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The concentrations of uranium, iron and the major constituents were determined in groundwater samples from aquifer containing uranyl phosphate minerals (meta-autunite, meta-torbernite and torbernite) in the Köprüba?? area. Groundwater samples from wells located at shallow depths (0.5–6 m) show usually near neutral pH values (6.2–7.1) and oxidizing conditions (Eh = 119–275 mV). Electrical conductivity (EC) values of samples are between 87 and 329 μS/cm?1. They are mostly characterized by mixed cationic Ca dominating bicarbonate types. The main hydrogeochemical process is weathering of the silicates in the shallow groundwater system. All groundwater in the study area are considered undersaturated with respect to torbernite and autunite. PHREEQC predicted UO2(HPO4) 2 2? as the unique species. The excellent positive correlation coefficient (r = 0.99) between U and PO4 indicates the dissolved uranium in groundwater would be associated with the dissolution of uranyl phosphate minerals. The groundwater show U content in the range 1.71–70.45 μg/l but they are mostly lower than US EPA (2003) maximum contaminant level of 30 μg/l. This low U concentrations in oxic groundwater samples is attributed to the low solubility of U(VI) phosphate minerals under near neutral pH and low bicarbonate conditions. Iron closely associated with studied sediments, were also detected in groundwater. The maximum concentration of Fe in groundwater samples was 2837 μg/l, while the drinking water guidelines of Turkish (TSE 1997) and US EPA (2003) were suggested 200 and 300 μg/l, respectively. Furthermore, iron and uranium showed a significant correlation to each other with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.94. This high correlation is probably related to the iron-rich sediments which contain also significant amounts of uranium mineralization. In addition to pH and bicarbonate controlling dissolution of uranyl phosphates, association of uranyl phosphates with iron (hydr) oxides seems to play important role in the amount of dissolved U in shallow groundwater. 相似文献
Shmueli Deborah F. Segal Ehud Ben Gal Michal Feitelson Eran Reichman Amnon 《Natural Hazards》2019,98(2):405-423
Natural Hazards - The Jordan Rift Valley is a high-risk low-occurrence zone for earthquakes, with documented incidences within the last millennium causing widespread destruction. This research... 相似文献
Eran Feitelson 《Hydrogeology Journal》2006,14(3):319-329
The reliance on aquifers which are shared by more than one country is increasing. Yet, shared aquifers are only rarely addressed in international treaties, despite the wide recognition of the desirability of comprehensive coordinated management. In order to identify the impediments to reaching agreements on the management of shared aquifers, and the factors that may assist in overcoming these impediments, the political economy of transboundary groundwater exploitation is outlined, and the Israeli-Palestinian case examined. It is argued that the main impediment to the conclusion of international agreements on groundwater is the array of domestic power structures, and particularly the power of small cohesive interest groups. The analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian 1995 interim agreement, and the negotiations leading to it, suggest that this impediment can be overcome, if the domestic interests are recognized in advance, and addressed in the agreement. It also shows that high level politics can play a positive role in forcing water negotiators to conclude an agreement.
Eran FeitelsonEmail: Phone: +972-2-5883346Fax: +972-2-5881200 |
Optical observations of transient luminous events associated with winter thunderstorms near the coast of Israel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yoav Yair Colin Price Michal Ganot Eran Greenberg Roy Yaniv Baruch Ziv Yosef Sherez Adam Devir Jo'zsef Br Gabriella Stori 《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):529-537
We report the results of two observation campaigns conducted during the Northern Hemisphere winters of 2005–6 and 2006–7 aiming to detect transient luminous events (TLEs) above winter thunderstorms in the vicinity of Israel and the eastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. In 10 out of 31 different observation nights we detected 66 events: 56 sprites and 10 Elves. The detection ranges varied from 250 to 450 km. Sprites were found to be produced by active cells with a vertical dimension of 5–9 km and cloud top temperature ~ − 40 °C, embedded in a much larger matrix of stratiform precipitating cloudiness. This configuration closely resembles the conditions for winter sprites in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Synchronized with the optical observations, ELF data were recorded at two observation stations in Israel and Hungary in order to qualify and quantify parameters of the parent lightning discharge associated with the TLEs. These stations are located 500 km and 2100 km respectively from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, where most TLEs occur. Among the optically observed TLE events, we found that all the ELF signals were produced solely by positive cloud-to-ground flashes (+ CGs), most of which were recorded in Israel (88%) and Hungary (77%). Calculation of the Charge Moment Change showed average values of 1400 ± 600 C km, with some extreme events exceeding 3500 C km. The average time delay between the ELF transient of the parent + CG and the observed sprites was 55 ms, with shorter delays for column sprites (42 ± 34 ms) compared to carrot sprites (68 ± 34). Furthermore, based on the ELF data, there were no early identifiable precursors to TLE occurrence in the regional lightning activity. From the spatial formation of the observed columniform sprites, we propose that columniform sprites are sometimes arranged in a 3-dimensional circular pattern, thus mapping the instantaneous electric field in the mesosphere. 相似文献
Yu. A. Izrael V. M. Zakharov V. N. Ivanov N. N. Petrov Yu. V. Andreev V. A. Gulevskii B. G. Danilyan V. G. Eran’kov D. V. Kirin V. P. Kulyapin Yu. S. Rusakov A. V. Savchenko P. N. Svirkunov D. A. Severov V. V. Folomeev 《Russian Meteorology and Hydrology》2011,36(11):705-711
