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The chemical forms, spatial distribution and sources of As, Hg, Cd, Pb and Zn in sediments of the Miyun reservoir were studied. The results of sequential extraction demonstrate that most of As, Pb and Zn were bound to the residual fraction, Hg was associated with the sulfide fraction while Cd was associated with the carbonate fraction and the residual fraction. On the vertical profiles the concentrations of the heavy metals in total and each fractions mostly decreased with increasing depths in sediments, suggesting that the heavy metals input from the upstream watershed increases yearly. Summation of the residual fraction, the sulfide fraction and the carbonate fraction accounts for 60.03%―85.60% of the total heavy metal contents in the sediments, which represent the geochemical background values of the elements and relate closely to soil erosion. Results of the main factor analysis show that most sediments of the reservoir come from the upstream soil erosion, the point source pollution and domestic waste. Moreover, the microbial activities taking place on the sediment-water interface are also one of the major factors to cause the increasing content of the organic matter fraction and the iron-manganese oxide fraction. Environmental change of the reservoir water could make the removability of the heavy metals increase, leading to the increase of their concentrations in pore water in sediments, and imperiling water quality of the reservoir.  相似文献   
深基坑支护方案的分析与优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹双  张仲先  王勇 《岩土工程技术》2005,19(3):152-154,F003
针对武汉市南湖岸边复杂的地质条件及周边环境,在某高层建筑的深基坑支护结构设计中,结合实际因地制宜地对基坑的支护方法进行了分析比较。支护效果及实测数据表明,该工程所采用的混合式支护实施方案技术安全可靠,经济合理,可为同类型基坑工程设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods.The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities and traffic exhaust, may affect urban topsoil via atmospheric contamination and solid waste. Magnetic susceptibility measurements were conducted on 21 urban topsoil samples from the city of Xuzhou, China. High intensities of magnetic susceptibility were detected in the majority of the samples. SEM analysis shows that magnetic minerals are in the form of spherules and mainly due to anthropogenic inputs. The heavy metals Pb, Cu, Zn, Se, Sc, Mo, Fe, and Bi show strong correlations with magnetic susceptibility, and Ag, Ba, Cd, Ni, Cr, Sb, and Sn, on the other hand, show a weak correlation with magnetic susceptibility. Whereas, of these metals studied, only Hg has no significant correlation with the susceptibility. The Tomlinson pollution load index (PLI) also shows significant correlation with the susceptibility (χ). The present study shows that magnetic susceptibility is a fast, inexpensive, and non-destructive method for the detection and mapping of contaminated soils.  相似文献   
