics of the hyporheic zone and thereby enhances both the porosity of the sediment and the solute transport across the benthic interface. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Marine silty clay deposited during the Late-Wisconsinian postglacial marine transgression of eastern Québec (Goldthwait Sea) is ubiquitous in the sedimentary column of intertidal zones of the St-Lawrence Estuary. This mud is very compact and limits the penetration of organisms composing the modern Macoma balthica community. In order to describe the characteristics of intertidal sediments containing Goldthwait Sea mud, axial tomography (CT-Scan) is used. CT-Scan is a non-destructive method that can be used to describe sediment characteristics (grain size, mineralogy, primary and secondary sedimentary structures, fabric, shape and roundness, bedding contact), and to obtain high resolution, 3D representations of structures within sediment cores. Based on differences in the densities of analysed materials, the different lithologies, lithofacies, and organisms within the core can be discriminated, and a quantification of the volume occupied by the different components of the material can be made. Here, CT-Scan images provide information on the distribution, orientation and interweaving of thanatocœnosis shell beds that alternate with massive or faintly laminated postglacial marine mud beds, as well as on ichnofacies characteristics. In addition, we show 3D images of bioturbation structures within the recent sediment layer, which is distinguished from the underlying Goldthwait Sea mud. When coupled with conventional sedimentary (grain size statistics) and radiochronological (14C) analyses, these data provide information which is valuable for identifying depositional processes within sedimentary environments.  相似文献   
The effects of hypoxic bottom water, an annual event, were documented on the inner shelf off Cameron, Louisiana during the summer of 1981. Populations of most species of macrobenthos were dramatically reduced. In an area of fine sediment that was numerically dominated by polychaetous annelids, the most severely affected populations were those of tube-dwelling and surface-feeding species. Burrowing species were less influenced by the hypoxia.  相似文献   
The Nonsberg–Ultental Region of northern Italy contains a Palaeozoic mélange that was partially subducted during the Variscan orogeny. This mélange is constituted mainly by metapelites characterized by shale-type REE-patterns, displaying partial melting which began under high-pressure conditions. The resulting migmatites enclose minor slivers of mantle-wedge peridotites that have been incorporated into the mélange during subduction. Peridotites display important large ion lithophile elements (LILE) enrichment consequent to amphibole recrystallization contemporaneously with metapelite migmatization at P ≈ 2.7 GPa and T ≈ 850 °C in the garnet–peridotite field. Crustal and mantle (ultramafic) rocks of the mélange display the same Sm–Nd ages of about 330 ± 6 Ma, which dates both the metamorphic peak and the migmatization event. The zircon U–Pb age of the metasomatic amphibolitic contact between garnet peridotite and migmatite is identical (333.3 ± 2.4 Ma) within analytical errors. Therefore, metasomatism, migmatization and peak metamorphism are constrained to the same event. The presence of Cl-rich apatite and ferrokinoshitalite in the contact amphibolite, together with the trace-element patterns of peridotites, suggest that metasomatism was driven by Cl- and LILE-rich fluids derived from ocean water transported into the subduction zone by sediments and crustal rocks. These fluids interacted with the crust, prompting partial melting under water oversaturated conditions and partitioning LILE from the crust itself. Peridotites, which were well below their wet solidus temperature, could not melt but they recrystallized in the crustal mélange under garnet-facies conditions. Crustal fluids caused extensive hydration and LILE-enrichment in peridotites and severe Sm–Nd isotope disequilibrium between minerals, especially in the recrystallized peridotites. The proposed scenario suggests massive entrapment of crustal aqueous fluids at high-pressure conditions within subduction zones.  相似文献   
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