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The Ediacaran is one of the most important periods on Earth evolution, including the first appearance of soft‐bodied macrofossils, major climatic changes and a supposed rise in free oxygen. In southernmost Brazil, this period is represented by Camaquã Supergroup, including the Bom Jardim Group and the Acampamento Velho Formation, both of which record continental palaeoenvironmental changes in a more than 5000 m thick stratigraphic succession. Age constraints are given by seven Ar‐Ar and U‐Pb determinations on volcanic rocks, which bracket these units between c. 605 and 574 Ma, revealing the best dated and most continuous documented Ediacaran continental succession to date. Depositional systems evolution supports a Phanerozoic‐type glacial context during the last Neoproterozoic glacial event and presents the Picada das Graças Formation (580 ± 3.6 Ma) as the first dated non‐glacial unit coeval to the Gaskiers Formation.  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The Manso Dam, in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso, intended for flood control and electricity generation, was built by a state-owned energy company in...  相似文献   
Chemical analyses and crystallographic and some optical data have been obtained for 28 samples of beryl from Bahia State, Brazil. The larger range of variability in the chemical composition is shown by Mg, Fe and Li. Sodium is the more diffuse alkali element. Potassium is always very limited. Calcium appears in noticeable amounts only in three samples. The Ti, Cr, Rb, and Cs elements were also tested. The samples studied here can be defined as sodium-potassium beryls with low alkali content. Unit cell parameters show the following ranges: a=9.210–9.245 and c=9.190–9.220 Å. From a statistical analysis of these data it may be seen that: an increase of Fe and (Fe+Mn+Mg) percentage has a positive correlation with a, but no influence on c, which in turn has a close positive correlation with Li and is negatively correlated with Be. Less negative correlations also exist between the pairs {Be, Li}, {a,Al}, {Al, Fe} and {Al, (Fe+Mn+Mg)}. A positive correlation also exists between sodium and the parameter a.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method for transforming the information of an engineering geological map into useful information for non-specialists involved in land-use planning. The method consists of classifying the engineering geological units in terms of land use capability and identifying the legal and the geologic restrictions that apply in the study area. Both informations are then superimposed over the land use and a conflict areas map is created. The analysis of these data leads to the identification of existing and forthcoming land use conflicts and enables the proposal of planning measures on a regional and local scale. The map for the regional planning was compiled at a 1:50,000 scale and encompasses the whole municipal land area where uses are mainly rural. The map for the local planning was compiled at a 1:10,000 scale and encompasses the urban area. Most of the classification and operations on maps used spatial analyst tools available in the Geographical Information System. The regional studies showed that the greater part of Analandia’s territory presents appropriate land uses. The local-scale studies indicate that the majority of the densely occupied urban areas are in suitable land. Although the situation is in general positive, municipal policies should address the identified and expected land use conflicts, so that it can be further improved.  相似文献   
New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar data of tholeiitic and alkaline dike swarms from the onshore basement of the Santos Basin (SE Brazil) reveal Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic pulses. The tholeiitic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and microgabbro) display high TiO2 contents (average 3.65 wt%) and comprise two magmatic groups. The NW-oriented samples of Group A have (La/Yb)N ratios between 15 and 32.3 and range in age from 192.9±2.2 to 160.9±1.9 Ma. The NNW-NNE Group B samples, with (La/Yb)N ratios between 7 and 16, range from 148.3±3 to 133.9±0.5 Ma. The alkaline rocks (syenite, trachyte, phonolite, alkaline basalts, and lamprophyre) display intermediate–K contents and comprise dikes, plugs, and stocks. Ages of approximately 82 Ma were obtained for the lamprophyre dikes, 70 Ma for the syenite plutons, and 64–59 Ma for felsic dikes. Because Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basic dikes have not been reported in SE Brazil, we might speculate that, during the emplacement of Group A dikes, extensional stresses were active in the region before the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean and coeval with the Karoo magmatism described in South Africa. Group B dikes yield ages compatible with those obtained for Serra Geral and Ponta Grossa magmatism in the Paraná Basin and are directly related to the breakup of western Gondwana. Alkaline magmatism is associated with several tectonic episodes that postdate the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and related to the upwelling of the Trindade plume and the generation of Tertiary basins southeast of Brazil. In the studied region, alkaline magmatism can be subdivided in two episodes: the first one represented by lamprophyre dykes of approximately 82 Ma and the second comprised of felsic alkaline stocks of approximately 70 Ma and associated dikes ranging from 64 to 59 Ma.