1952~2003年我国区域经济发展不均衡的 长期变化态势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文中分别利用Gini、GE等指数,以实际人均国内生产总值(GDP)为指标,详细考查了从1952~2003年,我国省市区间经济发展不均衡的变化态势及其在东部-内陆、南方-北方、高城镇化-低城镇化地区等方向上的变化。人均实际GDP的Gini、GE等指数显示,从1952~2003年,我国省级区域经济发展不均衡的总体态势是以较缓慢的速度逐步增加。具体的变化是,随着时间的推移区域经济不均衡呈周期性地上升、下降运动。就我国省市区经济发展不均衡在空间上的变化而言,一是在沿海-内陆和高城镇化-低城镇化方向上,分别在1990s中期和1980s中期以前,我国省市区经济不均衡主要表现为区域内部不均衡,但区域之间不均衡则不断增加,并逐步成为省市区经济不均衡主要部分;一是,在北方-南方方向上,我国省市区经济不均衡则是一直表现为区域内部不均衡,区域之间不均衡对省市区经济不均衡的贡献一直显得微不足道。  相似文献   
青藏高原腹地植物碳同位素组成对环境条件的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代植物碳同位素组成是特定环境影响的结果,通过对植物碳同位素组成的研究可以揭示植物生长期环境信息。针对青藏高原腹地高寒草甸~高寒草原过渡区植被碳同位素组成进行研究;该区高山嵩草样δ13C值在-25.63‰~-27.95‰间,平均值-26.63‰;高寒草原区混合样δ13C值于-26.29‰~-27.73‰间,平均值-27.04‰。高山嵩草样δ13C值总体呈现由南东往北西方向正偏趋势,研究区北部高寒草原区混合植物样也呈现出由南向北富重碳同位素趋势。这些变化规律被认为是主要受降水环境影响的结果,而区域内降水条件的展布规律则是受高原夏季风运移方式的控制。对植物δ13C值与地理位置的回归分析表明,该区植被碳同位素组成与地理位置相关,高山嵩草样(r=0.44603,n=29,p<0.05)和混合样(r=0.8112,n=5,p<0.1)均表现出对区域降水环境条件的良好响应。据此,以该区植物δ13C值为背景,进行合理推算,拟定了研究区内干旱区和湿润区界限的位置。  相似文献   
BTEX异常对海域油气藏指示作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常规的油气化探方法一般是应用烷烃类作为油气勘探的基本指标,但是烷烃类易受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,使常规的化探技术在油气勘探中一直受到限制。人们开始考虑采用直接的生物标记化合物来预测油气藏,如芳烃系列中的苯系化合物苯(benzene)、甲苯(toluene)、乙苯(ethylbenzene)、二甲苯(xylem),简称BTEX。国内外研究表明,BTEX基本不受人类活动和生物活动的干扰,对油气藏具有良好的指示作用。依据南海某区的实测资料,采用自主研发的油气化探可视化评价软件进行数据处理,剥离背景异常,圈出有效的BTEX异常,并与靶区地层剖面进行了对比,结果证实了BTEX对海域油气藏具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   
GRAPES GFS(Global Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System,Global Forecast System)采用基于等温大气构造的一维参考大气,前期的研究工作已在GRAPESGFS的动力框架中引入了三维参考大气,并通过一系列理想试验检验了新方法的正确性以及计算精度。本部分研究工作,主要针对实际资料的预报试验,对比分析了不同三维参考态给定方法的优劣,并采用气候平均法,进行夏季两个月的四维变分循环预报试验。检验结果显示,使用三维参考大气后,模式的综合预报性能得到了提升,对流层高度场、温度场的预报偏差有所减小,长期积分过程中模式质量损失较为严重的问题也得到了明显的缓解。另外,通过动能谱的对比也可以看到使用三维参考大气后,模式在高层的能量耗散明显较小,能谱变化与观测更加吻合。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地多期改造-晚期定型复合构造与油气战略选区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受关键构造变革期制约,叠合盆地具有分期差异变形特征。从变形角度分析,塔里木盆地可以追溯出5期主要的构造改造作用,即加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期、海西晚期、印支-燕山期和喜马拉雅期,并影响塔里木盆地的发展演化历史。通过对塔北、塔中和库车已知油气聚集区解剖表明:古生代多期改造形成的断裂、褶皱、隆升、剥蚀和岩溶作用,对台盆区巨型海相碳酸盐岩古岩溶油气藏的形成具有重要的控制作用;中、新生代多期改造过程,对前陆褶皱-冲断带大规模油气聚集成藏具有重要的控制作用;这些已知油气聚集区带都是在喜马拉雅晚期最终定型的,总体构成多期改造-晚期定型复合构造油气聚集模式。综合分析了塔里木新区分期差异构造变形特征,在此基础上,依据叠合盆地多期改造-晚期定型构造模式,对塔里木新区进行了区块评价和油气战略选区,认为巴楚隆起、麦盖提斜坡和西昆仑山前褶皱-冲断带是近期油气勘探突破的首选地区,塔东地区、塘古巴斯坳陷和阿瓦提断陷具有良好的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   
为查明深部闪长岩及膏盐层与庐枞盆地内玢岩型铁矿的关系,指导盆地南西缘许家咀下含山地区的找矿工作,该文利用最新测量的重力、磁测数据,结合地表地质和钻探等先验信息,采用2.5D重磁联合反演方法建立地质-地球物理精细模型,发现二长闪长岩侵入深度为-1 200 m,岩体与中三叠统月山组接触部位发育带状膏盐层和磁铁矿化互层,类似于龙桥式矿化,表明庐枞盆地内铁矿化与闪长岩、膏盐层密切相关。该文圈定了许家咀地区下含山隆起部位两处有利找矿靶区,为下一步找矿工作指明了方向,证明了地质-地球物理综合建模方法是指导找矿的有效方法。  相似文献   
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