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在X射线衍射和扫描电镜观测的基础上,结合区域沉积演化分析,探讨了晋城矿区粘土类型、组合特征、微观结构与沉积-成岩作用的关系。结果表明,晋城矿区粘土矿物以高岭石为主,其次为伊利石和伊利石/蒙脱石混层,还有少量的绿泥石和蒙脱石;山西组粘土矿物颗粒排列定向性优于太原组,多呈带状或平叠状产出,而太原组多为蜂巢状、花朵状或凝絮状;由于太原期频繁的海侵海退致使煤层顶底板处于pH值较高的碱性环境,使成岩过程中高岭石向伊利石转化,造成太原组粘土矿物的伊利石含量明显高于山西组,而高岭石含量相对较低。  相似文献   
末次盛冰期东亚气候的成因检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在国际古气候模拟比较计划设置的标准试验方案下,首先利用中国科学院大气物理研究所的全球大气环流模式(IAP-AGCM)模拟了末次盛冰期东亚气候状况,然后通过4组数值敏感性试验逐一模拟了大气CO2浓度、海洋表面温度(SST)和海冰、陆地冰盖和地形、东亚植被变化4项强迫因子的单独气候效应,进而对末次盛冰期东亚气候的成因进行了检测。结果表明,末次盛冰期除华南局部略有升温外,中国年均地表气温显著降低,降温幅度总体上向北增大,青藏高原处存在一个降温中心。其中,SST和海冰变化是华南局部略偏暖的主因,它同时导致了东亚其他区域地表气温的显著降低,特别是在东北亚地区;陆地冰盖和地形变化对于东亚地表气温的显著冷却作用主要体现在东亚的西北部;大气CO2浓度降低会引起东亚地区0.2~0.9℃的普遍降温;相对而言,东亚植被的降温作用(0.5~1.0℃)主要显现在中国40°N以南的区域。与此同时,SST和海冰变化能引起中国东部年均降水一定程度的减少,而大气CO2浓度、陆地冰盖和地形、东亚植被单独变化均不会显著影响东亚年均降水的分布状况,然而,上述四项因子的共同变化会通过协同作用引起中国东部年均降水的显著减少,西部地区降水则与现在差别不大。此外,末次盛冰期东亚夏季风的显著减弱源于SST和海冰变化,冬季风变化则可归因于SST和海冰、陆地冰盖和地形的变化。  相似文献   
For accurately calculating the maximum saturated depth over the landfill barrier and analyzing the variation of liquid head with inflow time, a new method is presented that considers the unsteady-state condition. Based on the principle of water balance and the extended Dupuit assumption, the solution of the new method can be calculated. Also, this method is capable of revealing the effect of the multilayered drainage media. One of the advantages of the method presented in this paper is that it can be used to draw a phreatic surface in layered drainage media under unsteady-state condition and estimate the location of the maximum liquid depth, for both homogeneous conditions and two-layered drainage conditions. Based on the developed analysis method, the effects of a parametric variation on the maximum saturated depth and the variation of saturated depth with time are presented. The calculated results show that with the increase of slope gradients of cover system, the saturated depth of cover system is easy to reach a stable value. Moreover, when the drainage layer consists of two layers with different thickness and hydraulic conductivity, the increase of hydraulic conductivity of the upper drainage layer will make it easier for the saturated depth of cover system to reach a stable and lower value.  相似文献   
Coastal roads are lifelines for bringing emergency personnel and equipment into affected areas after tsunamis, thus careful thought should be given to how to make roadways safer from tsunamis. Scouring at roadways is the primary damage caused by tsunamis; however, tsunami-induced scouring and beach erosion are less understood compared to tsunami runup and tsunami inundation. A set of laboratory experiments are reported in this study on tsunami-induced scour at a road model situated on a sandy beach. Our experiments showed that the distance between the shoreline and a roadway, which varies with tides, was a key factor affecting the scour depth at the road. Having the coastal road at about half of the inundation distance is not the most ideal location. The depth of road embedment did not affect the scour depth in our experiments. It was also found that for typical tsunamis, the scour depth is unlikely to reach its equilibrium stage. The information reported in this study is useful for local authorities to assess potential tsunami damage of roads and to have a better plan for tsunami disaster relief.  相似文献   
