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Švestka  Zdeněk  FárnÍk  František  Hudson  Hugh S.  Hick  Paul 《Solar physics》1998,182(1):179-193
We demonstrate limb events on the Sun in which growing flare loop systems are embedded in hot coronal structures looking in soft X-rays like fans of coronal rays. These structures are formed during the flare and extend high into the corona. We analyze one of these events, on 28–29 August 1992, which occurred in AR 7270 on the eastern limb, and interpret these fans of rays either as temporary multiple ministreamers or plume-like structures formed as a result of restructuring due to a CME. We suggest that this configuration reflects mass flow from the active region into interplanetary space. This suggestion is supported by synoptic maps of solar wind sources constructed from scintillation measurements which show a source of enhanced solar wind density at the position of AR 7270, which disappears when 5 days following the event are removed from the synoptic map data. We also check synoptic maps for two other active regions in which existence of these fan-like structures was indicated when the active regions crossed both the east and west limbs of the Sun, and both these regions appear to be sources of a density enhancement in the solar wind. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005033717284  相似文献   
We have followed the transit of two active regions across the western solar limb during June 29 through July 2, 1980, as imaged in 3.5–16 keV X-rays by HXIS aboard the SMM. During frequent brightenings of large-scale coronal structures, hard X-ray emission in the 11–16 keV energy band was recorded up to altitudes of 76 000 km. Soft X-rays could be seen in excess of 250 000 km altitude above the photospheric active region. Many X-ray brightenings low in the corona in the active regions were followed by enhancements high in the corona in the large-scale coronal structures. Although subsequent enhancements rarely appeared in the same position, similar portions of the corona brightened intermittently, indicating that the general configuration of the coronal structures above the active regions did not change much, in spite of the frequent energy inputs. These inputs were of two kinds: nonthermal, with very fast response at high coronal altitudes within seconds or tens of seconds, and thermal, with a delay of several minutes. The nonthermal response is short-lived, reflecting the time profile of the primary source; the thermal response is more gradual and longer lasting than the primary source. In some enhancements of large-scale coronal structures both these kinds of response occur and can be clearly recognized. There are also active-region hrightenings without any response in the high corona and,vice versa, high-corona brightenings without any obvious primary source; in the latter case, it is likely that the source was hidden behind the limb.  相似文献   
For many scientific and practical tasks, it is important to estimate the soil–water percolation fluxes. This paper builds on measurements with large horizontal time‐domain reflectometry water content sensors in a loamy Mollisol. The sensors were installed into pre‐drilled holes and the gaps between them, and the soil was filled with a slurry of local soil with water. This gave rise to envelopes around them that contained artificial macropores. The sensors reacted to intensive rains by a rapid increase of their readings, often above the native soil's porosity, followed by an almost equally rapid decrease. The paper explores the feasibility of quantifying the rapid percolation, based on these anomalous water content peaks, and demonstrates that this is possible in principle, if the processes are simulated by a suitable model. A two‐dimensional dual porosity non‐equilibrium (mobile‐immobile) model was tried. The envelope around the sensor was modelled as an annulus with higher porosity and hydraulic conductivity, which attracts preferential flow and amplifies the percolation signal. With the model at hand, the flux hydrographs can be derived from model simulations and measured precipitation. For contrast, the Durner equilibrium dual porosity model was tried but was found little suitable. However, even the mobile‐immobile model did not perform perfectly. Simulated water contents were similar to the measured ones at some depths but not in the others, and the percolation fluxes were overestimated, compared to cumulative soil–water balance. Efforts to improve model performance were not successful. Hence, the model structure needs to be improved. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary The elements of the VLF chorus, observed simultaneously at a ground station and satellite in polar orbit, can be used to determine the differences in the arrival times of waves and their dependence on latitude. Mostly does not change practically over a wide range of latitudes, however, in some cases it may increase appreciably at low value of L. Model computations of the propagation time, based on the assumption that the source of the chorus is located close to the equatorial plane, have indicated the possibility of explaining the increase in at low latitudes by the presence of a step in the electron density profile close to this plane.
