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The western part of the Ronda peridotite massif (Southern Spain) consists mainly of highly foliated spinel-peridotite tectonites and undeformed granular peridotites that are separated by a recrystallization front. The spinel tectonites are interpreted as volumes of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle and the granular peridotites as a portion of subcontinental lithospheric mantle that underwent partial melting and pervasive percolation of basaltic melts induced by Cenozoic asthenospheric upwelling. The Re–Os isotopic signature of sulfides from the granular domain and the recrystallization front mostly coincides with that of grains in the spinel tectonites. This indicates that the Re–Os radiometric system in sulfides was highly resistant to partial melting and percolation of melts induced by Cenozoic lithospheric thermal erosion. The Re–Os isotopic systematics of sulfides in the Ronda peridotites thus mostly conserve the geochemical memory of ancient magmatic events in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Os model ages record two Proterozoic melting episodes at ~1.6 to 1.8 and 1.2–1.4 Ga, respectively. The emplacement of the massif into the subcontinental lithospheric mantle probably coincided with one of these depletion events. A later metasomatic episode caused the precipitation of a new generation of sulfides at ~0.7 to 0.9 Ga. These Proterozoic Os model ages are consistent with results obtained for several mantle suites in Central/Western Europe and Northern Africa as well as with the Nd model ages of the continental crust of these regions. This suggests that the events recorded in mantle sulfides of the Ronda peridotites reflect different stages of generation of the continental crust in the ancient Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   
Mode trapping of high-radial order gravity modes was found for a particular sdO model. The trapping is caused by the change in composition from the helium radiative shell to the hydrogen burning shell. A non-adiabatic effect of this trapping is the higher tendency to instability of the trapped modes. Low- to intermediate-radial order pressure modes (in sdO models they correspond to mixed modes with most nodes in the P-mode region) are found to be trapped by the chemical transition from the carbon-oxygen core to the He burning shell. As the trapping is produced in the deep interior of the star, where energy interchange is negligible at the p-mode frequencies, it has no particular effect on the driving.  相似文献   
We report and shortly discuss here the observational work carried out in order to test the possibility that two previously detected radio sources, in the vicinity of the well known microquasar Cygnus X-3, could be hot spot tracers of interaction between its relativistic jet and the interstellar medium (ISM). The motivation behind this search is in part justified considering recent theoretical models of high energy γ-ray emission which strongly rely on the interaction sites of galactic relativistic jets with nearby ISM clouds. The results presented in this paper include an improved radio exploration of the several arc-minute field around Cygnus X-3 using the Very Large Array (VLA), as well as deep near infrared (NIR) imaging with the Calar Alto 3.5 m telescope. We anticipate here that our observations do not appear to support the initial hot spot hypothesis. Instead, the resulting images suggest that the two radio sources, originally believed to be hot spot candidates, are most likely background or foreground objects.  相似文献   
Mode identification is one of the first and main problems we encounter in trying to develop the complete potential of asteroseismology. In the particular case of g‐mode pulsators, this is still an unsolved problem, from both the observational and theoretical points of view. Nevertheless, in recent years, some observational and theoretical efforts have been made to find a solution. In this work we use the latest theoretical and computational tools to understand asymptotic g‐mode pulsators: 1) the Frequency Ratio Method, and 2) Time Dependent Convection. With these tools, a self‐consistent procedure for mode identification and modelling of these g‐mode pulsators can be constructed. This procedure is illustrated using observational information available for the γ Doradus star 9Aurigae. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
This work provides a general vision of the limits of validity of the Frequency Ratio Method applied to the g‐mode pulsators in asymptotic regime, the γ Doradus stars. In particular, the work is mainly focused on the role of rotation which is found one of the most important source of uncertainty of the method. The particular case of the moderately rotating γ Doradus star HD48501 is discussed. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Highly depleted harzburgites and dunites were recovered from ODP Hole 1274A, near the intersection between the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Ridge and the 15°20′N Fracture Zone. In addition to high degrees of partial melting, these peridotites underwent multiple episodes of melt–rock reaction and intense serpentinization and seawater alteration close to the seafloor. Low concentrations of Se, Cu and platinum-group elements (PGE) in harzburgites drilled at around 35–85 m below seafloor are consistent with the consumption of mantle sulfides after high degrees (>15–20 %) of partial melting and redistribution of chalcophile and siderophile elements into PGE-rich residual microphases. Higher concentrations of Cu, Se, Ru, Rh and Pd in harzburgites from the uppermost and lowest cores testify to late reaction with a sulfide melt. Dunites were formed by percolation of silica- and sulfur-undersaturated melts into low-Se harzburgites. Platinum-group and chalcophile elements were not mobilized during dunite formation and mostly preserve the signature of precursor harzburgites, except for higher Ru and lower Pt contents caused by precipitation and removal of platinum-group minerals. During serpentinization at low temperature (<250 °C) and reducing conditions, mantle sulfides experienced desulfurization to S-poor sulfides (mainly heazlewoodite) and awaruite. Contrary to Se and Cu, sulfur does not record the magmatic evolution of peridotites but was mostly added in hydrothermal sulfides and sulfate from seawater. Platinum-group elements were unaffected by post-magmatic low-temperature processes, except Pt and Pd that may have been slightly remobilized during oxidative seawater alteration.  相似文献   
Over the last decades, groundwater irrigation has become commonplace in many arid and semiarid regions worldwide, including Spain. This is largely a consequence of the advances in drilling and pumping technologies, and of the development of Hydrogeology. Compared with traditional surface water irrigation systems, groundwater irrigation offers more reliable supplies, lesser vulnerability to droughts, and ready accessibility for individual users. Economic forces influence the groundwater irrigation sector and its development. In Spain's Mediterranean regions, abstraction costs often amount to a very small fraction of the value of crops. In the inner areas, groundwater irrigation supports a more stable flow of farm income than rainfed agriculture. The social (jobs/m3) and economic (€/m3) value of groundwater irrigation generally exceeds that of surface water irrigation systems. However, poor groundwater management and legal controversies are currently at the base of Spain's social disputes over water. A thorough and transparent assessment of the relative socio-economic value of groundwater in relation to surface water irrigation might contribute to mitigate or avoid potential future conflicts. Enforcement of the European Union's Water Framework Directive may deliver better groundwater governance and a more sustainable use.