This study presents the crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy along two linear seismic arrays across the North China Craton (NCC) from ambient noise tomography. About a half to one year long ambient noise data from 87 stations were used for obtaining the inter-station surface wave empirical Green's functions (EGFs) from cross-correlation. Rayleigh and Love dispersion curves within the period band 5–30 s were measured from the EGFs of the vertical and transverse components, respectively. These dispersion data were then used to determine the crustal shear wave velocity structure (VSV and VSH) and radial anisotropy (2(VSH ? VSV) / (VSH + VSV)) from point-wise linear inversion with constraints from receiver function analysis. Our results reveal substantial structural variations among different parts of the NCC. The Bohai Bay Basin in the eastern NCC is underlain by a thin crust (~ 30 km) with relatively low velocities (particularly VSV) and large positive radial anisotropy in the middle to lower crust. Such a crustal structure is no longer of a cratonic type and may have resulted from the widespread tectonic extension and intensive magmatism in this region since late Mesozoic. Beneath the Ordos Basin in the western NCC, the crust is relatively thicker (≥ 40 km) and well stratified, and presents a large-scale low velocity zone in the middle to lower crust and overall weak radial anisotropy except for a localized lower crust anomaly. The overall structural features of this region resemble those of typical Precambrian shields, in agreement with the long-term stability of the region. The crustal structure under the Trans North China Orogen (TNCO, central NCC) is more complicated and characterized by smaller scale velocity variations, strong positive radial anisotropy in the middle crust and rapid change to weak-to-negative anisotropy in the lower crust. These features may reflect complex deformations and crust–mantle interactions, probably associated with tectonic extension and magmatic underplating during the Mesozoic to Cenozoic evolution of the region. Our structural images in combination with previous seismic, geological and geochemical observations suggest that the Phanerozoic lithospheric reactivation and destruction processes may have affected the crust (especially the middle and lower crust) of the eastern NCC, and the effect probably extended to the TNCO, but may have minor influence on the crust of the western part of the craton.  相似文献   
地理信息系统(GIS)在岩溶塌陷评价中的运用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
雷明堂  蒋小珍  李瑜 《中国岩溶》1994,13(4):351-356
本文采取多学科的系统分析方法,应用地理信息系统(GIS)这一计算机新技术,通过对典型塌陷危害区各影响因素进行空间分析,试图建立一套综合的、系统的岩溶塌陷预测评价体系和方法。   相似文献   
甘肃拾金坡金矿床是北山造山带南部的一处重要中型金矿床。矿体以石英脉和蚀变岩形式产出,受东西向断裂控制,赋矿围岩为早泥盆世拾金坡二长花岗岩。矿石中主要金属硫化物为黄铁矿及少量方铅矿、闪锌矿和磁黄铁矿。石英脉两侧花岗岩发生强烈的硅化、黄铁绢英岩化和绿泥石化。热液蚀变绢云母40 Ar/39 Ar坪年龄为(364.6±3)Ma,表明成矿作用发生在晚泥盆世。矿石石英中流体包裹体可分为早晚两期:早期流体包裹体群包含不同气液比水溶液包裹体和含CO2包裹体,指示成矿过程存在流体沸腾作用,其均一温度集中在280~325℃,盐度(w(NaCl))为7.86%~9.21%;晚期流体包裹体群只发育水溶液包裹体,均一温度集中于160~230℃,盐度为9.47%~11.10%。成矿流体属中温低盐度、富CO2流体。流体从早阶段演化到晚阶段,温度降低约100℃,压力由约113 MPa骤减到约11 MPa。流体包裹体的δ18 OH2O值为1.39‰~3.39‰,δD值为-71‰~-99‰。氢氧投图中,石英脉和蚀变岩样品构成良好的线性关系,暗示初始成矿流体主要来自变质热液,晚期有强烈大气降水加入。矿石金属硫化物δ34S值变化范围为4.44‰~11.33‰,峰值为8‰~9‰,呈塔式分布。与区域S同位素资料对比分析表明,石英脉型矿石S主要来自前寒武系基底,蚀变岩型矿石S更多地继承了花岗岩围岩S。综合分析认为,拾金坡金矿床属于造山型金矿,形成于造山晚期挤压—伸展转换环境。  相似文献   
借助遥感、GIS技术,利用1975年MSS、2000年ETM和2007年CBERS数据、气温和降水数据,采用基于像元的灰色关联度方法,研究1975-2007年气候因素扰动下中国沙质荒漠化时空变化规律。研究结果表明,中国沙质荒漠化虽然在2000-2007年面积减少、程度减轻,但在1975-2007年面积依然呈小幅增加趋势(增加面积为6 179.8 km2,其中重度沙质荒漠化增加面积最大),程度加重。通过对内蒙古、新疆2个典型区的灰色关联度分析,进而研究全国范围可知,气温对沙质荒漠化变化的作用(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与气温的相关系数分别为0.973,0.976)大于降水(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与降水的相关系数分别为0.884,0.882)。气候因素扰动下,沙质荒漠化变化的总体趋势为,沙质荒漠化与气温变化呈正比,与降水呈反比。该趋势以甘肃、陕西为界,界线以西较为明显,而最显著区集中在新疆北部、东部,西藏北部。  相似文献   
姜平 《福建地质》2005,24(1):25-32
在平潭—东山构造带南段深变质的东亚带和浅变质的西亚带的过渡带.出露一套变质变形特征极其复杂的动力变质岩系。其主体是一个由早侏罗世、晚侏罗世及晚侏罗世—早白垩世石英闪长岩、花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩等组成的坑北复式岩体。该岩体可划分6个基本单元,并与区域上同时代侵入岩的谱系单位划分进行对比,归并为东山序列、古美山、漳浦超单元。该区发育三期韧-(脆)性变形及动力变质作用。据R1-R2图解及巴尔巴林岩浆构造分类.坑北复式岩体中各超单元(单元)侵入岩分别形成于不同的构造环境。  相似文献   
辽宁瓦房店地区是我国著名的金刚石矿产地之一,前人在该区做过大量的研究工作,但找矿方法一直没有突破.本文采用音频大地电磁测深法(AMT)对已知的金伯利岩矿区进行试验,探讨AMT技术在金伯利岩矿区深部探测的应用效果.针对30号金伯利岩岩管区布设了5条剖面,结果显示岩管呈低阻反映,异常明显.结合地质资料,初步推断该区断裂、成矿带和低阻异常展布特征,为在该区进一步开展矿产勘查提供基础资料,对今后瓦房店地区寻找隐伏的金伯利岩体具有重要意义,也为其他类似地区寻找隐伏金伯利岩提供新思路.  相似文献   
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