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建立了Cu2+和阿特拉津(AT)复合污染体系中沉积物各活性组分及其交互作用对AT吸附量影响的BP神经网络模型,模型预测值和实验值的相关系数达到0.97,各集合的平均偏差均小于10%。模型显示,AT在沉积物上的主要吸附位是铁氧化物。沉积物吸附AT时铁氧化物、锰氧化物、有机质之间存在显著的交互作用,铁氧化物、锰氧化物交互作用贡献率为-130%~80%,铁氧化物、有机质交互作用贡献率为5%~28%,锰氧化物、有机质交互作用贡献率为-200%~-70%。各活性组分吸附AT的能力及其交互作用受Cu2+的影响较大,其中:Cu2+对AT在铁氧化物上的吸附表现为拮抗作用,对AT在锰氧化物上的吸附表现为协同作用,而对AT在有机质上的吸附影响不显著,同时Cu2+减弱了铁氧化物-锰氧化物和锰氧化物-有机质的交互作用影响,增强了铁氧化物-有机质的交互作用影响。  相似文献   
地球科学是中国发展较早的近代科学之一,在20世纪中华振兴和现代化进程中发挥了重要作用,其进一步发展密切关系到21世纪中华民族在世界民族之林中的地位,成为决定未来世纪国家综合国力和科学技术水平的重要因素。当前我国正开始踏上实现宏伟的第三步战略目标的征程...  相似文献   
China's realgar/orpiment deposits may be classified into three types, the stratabound, hot-water sedimentary and hydrothermal, according to their mineralizing processes, geological occurrences, tectonic and geochemi-cal features. The three types may be further distinguished into seven subtypes, namely, the Xiaguan, Shuiluo, Jiepaiyu, Songpan, Shixia, Wangzhuang and Ninghshan ones. On this basis three minerogenic models are established, and based on studies of their geochemistry and minerogenic mechanisms the prerequisites for prospecting for these types of deposits are given in the paper.  相似文献   
银山地区火山岩-次火山岩由流纹岩、流纹英安斑岩、英安质熔岩、英安斑岩和粗面安山斑岩组成,喷发和侵入存在着反序特征.通过各种物理化学方法确定了岩浆房中存在的化学成分和温度、密度、粘度梯度.建立了以英安质岩浆为主,顶部有一层富SiO2、富K的流纹质岩浆,底部为少量粗面安山质岩浆的带状岩浆房.岩浆演化及带状岩浆房的形成是分离结晶、同化混染、岩浆对流和边界层机制共同作用的结果.  相似文献   
A numerical model for shallow water flow has been developed based on the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with the hydrodynamic pressure instead of hydrostatic pressure assumption. The equations arc transformed into the a-coordinate system and the eddy viscosity is calculated with the standard k -ε turbulence model. The control volume method is used to discrete the equations, and the boundary conditions at the bed for shallow water models only include vertical diffusion terms expressed with wall functions. And the semi-implicit methed for pressure linked equation arithmetic is adopted to solve the equations. The model is applied to the 2D vertical plane flow of a current over two steep-sided trenches for which experiment data are available for comparison and good agreement is obtained. And the model is used to predicting the flow in a channel with a steep-sided submerged breakwater at the bottom, and the streamline is drawn.  相似文献   
- Offshore platforms are always subjected to wave action which is random variable amplitude cyclic loading. In order to simulate the stressing condition at the 'hot spot' of the tubular joints and the marine environment, random variable amplitude fatigue tests have been carried out on welded plate joints in sea water. The tests have been conducted under the conditions of loading frequency of 0.2 Hz, stress ratio of -1, seawater temperature of about 20℃ and cathodic protection with the potential about -850 mV, SCE. The test results have been compared with the seawater corrosion fatigue life under constant amplitude loading. Miner's linear cumulative damage summation rule has been used to predict the corrosion fatigue life under variable amplitude loading. The predicted life is in good agreement with the test data.  相似文献   
东营凹陷沙四上亚段滩坝物源体系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
滩坝是东营凹陷沙四上亚段的一个重要沉积体系。根据岩石中岩屑组分的类型及组合特征、砂岩成分成熟度、砂体展布方向及古地理格局等对东营凹陷沙四上亚段进行了物源体系的研究。研究区存在9大物源体系,其中广饶凸起、鲁西隆起、滨县凸起和高青三角洲为滩坝的形成提供了物源。根据物源与滩坝的关系,将研究区划分为基岩-滩坝物源体系、正常三角洲-滩坝物源体系、扇三角洲-滩坝物源体系;由于物源的性质、供给强度的不同,造成滩坝在宏观展布和储层特征上存在明显差异。  相似文献   
孙松  王荣 《极地研究》1996,8(1):4-11
本文对南极磷虾复眼的直径与磷虾体长之间的关系、在负生长状态下磷虾复眼直径的变化等进行了研究。实验结果表明:在正常情况下(磷虾身体不出现负生长),磷虾复眼的直径与体长之间存在指数函数关系。雌性磷虾的眼径(ED)与体长(BL)之间的关系为:ED=0.5898e0.0282BL(r=0.9613,n=2419);雄虾的眼径与体长之间的关系为:ED=0.544e0.0309BL(r=0.9622,n=1920)。在相同体长的情况下,雄性磷虾的复眼直径比雌虾的大。从活体培养的结果来看,当南极磷虾出现负生长时,复眼直径保持不变,即眼径不受负生长的影响。在正常情况下(不存在负生长),雌虾的体长与眼径之间的比率(BL/ED)平均为21.32±0.04(n=1347),雄虾的体长与眼径之间的比率平均为20.68±0.07(n=748),未成体虾的体长与复眼直径之间的比率平均为21.54±0.06(n=1072)。利用体长与眼径之间的比率可以准确地将在实验室内活体培养后已存在负生长的磷虾与其它处于正常状态的磷虾分开。体长与眼径之间的比率也可以作为磷虾种群是否存在负生长的监测指标  相似文献   
1 Introduction The Northern Central Indian Ridge (NCIR) between 3° and 11°S latitudes is joined to the north with the slow spreading Carlsberg Ridge (CR; ~24–26 mm/a, full spreading rate) and to the south with the intermediate spreading Southern Central Indian Ridge (SCIR; ~50 mm/ a) (Fig. 1). Earlier petrological investigations of the Central Indian Ridge were concentrated either on or along the CR to the north and at the southern end of the CIR up to the Rodriguez Triple Junc…  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThe Longgang volcanic cluster located in the middle partof Longgang Mountain is one of the active volcanoes innortheast China, potentially hazardous of explosion in thefuture (Fan et al., 2002). Within an area of 1700 km2, thereare about 160 volcanic cones, craters and maars (Ou, 1984).Among these volcanoes, the Jinlongdingzi and Dayizishanvolcanoes which are well studied have experiencedrepetitious eruptions (Wang and Jin, 1999). Detailedresearch on their eruption cycles is …  相似文献   
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