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It has been 60 years since the space physics as new branch of geophysics started to grow in 1957 when the space age was opened by a small satellite called sputnik. The knowledge of Earth and planetary space has been significantly extended and deepened, but the questions we are facing today are more challenging. A consensus reached is that we have to regard the Earth (planet) as an integrated system including all spheres from the inner core to the magnetosphere, and we should try to investigate some questions standing on the ground of interdisciplinary study, especially those questions related to Earth’s (planetary) evolution. Space environment as the outer part of a planetary system, commonly exists in all planets but also exhibits strong diversity. Here, we introduce the short history of basic ideas and methods of comparative study, the advantages on understanding of some issues of global scale, and the prospect from comparative perspective.  相似文献   
西秦岭武山杨河礼县固城一带的原"泥盆纪"地层中,发现了大量属于早石炭世的牙形刺、珊瑚和有孔虫化石,为该区地层的重新划分提供了直接的证据.这对于重新认识该区乃至整个西秦岭地区石炭纪古地理格局、地质演化历史、沉积相和沉积环境等都有重要的意义.  相似文献   
建设三维城市模型(3DCM)首先需要建立场景所需的海量地形地物空间数据库,从而有效组织三维实体数据来满足大范围高精度场景实时绘制的要求.该文提出一种以三维空间实体为单位的基于关系数据库(RDBMS)的3DCM的几何与纹理数据一体化管理方法.采用Direct3D 9.O三维开发平台、C#编程语言实现了3DCM空间数据库模型管理系统.实验证明:该系统在效率、安全、网络多用户访问方面都优于传统基于文件的管理模式,满足了大范围3DCM海量模型数据管理与应用需求.  相似文献   
以溶胶-凝胶-酯化法在220℃即可得到纯相的LixMn2O4(0.762<x<1.139)尖晶石粉体材料。它在880℃时发生立方相向四方相的转变:900℃-1000℃间,四方相渐变为正交相LiMnO2,过程中有Li2MnO3生成。应用SEM、TEM观测了材料的粘度及形貌,其粒度10-40nm,粒子间极易团聚成为1-206μm的团块。以BET法测其比表面为3.6m2/g。  相似文献   
The operation and power generation of utility-scale solar energy infrastructure in desert areas are affected by changes in surface erosion processes resulting from the construction of solar photovoltaic(PV) power stations. However, few studies have addressed the interactions between solar PV arrays and aeolian erosion processes. In this study, wind flow field characteristics and the vertical distribution of sediments were investigated in the near-surface transport layer at three different locations with respect to the solar PV arrays in a 200 WM-p PV power station in the central Hobq Desert, northwestern China. The results indicate that the sediment transport varied around the panels, with the greatest transport occurring between the panels, followed by behind and in front of the panels. The sediment fluxes of all of the observation sites obey an exponential function. The secondary flow field zones formed around the PV panels: the conflux accelerating zone between the panels, the resistance decelerating zone of the under panels, and the transition zone of the rapid velocity increase in front of and behind the panels. This resulted in a greater shear force in front of the panels under the downward flow diversion effect of PV panels, and the wind erosion depressions were finally formed here. The results of this study provide information for planning better technical schemes for wind-sand hazards at solar PV power stations, which would ensure operational stability and safety in desert areas.  相似文献   
利用绥化市2007年气象资料、部分历史气象资料及北半球环流场资料。对2007年发生在绥化市的严重夏季干旱气候事件,从干旱特点、环流场特征两方面进行分析。结果表明:2007年夏季干旱发生在夏季降水少水周期中,前期气候背景是春季多水,干旱特点是范围广、持续时间长、程度重;干旱原因为长时问高温少雨;异常的大气环流是造成高温少雨的主要原因。  相似文献   
秦皇岛A油田位于渤海中部海域,区内油气藏主要发育在新近系的明化镇组。明化镇组下段为曲流河沉积地层,具有很强的非均质性,使得注水开发收效不均匀,平面矛盾突出。选取Ⅲ2砂体为研究对象,利用40余口钻井资料和覆盖油田的三维地震资料对储层内部结构和平面展布特征进行了系统的分析。研究认为,Ⅲ2砂体是由两期点坝砂体叠置而成,每一期砂体在平面上由4~5个单一点坝顺向组合而成,点坝之间的溢岸沉积是导致储层非均质性强的主要因素,控制了剩余油的分布。油田的生产动态证实,注入水流动规律与点坝砂体的平面展布具有良好的对应关系,部分井区水驱效果不均衡,个别单井产能低下都能从中找到原因。  相似文献   
李晋  马翻红  汤井田  李勇 《地球物理学报》2022,65(12):4944-4962

针对强电磁干扰极易掩盖微弱的大地电磁有用信号,本文结合奇异值分解在去噪方面的优越性,提出基于自适应多分辨率奇异值分解(Adaptive Multi-Resolution Singular Value Decomposition,AMRSVD)的大地电磁数据处理方法.首先对大地电磁数据构建Hankel矩阵,利用MRSVD得到不同分辨率的近似信号和细节信号;然后选用近似信号和细节信号的标准差差值,对大地电磁数据进行信噪辨识;接着结合MRSVD和相邻细节信号的标准差差值,提出先验信息未知情况下的AMRSVD法;最后对辨识出的强干扰运用AMRSVD去除噪声,重构有用信号.实验结果表明,该方法的处理效率高,能有效分离出相关性较强的噪声,时间序列和视电阻率-相位曲线均得到有效改善.


本文对北京延庆(116.0°E,40.5°N)钠荧光激光雷达2018年11月—2019年12月夜间的数据以1 h和1 km的时空分辨率进行了分析.获得了当地钠层上边界可达到的高度范围、其相应的季节变化、夜间演化等:延庆顶部钠层可达到110 km、120 km和130 km的概率分别为99.94%、84.46%和40.34%,由此得出,顶部钠层在大多数情况下可以达到120 km,突破了顶部钠层在105 km(或者110 km)的传统观点;上边界高度范围的季节变化规律为5—6月份最高,2—3月份最低;后半夜顶部钠层密度会有所增加.我们比较了偶发钠层、温度和流星注入与上边界高度范围的相关性,推测出偶发钠层对钠层上边界拓展有很大贡献,流星注入次之,温度影响最低.后半夜流星注入量增多跟此时顶部钠层密度增加有一定的相关性.对顶部钠层能够提高到120 km的这项研究,可以为拓展风温的探测高度提供理论依据.


帕克太阳探针(Parker Solar Probe,PSP)在太阳附近发现大量磁力线回弯结构,通常还伴随有太阳风速度增加.这些磁力线回弯的产生机制到目前为止有多种解释,其中有代表性的一种是由慢太阳风中的喷流引起的.我们首先对PSP的就地观测数据进行了统计分析并给出了发生率和空间尺度随径向距离的演化情况,然后使用简化的1.5维磁流体动力学(magnetohydrodynamics,MHD)模型对喷流在太阳风中的演化进行了模拟,其中太阳风被简化为位于黄道面的球对称流.模拟结果表明喷流的确可以导致太阳附近磁力线发生偏转,验证了喷流可以对磁场方向改变有贡献的图景.不过喷流形成的原因还需要进一步研究.

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