In this paper, we present the development and application of a two-dimensional, automatic unstructured mesh generator for shallow water models called Admesh. Starting with only target minimum and maximum element sizes and points defining the boundary and bathymetry/ topography of the domain, the goal of the mesh generator is to automatically produce a high-quality mesh from this minimal set of input. From the geometry provided, properties such as local features, curvature of the boundary, bathymetric/topographic gradients, and approximate flow characteristics can be extracted, which are then used to determine local element sizes. The result is a high-quality mesh, with the correct amount of refinement where it is needed to resolve all the geometry and flow characteristics of the domain. Techniques incorporated include the use of the so-called signed distance function, which is used to determine critical geometric properties, the approximation of piecewise linear coastline data by smooth cubic splines, a so-called mesh function used to determine element sizes and control the size ratio of neighboring elements, and a spring-based force equilibrium approach used to improve the element quality of an initial mesh obtained from a simple Delaunay triangulation. Several meshes of shallow water domains created by the new mesh generator are presented.
The leukoproliferative (LP) response of splenic leukocytes from the marine benthic fish, English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus), stimulated with the mitogens lipopolysaccharide (LPS), concanavalin A (Con A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) was examined as a biomarker of immunotoxic effects. English sole were exposed to an organic-solvent extract of a sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) or placed on a reference sediment modified with the PAC contaminated sediment. For both treatments, English sole had an augmented LP response to Con A, no significant change in the response to LPS, and the LP response to PWM showed no consistent relationship to exposure to PACs. In a field study, English sole from a contaminated site had a significantly augmented LP response to Con A and PWM. Fish from a non-urban site also had an augmented LP response to Con A and to LPS relative to fish from another non-urban reference site. Overall, the results demonstrated that although the LP response in splenic leukocytes of English sole to Con A was linked to contaminant exposure, the LP response to Con A did not exhibit high specificity as an indicator of chemical contaminant exposure. However, the concerted use of Con A, LPS, and PWM allowed for identification of apparent chemical-contaminant induced alterations of the LP response in English sole from an urban area of Puget Sound. 相似文献
Forty-four biotite samples collected about a lithologic contact between pelite and amphibolite were analyzed for 40Ar/39Ar and demonstrate the importance of bulk Ar diffusivity and system geometry—factors not usually considered in the interpretation and collection of 40Ar/39Ar age data. The resulting 40Ar/39Ar apparent ages range from 11.30 ± 0.05 Ma to 17.90 ± 0.10 Ma. The ages (and excess argon contents) are spatially and lithologically correlated. The pelite samples all yield ages clustering around ∼12 Ma, the age expected for cooling through biotite closure (∼360°C) in this region of the Alps. Ages in the amphibolite biotites are older, showing a smooth trend between 15 Ma at the contact with the pelite to 18 Ma, 34 cm from the contact. This data shows that characterization of the Ar closure age for biotite in a given system should not rest on a single sample, as otherwise irresolvable differences in age between samples within the same outcrop can exist. A generalized mechanistic model for excess argon is presented. The presence (or absence) of excess Ar depends on an intrinsic system parameter, τT, the transmissive timescale, which is the characteristic time for 40Ar to escape through the local intergranular transporting medium (ITM) to some sink for argon. To prevent buildup of geochronologically significant excess 40Ar, τT must be very short relative to the true closure age of the mineral. A FORTRAN code including radiogenic Ar production, diffusive loss of Ar from biotite, and bulk Ar diffusion through the ITM has been developed. Application of numerical modeling suggests that the time-averaged effective bulk diffusivity, DeffAr, in the biotite-amphibolite rock during early retrograde cooling is 2.2 ± 1.0 × 10−8 m2/yr (assuming steady state conditions) - the first such measurement available. Numerical modeling also provides information about the transmissivity and geologic history specific to the field site, including a drop in DeffAr at 15.5 ± 1.0 Ma. The timing of this drop is related to coincident rheological changes and the onset of rapid exhumation of the nappe stack. 相似文献
Integrated surface/subsurface models for simulating the thermal hydrology of permafrost-affected regions in a warming climate have recently become available, but computational demands of those new process-rich simu- lation tools have thus far limited their applications to one-dimensional or small two-dimensional simulations. We present a mixed-dimensional model structure for efficiently simulating surface/subsurface thermal hydrology in low-relief permafrost regions at watershed scales. The approach replaces a full three-dimensional system with a two-dimensional overland thermal hydrology system and a family of one-dimensional vertical columns, where each column represents a fully coupled surface/subsurface thermal hydrology system without lateral flow. The system is then operator split, sequentially updating the overland flow system without sources and the one-dimensional columns without lateral flows. We show that the app- roach is highly scalable, supports subcycling of different processes, and compares well with the corresponding fully three-dimensional representation at significantly less computational cost. Those advances enable recently developed representations of freezing soil physics to be coupled with thermal overland flow and surface energy balance at scales of 100s of meters. Although developed and demonstrated for permafrost thermal hydrology, the mixed-dimensional model structure is applicable to integrated surface/subsurface thermal hydrology in general. 相似文献
Organic arsenical herbicides, which include monosodium methylarsonate (MSMA), have been applied to golf courses and lawns
throughout Florida, USA, since the 1950s. These products convert rapidly to inorganic forms of arsenic (As) in soils and are
mobilized readily. Leachates have been known to contaminate groundwater and surface waters, although past studies have not
examined whether use of these products has led to significant As accumulation in lake sediments. We used paleolimnological
methods to document the depositional history and inventories of total As in sediments and porewaters of Little Lake Jackson
in Florida, which is adjacent to three golf courses. Six sediment cores, four of which were 210Pb dated, showed porewater total As concentrations as high as 435 μg l−1, and dry-sediment total As concentrations as high as 148 mg kg−1. Approximately 537 kg of total As is present in >19,000 metric tons of sediment (dry mass), and an additional 18 kg of As
is dissolved in 10.8 × 104 m3 of porewaters. Total As content in surface sediments (mean = 47.3 mg kg−1) exceeds the consensus-based sedimentary concentration for probable toxicity effects in freshwater benthic fauna. Surface
and subsurface waters flow to the lake from topographically higher areas to the west, where golf courses and residential areas
are located. Total As concentrations were elevated highly in monitoring wells and in a stream that flows between the golf
courses and lake, but As was below detection limits in wells that were located at the distal perimeter of the golf courses.
