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Through field geological investigation and seismic interpretation of the Longmen (龙门) Mountain thrust belt, we summarized the following structural styles: thrust belt, fault-related fold (fault bend fold, fault propagation fold, and fault decollement fold), pop-up, triangle zone, duplex, superimposed fold, ductile deformation structures, reverse thrust fault, klippe, decollement structure,etc.. These structural styles have evident distribution characteristics; they had zonation and segmentation in plane. Th...  相似文献   
西秦岭埃达克岩的SHRIMP定年及其构造意义   总被引:31,自引:24,他引:31  
西秦岭从夏河-礼县一带发育许多具有埃达克岩地球化学特征的花岗岩,本文对其中的冶力关和夏河岩体进行了 SHRIMP测年,为245±6 Ma和238±4 Ma,属印支早期。西秦岭埃达克岩富K,属于高钾钙碱性系列,地质与地球化学资料表明,西秦岭埃达克岩可能形成于板块消减的活动陆缘环境,与活动陆缘加厚的下地壳熔融作用有关,说明古特提斯洋盆北部的消减作用发生在印支早期。  相似文献   
Lying at the junction of the Dabashan,Longmenshan and Qinling mountains,the Micangshan Orogenic Belt coupled with a basin is a duplex structure and back-thrust triangular belt with little horizontal displacement,small thrust faults and continuous sedimentary cover.On the basis of 3D seismic data,and through sedimentary and structural research,the Micangshan foreland can be divided into five subbelts,which from north to south are:basement thrust,frontal thrust,foreland depression-back-thrust triangle,fore...  相似文献   
地球科学是人类认识、利用和改造人类目前惟一生存环境——地球的基础科学。地球科学通过对地球系统包括大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、生物圈和日地空间的过程与变化以及这些过程之间相互作用等研究,以提高对地球的认识水平,并利用这种知识为解决人类生存与持续发展中的资源供给、环境优化、减轻灾害等重大问题提供科学与技术的支持。  相似文献   
以鄂尔多斯盆地北部煤系伊24井及其周围地区煤系为对象,重点研究煤的不同显微组分特征及生烃能力。结果显示:该地区烃源岩族组成中以高含量的沥青质、中含量的非烃和芳烃、低含量的饱和烃为特征,总体上属于气源岩;有机质类型属腐殖型。煤的镜下鉴定以基质镜质组为特征,可观察到大量孢子体、角质体,但树脂体少见,且未发现藻类体。镜质组生烃潜力是壳质组的1/4,是惰质组的2.5倍,是主要的生烃组分,形成于弱还原环境。延安组主体进入低成熟阶段(R moax=0.50%~0.70%),山西组—太原组主体进入中—高成熟阶段(R moax=1.40%~1.80%)。伊24井延安组未进入主要的排烃期,山西组—太原组则进入了主要的排烃期,曾经发生了大量的排烃作用,是附近地区重要的气源岩。  相似文献   
塔里木板块巴楚隆起区寒武系盐下勘探潜力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巴楚隆起区主体部位的寒武系多为典型浅水局限台地蒸发相、潟湖相沉积,因此不存在与柯坪地块露头区玉尔吐斯组类似的黑色优质烃源岩,仅为含石膏泥质白云岩或白云质泥岩型烃源岩。生烃和排烃过程发生于加里东晚期—海西晚期,储层以微晶白云岩为主,残余颗粒白云岩次之。理想勘探区块位于潟湖边缘斜坡带及后期构造作用较强的断裂带,下部烃源岩与下—中寒武统盐岩—石膏层构成良好的储—盖组合,具备油气成藏基本条件。以巴什托—先巴扎构造带与康塔库木构造带、古董山构造带—卡拉沙依构造带北段间夹区块、和田1井构造带最具优势勘探潜力。  相似文献   
内蒙古固阳地区发育高镁闪长岩(赞岐岩,sanukitoids)-角闪花岗岩类。其中高镁闪长岩的地球化学特征类似于晚太古代形成于板块消减带之上的地幔楔的sanukite(赞岐岩)。Sanukite以富MgO、Mg#、Cr和Ni为特征,在国外许多太古代地体中均有发现。本文报导了固阳地区高镁闪长岩(2556±14Ma)和角闪花岗岩(2520±9Ma)的SHRIMPU-Pb年龄。这一研究表明华北块的消减作用可能始于晚太古代晚期。国外报道的太古代sanukite出现在3.0-25Ga之间,最晚的为印度Dharv(?)ar克拉通的sanukites(2.51-2.55Ga)。因此,华北与印度可能是地球上板块构造发育时间最晚的。  相似文献   
Although a lot can be learnt from technology transfer from wind turbines and ship propellers, there have been a few experiments investigating marine current turbines. As a result, a study has been carried out on the power, thrust and cavitation characteristics of 1/20th scale model of a possible 16 m diameter horizontal axis tidal turbine. Cavitation tunnel experiments for different blade pitch settings have been compared with simulations based on a developed blade element-momentum theory. This theory has been shown to provide a satisfactory representation of the experimental turbine performance characteristics. As an example application, the developed theory has been used to design possible horizontal axis tidal turbines for the tidal flows around Portland Bill. The results show that there is a clear balance between design loads and optimisation of energy yields.  相似文献   
Numerical Simulation of Wave Height and Wave Set-Up in Nearshore Regions   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Based on the time dependent mild slope equation including the effect of wave energy dissipation, an expression for the energy dissipation factor is derived in conjunction with the wave energy balance equation, and then a practical method for the simulation of wave height and wave set-up in nearshore regions is presented. The variation of the complex wave amplitude is numerically simulated by use of the parabolic mild slope equation including the effect of wave energy dissipation due to wave breaking. The components of wave radiation stress are calculated subsequently by new expressions for them according to the obtained complex wave amplitude, and then the depth-averaged equation is applied to the calculation of wave set-up due to wave breaking. Numerical results are in good agreement with experimental data, showing that the expression for the energy dissipation factor is reasonable and that the new method is effective for the simulation of wave set-up due to wave breaking in nearshore regions.  相似文献   
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