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Mineralogy and Petrology - In this contribution, we report new data on mineralogy, alteration patterns, geochemistry, fluid properties and source of fluids for the deposit Nová Baňa, one...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das LINSYST-Programm für die automatische Rechenanlage ODRA 1003 ist vor allem zur L?sung von gr?sseren Systemen der Normalgleichungen bestimmt, die bei der Ausgleichung nach bedingten und vermittelnden Beobachtungen entstehen. Das Programm gründet sich auf die Gauss-Seidelsche Iterationsmethode und auf das überrelaxationsverfahren. Die Konvergenz des Iterationsprozesses kann durch die Ljusterniksche Methode beschleunigt werden. Die Anzahln der Gleichungen ist in Abh?ngigkeit von der Anzahlk der von Null verschiedenen Elemente der Systemmatrix durch die Ungleichheitn≦1/3(6514−k) beschr?nkt. Das Programm benutzt nach [4] den residualen Vektor des Systems, um die Absch?tzung des Wertes der Gr?sse [pvv] zu pr?zisieren, die es gemeinsam mit einigen weiteren numerischen Charakteristiken des Rechnungsprozesses bestimmt.

Address: Politickych vězňů 12, Praha 1-Nové Město.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In dem Artikel werden die Gleichungen zwischen der Anzahl von Gewittertagen, der Gewitterdauer und der Anzahl von Blitzentladungen abgeleitet, die durch den CIGRE-Blitzzähler in 13 Stationen in der SSR und 6 Stationen in Finnland während einer 4-jährigen ununterbrochenen Beobachtungspheriode registriert wurden. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die die Beziehungen zwischen der Anzahl von Gewittertagen und der Anzahl von Blitzentladungen und zwischen der Gewitterdauer und der Anzahl von Blitzentladungen nichtlinear sind. Die Nichtlinearität zwischen den Jahressummen ist höher als die Nichtlinearität zwischen den Monatssummen einzelner Parameter.  相似文献   
A unique approach to observing the Sun stereoscopically in soft X-rays was afforded by the PHOBOS mission to Mars during 1989. Concurrent measurements of two flares from two widely separated spacecraft allowed us to obtain estimates of each flare's height above the solar surface. The requirement was that the flare had to be over the limb as observed by one spacecraft and on the visible disk as viewed by the other. The first flare occurred on March 4, when the active region was beyond the east limb as observed by GOES (at Earth), but on the disk as viewed by PHOBOS (at Mars). The second flare, on March 15, was on the disk for GOES, but beyond the west limb for PHOBOS. We believe that the same extraordinary active region, 5395, was responsible for both events. Soft X-ray photometers on each spacecraft contained two broad-band channels. The two-channel data were used to computeflare (assumed isothermal) plasma temperatures. The sharply peaked flare on March 4 indicated essentially identical maximum electron temperatures ( 13 Mk) at both spacecraft, confirming that the hottest plasma was indeed concentrated at the highest (unocculted) part of the loop. However, in the case of the long-duration March 15 flare, whose loop was in apparent upwards motion, the partially occulted flare indicated substantially cooler temperatures. This finding suggests that the hot core of this flare may have been below the limb, or that the partially occulted flux originated not from post-flare loops but from an independent, higher X-ray arch. The PHOBOS and GOES X-ray photometers were intercompared in July 1988, soon after the PHOBOS launch, to establish relative calibration parameters.  相似文献   

The influence of abiotic conditions on land-use development since the nineteenth century is assessed in case studies from the Czech and Slovak Carpathians. Hypotheses claim that significant land-use changes have occurred, but without pronounced differences because of similar abiotic conditions in the case studies. Abiotic conditions are expressed by physiotopes, which contain information on georelief, lithology, and soil. Our results indicate a high rate of land-use change in both case studies, and a detailed analysis of changes in two sequential periods reveals significant differences in five of the six periods compared in these case studies. Areas along state border seem to be more affected by anthropogenic changes as the proportion of plots with stable land use was only 25.7% in the Czech area (Starý Hrozenkov, Vápenice, and Vy?kovec) compared to 47.6% in the Slovak area (Lietavská Svinná-Babkov). Repeated land-use changes occurred mostly in valley floors and adjacent slopes. Land-use changes in the study areas are only partly explained by the abiotic conditions in physiotope and morphometric attributes, as shown by multiple correspondence analysis. The crucial difference in land use is in different settlement structures, which reflect differences in historical development.  相似文献   
Summary The seismic response (the transfer properties) of a model consisting of two layers above a homogeneous halfspace, with curved interfaces and continuously laterally varying velocity within the layers is investigated assuming vertical plane SH-wave incidence from below. The frequency response and the synthetic seismograms are computed by the ray and matrix methods. The dependence of the seismic response on the prevailing frequencies of the incident wave, the role of the individual layers in forming the seismic response, as well as the effect of causal absorption are studied.
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