Subsurface and surface waters exit the lake towards topographically lower areas to the east. Nearly all As in sediments remains
bound in the solid phase, indicating that As sedimentary profiles largely reflect depositional history. Sedimentary As concentrations
are correlated strongly with aluminum and iron, which suggests that As was scavenged from lake waters during the past. Sedimentary
As concentrations increased until the 1980s, then declined somewhat to the present time. Dissolved As was scavenged efficiently
from the water column when hypolimnetic waters were oxygenated persistently, but after eutrophication led to a seasonally
anoxic hypolimnion in the 1980s, apparently less As was co-precipitated, and more was lost to hydrological outflow. Arsenic
accumulation in sediments might be common in areas where As derived from organic arsenical herbicide applications is directed
by shallow water tables towards adjacent lakes. 相似文献
Hypoxic conditions in the coastal waters off Texas (USA) were observed since the late 1970s, but little is known about the
causes of stratification that contribute to hypoxia formation. Typically, this hypoxia is attributed to downcoast (southwestward)
advection of waters from the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system. Here, we present evidence for a hypoxic event on the inner
shelf of Texas coincident with the presence of freshwater linked to high flow of the Brazos River in Texas. These conclusions
are based on hydrographic observations and isotopic measurements of waters on the inner shelf near the Brazos River mouth.
These data characterize the development, breakdown, and dispersal of a hypoxic event lasting from June through September 2007
off the Texas coast. Oxygen isotope compositions of shelf water indicate that (1) discharge from the Brazos River was the
principal source of freshwater and water column stratification during the 2007 event, and (2) during low Brazos River discharge
in 2008, freshwater on the Texas shelf was derived mainly from the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River System. Based on these findings,
we conclude that the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River System is not the sole cause of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico;
however, more data are needed to determine the relative influence of the Texas versus Mississippi rivers during normal and
low flow conditions of Texas rivers. 相似文献
Phase equilibria modeling of the pressure–temperature (P–T) path of regional metamorphism and associated fluid expulsion, combined with constraints on the timescale of garnet growth by Sm–Nd geochronology, elucidates the fluid production rate and fluid flux during Barrovian metamorphism of pelitic rocks from Townshend Dam, VT, USA. This modeling builds on a published companion study that utilized Sm–Nd geochronology of concentric growth zones in multiple garnet grains, to constrain the duration of garnet growth in a large sample of schist at Townshend Dam to 3.8?±?2.2 million years (Gatewood et al., Chem Geol 401:151–168, 2015). P–T pseudosections combined with observed mineral compositions constrain garnet growth conditions, and were utilized to construct P–T path-dependent thermodynamic forward models. These models determine that garnet growth was initiated at ~?0.6 GPa and ~?525 °C, with a roughly linear loading and heating P–T trajectory to >?0.8 GPa and ~?610 °C. Loading and heating rates of 2.4 km·Myear?1 (with a range of 1.6 to 5.8 km·million year?1) and 23 °C·million year?1 (with a range of 14 to 54 °C·million year?1), respectively, are consistent with model estimates and chronologic constraints for tectono-metamorphic rates during orogenesis. Phase equilibria modeling also constrains the amount of water release during garnet growth to be ~?0.7 wt% (or >?2 vol%), largely resulting from the complete consumption of chlorite. Coupling this estimate with calculated garnet growth durations provides a fluid production rate of 5.2 kg·m?3·million year?1 (with a range of 3.2 to 12.2 kg·m?3·million year?1) and when integrated over the overlying crustal column, a regional-scale fluid flux of 0.07–0.37 kg·m?2·million year?1. This range of values is consistent with those derived by numerical models and theory for regional-scale, pervasive fluid flow. This study signifies the first derivation of a fluid production rate and fluid flux in regional metamorphism using a direct chronology of water-producing (garnet-forming) reactions and can provide a framework for future studies on elucidating the nature and timescales of fluid release. 相似文献