Novos dados K–Ar e 40Ar/39Ar de enxames de diques toleíticos e alcalinos localizados no embasamento onshore da Bacia de Santos (SE Brasil) apontam para diferentes pulsos magmáticos ocorridos entre o Jurássico e o Terciário. Os diques de rochas toleíticas (basalto, diabásio e microgabro), são mais velhos, exibem altos teores de TiO2 (3,65% peso na média) e podem ser subdivididos em dois grupos magmáticos. O Grupo A aflora a norte da Bacia de Resende, compreende diques orientados na direção NW, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 15 e 32,3, e idades entre 192.9±2.2 e 160.9±1.9 Ma. O Grupo B aflora a sul e a leste da Bacia de Resende, engloba diques orientados na direção NNW e NNE, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 7 e 16, e idades obtidas entre 148.3±3 e 133.9±0.5 Ma. As rochas alcalinas (sienito, traquito, fonolito, basalto alcalino e lamprófiro) possuem teores médios de K, e afloram como diques, plugs e stocks.. As idades obtidas são de ca. 82 Ma para os diques lamprofíricos, de ca. 70 Ma para os plugs sieníticos, e entre 64 e 59 Ma para os diques félsicos. Como estas idades Jurássicas para diques toleíticos ainda não foram descritas para a região sudeste do Brasil, pode-se especular que durante o emplacement dos diques do GrupoA o cenário tectônico indicaria esforços extensionais anteriores à abertura do Oceano atlântico Sul, e contemporânea ao derrame basáltico do Karoo na África do Sul. Já os diques do Grupo B são contemporâneos ao magmatismo Serra Geral e ao enxame de diques de Ponta Grossa, e portanto este episódio está diretamente relacionado à separação entre o Brasil e África no Cretáceo. O magmatismo alcalino está associado a diversos episódios tectônicos que sucedem à abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul e que resultaram no desenvolvimento das Bacias terciárias do sudeste brasileiro. Está provavelmente relacionado à chegada da Pluma de Trindade e as idades obtidas para a região em estudo indicam que o magmatismo lamprofírico é mais antigo (ca. 82 Ma), seguido pelos plútons sieníticos (ca. 70 Ma) e diques associados (64 a 59 Ma.)  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Dispersive soils are susceptible to phenomena of internal and external erosion when in contact with relatively pure water due to its particle’s...  相似文献   
While there is already a comprehensive understanding of the effects of environmental variables, such as dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity, on the structure, biomass and metabolism of aquatic biota in estuarine habitats, the effect of sedimentation, a harmful underlying factor, remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the differences in fish assemblages along the freshwater to salt water gradient of a large tropical estuary, and to evaluate the effects on them of habitat disturbance associated with shallow water sedimentation in the intertidal areas. Fish and environmental variables were recorded in the upper, middle and lower salinity zones of the estuary at ebb tide in both the dry and wet seasons. Sediment samples associated with different levels of habitat disturbance were analysed using granulometry, and their organic content and dissolved oxygen levels were quantified. Water temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen levels were also measured. Habitat disturbance was found to be correlated with the density, biomass and richness of fish assemblages. A total of 77 species were recorded, forming two distinct fish assemblages, with the Eleotridae family dominating in the upper zone, and Gerreidae, Gobiidae and Tetraodontidae the most common in the middle and lower estuary. Changes in the structure of fish assemblages, including reductions in density, biomass and richness, were associated with disturbance to natural features, where muddy sediment was replaced by sandy sediment and the quantity of organic matter fell. Atherinella brasiliensis was the species which showed a preference for the disturbed areas in the middle and lower zones, while Dormitator maculatus showed a preference for them in the upper estuary. They may be taken as indicators of habitat disturbance due to shallow sedimentation.  相似文献   
Depositional environments along the tidal river downstream of Óbidos have been proposed as important sinks for up to one third of the sediment discharge from the Amazon River. However, the morphology of the intertidal floodplain and the dynamics of sediment exchange along this reach have yet to be described. River-bank surveys in five regions along the Amazon tidal river reveal a distinct transition in bank morphology between the upper, central and lower reaches of the tidal river. The upper tidal-river floodplain is defined by prominent natural levees that control the transfer of water and sediment between the mainstem Amazon River and its floodplain. Greater tidal influence in the central tidal river suppresses levee development, and tidal currents increase sediment transport into the distal parts of the floodplain. In the lower tidal river, the floodplain morphology closely resembles marine intertidal environments (e.g. mud flats, salt marshes), with dendritic tidal channels incising elevated vegetated flats. Theory, morphology and geochronology suggest that the dynamics of sediment delivery to the intertidal floodplain of the Amazon tidal river vary along its length due to the relative influence and coupling of fluvial and tidal dynamics. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recently, the increasing demand for biofuels triggered a new phase for the sugar‐alcohol sector. In Brazil, as well as in other tropical countries, this process raised worries regarding the possible direct and indirect effects of the crop's expansion on the conversion of native vegetation coverings. Therefore, the modeling of spatial‐economic surfaces, representing the potential rent variation in its spatial component, for economic activities, may be a useful tool in the decision‐making process. Hence, here we propose and present the results of a combined framework composed of two modules using the modeling platform Dinamica EGO. The first module simulates sugarcane's growth, calculating the daily response of the crop to environmental conditions during the stages of the plant's development. The second module estimates rents for sugarcane cultivation in Brazil, identifying areas where this activity would bring higher economic return, looking at simulated productivity, production costs and selling prices in a way that is spatially explicit for Brazil. Two different scenarios for production costs were tested, and results ranged from negative values to maxima of R$/ha 929 and R$/ha 1176 for standard and efficient costs of production, respectively. The model successfully indicated non‐profitable and profitable areas, and regions where high expected economic return overlaps endangered ecosystems.  相似文献   
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