Described are the results of a field experiment carried out in 2010 on studying the impact of artificial aerosol formations on the solar insolation intensity and thermal characteristics of the atmospheric surface layer. The composition of the measuring equipment complex is given and the results of the experiment and its theoretical analysis are presented. It is demonstrated that the solar radiation flux decrease results in rather rapid response of the surface air layer manifesting itself in the considerable decrease in temperature and turbulent heat fluxes. The theoretical estimates corroborate the obtained experimental data. The field experiment is the continuation of researches carried out in 2008 and 2009. 相似文献
Oliver Olsson Miriam Khodorkovsky Matthias Gassmann Eran Friedler Mandy Schneider Yael Dubowski 《洁净——土壤、空气、水》2013,41(2):134-142
Although it is known for many years, that transformation products (TPs) of pesticides are often more persistent, mobile, and sometimes more toxic than the parent compound, former catchment scale studies of substance release and flushing effects focused only on the parent compound. In this study, four river points were sampled in the Hula Valley, Israel, and samples were analyzed in the lab for chlorpyrifos (CP) and endosulfan residues (including transformation products; TPs). Sampling results of the first rainfall in autumn 2009 identified a strong release of most substances to the rivers. First flush effects of these substances were assessed regarding the risk for drinking water supply and ecology, like fresh water invertebrates and fish. Although, these substances were found in Jordan River water during the first significant rainfall the observed levels are below international drinking water guideline values with no adverse effects on human health in the region. However, the observed CP and chlorpyrifos oxon (CPO) levels are above the acute toxicity for fresh water invertebrates and fish. The study shows that the Hula Valley was an important source of pesticides and TPs at the Upper Jordan River basin and that substance flushing is extremely important for pesticides‐monitoring campaigns. 相似文献
Jason B. Fellman Sonia Nagorski Sanjay Pyare Andrew W. Vermilyea Durelle Scott Eran Hood 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2062-2073
We measured stream temperature continuously during the 2011 summer run‐off season (May through October) in nine watersheds of Southeast Alaska that provide spawning habitat for Pacific salmon. The nine watersheds have glacier coverage ranging from 0% to 63%. Our goal was to determine how air temperature and watershed land cover, particularly glacier coverage, influence stream temperature across the seasonal glacial meltwater hydrograph. Multiple linear regression models identified mean watershed elevation (related to glacier extent) and watershed lake coverage (%) as the strongest landscape controls on mean monthly stream temperature, with the weakest (May) and strongest (July) models explaining 86% and 97% of the temperature variability, respectively. Mean weekly stream temperature was significantly correlated with mean weekly air temperature in seven streams; however, the relationships were weak to non‐significant in the streams influenced by glacial run‐off. Streams with >30% glacier coverage showed decreasing stream temperatures with rising summer air temperatures, whereas those with <30% glacier coverage exhibited summertime warming. Glaciers also had a cooling effect on monthly mean stream temperature during the summer (July through September) equivalent to a decrease of 1.1 °C for each 10% increase in glacier coverage. The maximum weekly average temperature (an index of thermal suitability for salmon) in the six glacial streams was substantially below the lower threshold for optimum salmon growth. This finding suggests that although glaciers are important for moderating summer stream temperatures, future reductions in glacier run‐off may actually improve the thermal suitability of some glacially dominated streams in Southeast Alaska for salmon. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Elyakom Vadislavsky Yoav Yair Carynelisa Erlick Colin Price Eran Greenberg Roy Yaniv Baruch Ziv Nàama Reicher Adam Devir 《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2009,71(17-18):1835-1839
We report synchronized optical observations of sprites in Israel during the winters of 2006/7–2007/8. Based on several events, we suggest that the elements of columniform sprites are organized in spaced intervals on the circumference of a circle centered directly above, or a little offset, to the vertical direction from the parent lightning. In 2D images most of the cases show columns to be arranged in highly eccentric elliptical forms or in straight rows. The analysis of the optical images provided the geometrical dimensions of the columns and their spatial organization. We used an electrostatic model of the QE field with reasonable assumptions on the location and magnitude of the cloud charge center, constrained by ELF evaluation of the Charge Moment Change in the parent flash, to show that the observed diameter of the columnar arrangement closely matches the conventional breakdown field line contour at the same altitude. 相似文献
The mineral parageneses and succession of their formation are considered for the first time for the Zverevsky, Orekhovy, and Vodonosny ore lodes of the Lebediny gold deposit and the Radostny prospect in the Central Aldan ore district, which are genetically related to the epoch of Mesozoic tectonomagmatic reactivation. The orebodies, represented by two morphological varieties—ribbonlike lodes and steeply dipping veins—are hosted in lower part of the Vendian–Cambrian dolomitic sequence, which is cut through by Mesozoic subalkaline intrusive bodies. The chemistry of fahlore and rare minerals, including native gold and bismuth, altaite, aikinite, tetradymite, and sulfosalts of lillianite series, has been studied. Native gold is related to the late hydrothermal process and occurs in skarn and in quartz–tremolite–sulfide and quartz–carbonate–sulfide veins. The data on stable sulfur (δ34S) isotopes of sulfides, oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes of carbonates, as well as on fluid inclusions in various generations of tremolite and quartz, provide evidence for the heterogeneity of ore-bearing solutions, their relationships to magmatism, the depth of the source feeding each specific lode, and different sources of ore-forming hydrothermal solutions. 相似文献