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Summary The empirical rainfall distributions of 42 monthly time series in Spain, for both raw data and for residual series, after removing the seasonal component, were fitted with six theoretical distribution functions (d f's). The distributions were fitted with 2, 3, and 4 parameters, which had been used previously with meteorological variables. The parameters of the probability density functions were calculated using maximum likelihood estimation procedures, and six statistics were examined to identify the bestd f to fit each series.The observations {X t},t = 1,,N were assumed to consist of a seasonal componentS t described by an harmonic process model, whose frequencies, number of terms, amplitudes and phases are unknown constants, plus a residualY t which is a general linear process (for example, an autoregressive, moving-average, or mixed autoregressive/movingaverage process).The frequencies and number of terms in the harmonic process were chosen via a periodicity test, the Siegel test (1980). This is essentially a uniparametric family of periodicity tests which contains the Fisher test as a special case, which improves the results of the latter in cases of simultaneous periodicity at several frequencies. The remaining unknown parameters were determined by regression analysis.It is well known that precipitation has a positively skewed, non-Gaussian distribution. However, the results obtained here show that while the statistical techniques used to eliminate the seasonal component do not require the original data normal distribution, when they are normally distributed the quality of the estimates is better.With 7 Figures  相似文献   
A multisite campaign of BI CMi was carried out with excellent frequency resolution and high photometric accuracy from 1997 to 2000, including two long observing seasons. 29 pulsation frequencies could be extracted from the 1024 h (177 nights) of photometry used. The detected frequencies include 20 pulsation modes in the main pulsation frequency range from 4.8 to 13.0 cycle d−1 (55 to 150 μHz), eight linear combinations of these frequencies, and a very low frequency at 1.66 cycle d−1. Since the value of the low frequency at 1.66 cycle d−1 cannot be identified with a linear combination of other frequencies, g-mode pulsation is suspected, but rotational modulation of abundance spots cannot be ruled out. BI CMi, which is situated near the cool edge of the classical instability strip, may be both a δ Scuti and a γ Doradus star. Another outstanding property of BI CMi is the presence of a number of close frequency pairs in the power spectrum with separations as small as 0.01 cycle d−1.
A rotational velocity of     was determined from a high-dispersion spectrum. From phase differences, the dominant modes can be identified with ℓ values from 0 to 2. The spectral type and evolutionary status of BI CMi are examined.  相似文献   
We present whole-rock major- and trace-element and Nd–Sr–Pbradiogenic isotope data for Cretaceous igneous suites from easternCuba. These rocks are related to the Greater Antilles paleo-islandarc magmatism and have three different igneous styles. Group1 consists of tholeiitic basalts and rare basaltic andesitesthat have normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-like compositionssimilar to those found in back-arc basin basalts (TiO2 = 1·2–2·9wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·7–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·08,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·65–37·74).Group 2 comprises basaltic and rare basaltic andesitic subvolcanicdykes with major- and trace-element and isotopic compositionssimilar to those of island arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0·7–1·4wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·6–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·68,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·74–38·25).Group 3 is composed of low-Ti (TiO2 = 0·3–0·9wt%) calcalkaline igneous rocks that have an unambiguous subduction-relatedcharacter (La/Yb(N) = 1·1–5·0, Th/Nb = 0·35–1·55,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·94–38·39).The parental magmas of the three groups formed by variable meltingdegrees (< 5–25%) of spinel lherzolite, with more depletedmantle sources for Groups 2 and 3 than Group 1. The trace-elementand radiogenic isotope compositions of primitive Group 3 samplesare strongly bimodal. One subgroup of samples is characterizedby low Ta/Yb (0·02–0·03) and Th/La (0·10–0·13),slightly subchondritic Nb/Ta (13·3–17·3),and relatively high initial 206Pb/204Pb (18·57–18·62)and Nd (7·6–9·4). The remaining primitiveGroup 3 samples have higher Ta/Yb (0·06–0·11)and Th/La (0·24–0·32), and highly subchondriticNb/Ta (7·6–9·1), coupled with lower initial206Pb/204Pb (18·24–18·29) and Nd (3·4–5·5).These signatures were induced by two distinct slab componentsthat mainly reflect the contributions of Cretaceous Atlanticmarine and North American continental sediments, respectively.Nb/Ta in the first subgroup was influenced by melting of rutile-bearingsubducted crust, whereas in the second it was inherited fromrecycled continental sediments. The involvement of Atlanticand North American sediments in Cuban Cretaceous magmatism indicatesthat the Proto-Caribbean (North American-Proto Atlantic) lithospheresubducted beneath the Greater Antilles arc during the Late Cretaceous(pre-Campanian), consistent with geotectonic models involvingonset of SW-dipping subduction beneath the Greater Antillespaleo-arc during the Aptian. The variable mantle source depletionand magnitude of the subduction component probably reflect differentsettings across the arc, from the arc front to a back-arc spreadingridge. KEY WORDS: eastern Cuba; Greater Antilles paleo-island arc; mantle source depletion; Nb/Ta fractionation; slab component  相似文献   