Resumen Durante las últimas décadas, la irrigación con agua subterránea se ha vuelto común en muchas regiones áridas y semiáridas alrededor del mundo, incluyendo a España. Ésta es en gran medida una consecuencia de los adelantos en las tecnologías de perforación y bombeo, y del desarrollo de la Hidrogeología. Comparada con los sistemas tradicionales de irrigación con agua superficial, la irrigación con agua subterránea ofrece suministros más fiables, la vulnerabilidad es menor a las sequías, y posee accesibilidad inmediata para los usuarios individuales. Las fuerzas económicas influyen el sector de irrigación con agua subterránea y su desarrollo. En las regiones mediterráneas de España, los costos de extracción suman a menudo una parte muy pequeña del valor de las cosechas. En las áreas internas, la irrigación con agua subterránea constituye un flujo más estable de ingresos para la granja, que la agricultura dependiente del agua lluvia. El valor social (empleos/m3) y económico (€/m3) de la irrigación con agua subterránea, generalmente excede a aquél con sistemas de irrigación de agua superficial. Sin embargo, la gestión pobre del agua subterránea y las controversias legales están actualmente en la base de las disputas sociales en España acerca del agua. Una evaluación completa y transparente del valor socio-económico relativo de agua subterránea respecto a la irrigación con agua superficial, podría contribuir mitigar o evitar los conflictos potenciales del futuro. La entrada en vigor del Marco Reglamentario de Agua de la Unión Europea, puede conllevar a una administración mejor del agua subterránea y a un uso más sostenible.

Résumé Depuis les dernières décennies, l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine est devenue commune dans plusieurs régions arides et semi-arides, incluant l’Espagne. Ceci est largement une conséquence due à l’avancement aux technologies de forages et des pompages, et au développement de l’Hydrogéologie. Comparé avec des systèmes traditionnels d’irrigation utilisant l’eau de surface, l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine offre une technique d’alimentation plus fiable, une vulnérabilité à la sécheresse moins grande, et une accessibilité plus aisée pour chaque utilisateur. Les forces économiques influencent le secteur de l’irrigation par l’eau souterraine et son développement. Dans les régions de l’Espagne Méditerranéenne, les coûts d’exploitation représentent toujours une petite fraction de la valeur des cultures. Dans les régions intérieures, l’irrigation par l’eau souterraine supporte une agriculture plus stable et continue qu’une agriculture reposant sur l’eau de pluie. La valeur sociale (emploi/m3) et économique (€/m3) de l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine, excède généralement celle des systèmes d’irrigation avec l’eau de surface. Néanmoins, des gestions pauvres de l’eau souterraine et des controverses légales sont couramment à la base de disputes sociales sur l’eau. Un bilan transparent et minutieux des valeurs relatives socio-économiques de l’eau souterraine en relation avec l’eau de surface d’irrigation, devrait contribuer à éviter de potentiels et futurs conflits. Un renforcement de la Directive Cadre de l’Union Européenne devrait apporter une meilleure gouvernance et un usage plus durable.
There is a large database of triaxial stress measurements at the El Teniente Mine, Central Chile, but the complex geology, severe topography, and proximity of all measurements to extensive mining excavations made interpretation of the stress field difficult. The measurements were analyzed using three-dimensional numerical stress analysis and decomposition of the stress field into gravitational and tectonic components. By removing gravitational stresses plus local effects from the tectonic component of the stress field a calculation of the far-field tectonic stress tensor is made. It is shown that variations in the tectonic component of stress are related to shear zones cutting through the mine. The far-field major principal component of the tectonic stress field was found to be oriented approximately N–S. This is consistent with the most recent direction of local shortening based on kinematic analysis of faults, but is perpendicular to the direction of regional crustal shortening. There appears to be a limiting envelope to the magnitude of the stress field implying that the shear zones are in a state of limiting equilibrium with regional tectonic driving forces.  相似文献   
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