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We perform a systematic parameter space study of the seismic response of a large fault with different levels of heterogeneity, using a 3-D elastic framework within the continuum limit. The fault is governed by rate-and-state friction and simulations are performed for model realizations with frictional and large scale properties characterized by different ranges of size scales. We use a number of seismicity and stress functions to characterize different types of seismic responses and test the correlation between hypocenter locations and the employed distributions of model parameters. The simulated hypocenters are found to correlate significantly with small L values of the rate-and-state friction. The final sizes of earthquakes are correlated with physical properties at their nucleation sites. The obtained stacked scaling relations are overall self-similar and have good correspondence with properties of natural earthquakes.  相似文献   
Electromagnetic induction by the equatorial electrojet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper introduces a new hierarchical data structure that supports efficient insertion, deletion and two-dimensional range query operations on swath data. Three different spatial indexing methods were designed, implemented and compared on a large swath data set. Two of the methods are based on the Morton code sequence, and the third uses an R-tree for the index. A relational database management system (RDBMS) was used to build one of the Morton code sequence indexing methods. Experiments with the large scale data set show that R-tree indexing is superior to Morton sequence indexing by providing two to nine times faster two dimensional range search speed, occupying slightly less disk space, and supporting the range deletion operation. Time and space requirements for spatial indexing with the RDBMS were shown experimentally to be significantly worse than for the direct C code implementation of the Morton code sequence indexing.  相似文献   
以往坡、沟侵蚀关系研究主要限于水沙关系的探讨 ,有关原型尺度小流域坡、沟地貌侵蚀演化关系的定量研究甚少 ,尤其是坡、沟地貌特征对流域切割程度的综合影响与交互作用的定量研究尚属空白。本文在 3S技术支持下 ,根据晋西王家沟小流域 196 7年 1∶5 0 0 0正摄影像图 (DOM )、高程数字化模型 (DEM )和同期、同比例尺地形图 ,利用正交多项式回归分析方法 ,定量分析了坡、沟地貌特征对流域切割程度的影响与交互作用。研究表明 ,沟谷地在流域地貌演化及地表切割程度中起主导作用 ,在沟间地面积相同时 ,沟谷地面积约为0 1km2 是影响流域切割裂度侵蚀演化强度最大的区域 ,流域面积愈小影响流域地表破碎的程度最大。其沟道流域坡、沟地貌演化机制可用坡、沟水流动能的地貌指标的综合影响与交互作用来解释  相似文献   
The Neem tree, the oil of which has a long history of pesticide, fertilizer and medicinal use in India, has been studied extensively for its organic compounds. Here we present a physical, mineralogical and geochemical database resulting from the analyses of two Neem soil profiles (epipedons) in India. Neem tree derivatives are used in the manufacture of a variety of products, from anti‐bacterial drugs and insecticides to fertilizers and animal feeds. A preliminary geochemical and mineralogical analysis of Neem soils is made to explore the potential for chemical links between Neem tree derivatives and soils. Physical soil characteristics, including colour, texture and clay mineralogy, suggest the two pedons formed under different hydrological regimes, and hence, are products of different leaching environments, one well‐drained site, the other poorly drained. Geochemically, the two Neem soils exhibit similarities, with elevated concentrations of Th and rare earth elements. These elements are of interest because of their association with phosphates, especially monazite and apatite, and the potential link to fertilizer derivatives. Higher concentrations of trace elements in the soils may be linked to nutritional derivatives and to cell growth in the Neem tree.  相似文献   
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