A catalogue of ionized gas velocity fields for a sample of 30 spiral and irregular galaxies of the Virgo cluster has been obtained by using 3D optical data. The aim of this survey is to study the influence of high-density environments on the gaseous kinematics of local cluster galaxies. Observations of the Hα line by means of Fabry–Perot interferometry have been performed at the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope, European Southern Observatory 3.6-m telescope, Observatoire de Haute-Provence 1.93-m telescope and Observatoire du mont Mégantic telescope at angular and spectral samplings from 0.4 to 1.6 arcsec and 7 to 16 km s−1. A recently developed, automatic and adaptive spatial binning technique is used to reach a nearly constant signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) over the whole field of view, allowing us to keep a high spatial resolution in high-S/N regions and extend the detection of signal in low-S/N regions. This paper is part of a series and presents the integrated emission-line and velocity maps of the galaxies. Both Hα morphologies and kinematics exhibit signs of perturbations in the form of, for example, external filaments, inner and nuclear spiral- and ring-like structures, inner kinematical twists, kinematical decoupling of a nuclear spiral, streaming motions along spiral arms and misalignment between kinematical and photometric orientation axes.  相似文献   

Marine mining is the ocean’s new exploration frontier, and polymetallic crusts (PMCs) and ferromanganese nodules are considered a strategic resource for the future. Acoustic geophysical methods are a valuable tool for oceanic research and have been employed for several decades in the exploration of marine resources and environmental evaluations. The main objective of this work was to investigate the correlation between the chemical composition of PMCs from three different areas along the Brazilian continental margin and their physico-acoustic attributes (P-wave velocity, density and acoustic impedance). The results show that the geoacoustic properties of PMCs are correlated to their chemical composition. Measurements showed positive and negative trends between acoustic impedance and studied elements (Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, W and Ni) according to the direction of measurement, indicting high anisotropy levels. Our study sheds initial light on the correlation between acoustic properties and metal content of PMCs. The study facilitates assessments of the acoustic responses of PMCs allowing more efficient prospection and exploitation compared to ship-board geophysical techniques that are too qualitative to identify PMCs. The results can contribute to determining the best procedures and techniques for more efficient future exploration of this resource.  相似文献   
Rocks of the Cerro del Almirez ultramafic massif (Sierra Nevada, Betic Cordillera, S. Spain) record the high-pressure dehydration of antigorite–olivine serpentinite to form chlorite harzburgite (ol + opx + chl). In the field, these two rock types are separated by a well-defined isograd. Titanian clinohumite (TiCl) and olivine show textural and compositional differences depending on the rock type. OH–TiCl occurs in the serpentinite as disseminated grains and in veins. F–OH–TiCl is observed exclusively in the chlorite harzburgite, where it occurs as porphyroblastic grains and within prograde olivine as irregular and lamellar, planar intergrowths at microscopic and submicroscopic scales. Petrological evidence of partial to complete breakdown of TiCl to olivine + ilmenite is preserved in both rock types. Chlorite harzburgite is characterized by a brown pleochroic olivine with abundantally oriented microscopic to submicroscopic oxide particles. The mean Ti-content of the brown olivine is 144 ppm. The brown olivine preserves TiCl lamellae that sometimes grade into ghost lamellae outlined by the oxide trails. This observation suggests that some of the oxide inclusions in the brown olivine are derived from the breakdown of TiCl intergrowths. Thermodynamic modelling of selected Almirez bulk rock compositions indicates a temperature increase from 635°C to 695°C, at pressures ranging from 1.7 GPa to 2.0 GPa, as the cause for the compositional adjustment of TiCl between the Almirez antigorite serpentinite and chlorite harzburgite. These PT estimates are in good agreement with the sequence of phase relations observed in the field. The computed phase diagrams in conjunction with the geothermal conditions envisaged for different subduction settings indicate that TiCl is stable in the vicinity of the antigorite serpentinite/chlorite harzburgite phase boundary in some subduction settings. In these circumstances, clinohumite–olivine intergrowths in chlorite harzburgite may act as a sink for high field strength elements, and probably other elements, that are present in the mantle–wedge fluids.  相似文献   
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